Can I filter a GitHub action step based on the commit message? - github

I've recently added a static analysis step to my GitHub actions. However, it is somewhat expensive so I'm trying to reduce the number of times that this step is run. I've already added an appropriate filter so that it only runs on one OS and so that it only runs on my "feature" branches. However, I would like to also filter out any checkins that include "WIP" in their commit message. (The theory being that there is no point in performing the full analysis until it is no longer a "Work In Progress".)
I've searched through the docs, expecting I would find an object I could use as part of the github context object, but to no avail.
Any ideas on how I can accomplish this goal?
If you want to see exactly what I'm doing, the action Yaml is as follows. I'm hoping to find some change I can make to the if statement on the Static Analysis item that would accomplish my goal.
name: On Push
on: [push]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest]
- uses: actions/checkout#v1
- name: Build
run: |
make -j 4
- name: Run tests
run: |
make -j 4 check
- name: Static Analysis
if: runner.os == 'macOS' && startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/heads/feature/')
run: |
make analyze

You can make use of the event property on the github context to access the push payload.
Add the following to the step that does the analysis:
if: !startsWith(github.event.head_commit.message, 'WIP')

Related to your issue, you now (Feb. 2021) have:
GitHub Actions: Skip pull request and push workflows
with [skip ci]
GitHub Actions now supports skipping push and pull_request workflows by looking for some common keywords in your commit message.
If any commit message in your push or the HEAD commit of your PR contains the strings [skip ci], [ci skip], [no ci], [skip actions], or [actions skip] workflows triggered on the push or pull_request events will be skipped.
This is not as flexible as a custom commit message (like your "WIP"), but it still can help.

if: ${{ !startsWith(github.event.head_commit.message, '#NORUN') }}
Syntax should be like this


How to make Github Actions workflow that is triggered by a pr comment to be reported in the pr checks

I have a called workflow that deploys the app to Heroku. It is triggered by a pr comment.
name: Preview App Deployment
types: [created]
name: Deploy to Heroku
if: ${{ contains(github.event.comment.body, '/deploy') }}
uses: ./.github/workflows/heroku-preview-app.yml
However, it doesn't show up in the pr checks as it does for jobs that are triggered by
types: [synchronize, opened, reopened, ready_for_review]
branches-ignore: [master, production]
which hurts visibility. Also, I'm planning to add another workflow triggered by a comment that runs unit and e2e tests. If the result won't be included in the Github checks it will be a problem.
So is it really impossible to include them there or I'm missing something?
PR Checks are attached to a commit, but when you're running a workflow on issue_comment what would the context be? Intuitively, comment in a PR is not a thing related to a commit.
In fact, when looking at ${{ github.sha }} inside a workflow triggered by issue_comment, the SHA is actually that of the default branch.
You could manually add a check using the Check Runs API.
However, when triggering this on issue_comment, you're going to have to replace the value github.sha with your own logic to identify the tip of the branch associated with the PR for which the comment was made.
- uses: actions/checkout#v3
- run: echo ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} | gh auth login --with-token
- run: echo '{"name":"Test Check","head_sha":"${{ github.sha }}"}' | gh api /repos/{owner}/{repo}/check-runs --input -
Is there are reason you're only deploying when a comment is made? Why not deploy on every push? As you mentioned end-to-end tests as well, this would be another type of thing that is usually run automatically rather than when a person adds a comment.

Trigger diferent jobs depending on pull request type

I'm trying to reduce the amount of files I have for my workflows from 4 to 1. And with that my on is like this:
types: [opened, synchronize, closed]
branches: [master]
I know it's possible to use if in workflows but looking at the documentation I didn't find which parameters I should use to trigger the correct jobs when:
Pull request is opened
Pull request is closed
Push is made to a existing pull request
Push is made to a brach
The piece of documentation that touches on how to use if is this one.
You can use it at the job level. Consider the following example to execute a job only when the PR has been closed and merged (not just closed):
name: Build Your App
types: [ closed ]
# this job will only run if the PR has been merged, not just 'closed'
if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout#v2
fetch-depth: '0'
And you can also use it at the step level, to execute or not the step based on the {{ expression }} evaluation, as the documentation shows.
Based on your ask, I would use the information on the github.event.* payload. To do that I use to re-create the conditions and triggers on a test repository and print it to the console. Then I know what I have to look for in each kind of event. It's like debugging the events. This is the documentation to do that.

