Handling region in a restful manner - rest

I'm designing a system that talks to multiple servers across different regions. Each of the regions for the same request will return unique results e.g. user a's device configuration might be different in ANZ to EMEA.
A few questions have come up about what is the best way to design the system so we get the most versatility.
A function was created so if an API call is made without specifying a region, the results of all the regions will be returned. Is this a smart thing to do or would it be better to force a region to be specified?
What would be the best way to handle regions (ANZ, EMEA, INDIA, ASIA, AMER) in a restful manner. My first thoughts were /region/anz/userid/123, but if we want to do a global search for a user this would require making x amount of calls. Is this the better approach or would it be better to add the region at the end of the URL like so /userid/123?region=anz

My first thoughts were /region/anz/userid/123, but if we want to do a global search for a user this would require making x amount of calls.
The usual answer in REST would be to create a resource that provides a representation of the global search results.
GET /global/userid/123
Would be fine.
GET /global?userid=123
GET /userid/123/global
GET /userid/123?global
GET /userid/123?region=global
These are also all fine. As far as a general purpose component is concerned, the URI is semantically opaque. So you can use anything that makes the human beings happy.
When you have a cluster of related resources, it can be convenient to use identifiers that are easily described by a URI template. See RFC 6570.
On the web, the common uri template mechanism is that of an HTML form; and form processing rules call for sticking application/x-www-form-urlencoded values on the query string. So an HTML friendly spelling might look more like
GET /report?userid=123&region=global
Of course, you can have "web form endpoints" that just redirect to the "real" target-uri, so it doesn't matter very much.


How to model REST API for designing a calculator service

I have been reading about the best practices for designing API's for REST services that will be exposed to customers. For example, we should use Nouns to name all the URI's exposed. Further the verbs should obey the semantics of the HTTP commands. For example, a GET request should never modify the resource, instead PUT request should be used here. I was asked this question during an interview and couldn't answer this satisfactorily-- I am designing a calculator that provides following functions, add, multiply, divide, subtract on two operands. How do I expose these methods to clients following REST principles. What URI to use for these operations? And I am not sure whether to map an add operation to GET,PUT or POST. Same for the other operations (divide, multiply etc). What are the guidelines here ?
What are the guidelines here ?
How would you do it with a web site?
That should be your first heuristic any time somebody asks you about REST. REST is an
architectural style, designed for "long-lived network-based applications that span multiple organizations". The reference application for this architectural style is the World Wide Web.
I am designing a calculator that provides following functions, add, multiply, divide, subtract on two operands. How do I expose these methods to clients following REST principles.
There are three pieces of information that the client has, which need to be communicated to the server - the operation and the two operands. One the web, the usual way to collect that sort of information is to provide a form. In this case, it might be a dropdown list of operations, and a couple of text controls to accept numbers. Because a pure function is a safe, we would probably use GET as the form method. So the HTML processing rules would take the values described by the form and transcribe them as key value pairs in the query part.
So the url would look something like
The key generalization is to realize that the HTML form is playing the role of a URI Template - the server passes the template to the client, the client fills in the details and uses the result as the target of the request.
What this implies is that if you wanted to replace HTML with some other media type, you would need to specify a description for URI Templates, some mechanism for describing the acceptable ranges and what values might be reasonable defaults.
What URI to use for these operations?
With REST? absolutely does not matter. That's part of the point -- the client treats URI as opaque values.
URI are just identifiers; you can think of them like variable names in a program. The machines just don't care what the spellings are (so long as those spellings are consistent with RFC 3986).
Since the spelling doesn't matter, you can use whatever the local spelling conventions happen to be. A lot of people favor "hackable" URI -- the spelling of the identifier communicates useful information to the human reader.
URI are identifiers of resources; "any information that can be named can be a resource". This motivates some of the "nouns not verbs" noise -- the resources are web pages, or documents, or images, or scripts, or ... the "resource" concept is deliberately vague, so that it can be used flexibly.
I am not sure whether to map an add operation to GET,PUT or POST.
The key is to look at the semantics of the client's request. Anytime what you are doing is a query/lookup, something that is OK for the machine to do automatically for the user, then you are looking at safe semantics, and the method is likely to be GET or HEAD (special circumstances).
If we were asking the server to change the representations of its own resources, then PUT and POST come into play.
In this case, all of these operations are just doing lookups, so GET is appropriate.
(An interesting thing to note is that the none of these operations depend on server state; they are pure functions. So it might make sense to serve the client with code on demand -- javascript or some reasonable replacement -- and use the client's processor to perform the calculations rather than doing a bunch of round trips across the network).
I think one issue with the term REST is that it can have a different meaning to different people. It's possible that the interviewer has a different understanding of REST. When something like this comes up, my first inclination is to try to figure out what REST means to them. Do they mean hypermedia? Do they care about the verbs and nouns being used correctly as you mentioned? Or is in their mind REST just some HTTP endpoint that returns JSON. All of these are possible.
I would be inclined to answer the question as follows I think:
GET /add/1/2
GET /multiply/5/6
Others with much more experience than myself have answered with examples of good ways to do this.
I'd just like to point out what a really excellent question this is. I'm reading a paper by Richard Taylor and others from UC Irvine. Richard Taylor was Roy Fielding's advisor back when Fielding described REST in his PhD thesis. In a discussion comparing REST and SOAP, the paper includes this:
"...the closer the service semantics are to those of content, the more likely the service is to have a rich REST API.
the division between REST and SOAP may reflect a lack of design guidance; how can
services that are not content-centric, such as auction bidding
... be cleanly constructed in a REST-consistent manner?"
When they say "closer to content" they mean that the service looks more like some dynamic or static information to be retrieved by the end user, as opposed to a service looks like something that actively performs some function or calculation for the user.
They go on to provide additional guidance on this - but I haven't finished reading the paper yet, so I'll let you look that up for yourself. :-)
Search the web for: From Representations to Computations: The Evolution of
Web Architectures, Richard N. Taylor, UCI

