Issue while create and setup scala project - scala.js

I just start to learn scala and I'm facing some issues to create a new project.
I'm following this link.
I'm creating a new project of scala.js to work in front-end with Angular.

Please remove double quote this way and put like this way -> ""
As I can see you had just copy and past from link. Just replace it and it may fixed your issue.


How can you Import Forge Mods into Eclipse

Specifically I'm trying to edit this mod:
I'm not just trying to edit the config, I want to add custom stuff as well.
You can't do it easily because the mods is NOT open-source. In fact, it's All right reserved, so you are not allowed to do it. So do at your own risk.
1) Get the source code
You can ask to the original dev, but it's sure it will decline your question.
Else, you have to decompile the jar thanks to utilities like
2) Create a new Java Project in eclipse
Create a blank java project
3) Copy/paste the code in your eclipse project
*The code obtain thanks to decompilation
4) Before using it, you should fix all decompilation issue.
Finally, I think it's a better idea to create a new one, specially because it will be faster to upgrade it in 1.17 or make more edition.

Customize initial project template for Flutter

I am trying to customize the starter template for a Flutter app. For projects that I work on I follow a very specific structure with my Themes, Blocs, Listeners, etc. I would love it if I could customize the starter template for Flutter so that I have everything all laid out and ready to use on doing something like flutter create .
I am aware of where the template is located. I was able to go to [flutter_dir]/packages/flutter_tools/templates/app/lib/main.dart.tmpl and customize the template.
But I am not able to figure out how I can add a new file/directory there. Let's say if I create a new file called config.dart.tmpl in the same directory as above, it does not get generated when I do flutter create
Any ideas how to get this to work or where I should be looking?
I have already tried out other options like Mason. It works fine for me, but I am more interested in doing it with default flutter tooling.
Already seen and IDE file templates is not what I am looking for.
Currently there's no easy way to create a template similar to skeleton, package, and plugin. There's an open issue ticket for this feature. However, if you really need to create one. You can explore how skeleton was added as a template on this pull request.
Or as a workaround, you can just create a Flutter project template on your repo and fork it when starting a project.
This is the current issue about this topic :
As Felix Angelov said, Mason and VeryGoodCLI are the best alternatives right now.

How to integrate xBim in Unity?

I have installed xBim using NuGet for unity, and it is working well until I try to use the GeometryEngine to create 3D shapes:
using (IfcStore model = IfcStore.Open(filename, null))
var context = new Xbim3DModelContext(model);
context.CreateContext(); causes an error. At first I got:
FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Xbim.Geometry.Engine.dll' or one of its dependencies
Which is a bit strange since I did install the geometry engine in NuGet, but then I tried to compile the DLLs for the github project here:
And copied them into the plugins folder. Now I do not get any error message, but Unity will crash to desktop on execution of context.CreateContext();
I have been searching online, but have been unable to find any workaround. Any suggestions are appreciated.
I don't have the answer (currently also trying to use xBim in Unity), but what I found looking throught the topics listed here:
is that there is not direct solution for this. The workaround, mentioned in a couple of places, is to make the conversion from .ifc to .weBIM in an small external .NET support program. See this:
Hope this somewhat helps. If you have another solution I would like to hear it.

Play 2.0 with Eclipse 3.6, Scala template editing

I´m new to Play and Scala world, so I´m needing some help to figure out how can I edit the scala template files using Eclipse. I already installed scala ide 2.9 but when I try to edit the index.scala.html, the contents of the file aren´t editable...
Please can anyone help me?
I experienced this just recently, too, but lucky for you I made the full migration from IntelliJ to Eclipse.
There is some setting up you need to do with the Scala templates, but one of the easiest ways to get it done is following these steps:
Step 1: Add file extensions
Be sure that your file extensions are properly added to the file associations.
Step 2:
Look at the associated editor. In the image above you'll see that the only associated editor with *.htm is Web Browser. So you'll need to hit the "Add..." button to add the Scala editor. Don't forget to set it as default :)
Step 3:
Right-click on your Scala template and be sure that you are choosing the right editor. You can also use this to switch between editors.
Hope this helps!

Can I write Eclipse plugins using Groovy?

Groovy seems to fix a lot of the things I dislike about Java, and I was wondering if it would be possible to actually write an Eclipse plugin in Groovy instead of Java.
Does anyone know if this is possible, and if so how to go about it?
I've just found a blog entry which says it's not officially supported but is actually possible.
Not yet tested to see if it works, but it seems promising:
Writing Eclipse plugins with Groovy, by Jörn Dinkla
#Peter, I do not think that the blog post you linked to is complete or if it will really work. It is pointing to the old version of Groovy-Eclipse, which is no longer supported and is out of date.
Yes. It is possible to create your own plugins in Groovy.
First, install the Groovy-Eclipse plugin from here:
Then you can create a new plugin project and add the Groovy Nature.
Remove the Groovy Libraries classpath container
Instead, add the org.codehause.groovy as a required bundle
Create your Groovy code as normal
Now, the tricky part is exporting the plugin using PDE. See this blog post for how to do that:
One important thing to note is that you will need at least one Java file in your project for PDE to compile anything, It can be a dummy, empty file (this is a bug that has not yet been fixed).
As an example, here is the codenarc Eclipse plugin that was written completely in Groovy:
You can also use JRuby, or Javascript ...
JAM Circle is a great example showing how to make great use of a scripting language in an Eclipse plugin, by allowing the end user to write his own actions and load them at runtime.
There's a proxy-like plugin that allows you to implement the plugin virtually in any language that supports JSR223 (javax.scripting)