How to mock HTTP service within Akka Actor - scala

I have an actor (actually a persistent actor) that, in response to a message (command), needs to make an HTTP call. The question now is how do I deal with this HTTP call in unit test?
Normally I would use the combination of DI and mocking to inject a mock implementation of the HTTP service while testing. But I am not sure if this is how to approach the problem in Akka? Even if this is the how to approach it in Akka, I am not sure how to go about doing the injecting and mocking in testing.
Any thoughts on this? What is the idiomatic way for testing Actors that perform IO operations (HTTP calls, writing to DB etc).
PS: I am using Akka Typed.

My personal belief is that you should avoid IO operations in Actors if at all possible (see this presentation for more details).
That being said, I’m sure there are people who would disagree and you probably shouldn’t listen to me :)
Here is how I would go about mocking it for a test.
Create a trait that represents your http call.
trait Client {
def makeHttpCall(input: Int): Future[Output]
(You will want to create a class of some kind that implements this trait and test it separately from your actor.)
Pass an instance of that trait into your actor using its constructor/apply method.
def apply(client: Client): Behavior[...] = {
// use your client inside of your behavior
In your test create a mock instance of Client and pass that in to your actor. You can mock your Client using a mocking library (ScalaMock or Mockito) or you can actually just create a test implementation of your trait with relative ease:
class TestClient extends Client {
def makeHttpCall(input: Int): Future[Output] =
Note: all of the names for classes and methods that I chose are just placeholders. You should, of course, choose more specific names based on the context you are working in.


Unit Testing Components that Uses an Akka Actor

First of all, I am not asking how to unit test an Akka Actor. I know the techniques to do that. My problem is slightly different.
I am developing a Scala program, let's call it the client, that does not use Akka Actors. However, the program uses a library, let's call it the server, whose interface is implemented using an Akka Actor.
Then, through the ask pattern, the client interacts with the server.
// This is the client program
class Client(uri: String) {
implicit val context: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("client-actor-system")
private val mainActor = context.actorSelection(uri)
def connect: Future[SomeClass] = {
implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
(mainActor ? Connect()).mapTo[CreationResponse]
Now, I want to write down some unit tests for Client class. Unit testing means to test a class in isolation. Every external dependency should be mocked.
How can I mock the reference to mainActor inside Client class? How can I inject in the actor system a mock actor for mainActor?
Thanks in advance.
I would inject the mainActor actor selection into the client, and create that using Akka TestKits.
Of course, you need an ActorSelection, not an ActorRef. Some solutions for that can be found here:
Giving an ActorPath for a testProbe
Or alternatively, you could make mainActor an ActorRef by sending an Identify message to the ActorSelection.

Better dao design with Anorm

I'm working on a code base has lots of singleton daos which getting a new connection from pool in each method with DB.withConnection then executes block.
Dao methods use Anorm parsers to parse result set. There are some cases each dao method run some other dao methods in anorm parsers to get nested related items for business model.
Let's assume you have data structure like this;
User -> Posts -> Comments for each posts
Dao work like this;
Because each dao method is calling DB.withConnection, multiple connections used for simple operations.
I want to use same connection. It can be done with implicit connection passing through each dao method.
But then I need to maintain connection allocation in upper layer. Right now daos accessed directly from rest actions, there is not any kind of service layer sitting between api and dao. I feel like it's not good to have connection around just in api layer.
So probably having services like UserService which calling daos and handling connection and transaction would be better.
Then another requirement is make me uncomfortable. Most of the dao methods also need to be called by individually.
For example we have api requesting comments only by;
This means also I need to implement Services for all daos basically, overriding each dao methods with DB.withConnection wrapper, seems like a overhead. (~30 daos, ~10 methods)
Another limitation is that actually inner dao calls is done in anorm parsers, I think this one is misuse of the library;
When we change the each dao method definition to pass implicit connection around, parsers would fail to compile.
Because anorm parsers is ResultSetParser[T] , there is no way to pass connection inside it as default. Example parser is like;
val apiProviderParser = get[Int]("id") ~
get[String]("product_name") ~
get[String]("description") ~
get[String]("icon_url") map {
case id ~ productName ~ desc ~ iconUrl => {
//Inner dao call
//Connection needed now
val params = getApiProviderParams(id)//(implicit connection)
new ApiProviderTemplate(id,productName,desc,iconUrl,params)
Maybe custom ResultSetParser[T] with connection in the scope can work, I'm not sure it's correct way of solving this problem.
I checked cake pattern, dao design issues but couldn't decide how to proceed and what's the pragmatic, good solution for this problem.
Any help appreciated.