REST Best practise for filtering and knowing the result is singular: List or single?

Variety of REST practises suggest (i.e. 1, 2, 3) to use plurals in your endpoints and the result is always a list of objects, unless it's filtered by a specific value, such as /users/123 Query parameters are used to filter the list, but still result in a list, nevertheless. I want to know if my case should 'abandon' those best practices.
Let's use cars for my example below.
I've got a database full of cars and each one has a BuildNumber ("Id"), but also a model and build year which combination is unique. If I then query for /cars/ and search for a specific model and year, for example /cars?model=golf&year=2018 I know, according to my previous sentence, my retrieve will always contain a single object, never multiple. My result, however, will still be a list, containing just one object, nevertheless.
In such case, what will be the best practise as the above would mean the object have to be extracted from the list, even though a single object could've been returned instead.
Stick to best practises and export a list
Make a second endpoind /car/ and use the query parameters ?model=golf&year=2018, which are primarily used for filtering in a list, and have the result be a single object, as the singular endpoint states
The reason that I'm asking this is simply for the cleanness of the action: I'm 100% sure my GET request will result in single object, but still have to perform actions to extract it from the list. These steps should've been unnecessary. Aside of that, In my case I don't know the unique identifier, so cars/123 for retrieving a specific car isn't an option. I know, however, filters that will result in one object and one specific object altogether. The additional steps simply feel redundant.
1: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/best-practices/api-design
2: https://blog.mwaysolutions.com/2014/06/05/10-best-practices-for-better-restful-api/
3: https://medium.com/hashmapinc/rest-good-practices-for-api-design-881439796dc9
As you've specifically asked for best practices in regards to REST:
REST doesn't care how you specify your URIs or that semantically meaningful tokens are used inside the URI at all. Further, a client should never expect a certain URI to return a certain type but instead rely on content-type negotiation to tell the server all of the capabilities the client supports.
You should furthermore not think of REST in terms of object orientation but more in terms of affordance and statemachines where a client get served every information needed in order to make an educated decision on what to do next.
The best sample to give here is probably to take a close look at the Web and how it's done for HTML pages. How can you filter for a specific car and how it will be presented to you? The same concepts that are used in the Web also apply to REST as both use the same interaction model. In regards to your car sample, the API should initially return some control-structures that teach a client how a request needs to be formed and what options could be filtered for. In HTML this is done via forms. For non-HTML based REST APIs dedicated media-types should be defined that translate the same approach to non-HTML structures. On sending the request to the server, your client would include all of the supported media-types it supports in an Accept HTTP header, which informs the server about the capabilities of the client. Media-types are just human-readable specification on how to process payloads of such types. Such specifications may include hints on type information a link relation might return. In order to gain wide-usage of media-types they should be defined as generic as possible. Instead of defining a media-type specific for a car, which is possible, it probably would be more convenient to use an existing or define a new general data-container format (similar to HTML).
All of the steps mentioned here should help you to design and implement an API that is free to evolve without having to risk to break clients, that furthermore is also scalable and minimizes interoperability concerns.
Unfortunately your question targets something totally different IMO, something more related to RPC. You basically invoke a generic method via HTTP on an endpoint, similar like SOAP, RMI or CORBA work. Whether you respect the semantics of HTTP operations or not is only of sub-interest here. Even if you'd reached level 3 of the Richardson Maturity Model (RMM) it does not mean that you are compliant to REST. Your client might still break if the server changes anything within the response. The RMM further doesn't even consider media-types at all, hence I consider it as rather useless.
However, regardless if you use a (true) REST or RPC/CRUD client, if retrieving single items is your preference instead of feeding them into a collection you should consider to include the URI of the items of interest instead of its data directly into the collection, as Evert also has suggested. While most people seem to be concerned on server performance and round-trip-times, it actually is very elegant in terms of caching. Further certain link-relation names such as prefetch may inform the client that it may fetch the targets payload early as it is highly possible that it's content will be requested next. Through caching a request might not even have to be triggered or sent to the server for processing, which is probably the best performance gain you can achieve.
1) If you use query like cars/where... - use CARS
2) If you whant CAR - make method GetCarById
You might not get a perfect answer to this, because all are going to be a bit subjective and often in a different way.
My general thought about this is that every item in my system will have its own unique url, for example /cars/1234. That case is always singular.
But this specific item might appear as a member in collections and search results. When /cars/1234 apears in these, they will always appear as a list with 1 item (or 0 or more depending on the query).
I feel that this is ultimately the most predictable.
In my case though, if a car appears as a member of a search or colletion, it's 'true url' will still be displayed.

