add quotation mark to a text file powershell - powershell

I need to add the quotation mark to a text file that contains 500 lines text.
The format is inconsistent. It has dashes, dots, numbers, and letters. For example
I have tried to code this
$Flist = Get-Content "$home\$user\appfiles\out.txt"
$Flist | %{$_ -replace '^(.*?)', '"'}
I got the result which only added to the beginning of a line.
The expected result should be
How to add quotation-mark to the end of each line as well?

There is no strict need to use a regex (regular expression) in your case (requires PSv4+):
(Get-Content $home\$user\appfiles\out.txt).ForEach({ '"{0}"' -f $_ })
Array method .ForEach() processes each input line via the script block ({ ... }) passed to it.
'"{0}"' -f $_ effectively encloses each input line ($_) in double quotes, via -f, the string-format operator.
If you did want to use a regex:
(Get-Content $home\$user\appfiles\out.txt) -replace '^|$', '"'
Regex ^|$ matches both the start (^) and the end ($) of the input string and replaces both with a " char., effectively enclosing the input string in double quotes.
As for what you tried:
just matches the very start of the string (^), and nothing else, given that .*? - due to using the non-greedy duplication symbol ? - matches nothing else.
Therefore, replacing what matched with " only placed a " at the start of the input string, not also at the end.

You can use regex to match both:
The beginning of the line ^(.*?)
OR |
The End of the line $
I.e. ^(.*?)|$
$Flist = Get-Content "$home\$user\appfiles\out.txt"
$Flist | %{$_ -replace '^(.*?)|$', '"'}


Replace string with line break with another string in Powershell

I want to replace
{{(sc_get_field_value i_item 'Title')}}
The original string has a line break and I am using 'n like this $fieldTool.GetFieldValue($i'ntem,"Title")
This is the code
$template = '<div class="tile-inspiration__title field-title">$fieldTool.GetFieldValue($i
$matchString = '$fieldTool.GetFieldValue($i'ntem,"Title")'
$pattern = $([regex]::escape($matchString))
$replaceString = "{{(sc_get_field_value i_item 'Title')}}"
$newtemplate = $template -replace $pattern, $replaceString
Write-Host $newtemplate
The above code is not working. How can I replace the string with line break with another string.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
To replace newlines, you should use regex pattern \r?\n. This will match both *nix as well as Windows newlines.
In your template string however, there are multiple characters that have special meaning in regex, therefore you need to do [regex]::Escape(), but that also would wrongfully escape the characters \r?\n, rendering it as \\r\?\\n, so adding that in the $matchString before escaping it, would be of no use.
You can manually first replace the newline with a character that otherwise is not present in the $matchString and has no special meaning in regex.
$template = '<div class="tile-inspiration__title field-title">$fieldTool.GetFieldValue($i
# for demo, I chose to replace the newline with an underscore
$matchString = '$fieldTool.GetFieldValue($i_tem,"Title")'
# now, escape the string and after that replace the underscore by the wanted \r?\n pattern
$pattern = [regex]::escape($matchString) -replace '_', '\r?\n'
# $pattern is now: \$fieldTool\.GetFieldValue\(\$i\r?\ntem,"Title"\)
$replaceString = "{{(sc_get_field_value i_item 'Title')}}"
# this time, the replacement should work
$newtemplate = $template -replace $pattern, $replaceString
Write-Host $newtemplate # --> <div class="tile-inspiration__title field-title">{{(sc_get_field_value i_item 'Title')}}</div>

Find lines between a pattern, and append 1st line to lines

I have the following case I'm trying to script in Powershell. I have done this exercise using Sed on a bash terminal, but having trouble writing in Powershell. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(sed -r -e '/^N/h;/^[N-]/d;G;s/(.*)\n(.*)/\2 \1/' <file>, with a file format without < and > chars. surrounding the first letter on each line)
The start pattern always start with a <N> (only 1 instance per block), lines between start with a <J>, and the end pattern is always --
-------------- <-- end of section
I'm trying to take the first line in each section <N> and copy it AFTER each <J> in the same section. For example:
<J>SomethingHere1 <N>ABC123
<J>SomethingHere2 <N>ABC123
<J>SomethingHere3 <N>ABC123
The number of <J> lines per section can vary (0-N). In a case with no <J>, nothing needs to be done.
Powershell version:5.1.16299.611
The following, pipeline-based solution isn't fast, but conceptually straightforward:
Get-Content file.txt | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match '^-+$') { $newSect = $true }
elseif ($newSect) { $firstSectionLine = $_; $newSect = $False }
else { "{0}`t{1}" -f $_, $firstSectionLine }
It reads and processes lines one by one (with the line at hand reflected in automatic variable $_.
It uses a regex (^-+) with the -match operator to identify section dividers; if found, flag $newSect is set to signal that the next line is the section's first data line.
If the first data line is hit, it is cached in variable $firstSectionLine, and the $newSect flag is reset.
All other lines are by definition the lines to which the first data line is to be appended, which is done via the -f string-formatting operator, using a tab char. (`t) as the separator.
Here's a faster PSv4+ solution that is more complex, however, and it reads the entire input file into memory up front:
((Get-Content -Raw file.txt) -split '(?m)^-+(?:\r?\n)?' -ne '').ForEach({
$firstLine, $otherLines = $_ -split '\r?\n' -ne ''
foreach ($otherLine in $otherLines) { "{0}`t{1}" -f $otherLine, $firstLine }
Get-Content -Raw reads in the input file in full, as a single string.
It uses the -split operator to split the input file into sections, and then processes each section.
Regex '(?m)^-+(?:\r?\n)?' matches a section divider line, optionally followed by a newline.
(?m) is the multiline option, which makes ^ and $ match the start and end of each line, respectively:
\r?\n matches a newline, either in CRLF (\r\n) or LF-only (\n) form.
(?:...) is a non-capturing group; making it non-capturing prevents what it matches from being included in the elements returned by -split.
-ne '' filters out resulting empty elements.
-split '\r?\n' splits each section into individual lines.
If performance is still a concern, you could speed up reading the file with [IO.File]::ReadAllText("$PWD/file.txt").

