Xcode: Reset App and all variables and classes - swift

I have an App that creates 21 buttons on the storyboard and then these buttons allow the user to choose players.The buttons are created programatically and have a class that sets their format.
//run 2 loops to dsip;ay the buttons (21 of them)
for j in 0...2 {
for i in 0...6 {
//use the CLASS KSPIckButton to format the buttons
let buttonOne:UIButton = KSPickButton(frame: CGRect(x: (j + 1) * 35 + (j * 80), y: (i + 5) * 35 + buttonSet, width: 110, height: 30))
//Add the button to the storyboard
action: #selector(playerButtons),
for: .touchUpInside)
//assign the tag to the button
buttonOne.tag = playerNo
//Give the buttons the players names
buttonOne.setTitle(allPlayers[playerNo], for: .normal)
The user could pick 10 names and then decide to reset.....
I ran viewDidLoad() from an action Button, and it would load another 21 buttons on top of the 21 already there, which in theory works, but as the backgroundColor of my buttons is clear the old ones underneath show.
I am guessing that I should not be just loading layers and layers and layers of buttons anyway?
But I cannot find anywhere an option to programatically reset the app as if just loaded, or clear the existing buttons so I can create some more.
Can someone point me in the right direction for an App reset or similar process?
many thanks in advance

Create a reset method and first of all remove all potential pick buttons from the view.
func reset() {
let ksPickButtons = view.subviews.filter{$0 is KSPickButton}
// code to create the buttons
Or shorter
func reset() {
view.subviews.filter{$0 is KSPickButton}
// code to create the buttons
Then move the other code from viewDidLoad into reset and call the method from viewDidLoad as well as from any other place.
Side note:
You must not call yourself any delegate method containing will, did and should. Those methods are exclusively called by the framework.

You should either only add the buttons on the storyboard and create IBOutlets to reach them in code, or don't add any buttons in the storyboard and create and add them only with code. I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish so unfortunately I can't give you a whole lot of advice regarding this, aside from that it's (generally) a good idea to either stick to only storyboards or only programatically creating UI (and myself I prefer the latter).
Either way, to directly answer your question, the only way to really 'reset' a viewcontroller is by creating a new viewcontroller and replacing the old one with the new one (so there is not really any type of reset on an existing viewcontroller). If you don't want to create a new viewcontroller then the only thing you can do is manually clean everything up yourself, I'll give you an example of how to clean up your buttons:
func removeAllPickButtons() {
let buttons = view.subviews.compactMap({ $0 as? KSPickButton })
buttons.forEach({ $0.removeFromSuperview() })
This method filters all the views that are directly in your viewcontroller (so only 1 layer deep) to only KSPickButtons (compactMap), and then loops through all of them to remove them from their superview (forEach)


I want to rotate a bar button item - Swift

I encountered with an issue. I want to display 3 buttons, that are used for filtering my tableView. I found an appropriate images from “SF symbols.” Except one, which is the same I used for filtering(bigger to smaller) but is rotated on 180 degrees. I don’t know how to rotate bar button item, so I decided add custom button to bar button item.
There’s a problem occur – button is very small.
After adding button to bar button item:
I tried to use image configuration, but it’s not very good because it looks different and not with the same spacing.
After configuring button's image:
In the debug view hierarchy I found that symbol config is “Medium”, meanwhile other bar button items have “Body, Large”. But I haven’t found anything how to change it.
I have few questions:
Is there a way to flip bar button item without adding custom button in it?
If the way in the first question impossible, is this real to configure image “dynamically” the same way as other are displayed?
My code:
class viewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var youngToOldfilterButton: UIBarButtonItem!
enter code here
override func viewDidLoad() {
let filterButton = UIButton(type: .custom)
var image = UIImage(systemName: "line.3.horizontal.decrease.circle", withConfiguration: UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(pointSize: 22))
filterButton.setImage(image, for: .normal)
filterButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(action), for: .touchUpInside)
//rotation transform
filterButton.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: 180 * .pi/180)
youngToOldfilterButton.customView = filterButton
#objc func action {
symbol config is “Medium”, meanwhile other bar button items have “Body, Large”. But I haven’t found anything how to change it.
That way is to use a symbol configuration. Your problem is you are using the wrong configuration:
SymbolConfiguration(pointSize: 22))
Does that say Body, Large? No. You want this:
SymbolConfiguration(textStyle: .body, scale: .large)
However, the very best solution would likely be to design your own custom symbol image based directly on the "decreasing" image. This takes some time, but it isn't difficult, and you obviously care a lot about the exact thickness and position of the bars, so it might be worth it. Watch https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10250 for info.