Complex requests with REST API

I am wondering if it is possible to adhere to REST principles when creating what will essentially amount to a BI tool.
In my scenario I have high data volume with 100,000's of IDs (frankly more than this but for the sake of this example let's go with that.). These are presented in a traditional table that allows for necessary features when accessing large data sets such as pagination. The user also has the ability to filter by one, or many of these ID's to drill down the data set as they see fit.
It is theoretically possible that the user would want to filter on 100 of the ID's, thus rendering a GET URI incredibly long. Which as I understand it would kind of break the resource identification principle of a REST API. Not to mention could potentially bump into the character limit in a GET request for certain browsers since the ID's may be quite long. Normally I would just use a POST since I can add all of the applied filters in the body and generate a where clause on the server.
Since a POST in a REST API is supposed to
Create a new entry in the collection.
By definition it would appear, at least to me that generating a complex query for something like this would mean that a REST API is not possible. Or does this perhaps mean that I am approaching the solution wrong (totally plausible).
It would seem that in my scenario using a GET simply isn't possible due to the potential length of the parameters. Thus I am forced to use a POST. Though using a POST as I am seems to violate REST style, which isn't the end of the world. I mostly just wanted to double check that I am not missing something and there is not a solution using a GET.
To follow the resources principle, make a search like resource. POST your ids in a body wto this endpoint and it will prepare a list of results for you and redirect you to searchresults/{id}.
See for example: https://gooroo.io/GoorooTHINK/Article/16583/HTTP-Patterns---Bouncer/25829#.W3aBsugzaUk

