Shiny App not deploying: Error pushing repository: 504 Gateway Time-out Execution halted - deployment

I've rerun my app several times without a problem, but am recently getting an error and can't deploy my app. It is able to run on my local desktop though so I know the
Preparing to deploy application...DONE
Uploading bundle for application: 1414060...DONE
Deploying bundle: 2673072 for application: 1414060 ...
Waiting for task: 676723248
building: Parsing manifest
building: Building image: 2919203
building: Installing system dependencies
building: Fetching packages
building: Installing packages
building: Installing files
building: Pushing image: 2919203
Code continues to run until I get this error message:
################################# End Task Log #################################
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 676723250 error: Unhandled Exception: Error pushing repository: received unexpected HTTP status: 504 Gateway Time-out
Execution halted
Appreciate any advice!

It just worked for me. I had the same issue earlier. No change to the app or connection.
Monitoring - elevated error rating deploying applications
Investigating - We are observing elevated errors deploying applications to We've begun to investigate this issue and will provide further updates when we have identified the issue.
Dec 16, 2019 - 15:32 (PST)
Monitoring - We believe we identified the issue affecting the deployment of applications to, and have applied a fix. Applications should be deploying properly at this time.
Dec 16, 2019 - 16:32 (PST)


Failed to create push channel: 13006 Extended code: 0x800705b4

I'm having an issue with Flutter FCM web push notifications. Everything works perfectly fine in Chrome, but in Edge I get the following error:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: AbortError: Registration failed - push service error
at Object.createErrorWithStack (errors.dart:284:10)
at Function._throw (core_patch.dart:288:28)
at Function.throwWithStackTrace (errors.dart:108:5)
at (zone.dart:1413:11)
at Object._microtaskLoop (schedule_microtask.dart:40:11)
at _startMicrotaskLoop (schedule_microtask.dart:49:5)
at async_patch.dart:166:15
The issue appears to be intermittent. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Killing Edge tasks/rebooting doesn't seem to help, but resetting network adapter - does help. The edge://push-internals shows following error:
Subscribe failed
Occurred: 3/29/2022, 12:50:38 PM PDT
Status: Failed to create push channel: 13006 Extended code: 0x800705b4
Server key: BDOU99+h67HcA6J...2xGpWwzjfAnG4=
Type: Service worker
origin: http://localhost:50000/
service-worker-registration-id: 2
The application is setup as described in
Flutter Fire Web setup and Usage.
Google search on Failed to create push channel: 13006 Extended code: 0x800705b4 returns no results, but is the key here. Anybody knows what that means?
Non-debug Edge browser log:
Connection status
Type: WinRT WNS client
State: Disconnected
Disconnected: 3/29/2022, 12:56:34 PM PDT
Disconnect reason: Connection error: 13018
Connection attempts: 0

SAM Deployment failed Error- Waiter StackCreateComplete failed: Waiter encountered a terminal failure state

When I try to deploy package on SAM, the very first status comes in cloud formation console is ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS after that it gets changed to ROLLBACK_COMPLETE
I have tried deleting the stack and trying again, but every time same issue occurs.
Error in terminal looks like this-
Sourcing local options from ./SAMToolkit.devenv
SAM_PARAM_PKG environment variable not set
SAMToolkit will operate in legacy mode.
Please set SAM_PARAM_PKG in your .devenv file to run modern packaging.
Run 'sam help package' for more information
Runtime: java
Attempting to assume role from AWS Identity Broker using account 634668058279
Assumed role from AWS Identity Broker successfully.
Deploying stack sam-dev* from template: /home/***/1.0/runtime/sam/template.yml
sam-additional-artifacts-url.txt was not found, which is fine if there is no additional artifacts uploaded
Replacing BATS::SAM placeholders in template...
Uploading template build/private/tmp/sam-toolkit.yml to s3://***/sam-toolkit.yml
make_bucket failed: s3://sam-dev* An error occurred (BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou) when calling the CreateBucket operation: Your previous request to create the named bucket succeeded and you already own it.
upload: build/private/tmp/sam-toolkit.yml to s3://sam-dev*/sam-toolkit.yml
An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the DescribeStacks operation: Stack with id sam-dev* does not exist
sam-dev* will be created.
Creating ChangeSet ChangeSet-2020-01-20T12-25-56Z
Deploying stack sam-dev*. Follow in console:
ChangeSet ChangeSet-2020-01-20T12-25-56Z in sam-dev* succeeded
"StackStatus": "REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS",
sam-dev* reached REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS
Deploying stack sam-dev*. Follow in console:
Waiting for stack-create-complete
Waiter StackCreateComplete failed: Waiter encountered a terminal failure state
Command failed.
Please see the logs above.
I set SQS as event source for Lambda, but didn't provided the permissions like this
- Effect: Allow
- sqs:ReceiveMessage
- sqs:DeleteMessage
- sqs:GetQueueAttributes
Resource: "*"
in lambda policies.
I found this error in "Events" tab of "CloudFormation" service.

