Racket macro function with same name as basic functions - macros

Is it possible to define a macro that has same name as a function in racket, but not override it. (So that name would have 2 possible usage, depending on the passed argument)
For example function round.
1. usage (racket function)
( round 1.2 )
-> 1
2. usage (our macro)
(round (someStruct arg))
-> resultStruct

Using function
(require (only-in racket [round #round]))
(define (my-round v)
;; do whatever you want to do here
(define (round v)
[(number? v) (#round v)]
[else (my-round v)]))
(define x 1.2)
(round x) ;=> 1.0
(define y "abc")
(round y) ;=> "hello"
By defining round as a function, the case analysis is done on the value that is passed into the function at runtime.
Using macro
(require syntax/parse/define
(only-in racket [round #round]))
(define-syntax-parser round
[(_ x:number) #'(#round x)]
[(_ x) #'"hello"])
(define x 1.2)
(round x) ;=> "hello"
(define y "abc")
(round y) ;=> "hello"
(round 1.2) ;=> 1.0
(round (this is not a sensible expression but it works (()))) ;=> "hello"
By defining round as a macro, the case analysis is done on the syntax fragment that is passed into the macro at compile-time. In the above example, we will use the actual Racket's round when the operand of the macro is a literal number. Everything else will be transformed to "hello". Note that at compile-time, identifiers like x is not evaluated and associated to a value yet. The only thing you know is that it is an identifier, which is not a literal number, so it transforms to "hello". This program after macro expansion will roughly be:
(require syntax/parse/define
(only-in racket [round #round]))
(define x 1.2)
(define y "abc")
(#round 1.2)
Choose which one you prefer. I suspect that you actually want to use function rather than macro.


Make `define` evaluate its first argument in Racket

In some dialects of LISP, there is a distinction between SET and SETQ, the first one evaluates its first argument so that you need to use the (SET (QUOTE …) …) syntax.
Since in Racket, quoting is not needed in definitions, define behaves as SETQ.
Is there a Racket function that behaves like SET? If no, how to write one?
I tried (define (SET a b) (define (eval a) b) b) but it does not seem to work when providing it to an other language with (provide SET).
Here's my quick attempt at this problem:
;; lib.rkt
#lang racket/base
(provide (rename-out [#set set]
[##%top #%top]
[#set! set!]
[#define define]))
(require syntax/parse/define)
(define env (make-hash))
(define (set x v stx)
(unless (hash-has-key? env x)
(raise-syntax-error #f "undefined id" stx))
(hash-set! env x v))
(define-simple-macro (##%top . x)
(λ () (raise-syntax-error #f "unbound id" (quote-syntax x)))))
(define (#set x v)
(set x v x))
(define-simple-macro (#set! x:id v)
(set 'x v (quote-syntax x)))
(define-simple-macro (#define x:id v)
(when (hash-has-key? env 'x)
(raise-syntax-error #f "id already defined" (quote-syntax x)))
(hash-set! env 'x v)))
#lang racket/base
(require "lib.rkt")
(define x 1)
(set (if #t 'x 'y) 2)
(add1 x) ; 3
(set! x 3)
(add1 x) ; 4
(add1 y) ; y: unbound id in: y
Note that this differs from original Racket in several ways. For example:
unbound ids are now reported at runtime instead of compile-time.
set! now won't work with set!-transformer.
define can't be used to define functions
define can't be used to shadow an identifier.
For (2) and (3), it's possible to get the original behavior back, but I don't want the answer to be too long, so I didn't include the full functionality. For now, I don't know how to solve (4).
Also note that you can only set identifiers defined via define. If you want to set identifiers defined via lambda, let, etc., you need to redefine these constructs too.
I would do it much less verbose and much simpler.
Since all arguments are evaluated, the set or let's say define% can be defined as a function!
(define (define% x y)
(eval `(define ,x ,y)))
One can even define functions using define% when using old-style form using lambda.
(define 'ab (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))
(ab 3 5) ;; 7
It even behaves correctly in terms of scope
(define (foo x)
(define% 'bar (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)))
(bar (bar (bar x))))
;; #<procedure:foo>
; bar: undefined;
; cannot reference undefined identifier
; [,bt for context]
(foo 3)
;; after first call however, bar is available in global environment
;; as pointed out by #AlexKnauf
;; #<procedure:bar>
Thus there are some scoping issues ...
(let ((x 0))
(define% 'counter (lambda () (set! x (+ x 1)) x)))
;; #<procedure>
;; 1
;; 2
;; 3

Macro to record evaluation steps and intermediate values in Racket?