RESTful url to GET resource by different fields

Simple question I'm having trouble finding an answer to..
If I have a REST web service, and my design is not using url parameters, how can I specify two different keys to return the same resource by?
I want (and have already implemented)
which returns a person as expected.
Now I also want
which returns a person by name.
Is this the correct RESTful format? Or is it something like:
You should only use one URI to refer to a single resource. Having multiple URIs will only cause confusion. In your example, confusion would arise due to two people having the same name. Which person resource are they referring to then?
That said, you can have multiple URIs refer to a single resource, but for anything other than the "true" URI you should simply redirect the client to the right place using a status code of 301 - Moved Permanently.
Personally, I would never implement a multi-ID scheme or redirection to support it. Pick a single identification scheme and stick with it. The users of your API will thank you.
What you really need to build is a query API, so focus on how you would implement something like a /personFinder resource which could take a name as a parameter and return potentially multiple matching /person/{ID} URIs in the response.
I guess technically you could have both URI's point to the same resource (perhaps with one of them as the canonical resource) but I think you wouldn't want to do this from an implementation perspective. What if there is an overlap between IDs and names?
It sure does seem like a good place to use query parameters, but if you insist on not doing so, perhaps you could do
I generally agree with this answer that for clarity and consistency it'd be best to avoid multiple ids pointing to the same entity.
Sometimes however, such a situation arises naturally. An example I work with is Polish companies, which can be identified by their tax id ('NIP' number) or by their national business registry id ('KRS' number).
In such case, I think one should first add the secondary id as a criterion to the search endpoint. Thus users will be able to "translate" between secondary id and primary id.
However, if users still keep insisting on being able to retrieve an entity directly by the secondary id (as we experienced), one other possibility is to provide a "secret" URL, not described in the documentation, performing such an operation. This can be given to users who made the effort to ask for it, and the potential ambiguity and confusion is then on them, if they decide to use it, not on everyone reading the documentation.
In terms of ambiguity and confusion for the API maintainer, I think this can be kept reasonably minimal with a helper function to immediately detect and translate the secondary id to primary id at the beginning of each relevant API endpoint.
It obviously matters much less than normal what scheme is chosen for the secret URL.

