Executing ForEach activity against a hardcoded array in ADFv2 - azure-data-factory

I have a set of hardcoded values for which I need to execute ForEach activity. I can create the array in the following manner and specify this as an expression in the Items setting for the ForEach activity
createArray('obj1', 'obj2','obj3')
But I get the following warning:-
Expression of type: 'String' does not match the field: 'items'
Is there any way workaround for this so that ForEach activity will work for this?

I think createArray built-in function could be implemented.
Inside ForEach Avtivity,i just configure one SetVariableActivity.


What is the equivalent to Kusto's CountOf() function in Azure Data Factory?

My requirement is to extract a string from filenames using a ADF variable, I need to extract the string until the final underscore '_' and the number of underscores vary in every filename as seen in the below example.
abc_xyz_20221221.txt --> abc_xyz
abc_xyz_a1_20221221.txt --> abc_xyz_a1
abc_c_ab_a1_20221221.txt --> abc_c_ab_a1
abc_c_ab_a1_a11_20221221.txt --> abc_c_ab_a1_a11
I tried to get it done using indexof() to get the position of the final underscore but it does not accept negative values, so I got the below logic which works in KQL (Azure Data Explorer) but fails in ADF because there is no CountOf() in this tool. Is there any equivalent function in ADF or can you please suggest me how to achieve the same in ADF?
substring("abc_xyz_20221221.txt", 0,
indexof("abc_xyz_20221221.txt", "_", 0,
countof("abc_xyz_20221221.txt", '_')))
You can try like this also using split and join inside ForEach activity.
Array for ForEach activity:
Append variable inside ForEach:
#join(take(split(item(), '_'),add(length(split(item(), '_')),-1)),'_')
Result in an array variable:
As mentioned by #Joel Cochran, use the below expression in the append variable inside ForEach with lastIndexOf().
This is a just a simpler form of what #Rakesh called out above . The only difference being , his implementation is iterating . In my case the file name is stored in a variable named foo

How to create click events for Windows form generated recursively in powershell

I am trying to populate a tree structure in Powershell windows form. The only difference is my tree structure will have textboxes, which I found is not possible using TreeView. So I am using a recursive function to populate the form step by step. However, when I try to add_click on any of the form control, it throws an error saying the object is null. I am new on this and would appreciate any suggestions on how to solve this. The exact message is
Cannot bind argument to parameter 'panel' because it is null.
My functions look like this. The click event binds successfully and calls the toggleVisible function, however at runtime when the click happens it does not pass the correct value to the function.
Function handlePanelClick{
$hash | ForEach-Object{
$_.Label.Add_Click({toggleVisible $_.Panel});
Function toggleVisible{
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
$panel.Visible = $false;
Assuming that $hash is a hashtable, as the name suggests, it is not enumerated in the pipeline, so that $_ in your $hash | ForEach-Object{ ... } command refers to $hash itself, not its entries.
To enumerate the entries, use $hash.GetEnumerator().
Inside a script block ({ ... }) serving as an event delegate, the automatic $_ variable is not defined.
Use the automatic $this variable to refer to the event sender (the object triggering the event).

Azure Data Factory Error 'item' is not a recognized function

I have the following REST configuration in Azure Data Factory
As you can I'm getting the error:
'item' is not a recognized function
The full configuration is
Do I need to configure #item in Parameters?
The guide suggests I need to following these steps
Based on your code in the dynamic context, you are using this REST resource inside a ForEach as above it has item() function. You can get item().<"Value"> in a ForEach using a lookup.
item() is a ForEach function and can be used inside a ForEach which is used inside a ADF pipeline. You are using the ForEach function inside Dataset which is not known for the dataset. That's why it is giving a warning. When you use that dataset only for that pipeline it will give you the result without any error. But for any other pipeline It will give you the warning as error.
To use a pipeline function in the Dataset, the best practice is to create a Dataset parameter and give the value for this in the pipeline like below.
Create a Dataset Parameter with string type and a Default value:
Give this parameter in the Dataset dynamic context:
Now you can give pipeline function values for this Parameter inside ForEach or inside Pipeline:
Here I have used Copy activity for sample and given the value as per my URL. You can give your Relative URL with item() function in dynamic context.
Based on the item().Currency values it will give the REST page URL in each iteration.

Foreach activity does not loop an array of numbers Azure data factory

I'm using Azure function to retrieve an array, it works very well but the problem I can't pass that array into a foreach activity, it does not iterate the array.
the result of the function activity :
the set variable :
#uriComponentToString(replace(uriComponent(activity('Azure Function1').output.Response), '%0D%0A', ''))
the result of set variable :
foreach activity :
when I execute the pipeline the append activity executes just one time :
Now the problem is the foreach activity, it treats the array as one value and it pass it to the append vaiable inside the foreach, how can resolve this proble please .
result variable is already an array. I think you need not convert to array like this while passing on to the foreach loop.'
Instead, just pass on the variable value directly like
Thank you GregGalloway. Posting your suggestion as an answer to help other community members.
Use #json(variables('result')) instead of #array(variables('result')) in item field of ForEach activity

Powershell Parameter passing issue

I have a strange one I have searched the existing Q&A and haven't found a match.
I have written my functions using parameter validation using the basic format
function FunctioName
When I set the parameter to Mandatory as above I get a parameter binding exception indicating a null value was passed. Running the script in debug I can see the function parameter being passed is not null and is a valid string.
When I run the script in the exact same way without the mandatory flag the string is passed into the function and it executes correctly.
Has anyone got any ideas, what could be the issue. This problem is affecting a number of functions in my application interestingly it appears that the affected functions all have only a single parameter functions with multiple parameters do not appear to be affected.
Ok thanks guys for your feedback its much appreciated. BTW i am using powershell 5 .
Further to the issue, looking into it further I found that the variable was being passed to the function as an array of strings, however an empty string value was being appended into the array which I believe was the cause for the issue. This is where it starts to get interesting, I will need to give a bit more background.
The script I am running queries active directory for user attributes meeting specific conditions, those that match I create an array of strings with each value a delimited value of the user,hostname and other attribute properties.
To ensure that I am getting the latest values I use the ASDI GetInfo method,which seems to trigger the odd behavior.
At a high level the functions are
Function GetuserAttr
$inscopeusers = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$accountlist = (Get-ADUser -Filter { attribute1 -eq "value"} -Properties attribute1).SamAccountName
foreach ($user in $accountlist)
$DN = getDN($user) # basically a funtion I wrote to create ASDI object for user account.
$DN.GetInfo() # this method call appears to cause issues
$attr1 = $DN.Get("Attribute1")
$attr2 = $DN.Get("Attribute2")
$hoststring = "$($user)|$($attr1)|$($attr2)"
$inscopeusers.Add($hoststring) > null
return $inscopeusers
The string array returned in this function is fed into a number of other functions, one of which is the one that was giving the error that I originally brought up.
The thing is when I use the GetInfo method the array returned by this function contains several null values in the array, when I remove the command the array has no null strings.
Even more strange when I am operating on the array in other functions it appears that the array looses some of its properties when the GetInfo method is used. So for instance I am able to use the foreach loop to iterate through array values but I cannot access an array value by index such as $array[1].
By simply commenting out the GetInfo method call in the function the array returned seems to function normally and you can access array values by index.
I have another function that also uses GetInfo and returns a hash table, when I try to operate on the returned hashtable I cannot access values using a key value such as $hashtable['key'], but I can access them using $hashtable.key. I know this is really weird and can't really think what it could be
Has any one else experienced a similar problem.
You're missing an argument.
Function Test
Write "$Variable"