PostgreSQL JDBC driver hide prepared statement parameters from logging - postgresql

I need to hide prepared statement parameters from logging debug level and exception message. There are security critical values. For example using pgp_sym_encrypt, when exception thrown from database, in exception message shown full statement with parameters also 2nd parameter encryption key password.
Is there any way to hide these kind of values, especially in exception message?

The safest way is to do the encryption on the client side and never send the password to the database. Once you send it to the database, it will be very hard to absolutely control what happens to it. Consider that if there is a way to configure the database to suppress this logging, then there is also a way to reverse that configuration.


How to avoid Mongo DB NoSQL blind (sleep) injection

While scanning my Application for vulnerability, I have got one high risk error i.e.
Blind MongoDB NoSQL Injection
I have checked what exactly request is sent to database by tool which performed scanning and found while Requesting GET call it had added below line to GET request.
{"$where":"sleep(181000);return 1;"}
Scan received a "Time Out" response, which indicates that the injected "Sleep" command succeeded.
I need help to fix this vulnerability. Can anyone help me out here? I just wanted to understand what I need to add in my code to perform this check before connecting to database?
Similar to SQL injection, or any other type of Code Injection, don't copy untrusted content into a string that will be executed as a MongoDB query.
You apparently have some code in your app that naively accepts user input or some other content and runs it as a MongoDB query.
Sorry, it's hard to give a more specific answer, because you haven't shown that code, or described what you intended it to do.
But generally, in every place where you use external content, you have to imagine how it could be misused if the content doesn't contain the format you assume it does.
You must instead validate the content, so it can only be in the format you intend, or else reject the content if it's not in a valid format.

Enable log in ingres

I need to understand enable logging in Ingres stored procedure. I read a lot about "printqry", DBMS Server Query Tracing or security auditing. My requirement is does Ingres db gives option of custom logging where I can log custom messages.
db.trace("The value for x is ", x)
You can use the MESSAGE statement to write an arbitrary message. The message can either go to the current SESSION (meaning the calling program has to run INQUIRE_SQL to get the text) or the security audit log or errlog. I suspect the later would be most useful.
It takes an optional error number and/or message text. If you want to write messages involving values other than a constant string you'll need to assign it to a variable e.g.
msg_txt = 'The value for x is "+VARCHAR(:x);

Showing warning to end user through postgres trigger without aborting transaction

I am trying to validate one field through postgres trigger.
If targeted field has value in decimals,i need to through a warning but allowing the user to save the record.
I tried with options
but it's throwing error on UI and transaction is aborted.
I tried with options
through which warning is not shown and record is simply saved.
It would be great if any one help on this.
Thanks in Advance
You need to set client_min_messages to a level that'll show NOTICEs and WARNINGs. You can do this:
At the transaction level with SET LOCAL
At the session level with SET
At the user level with ALTER USER
At the database level with ALTER DATABASE
Globally in postgresql.conf
You must then check for messages from the server after running queries and display them to the user or otherwise handle them. How to do that depends on the database driver you're using, which you haven't specified. PgJDBC? libpq? other?
Note that raising a notice or warning will not cause the transaction to pause and wait for user input. You really don't want to do that. Instead RAISE an EXCEPTION that aborts the transaction. Tell the user about the problem, and re-run the transaction if they approve it, possibly with a flag set to indicate that an exception should not be raised again.
It would be technically possible to have a PL/Perlu, PL/Pythonu, or PL/Java trigger pause execution while it asked the client via a side-channel (like a TCP socket) to approve an action. It'd be a really bad idea, though.

Entity framework multiple contexts for logging

I've seen a fair few articles/posts that recommend not having more than one context per request when using EF.
Is it valid to have a second context for logging purposes such as 'user x did y', 'failed login from z' etc.
The rationale behind this is that I'd like these errors to be logged even if there is an error while using the "main" context, ie. foreign key issues etc.
Is there another way to do this or if I head down this road is there any things to try and avoid?
You can always have more context instances if your application logic really needs them and ability to persist log to database even with invalid data in the main context can be considered as such situation. You just need to ensure that your updates do not run in the same transaction (they must use different DB connection as well) - that should be a default behavior unless you use TransactionScope.

Logging logic and data errors in MVC3 with Elmah

I have a Service layer in my MVC3 app, which plays the role of a Repository among other things, as a layer between my Data layer and the actual web application. I have coded all my GetById methods to be robust, using FirstOrDefault and not just First, because the Id is passed in a URL and cannot be guaranteed to be a valid Id.
I now find myself where I'm doing a FirstOrDefault, then only proceeding if the result is not null. I would like to log the event when it is null, and then proceed to do nothing etc. Now, I am already using Elmah to log unhandled exceptions, and I have very little experience with exception handling etc. in MVC3, but it occurs to me that it might be better for me to use a simple First, with Elmah logging the exception if no entity is found.
How should I approach this scenario, where an invalid Id is quite definitely an logic exception, but not a low level CLR exception? This is not like when somebody is asked to enter an Id and no entity is found for their search term, which is a normal logic result.
Generating exceptions can be expensive. You're initial approach of validating user input is more robust. I would recommend using a logging framework such as NLog ( to log the case were an invalid ID is passed in.
If you would like to keep all of your log messages in Elmah, then you can decide to write directly to Elmah's error log instead of bubbling-up an exception.