scala api design: can i avoid either an unsafe cast or generics

I am writing a library that provides a distributed algorithm. The idea being that existing applications can add the library to use the algorithm. The algorithm is in a library module and it abstracts the actual transmission of data over the network behind a trait. An application that uses the algorithm has to provide the actual network transport code. In code it looks something like the following:
// library is really a separate project not a single object
object Library {
// handle to a remote server
trait RemoteProcess
// concrete server need to know how to actually send to a real remote process
trait Server {
def send(client: RemoteProcess, msg: String)
// the application uses the library and provides the concrete transport
object AkkaDemoApplication {
// concreate ref is a m wrapper to an actor ref in demo app
case class ConcreteRemoteProcess(ref: extends Library.RemoteProcess
class AkkaServer extends Library.Server {
// **WARNING** this wont compile its here to make my question
override def send(client: ConcreteRemoteProcess, msg: String): Unit = client.ref ! msg
A couple of options I have considered:
Have the signature of the AkkaServer method overload the library trait method then perform an unsafe cast to ConcreteRemoteProcess. Yuk!
Have the signature of the AkkaServer method overload the library trait method then pattern match on the RemoteProcesss argument give a ConcreteRemoteProcess. This is no better than an unsafe cast in terms of blowing up at runtime if the wrong thing is passed.
Make the library server generic in terms of the RemoteProcess.
An example of option 3 looks like:
object Library {
trait Server[RemoteProcess] {
def send(client: RemoteProcess, msg: String)
object Application {
class AkkaServer extends Library.Server[ActorRef] {
override def send(client: ActorRef, msg: String): Unit = client ! msg
I tried option 3 and it worked but the generic type ended up be stamped on just about every type throughout the entire library module. There was then a lot of covariant and contravariant hassles to get the algorithmic code to compile. Simply to get compile time certainty at the one integration point the cognitive overhead was very large. Visually the library code is dominated by the generic signatures as though understanding that is critical to understanding the library when in fact it's a total distraction to understanding the library logic.
So using the genetic works and gave me compile time certainly but now I wished I had gone with the option 2 (the pattern match) with the excuse "it would fail fast at startup if someone got it wrong lets keep it simple".
Am I missing some Scala feature or idiom here to get compile time certainty without the cognitive overhead of a "high touch" generic that all the library code touches but ignores?
Edit I have considered that perhaps my code library is badly factored such that a refactor could move the generic to the boundaries. Yet the library has already been refactored for testability and that breakup into testable responsibilities is part of the problem of the generic getting smeared around the codebase. Hence my question is: in general is there another technique I don't know about to avoid a generic to provide a concrete implementation to an abstract API?
I think you are coupling your algorithm and Akka too closely. Further more, I assume the server to send data to the remote client that performs some operation and sends back the result
Why not
object Library {
// handle to a remote server
trait RemoteProcessInput
trait RemoteProcessResult
// concrete server need to know how to actually send to a real remote process and how to deal with the result
trait Server {
def handle(clientData: RemoteProcessInput) : Future[RemoteProcessResult]
A concrete implementation provides the implementation with Akka
object Application {
class AkkaServerImpl(system: ActorSystem)
extends Library.Server {
override def handle(clientData: RemoteProcessInput)
: ActorRef, msg: String): Future[RemoteProcessResult] = {
// send data to client and expect result
// you can distinguish target and msg from the concrete input
val ref : ActorRef = ??? // (resolve client actor)
val msg = ??? // (create your message based on concrete impl)
val result = ref ? msg // using ask pattern here
// alternatively have an actor living on server side that sends msgs and receives the clients results, triggered by handle method

Unit Testing AKKA actors

I am doing a web application with Scala and Akka actors and I'm having some troubles with the tests.
In my case I need to taste an actor who talks with the Database. To do the unit testing I would like to use a Fake Database but I can't replace the new with my desired fake object.
Let's see some code:
Class MyActor extends Actor {
val database = new Database()
def receive = { ... }
And in the tests I would like to inject a FakeDatabase object instead Database. I've been looking in Internet but the best that I found is:
Add a parameter to the constructor.
Convert the val database to a var so in the test I could access the attribute by the underlying and replace it.
Both solutions solve the problem but are very dirty.
Isn't a better way to solve the problem?
The two primary options for this scenario are:
Dependency Injection Use a DI framework to inject a real or mock service as needed. In Akka:
Cake Pattern This is a Scala-specific way of achieving something akin to dependency injection without actually relying on injection. See: Akka and cake pattern
Echoing the advice here, I wouldn't call injecting the database in the constructor dirty. It might have plenty of benefits, including decoupling actor behaviour from the particular database instance.
However if you know there is only ONE database you will be always using in your production code, then think about defining a package level accessible constructor and a companion object returning a Props object without parameters by default.
Example below:
object MyActor {
def props() : Props = Props(new MyActor(new Database()))
class MyActor private[package](database : IDatabase) extends Actor {
def receive = { ... }
In this case you will still be able to inject the test database in your tests case (given the same package structure), but prevent users of your code from instantiating MyActor with unexpected database instance.

Getting instance of class used to create an actor in Akka in test

How do I get instance of class I passed to Props when creating an actor with ActorSystem.actorOf? I need that for unit tests to get reference to some properties of the actor, so the actor is local in the same JVM as test.
I don't want to use Akka's test framework because I need the actor live, it's kind of integration tests.
The underlying instance of an Actor subclass is well and truly sealed off from you and you're not going to get at it without mucking with Akka code itself. If you look at the definition of the ActorRef you'll see that it doesn't even contain a reference to the Actor!
Similarly, you cannot instantiate Actor subclasses directly using new.
I guess the Akka designers were serious about the ActorRef / Actor firewall...
The Akka Testkit is made for integration testing. To get access to the internal state of an actor send it a message asking for it. Your actor can reply to the sender which is the TestKit's testActor.