Swift UISplitViewController how to go from triple to double columns

I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to structure a UISplitViewController.
I want:
A sidebar in the primary view (always)
I want the 1st sidebar navigation item (animals) to show triple (sidebar, animal list, animal detail)
I want the 2nd sidebar navigation item (profile) to show double (sidebar, profile view)
I see other apps doing this (GitHub for example), but I've really got no idea how they're managing it. Resources are hard to find, and most tutorials I've seen just show one or the other column styles.
I'm mostly looking for answers on how to architecture this well, but any code would also be massively appreciated!
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
guard let windowScene = (scene as? UIWindowScene) else { return }
window = UIWindow(frame: windowScene.coordinateSpace.bounds)
window?.windowScene = windowScene
window?.rootViewController = ViewController(style: .tripleColumn)
Root view controller
class ViewController: UISplitViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
viewControllers = [
// Example attempt at removing the secondary view
setViewController(ProfileViewController(), for: .supplementary)
setViewController(nil, for: .secondary)
Desired behaviour
There is no "official" way to do it but it is possible. As far as I can tell, one of the best ways so solve it is to have two instances of UISplitViewController in your root view controller and juggle between them when needed. Here is my approach (approximately):
Disclaimer: This code was consulted with Apple engineers during the last WWDC22 on UIKit Labs. They have confirmed that it is very unfortunate that they currently do not offer a convenient way of doing it, and that this approach is probably the best way to do it. Feedback was filed and its ID passed to the engineers so hopefully we get an official API in the iOS 17 :D
Step 1. Initialise the UISplitViewControllers
private lazy var doubleColumnSVC: UISplitViewController = {
$0.primaryBackgroundStyle = .sidebar
// setup your SVC here
$0.setViewController(doubleColumnPrimaryNC, for: .primary)
return $0
}(UISplitViewController(style: .doubleColumn))
private lazy var tripleColumnSVC: UISplitViewController = {
$0.primaryBackgroundStyle = .sidebar
// setup your SVC here
$0.setViewController(tripleColumnPrimaryNC, for: .primary)
return $0
}(UISplitViewController(style: .tripleColumn))
Step 2. Initialise your sidebar VC and two separate UINavigationControllers
I have found it to be the most reliable solution for swapping sidebar VC. With a single UINavigationController instance there was a bug that the sidebar would randomly not appear. Two instances solve this problem while still keeping a single SidebarVC with proper focus state and already laid out content.
// Sidebar is shared and swapped between two split views
private lazy var sideBar = YourSideBarViewController()
private lazy var doubleColumnPrimaryNC = UINavigationController(
rootViewController: UIViewController()
private lazy var tripleColumnPrimaryNC = UINavigationController(
rootViewController: UIViewController()
Step 3. Make a property to store currently displayed SVC
It will come in handy in the next step when toggling between the two instances.
private var current: UISplitViewController?
Step 4. Implement Toggling between two styles when needed
This function should be called every time you want to navigate to a different screen from sidebar.
private func toggleStyleIfNeeded(_ style: UISplitViewController.Style) {
switch style {
case .doubleColumn:
// skip if the desired column style is already set up
if current === doubleColumnSVC { return }
// reassign current
current = doubleColumnSVC
// here add doubleColumnSVC as child view controller
// here add doubleColumnSVC.view as subview
// swap the sidebar
doubleColumnPrimaryNC.setViewControllers([sideBar], animated: false)
// here remove tripleColumnSVC from parent
// here remove tripleColumnSVC.view from superview
case .tripleColumn:
// skip if the desired column style is already set up
if current === tripleColumnSVC { return }
// reassign current
current = tripleColumnSVC
// here add tripleColumnSVC as child view controller
// here add tripleColumnSVC.view as subview
// swap the sidebar
tripleColumnPrimaryNC.setViewControllers([sideBar], animated: false)
// here remove doubleColumnSVC from parent
// here remove doubleColumnSVC.view from superview
// If you are using UITabBarController for your compact style, assign it here
current?.setViewController(tabBar, for: .compact)
In lines that start with "here add" you will need to write your own code. I have simplified the code sample to make it shorter.
Step 5. Enjoy your SVC with dynamic columns!
Now you are basically ready to go! With this simple helper method on your root VC (or whichever one that is handling the navigation and managing the SVCs) you will have all the power that you need to achieve what you wanted, which is a UISplitViewController with dynamic number of columns!
func setViewController(
_ viewController: UIViewController,
for column: UISplitViewController.Column,
style: UISplitViewController.Style
) {
current?.setViewController(viewController, for: column)
We are using this approach in production for a few months now and it works great. The app supports iOS, iPadOS and Mac Catalyst. There are some things like customising the status bar style and getting consistent sidebar button experience a bit tricky to work perfectly but with some adjustments and help from the UISplitViewControllerDelegate everything is possible.
Good luck!
P.S. If anyone have walked this path before and is able to share suggestions, please do! I would love to learn more on how one could improve this dynamic split view experience both for users and developers.
To switch from 3 to 2 columns you must simply reinitialise the UISplitViewController with two columns (UISplitViewController(style: .doubleColumn) and reassign it to the window.rootViewController.
When reinitialising the UISplitViewController, you can either assign existing view controller objects, to maintain the current state, or initialise new ones. In case you assign existing view controller objects, it's probably handy to store these in variables after creating them for the first time.