Error reading manifest file in bluemix deploy

I'm having a hard time to deploy this standard ecommerce project on Bluemix:
I've chosen to do it with git repository and automatic deploy through the Bluemix pipeline service. After successfully building and fixing a lot of misconfigurations, the root challenge seems to be write a correct version of the manifest.yml file for the project.
Without the manifest.yml file, the log shows the following error:
Downloading artifacts...DOWNLOAD SUCCESSFUL
Updating app loja-virtual-devops in org pfc-devops / space Dev as [email account]...
Uploading loja-virtual-devops...
Uploading app files from: /home/pipeline/d38f0184-33da-44da-ba16-4671b491988a
Uploading 384.1M, 1679 files
228.5M uploaded...
Done uploading
Stopping app loja-virtual-devops in org pfc-devops / space Dev as [email account]...
Starting app loja-virtual-devops in org pfc-devops / space Dev as[email account]...
-----> Downloaded app package (452M)
-----> Downloaded app buildpack cache (4.0K)
Staging failed: An application could not be detected by any available buildpack
TIP: Buildpacks are detected when the "cf push" is executed from within the directory that contains the app source code.
Use 'cf buildpacks' to see a list of supported buildpacks.
Use 'cf logs loja-virtual-devops --recent' for more in depth log information.
And with the version of manifest which I believe * - I'm new on this manifests stuff* - to be ok and sufficient, the log shows:
Downloading artifacts...DOWNLOAD SUCCESSFUL
Error reading manifest file:
yaml: unmarshal errors:
line 2: cannot unmarshal !!seq into map[interface {}]interface {}
The manifest.yml file is currently written as follows:
- name: loja-virtual-devops
memory: 512M
I'll sincerely appreciate any hint about how to fix the manifest for this application or another way to successfully deploy the project through Bluemix.
Try including the applications heading in your manifest.yml file.
- name: appname
host: app_hostname
buildpack: java_buildpack
instances: 2
memory: 512M
disk_quota: 512M
path: .

Capifony SSH Exception on windows - 998 error code

I am trying to setup Capifony to deploy on windows however when running cap deploy I get the following output.
ruby 2.0.0p481
capifony v2.7.0
The error message
servers: [""]
** [deploy:update_code] exception while rolling back: Capistrano::ConnectionError, connection failed for: (Net::SSH::Exception: Creation of file mapping failed with error: 998) connection failed for: (Net::SSH::Exception: Creation of file mapping failed with error: 998)
If I close down pageant this issue goes away however I require pageant to load the ssh key for the github repo as it required for doing a git ls-remote locally.
Any suggestions/workarounds?
Related issues found
Resolved my issue by using an older version of ruby (Ruby 1.9.3-p545).

Derby app created using 'derby new test' not working

I've installed derbyjs using npm install -g derby and then created a test app using derby new test.
Then i started the app using node server.js and I got the following output:
info - started
Starting cluster with 1 workers in undefined mode
`kill -s SIGUSR2 7161` to force cluster reload
Go to: http://localhost:3000/
info - started
So I tried to request http://localhost:3000/, but the site does not finish loading and I get the following exception:
Error: Model mutation performed after bundling for clientId: 79f4a9f3-25fc-438d-b9f4-a450dccf9566
at Model.errorOnCommit [as _commit] (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/bundle/bundle.Model.js:64:9)
at /web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/txns/txns.Model.js:120:15
at next (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/middleware.js:7:26)
at /web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/txns/txns.Model.js:107:16
at next (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/middleware.js:7:26)
at /web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/txns/txns.Model.js:101:16
at next (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/middleware.js:7:26)
at /web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/txns/txns.Model.js:92:16
at next (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/middleware.js:7:26)
at (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/middleware.js:10:12)
throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: Cannot write after end
at Gzip.write (zlib.js:311:31)
at ServerResponse.res.write (/web/derby/test/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/compress.js:82:18)
at Object.View._render (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/lib/View.server.js:337:9)
at /web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/lib/View.server.js:276:10
at Array.2 (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/lib/View.server.js:300:5)
at Object.Promise.resolve (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/util/Promise.js:21:19)
at /web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/lib/View.server.js:136:17
at /web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/lib/files.js:224:7
at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:308:15)
at process._makeCallback (node.js:248:20)
I have absolutely no idea how I can get it running... Is it a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
I've created a bug report on the derby repository: