How to work Javascript API Atlassian Bitbucket? - bitbucket-server

I am successfully using AP.require ('url' ..),
but I don’t understand how to work with these javacript api bitbucket modules and how they interact with bitbucket.
For example:
Where to get 'bitbucket / util / navbuilder' and what is it for?


Get Branching Model in bitbucket server via REST

Someone knows how I can GET the PROJECT's branching model via REST API. Not the repository. I can not find how to do it anywhere.
In bitbucket server I find it via web at{project-key}
I found it:
Is not in the actual version of REST API Documentation
Then, you can do GET request to:{project-key}/branchmodel/configuration

Bitbucket private server REST API

I can't find any documentation regarding bitbucket API when hosted on private server.
Official one:
We have hosted bitbucket server and simply changing the host doesn't work, it looks like the whole API is different.
simply changing the host doesn't work, it looks like the whole API is different.
I have no idea why that would be, but it seems that you're right. There are different API docs for Bitbucket Cloud (which you have found) and for Bitbucket Server.
These APIs are certainly different:
Bitbucket Cloud has a number of changesets endpoints, e.g.
Bitbucket Server has no changesets endpoints at all, though it does have some changes endpoints

How do I configure github autodeploy on heroku using just the heroku REST Platform API

I've searched the platform API docs on heroku and it doesn't appear to be possible. Is there some currently undocumented way to set the github link and enable autodeploy, just using the REST API? I know how to do it through the website, so this is specifically about doing it via REST commands ( specifically I'm using the heroku-client nodejs wrapper but I don't think that's relevant )
No, there is no public API for the GitHub integration so far.
You have to do it through the website.

Access GitHub wiki via REST API

Is it possible to access a GitHub projects wiki-repository via an API as it is with "plain" repositories?

Github Enterprise - Plugin for Jenkins

I'm trying to get the post-commit hooks for github enterprise to talk to our internal jenkins server. Been trying for the last several hours and haven't been able to get it working.
What I was able to do is get the github enterprise webhook with url:
working to kick off a build.
I'm not able to authenticate with github enterprise using either the basic authentication or oauth2 authentication tokens.
Also with manual setup it doesn't seem to work either. Any ideas / help?
I think you may need to wait for v1.41 of the Jenkins GitHub API plugin
See this pull request