Swift macOS SegmentedControl Action not getting called

I am trying to use NSSegmentedControls to transition between Child ViewControllers. The ParentViewController is located in Main.storyboard and the ChildViewControllers are located in Assistant.storyboard. Each ChildViewController has a SegmentedControl divided into 2 Segments and their primary use is to navigate between the ChildViewControllers. So they are set up as momentaryPushIn rather than selectOne. Each ChildViewController uses a Delegate to communicate with the ParentViewController.
So in the ParentViewController I added the ChildViewControllers as following:
/// The View of the ParentViewController configured as NSVisualEffectView
#IBOutlet var visualEffectView: NSVisualEffectView!
var assistantChilds: [NSViewController] {
get { return [NSViewController]() }
set(newValue) {
for child in newValue { self.addChild(child) }
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do view setup here.
override func viewWillAppear() {
self.children[0].view.frame = self.view.bounds
private func addAssistantViewControllersToChildrenArray() -> Void {
let storyboard = NSStoryboard.init(name: "Assistant", bundle: nil)
let exampleChild = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "ExampleChild") as! ExampleChildViewController
let exampleSibling = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "ExampleSibling") as! ExampleSiblingViewController
exampleChild.navigationDelegate = self
exampleSibling.navigationDelegate = self
assistantChilds = [exampleChild, exampleSibling]
So far so good. The ExampleChildViewController has an NSTextField instance. While I am in the scope of the TextField, I can trigger the action of the SegmentedControls. Its navigating forward and backward as it should. But once I leave the scope of the TextField I can still click the Segments, but they are not triggering any action. They should be able to navigate forward and backward even if the TextField is not the current "First Responder" of the application. I think I am missing something out here, I hope anyone can help me with this. I know the problem is not the NSSegmentedControl because I am seeing the same behavior with an NSButton, which is configured as Switch/Checkbox, in the SiblingViewController. I just don't have any idea anymore what I am doing wrong.
It`s my first time asking a question myself here, so I hope the way I am doing is fine for making progress with the solution. Let me know if I can do something better/different or if I need to provide more information about something.
Thanks in advance!
Additional Information
For the sake of completeness:
The ParentViewController itself is embedded in a ContainerView,
which is owned by the RootViewController. I can't imagine this does
matter in any way, but this way we are not missing something out.
I am actually not showing the navigation action, because I want to
keep it as simple as possible. Furthermore the action is not problem,
it does what I want it to do. Correct me if I am wrong with this.
Possible solutions I found while researching, which did not work for me:
Setting window.delegate of the ChildViewControllers to NSApp.windows.first?.delegate
Setting the ChildViewController to becomeFirstResponder in its func viewWillAppear()
visualEffectView.addSubview(self.children[0].view, positioned: NSWindow.OrderingMode.above, relativeTo: nil)
Related problems/topics I found while researching:
Basic segmented control not working
Adding and Removing Child View Controllers
NSSegmentedControl - Odd appearance when placed in blur view
How to set first responder to NSTextView in Swift?
How to use #selector in Swift 2.2 for the first responder
Accessing methods, actions and/or outlets from other controllers with swift
How to use Child View Controllers in Swift 4.0 programmatically
Container View Controllers
issues with container view
Control a NSTabViewController from parent View
How to detect when NSTextField has the focus or is it`s content selected cocoa
let parentViewControllerInstance = self.parent as! ParentViewController
segmentedControl.target = parentViewControllerInstance
In my case I just had to set the delegate as the target of the sendAction method.
Ok, after hours of reading the AppKit Documentation I am now able to answer my own question.
First, debugging the UI showed that the problem was definitely not in the ViewHierarchy.
So I tried to think about the nature of NSButton and NSSegmentedControl. At some point I noticed that both are subclasses of NSControl.
class NSSegmentedControl : NSControl
class NSButton : NSControl
The AppKit Documentation says:
Buttons are a standard control used to initiate actions within your app. You can configure buttons with many different visual styles, but the behavior is the same. When clicked, a button calls the action method of its associated target object. (...) You use the action method to perform your app-specific tasks.
The bold text points to the key of the solution – of its associated target object. Typically I define the action of an control item like this:
button.action = #selector(someFunc(_:))
This causes the NSControl instance to call this:
func sendAction(_ action: Selector?, to target: Any?) -> Bool
Parameter Description from the documentation:
The selector to invoke on the target. If the selector is NULL, no message is sent.
The target object to receive the message. If the object is nil, the application searches the responder chain for an object capable of handling the message. For more information on dispatching actions, see the class description for NSActionCell.
In conclusion the NSControl instance, which was firing the action method (in my case the NSSegmentedControl), had no target to send its action to. So it was only able to send its action method across the responder chain - which obviously has been nil while the first responder was located in another view.

How to handle iOS 11 large title animation when using multiple container views?

I am making an app at the moment where 1 screen has a segmented control with 3 segments. Initially I had 1 table view and when you change segment I would simply change the data source/cell etc and reload the table. While this works great there is always the problem that when you change segments it will not remember your last scroll position because the table view gets reloaded.
I tried to get around this with storing offset position, rows etc but I could never get it to work like I wanted. Seems especially annoying when you have different cell types for the segments and they are self sizing as well.
I than decided to have a master view controller with the segmented control and 3 container views with their own VC and table view for each segment. I simply hide/show the correct container view when changing segments. This also works great but I have 1 problem with iOS 11 style large headers. Only the 1st container view added as a subview to the ViewControllers view manipulates the collasping/expanding of the title when you scroll.
Therefore when I change to the 2nd or 3rd container view and start scrolling I do not get the large title collapsing animation. How can I get around that?
I tried the following
1) Change Container view zPosition when changing segments
2) Move the container view to the front by calling view.bringSubview(toFront: ...)
3) Looping through the subviews and calling
view.exchangeSubview(at: 0, withSubviewAt: ...)
I believe I could remove all container views and add the one I need again and give them constraints but I wonder if there is a more straight forward solution.
Or if someone has a good solution to remember a tableViews scroll position before reloading it I would appreciate that too.
So I found an answer that seems to work for me, thanks to this great article. https://cocoacasts.com/managing-view-controllers-with-container-view-controllers/
Essentially what I did is
1) Remove the ContainerViews and Segues from the MasterViewController Storyboard.
2) Add a lazy property for each VC of the segmented control in the MasterViewController. They are lazy so that they only get initialised when you actually need them
lazy var viewController1: LibraryViewController = {
let viewController = UIStoryboard.libraryViewController // convenience property to create the VC from Storyboard
// do other set up if required.
return viewController
lazy var viewController2: LibraryViewController = {
let viewController = UIStoryboard.libraryViewController // convenience property to create the VC from Storyboard
// do other set up if required.
return viewController
3) Create an extension of UIViewController with the following 2 methods. I added them in an extension purely for code organisation as they might be reused on other ViewControllers.
extension UIViewController {
func add(asChildViewController viewController: UIViewController) {
// Add Child View Controller
// Add Child View as Subview
// Configure Child View
viewController.view.frame = view.bounds
viewController.view.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
// Notify Child View Controller
viewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
func remove(asChildViewController viewController: UIViewController) {
// Notify Child View Controller
viewController.willMove(toParentViewController: nil)
// Remove Child View From Superview
// Notify Child View Controller
4) Now in my segmented control method that gets called when you change segment I simply add the correct ViewController. The nice thing is that remove/adding them does not actually deallocate them.
func didPressSegmentedControl() {
if segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex == 0 {
