Unable to get Boxplot displayed in Apache Superset - visualization

I'm using Apache Superset0.35 for visualisation.While trying to implement boxplot chart,it displays only horizontal line instead of boxplot & all the values are same [Min,Max,Median..]. Is it necessary to have time-series column in the data file?

It appears the metric of the column data to be displayed was not configured. The time series column has no problem


Time series visualization with status update for multiple attributes

Below is the sample data. I Need to plot a chart to visualize status changes for multiple attributes over a period of time. Below are the additional points the visualization should handle. I am not looking for any specific charting solution to implement the visualization but rather get an idea of how this can be handled.
In the below data, there are three attributes(r1,r2,r3), but I could have up to 30.
For each attribute, the status can be Pass/Fail/Error for a given month (period).
There could be as many as 100 months of data to plot.
r1,Jan, Pass
r2,Jan, Pass
r3,Jan, Fail
r1,Feb, Pass
r2,Feb, Fail
r3,Feb, Pass
r1,Mar, Pass
r2,Mar, Error
r3,Mar, Pass
r1,Apr, Pass
r2,Apr, Error
r3,Apr, Fail
r1,r2,r3 are student results each month.
You could use a line/bar plot :
code Pass/Fail/Error with 0,1,2 and plot it on y axis,
on x axis put R1/R2/R3 stacked with date, even if you have 100 months
you have to put a switch where you can choose the month
By the way your question is too vague...what are R1,R2,R3? it seems that is something that must be put in production

Tableau percentage change of same measure

I have added a very simple example Tableau here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yG7EdIrKrTklhWOEoAmM4xwSbFZpOTvf/view?usp=sharing
In this example what I would like to achieve is to have a % change column which shows the % change.
I've tried using Quick table calculations but I cannot find any calculation that allows me to get the % change. I've also tried to use a calculated field with IF statements, but the calculation was returning blank cell.
This is part of a more complex example in this thread: https://community.tableau.com/message/753038#753038
I have followed the answer in the link above and I was able to get to the point where I have the data showing up in two separate columns "Current Year" and "Prior Year".
But then I'm stuck on the supposedly easy step of simply calculating the % change between those two columns.
I was able to solve this issue by right clicking on the measure and selecting "Add Table Calculation".
Then I choose Calculation Type = "Percent Difference From", computing using = "Table (across)" and finally relative to = "Previous"

Gaussian mixture model in pyspark

I have gone through the link https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/mllib-clustering.html regarding fitting a GMM in pyspark. I have carried out the same operation successfully in python, but after several iteration, I am unable to run in pyspark.
The questions i have are as follow;
1. The link mentioned above & another example of fitting GMM in pyspark I checked, takes a txt file with no column headings. I have a csv with 17 columns. The code is,
data = sc.textFile("..path/mydata.csv")
parsedData = data.map(lambda line: array([float(x) for x in line.strip().split(' ')]))
This worked, but when i am trying to fit GaussianMixture.train specifying some components, It is not working.
If the data used in the examples have no column headings, how can I judge which column is coming from which distribution & how the change in pattern is appearing?
How can I get heat-map from here so that whenever a new data comes in, I will use my trained model's heat-map to judge the distribution pattern of my new test data & can point out the mis-matches.

IN MATLAB: How to plot a graph every 3 lines from a Text file?

I have a large text file with 2 columns where the values are separated by commas. I am trying to create a simple program which allows to plot a graph with the data extracted for every 3 rows consecutively until reaching the end of the file.
The first 9 rows of my file can be seen below:
I have been reading that with 'Textread' I can write my data into multiple outputs and then I can use 'plot', to plot the previous generated outputs on a graph. I know that I will need some loop whiles to repeat the process and indicate the end of the file, etc. But I am struggling to find the way to do this:-(.
I have only managed plotting a graph for the first 3 rows of my file (see code below), but I need this process to be repeated until the end of the file.
[Codes,Values]=textread('MyData.txt','%3u %f',3,'delimiter',',','emptyvalue',NAN); %//Reads the first three rows of my file and stores the values in 2 variables
plot(Codes,Values) %//plots a graph with the variables obtained before
saveas(gcf,'Graph.pdf') %//Saves the created graph in a pdf format file.
I would be very grateful if somebody could help me.
I have finally found out a way. I paste here the code that allows me plotting a graph every three lines from my text file.
[Codes,Values]=textread('MyData.txt','%3u %f','delimiter',',','emptyvalue',NAN); %//Reads my text file and stores the values in 2 variables
while nrows<=size(Codes,1)
if contb<=size(Codes,1)
plot(Codes1,Values1) %//plots a graph with the selected rows.
saveas(gcf,strcat('Graph', num2str(nfig),'.pdf')) %//Saves the created graph in a pdf format file.
plot(Codes1,Values1) %//plots a graph with the selected rows.
saveas(gcf,strcat('Graph', num2str(nfig),'.pdf'))
You mentioned that it is a large text file, but will it an issue to load the whole text file and then simply sample every third row, for example, as follows:
[Codes, Values] = textread('MyData.txt','%3u %f','delimiter',',','emptyvalue',NAN);
rowstokeep = 1:3:length(Values) % every third line
plot(Codes{rowstokeep}, Values{rowstokeep}); % plot just the rows you wanted

dlmwrite for specific rows and columns in matlab

I have 2D data for 10x10 matrices, and it looks like this
here is the table
However, data is updating and append every dt calculation, therefore I would like to reorganize and write it for specific columns , you may see this table in link
I use normally those codes to write
if ss==2000
dlmwrite('d:\Model_Results_Theta.txt', Tnew,'-append');
Could you recommend me any different way to organize the data based on the specific rows and columns using the matlab codes? Thanks in advance !!