Querystring in REST Resource url

I had a discussion with a colleague today around using query strings in REST URLs. Take these 2 examples:
1. http://localhost/findbyproductcode/4xxheua
2. http://localhost/findbyproductcode?productcode=4xxheua
My stance was the URLs should be designed as in example 1. This is cleaner and what I think is correct within REST. In my eyes you would be completely correct to return a 404 error from example 1 if the product code did not exist whereas with example 2 returning a 404 would be wrong as the page should exist. His stance was it didn't really matter and that they both do the same thing.
As neither of us were able to find concrete evidence (admittedly my search was not extensive) I would like to know other people's opinions on this.
There is no difference between the two URIs from the perspective of the client. URIs are opaque to the client. Use whichever maps more cleanly into your server side infrastructure.
As far as REST is concerned there is absolutely no difference. I believe the reason why so many people do believe that it is only the path component that identifies the resource is because of the following line in RFC 2396
The query component is a string of
information to be interpreted by the
This line was later changed in RFC 3986 to be:
The query component contains
non-hierarchical data that, along with
data in the path component (Section
3.3), serves to identify a resource
IMHO this means both query string and path segment are functionally equivalent when it comes to identifying a resource.
Update to address Steve's comment.
Forgive me if I object to the adjective "cleaner". It is just way too subjective. You do have a point though that I missed a significant part of the question.
I think the answer to whether to return 404 depends on what the resource is that is being retrieved. Is it a representation of a search result, or is it a representation of a product? To know this you really need to look at the link relation that led us to the URL.
If the URL is supposed to return a Product representation then a 404 should be returned if the code does not exist. If the URL returns a search result then it shouldn't return a 404.
The end result is that what the URL looks like is not the determining factor. Having said that, it is convention that query strings are used to return search results so it is more intuitive to use that style of URL when you don't want to return 404s.
In typical REST API's, example #1 is more correct. Resources are represented as URI and #1 does that more. Returning a 404 when the product code is not found is absolutely the correct behavior. Having said that, I would modify #1 slightly to be a little more expressive like this:
Look at other well-designed REST APIs - for example, look at StackOverflow. You have:
These are all different ways of getting at "questions".
There are two use cases for GET
Get a uniquely identified resource
Search for resource(s) based on given criteria
Use Case 1 Example:
Get a uniquely identified product, returns 404 if not found.
Use Case 2 Example:
Search for a product, returns list of matching products (0 to many).
If we look at say the Google Maps API we can see they use a query string for search.
So both styles are valid for their own use cases.
IMO the path component should always state what you want to retrieve. An URL like http://localhost/findbyproductcode does only say I want to retrieve something by product code, but what exactly?
So you retrieve contacts with http://localhost/contacts and users with http://localhost/users. The query string is only used for retrieving a subset of such a list based on resource attributes. The only exception to this is when this subset is reduced to one record based on the primary key, then you use something like http://localhost/contact/[primary_key].
That's my approach, your mileage may vary :)
The way I think of it, URI path defines the resource, while optional querystrings supply user-defined information. So
identifies a particular product while
might search for products under $5.
I disagree with those who said using querystrings to identify a resource is consistent with REST. Big part of REST is creating an API that imitates a static hierarchical file system (without literally needing such a system on the backend)--this makes for intuitive, semantic resource identifiers. Querystrings break this hierarchy. For example watches are an accessory that have accessories. In the REST style it's pretty clear what
each refer to. With querystrings,
is not not very clear.
At the very least, the REST style is better than querystrings because it requires roughly half as much information since strong-ordering of parameters allows us to ditch the parameter names.
The ending of those two URIs is not very significant RESTfully.
However, the 'findbyproductcode' portion could certainly be more restful. Why not just
http://localhost/product/4xxheau ?
In my limited experience, if you have a unique identifier then it would look clean to construct the URI like .../product/{id}
However, if product code is not unique, then I might design it more like #2.
However, as Darrel has observed, the client should not care what the URI looks like.
This question is deticated to, what is the cleaner approach. But I want to focus on a different aspect, called security. As I started working intensively on application security I found out that a reflected XSS attack can be successfully prevented by using PathParams (appraoch 1) instead of QueryParams (approach 2).
(Of course, the prerequisite of a reflected XSS attack is that the malicious user input gets reflected back within the html source to the client. Unfortunately some application will do that, and this is why PathParams may prevent XSS attacks)
The reason why this works is that the XSS payload in combination with PathParams will result in an unknown, undefined URL path due to the slashes within the payload itself.
Whereas this attack will be successful by using a QueryParam!
The query string is unavoidable in many practical senses.... Consider what would happen if the search allowed multiple (optional) fields to all ve specified. In the first form, their positions in the hierarchy would have to be fixed and padded...
Imagine coding a general SQL "where clause" in that format....However as a query string, it is quite simple.
By the REST client the URI structure does not matter, because it follows links annotated with semantics, and never parses the URI.
By the developer who writes the routing logic and the link generation logic, and probably want to understand log by checking the URLs the URI structure does matter. By REST we map URIs to resources and not to operations - Fielding dissertation / uniform interface / identification of resources.
So both URI structures are probably flawed, because they contain verbs in their current format.
1. /findbyproductcode/4xxheua
2. /findbyproductcode?productcode=4xxheua
You can remove find from the URIs this way:
1. /products/code:4xxheua
2. /products?code="4xxheua"
From a REST perspective it does not matter which one you choose.
You can define your own naming convention, for example: "by reducing the collection to a single resource using an unique identifier, the unique identifier must be always part of the path and not the query". This is just the same what the URI standard states: the path is hierarchical, the query is non-hierarchical. So I would use /products/code:4xxheua.
Philosophically speaking, pages do not "exist". When you put books or papers on your bookshelf, they stay there. They have some separate existence on that shelf. However, a page exists only so long as it is hosted on some computer that is turned on and able to provide it on demand. The page can, of course, be always generated on the fly, so it doesn't need to have any special existence prior to your request.
Now think about it from the point of view of the server. Let's assume it is, say, properly configured Apache --- not a one-line python server just mapping all requests to the file system. Then the particular path specified in the URL may have nothing to do with the location of a particular file in the filesystem. So, once again, a page does not "exist" in any clear sense. Perhaps you request http://some.url/products/intel.html, and you get a page; then you request http://some.url/products/bigmac.html, and you see nothing. It doesn't mean that there is one file but not the other. You may not have permissions to access the other file, so the server returns 404, or perhaps bigmac.html was to be served from a remote Mc'Donalds server, which is temporarily down.
What I am trying to explain is, 404 is just a number. There is nothing special about it: it could have been 40404 or -2349.23847, we've just agreed to use 404. It means that the server is there, it communicates with you, it probably understood what you wanted, and it has nothing to give back to you. If you think it is appropriate to return 404 for http://some.url/products/bigmac.html when the server decides not to serve the file for whatever reason, then you might as well agree to return 404 for http://some.url/products?id=bigmac.
Now, if you want to be helpful for users with a browser who are trying to manually edit the URL, you might redirect them to a page with the list of all products and some search capabilities instead of just giving them a 404 --- or you can give a 404 as a code and a link to all products. But then, you can do the same thing with http://some.url/products/bigmac.html: automatically redirect to a page with all products.