remove(asChildViewController: viewController2)
add(asChildViewController: viewController1)
} else {
remove(asChildViewController: viewController1)
add(asChildViewController: viewController2)
5) Make sure you call the method at point 4 in ViewDidLoad so that the correct VC is added when the VC is loaded the 1st time.
func viewDidLoad() {
This way when we remove a ChildViewController and add another one it will always be the the top VC in the subviews array and I get my nice title collapsing animation.
Another added benefit of this approach is that if you never go to a particular segment that particular VC will never get initialised, because they are lazy properties, which should help with efficiency.
Hope this helps somebody trying to do the same.
This is a horrible issue which I hope will be resolved soon, but there is another fix - although I freely admit that this is a nasty hack.
Basically, the issue only applies to the FIRST container view in the hierarchy. Add another container view to your hierarchy. Set it as hidden, then delete its segue and its target view controller just to be neat. Finally, make sure that this is the first container view in the hierarchy by dragging it to the top of the list.

How to print "image x tapped" when user taps on one of many UIImages in the View Controller? (Swift 3)

I have a set of 12 UIImageViews in my storyboard, and, for argument's sake, I want to get each one to print to logs "You just tapped image x", when the user taps on it, where x is the number of image tapped, from 1-12). So i need to detect which image is tapped, and do something depending on that information. What would be the best way to do this, in Swift 3 ?
(I assume 12 IBActions -treat them as button with an image on background- is really bad code. Also they need to be placed on specific positions on top of a background image, so cannot use UICollectionView to do this.) Thanks
First of all, I think using a collectionView is a better approach to achieve what do you want. However, you'll need to:
Set userInteractionEnabled to true for all of your imageViews.
Set -sequential- tag for all of your imageViews, for example image1.tag = 1, image2.tag = 2 ... and so on.
Implement a method to be the target of all of your images tapping, it should be similar to this:
func imageViewTapped(imageView: UIImageView) {
print("You just tapped image (imageView.tag)")
Create -one single- tap gesture and assign the implemented method to its selector:
let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(imageViewTapped))
Finally, add the tapGesture for all of your image, for example: image1.addGestureRecognizer(tapGesture), image2.addGestureRecognizer(tapGesture)... and so on.
Hope this helps.
It's not bad code per-se, but if you did it that way, or with tap gestures on each of the ImageViews you would likely want to separate out that part of the logic.
There are other approaches/views you could use to manage this kind of thing better, especially if this is supposed to scale, but with your constraints this is what I would suggest:
Either add TapGestureRecognizers to your imageViews or make them buttons, then connect all their actions to this:
#IBAction func phoneWasPressed(sender: AnyObject) {
guard let tappedImageView = sender as? UIImageView else {
switch tappedImageView {
case imageView1:
//do something
case imageView2:
// do something else
switch sender
I don't think it's a bad idea at all to have 12 buttons. Assign each of them a tag from 1-12 and connect them to the same IBAction.
#IBAction func didTapImageButton(button: UIButton) {
print("You just tapped image \(button.tag)")