Github actions: Post comment to PR workflow that triggered the current workflow

I have two workflows, the first one runs a build script and generates an artifact.
The first one is triggered when a pull request is created like this:
name: build
types: [opened, edited, ready_for_review, reopened]
The second flow runs when the first is done, by using the workflow_runtrigger like this:
workflows: ["build"]
- "completed"
The second flow has to be separate and run after the first one. When done it is supposed to post a comment on the PR that triggered the first workflow, but I am unable to find out how.
According to the Github Action Docs this is one of the typical use cases, as per this qoute:
For example, if your pull_request workflow generates build artifacts, you can create
a new workflow that uses workflow_run to analyze the results and add a comment to the
original pull request.
But I can't seem to find out how. I can get the first workflow's id in the 2nd workflow's, but workflow_run should also have about the pull request, but they`re empty.
What am I doing wrong, and where can I find the necessary info to be able to comment on my created pull request?
You're not doing anything wrong, it's just that the Pull Request datas from the first workflow are not present in the Github Context of the second workflow.
To resolve your problem, you could send the Pull Request datas you need from the first workflow to the second workflow.
There are different ways to do it, for example using a dispatch event (instead of a workflow run), or an artifact.
For the artifact, it would look like something as below:
In the FIRST workflow, you get the PR number from the github.event. Then you save that number into a file and upload it as an artifact.
- name: Save the PR number in an artifact
shell: bash
PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.number }}
run: echo $PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER > pull_request_number.txt
- name: Upload the PULL REQUEST number
uses: actions/upload-artifact#v2
name: pull_request_number
path: ./pull_request_number.txt
In the SECOND workflow, you get the artifact and the Pull Request number from the FIRST workflow, using the following GitHub Apps:
- name: Download workflow artifact
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact#v2.11.0
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
workflow: <first_workflow_name>.yml
run_id: ${{ }}
- name: Read the pull_request_number.txt file
id: pull_request_number_reader
uses: juliangruber/read-file-action#v1.0.0
path: ./pull_request_number/pull_request_number.txt
- name: Step to add comment on PR

GitHub action branch creation for code review pull request

I'm trying to create a GitHub workflow that will run ONLY when a new branch is created with a pattern. The purpose of this is to create a Code Review Pull Request when a new branch is pushed to origin, but only on the first time the branch is created, so using a push event will not work and why I'm looking at create.
All of these combinations fail where any new branch created will run, instead of those just matching the pattern
name: "Create Code Review PR"
branches: ['feature/**']
name: "Create Code Reivew PR"
- 'feature/**'
- 'support/**'
- 'hotfix/**'
In both of these scenarios, if push a new branch called no-code-review, the above workflow will still run, but my expected behavior is that it wont run, but it should when a new branch such as these: feature/new-branch, support/new-support-branch or hotfix/fix-this ONLY.
The create event does not support a branch filter.
The alternative would be using an if condition on your step or job:
if: ${{ contains(github.ref, 'refs/heads/releases/') }}
Here's more information:

Have a unique check-run for github actions workflow

I'm trying to enforce labelling PR's using enforce-label-action.
name: Enforce PR label
types: [labeled, unlabeled, opened, edited]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: yogevbd/enforce-label-action#master
REQUIRED_LABELS_ANY: "bug,enhancement,feature"
The problem is that each time PR is labeled, a new check-run getting created and the old one's still having a failing status which cause the check-suite to show: Some checks were not successful.
Is it possible for github-actions to discard the old check-runs when a workflow check with the same name is getting triggered?
This is now fixed, it was a bug on GitHubs end.