As an exercise in learning the Racket macro system, I've been implementing a unit testing framework, based on the C++ catch framework. One of the features of that framework is that if I write a check like this:
CHECK(x == y); // (check x y)
When the check is violated the error message will print out the values of x and y, even though the macro used is completely generic, unlike other test frameworks that require you to use macros like CHECK_EQUALS, CHECK_GREATER, etc. This is possible through some hackery involving expression templates and operator overloading.
It occurs to me that in Racket you should be able to do an even better job. In the C++ version the macro can't see inside subexpressions, so if you write something like:
CHECK(f(x, g(y)) == z); // (check (= (f x (g y)) z))
When the check is violated you only find out the values of the left and right hand side of the equal sign, and not the values of x, y, or g(y). In racket I expect it should be possible to recurse into subexpressions and print a tree showing each step of the evaluation.
Problem is I have no idea what the best way to do this is:
I've gotten fairly familiar with syntax-parse, but this seems beyond its abilities.
I read about customizing #%app which almost seems like what I want, but if for example f is a macro, I don't want to print out every evaluation of the expressions that are in the expansion, just the evaluations of the expressions that were visible when the user invoked the check macro. Also not sure if I can use it without defining a language.
I could use syntax-parameterize to hijack the meaning of the basic operators but that won't help with function calls like g(y).
I could use syntax->datum and manually walk the AST, calling eval on subexpressions myself. This seems tricky.
The trace library almost looks like what it does what I want, but you have to give it a list of functions upfront, and it doesn't appear to give you any control over where the output goes (I only want to print anything if the check fails, not if it succeeds, so I need to save the intermediate values to the side as execution proceeds).
What would be the best or at least idiomatic way to implement this?
Here is something to get you started.
#lang racket
(require (for-syntax syntax/parse racket/list))
(define (expression->subexpressions stx)
(define expansion (local-expand stx 'expression '()))
(syntax-parse expansion
#:datum-literals (#%app quote)
[x:id (list #'x)]
[b:boolean (list #'b)]
[n:number (list #'n)]
; insert other atoms here
[(quote literal) (list #'literal)]
[(#%app e ...)
(cons stx
(append-map expression->subexpressions (syntax->list #'(e ...))))]
; other forms in fully expanded syntax goes here
(raise-syntax-error 'expression->subexpressions
"implement this construct"
(define-syntax (echo-and-eval stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ expr)
(display "] ") (displayln (syntax->datum #'expr))
(displayln expr))]))
(define-syntax (echo-and-eval-subexpressions stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ expr)
(define subs (expression->subexpressions #'expr))
(with-syntax ([(sub ...) subs])
; sub expressions
(echo-and-eval sub)
; original expression
(echo-and-eval expr)))]))
(echo-and-eval-subexpressions (+ 1 2 (* 4 5)))
The output:
] (+ 1 2 (* 4 5))
] +
] 1
] 2
] (#%app * '4 '5)
] *
] 4
] 5
] (+ 1 2 (* 4 5))
An alternative to printing everything is to add a marker for stuff that should be shown. Here's a rough simple sketch:
#lang racket
(require racket/stxparam)
(define-syntax-parameter ?
(λ(stx) (raise-syntax-error '? "can only be used in a `test' context")))
(define-syntax-rule (test expr)
(let ([log '()])
(define (log! stuff) (set! log (cons stuff log)))
(syntax-parameterize ([? (syntax-rules ()
[(_ E) (let ([r E]) (log! `(E => ,r)) r)])])
(unless expr
(printf "Test failure: ~s\n" 'expr)
(for ([l (in-list (reverse log))])
(for-each display
`(" " ,#(add-between (map ~s l) " ") "\n")))))))
(define x 11)
(define y 22)
(test (equal? (? (* (? x) 2)) (? y)))
(test (equal? (? (* (? x) 3)) (? y)))
which results in this output:
Test failure: (equal? (? (* (? x) 3)) (? y))
x => 11
(* (? x) 3) => 33
y => 22

Macro-defining macro in Racket?

In Common Lisp it is relatively easy to create a macro-defining macro. For example, the following macro
(defmacro abbrev (short long)
`(defmacro ,short (&rest args)
`(,',long ,#args)))
is a macro-defining macro, because it expands to another macro.
If we now put
(abbrev def defun)
in our program, we can write def instead of defun whenever we define a new function.
Of course, abbrev can be used for other things, too. For example, after
(abbrev /. lambda)
we can write (/. (x) (+ x 1)) instead of (lambda (x) (+ x 1)). Nice. (For detailed explanation of abbrev, see http://dunsmor.com/lisp/onlisp/onlisp_20.html)
Now, my questions are:
Can I write the macro-defining macros in Racket?
If I can, how to do that? (for example, how to write something similar to
abbrev macro in Racket?)
According to this part of the Racket Guide:
(define-syntax-rule (abbrev short long)
(define-syntax-rule (short body (... ...))
(long body (... ...))))
Quoting the above link:
The only non-obvious part of its definition is the (... ...), which
“quotes” ... so that it takes its usual role in the generated macro,
instead of the generating macro.
(abbrev def define)
(abbrev /. lambda)
(def f (/. (x) (+ x 1)))
(f 3)
FWIW, it works on Guile as well, so it's no Racket-specific thing.
ad 1. Yes.
ad 2. Your example can most easily be written
#lang racket
(define-syntax (abbrev stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ short long)
#'(define-syntax short (make-rename-transformer #'long))]))
(abbrev def define)
(def x 42)
The example above evaluates to 42.
I find that renaming can be done simply with define or let statements:
(define =? =)
(define lr list-ref)
(let ((=? =)
(lr list-ref))
(println (lr '(1 2 3) 2))
(println (=? 1 2))
(println (=? 1 1)))
There seem to be no need for any macro for this purpose.

What is the difference between let and let* in Scheme?

I am writting a script for GIMP and using let* as it was in a sample I took. But it seems to be just a lambda sugar exactly like let. Why are they different? What is the difference between them?
They are different in the order in which variables are bound. Consider this for example:
> (let ((a 1)(b (+ a 2))) b)
This code will FAIL because b requires a, which has not been defined before. It is defined, in the same let, but Scheme will take all your let definitions as only one statement and not allow them to reference each other. In Gambit Scheme, it raises:
*** ERROR IN ##raise-unbound-global-exception -- Unbound variable: a
Conversely, let* will bind the first variable of the let, then the second, etc... so:
> (let* ((a 1)(b (+ a 2))) b)
Works as expected.
A third form which is of interest is letrec which lets not only variables in the let reference other variables, but also let them reference themselves (e.g. for recursion). This lets you write code like:
> (letrec ((f (lambda(n) ;; Takes the binary log2 recursively
((= n 1) 0)
(else (+ 1 (f (/ n 2))))))))
(f 256)) ;; 2^8 = 256
If you try to define a recursive function with let or let*, it will tell you the variable is unbound.
All of this can be achieved via clever rearranging/nesting of the let statements, but let* and letrec can be more convenient and readable in some cases like these.
They are different in the way they bind variables. All variables in one let uses the same lambda-form, so you can do this:
(let ((x 10) (y 20))
(let ((x y) (y x))
(display (list x y)))) ; prints (20 10)
While switch the inner let with a let* and you'll se that the second binds towards what was bound in the first binding and not what was before the let*
(let ((x 10) (y 20))
(let* ((x y) (y x))
(display (list x y)))) ; prints (20 20)
the reason for this is that
(let* ((x y) (y x))
is the same as
(let ((x y))
(let ((y x))
let and let* are used for binding variables and both are syntactic sugar (macro), but let* binds variables one after the other soon (from left to right, or from up to down). The difference is also the different scope. In let the scope of each variable is only the expression, not the bindings. In let* the scope of each variable is the expression and the before bindings.
With let* you do such a thing (b a)
(let* ((a 1)
(b a))
with let you don't.
Implementation of let:
(define-syntax let
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (( variable value ) ...) body ...)
(( lambda (variable ...) body ...) value ...))))
Implementation of let*:
(define-syntax let*
(syntax-rules ()
; pattern for one binding
((_ ((variable value)) body ...)
((lambda (variable) body ...) value))
; pattern for two or more bindings
((_ ((variable value) . other) body ...)
((lambda (variable) (let* other body ...)) value))))

Dynamic and Lexical variables in Common Lisp

I am reading the book 'Practical Common Lisp' by Peter Seibel.
In Chapter 6, "Variables" sections
"Lexical Variables and Closures" and "Dynamic, a.k.a. Special, Variables".
My problem is that the examples in both sections show how (let ...) can shadow global variables and doesn't really tell the difference between the Dynamic and Lexical vars.
I understand how closures work but I don't really get whats so special about let in this example:
(defvar *x* 10)
(defun foo ()
(format t "Before assignment~18tX: ~d~%" *x*)
(setf *x* (+ 1 *x*))
(format t "After assignment~18tX: ~d~%" *x*))
(defun bar ()
(let ((*x* 20)) (foo))
CL-USER> (foo)
Before assignment X: 10
After assignment X: 11
CL-USER> (bar)
Before assignment X: 11
After assignment X: 12
Before assignment X: 20
After assignment X: 21
Before assignment X: 12
After assignment X: 13
I feel like there is nothing special is going on here. The outer foo in bar increments the global x, and foo surrounded by let in bar increments the shadowed x. What's the big deal? I don't see how is this supposed to explain the difference between lexical and dynamic variables. Yet the book continues like this:
So how does this work? How does LET
know that when it binds x it's
supposed to create a dynamic binding
rather than a normal lexical binding?
It knows because the name has been
declared special.12 The name of every
variable defined with DEFVAR and
DEFPARAMETER is automatically declared
globally special.
What would happen if let would bind x using "normal lexical binding"? All in all, what are the differences between dynamic and lexical binding and how is this example special regarding dynamic binding?
What's going on?
You say: feel like there is nothing special is going on here. The outer foo in bar increments the global x, and foo surrounded by let in bar increments the shadowed x. What's the big deal?
The special that's going on here is that LET can shadow the value of *x*. With lexical variables that's not possible.
The code declares *x* to be special via the DEFVAR.
In FOO now the value of *x* is looked up dynamic. FOO will take the current dynamic binding of *x* or, if there is none, the symbol value of the symbol *x*. A new dynamic binding can, for example, be introduced with LET.
A lexical variable on the other hand has to be present in the lexical environment somewhere. LET, LAMBDA, DEFUN and others can introduce such lexical variables. See here the lexical variable x introduced in three different ways:
(let ((x 3))
(* (sin x) (cos x)))
(lambda (x)
(* (sin x) (cos x)))
(defun baz (x)
(* (sin x) (cos x)))
If our code were:
(defvar x 0)
(let ((x 3))
(* (sin x) (cos x)))
(lambda (x)
(* (sin x) (cos x)))
(defun baz (x)
(* (sin x) (cos x)))
Then X were special in all three above cases, because of the DEFVAR declaration, which declares X to be special - globally for all levels. Because of this, there is the convention to declare special variables as *X*. Thus only variables with stars around them are special - by convention. That's a useful convention.
In your code you have then:
(defun bar ()
(let ((*x* 20))
Since *x* has be declared special via the DEFVAR above in your code, the LET construct introduces a new dynamic binding for *x*. FOO is then called. Since inside FOO the *x* uses dynamic binding, it looks up the current one and finds that *x* is dynamically bound to 20.
The value of a special variable is found in the current dynamic binding.
Local SPECIAL declarations
There are also local special declarations:
(defun foo-s ()
(declare (special *x*))
(+ *x* 1))
If the variable had been declared special by a DEFVAR or DEFPARAMETER, then the local special declaration can be omitted.
A lexical variable directly references the variable binding:
(defun foo-l (x)
(+ x 1))
Let's see it in practice:
(let ((f (let ((x 10))
(lambda ()
(setq x (+ x 1))))))
(print (funcall f)) ; form 1
(let ((x 20)) ; form 2
(print (funcall f))))
Here all variables are lexical. In form 2 the LET will not shadow the X in our function f. It can't. The function uses the lexical bound variable, introduced by the LET ((X 10). Surrounding the call with another lexically bound X in form 2 has no effect on our function.
Let's try special variables:
(let ((f (let ((x 10))
(declare (special x))
(lambda ()
(setq x (+ x 1))))))
(print (funcall f)) ; form 1
(let ((x 20)) ; form 2
(declare (special x))
(print (funcall f))))
What now? Does that work?
It does not!
The first form calls the function and it tries to look up the dynamic value of X and there is none. We get an error in form 1: X is unbound, because there is no dynamic binding in effect.
Form 2 would work, since the LET with the special declaration introduces a dynamic binding for X.
When a variable is lexically scoped, the system looks to where the function is defined to find the value for a free variable. When a variable is dynamically scoped, the system looks to where the function is called to find the value for the free variable. Variables in Common Lisp are all lexical by default; however, dynamically scoped variables can be defined at the top level using defvar or defparameter.
A simpler example
lexical scoping (with setq):
(setq x 3)
(defun foo () x)
(let ((x 4)) (foo)) ; returns 3
dynamic scoping (with defvar):
(defvar x 3)
(defun foo () x)
(let ((x 4)) (foo)) ; returns 4
How does the let know if a variable is lexical or dynamic? It doesn't. On the other hand, when foo goes to find the value of X, it will initially find the lexical value defined at the top level. It then checks to see if the variable is supposed to be dynamic. If it is, then foo looks to the calling environment, which, in this case, uses let to overshadow the value of X to be 4.
(note: this is an oversimplification, but it will help to visualize the difference between the different scoping rules)
Maybe this example will help.
;; the lexical version
(let ((x 10))
(defun lex-foo ()
(format t "Before assignment~18tX: ~d~%" x)
(setf x (+ 1 x))
(format t "After assignment~18tX: ~d~%" x)))
(defun lex-bar ()
(let ((x 20)) ;; does not do anything
;; CL-USER> (lex-bar)
;; Before assignment X: 10
;; After assignment X: 11
;; Before assignment X: 11
;; After assignment X: 12
;; Before assignment X: 12
;; After assignment X: 13
;; the dynamic version
(defvar *x* 10)
(defun dyn-foo ()
(format t "Before assignment~18tX: ~d~%" *x*)
(setf *x* (+ 1 *x*))
(format t "After assignment~18tX: ~d~%" *x*))
(defun dyn-bar()
(let ((*x* 20))
;; CL-USER> (dyn-bar)
;; Before assignment X: 10
;; After assignment X: 11
;; Before assignment X: 20
;; After assignment X: 21
;; Before assignment X: 11
;; After assignment X: 12
;; the special version
(defun special-foo ()
(declare (special *y*))
(format t "Before assignment~18tX: ~d~%" *y*)
(setf *y* (+ 1 *y*))
(format t "After assignment~18tX: ~d~%" *y*))
(defun special-bar ()
(let ((*y* 10))
(declare (special *y*))
(let ((*y* 20))
(declare (special *y*))
;; CL-USER> (special-bar)
;; Before assignment X: 10
;; After assignment X: 11
;; Before assignment X: 20
;; After assignment X: 21
;; Before assignment X: 11
;; After assignment X: 12
You can tell your Lisp to bind local variables dynamically, too:
(let ((dyn 5))
(declare (special dyn))
... ;; DYN has dynamic scope for the duration of the body
Rewrite example from PCL.
;;; Common Lisp is lexically scoped by default.
λ (setq x 10)
=> 10
λ (defun foo ()
(setf x (1+ x)))
=> FOO
λ (foo)
=> 11
λ (let ((x 20))
=> 12
λ (proclaim '(special x))
=> NIL
λ (let ((x 20))
=> 21
Yet another great explanation from On Lisp, chapter 2.5 Scope:
Common Lisp is a lexically scoped Lisp. Scheme is the oldest dialect with lexical scope; before Scheme, dynamic scope was considered one of the defining features of Lisp.
The difference between lexical and dynamic scope comes down to how an implementation deals with free variables. A symbol is bound in an expression if it has been established as a variable, either by appearing as a parameter, or by variable-binding operators like let and do. Symbols which are not bound are said to be free. In this example, scope comes into play:
(let ((y 7))
(defun scope-test (x)
(list x y)))
Within the defun expression, x is bound and y is free. Free variables are interesting because it’s not obvious what their values should be. There’s no uncertainty about the value of a bound variable—when scope-test is called, the value of x should be whatever is passed as the argument. But what should be the value of y? This is the question answered by the dialect’s scope rules.
In a dynamically scoped Lisp, to find the value of a free variable when exe- cuting scope-test, we look back through the chain of functions that called it. When we find an environment where y was bound, that binding of y will be the one used in scope-test. If we find none, we take the global value of y. Thus, in a dynamically scoped Lisp, y would have the value it had in the calling expression:
> (let ((y 5)) (scope-test 3))
(3 5)
With dynamic scope, it means nothing that y was bound to 7 when scope-test was defined. All that matters is that y had a value of 5 when scope-test was called.
In a lexically scoped Lisp, instead of looking back through the chain of calling functions, we look back through the containing environments at the time the function was defined. In a lexically scoped Lisp, our example would catch the binding of y where scope-test was defined. So this is what would happen in Common Lisp:
> (let ((y 5)) (scope-test 3))
(3 7)
Here the binding of y to 5 at the time of the call has no effect on the returned value.
Though you can still get dynamic scope by declaring a variable to be special, lexical scope is the default in Common Lisp. On the whole, the Lisp community seems to view the passing of dynamic scope with little regret. For one thing, it used to lead to horribly elusive bugs. But lexical scope is more than a way of avoiding bugs. As the next section will show, it also makes possible some new programming techniques.