Manipulating first character of each line in a file with .Replace()

Say I have a text file 123.txt
My goal is to capitalize the first character of each line by using Get-Culture. This is my attempt:
$str = gc C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\123.txt
#Split each line into an array
$array = $str.split("`n")
for($i=0; $i -lt $array.Count; $i++) {
#Returns O and F:
$text = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($array[$i].Substring(0,1))
#Supposed to replace the first letter of each array with $text
$array[$i].Replace($array[$i].Substring(0,1), $text) >> .\Desktop\finish.txt
I understand that .Replace() is replaces every occurrence of the current array, which is why I made sure that it's replacing ONLY the first character of the array with $array[$i].Substring(0,1), but this doesn't work.
Try the following:
Get-Content C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\123.txt | ForEach-Object {
if ($_) {
$_.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + $_.Substring(1)
} else {
} > .\Desktop\finish.txt
Get-Content reads the input file line by line and sends each line - stripped of its line terminator - through the pipeline.
ForEach-Object processes each line in the associated script block, in which $_ represents the line at hand:
if ($_) tests if the line is nonempty, i.e. if there's at least 1 character; if not, the else block simply passes the empty line through.
$_.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() converts the line's 1st character to uppercase, implicitly using the current culture (with a single character, this is equivalent to applying Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase()).
+ $_.Substring(1) appends the rest of the line.
Only > rater than >> is needed to write to the output file, because the entire pipeline's output is written at once.
The reason this is not working is because you are replacing the character...
... but you are using the Replace method on the entire array element
Here the array element is a string, equal to a line of the input. So it will replace every occurrence of that character.
Get-Content (unless you use the -Raw parameter) by default returns the text as an array of strings. So you should be able to use this regex replace (I have used ToString().ToUpper() - nothing wrong with the Get-Culture method)
$str = gc C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\123.txt
foreach($line in $str){
$line -replace '^\w', $line[0].ToString().ToUpper() >> .\Desktop\finish.txt
Regex explanation:
^ is an anchor. It specifies "the beginning of the string"
\w matches a word character - usually a-z, A-Z, 0-9
See mklement0's comments here for the more focused ^\p{Ll} and here for further explanation

Find and replace a string containing both double quotes and brackets

Let's say I have a test file named testfile.txt containing the below line:
one (two) "three"
I want to use PowerShell to say that if the entire string exists, place a line directly underneath it with the value:
four (five) "six"
(Notice that it includes both spaces, brackets and double quotes. This is important, as the problem I am having is I think with escaping the brackets and double quotes).
So the result would be:
one (two) "three"
four (five) "six"
I thought the easiest way of doing it would be to say that if the first string is found, replace it with the first string itself again, and the new string forming a new line included in the same command. I had difficulty putting the strings in line so I tried using a herestring variable whereby an entire text block with formatting is read. It still does not parse the full string with quotes into the pipeline. I'm new to powershell so don't hold back if you see something stupid.
$herestring1 = #"
one (two) "three"
$herestring2 = #"
one (two) "three"
four (five) "six"
if((Get-Content testfile.txt) | select-string $herestring1) {
"Match found - replacing string"
(Get-Content testfile.txt) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace $herestring1,$herestring2 } | Set-Content ./testfile.txt
"Replaced string successfully"
else {
"No match found"}
The above just gives "No match found" every time. This is because it does not find the first string in the file.
I have tried variations using backtick [ ` ] and doubling quotes to try to escape, but I thought the point in a here string was that it should parse the text block including all formatting so I should not have to.
If I change the file to contain only:
one two three
and then change the herestring accordingly to:
$herestring1 = #"
one two three
$herestring2 = #"
one two three
four five six
Then it works ok and I get the string replaced as I want.
As Martin points out, you can use -SimpleMatch with Select-String to avoid parsing it as a regular expression.
But -replace will still be using a regex.
You can escape the pattern for RegEx using [RegEx]::Escape():
$herestring1 = #"
one (two) "three"
$herestring2 = #"
one (two) "three"
four (five) "six"
$pattern1 = [RegEx]::Escape($herestring1)
if((Get-Content testfile.txt) | select-string $pattern1) {
"Match found - replacing string"
(Get-Content testfile.txt) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace $pattern1,$herestring2 } | Set-Content ./testfile.txt
"Replaced string successfully"
else {
"No match found"}
Regular expressions interpret parentheses () (what you are calling brackets) as special. By default, spaces are not special, but they can be with certain regex options. Double quotes are no problem.
In regex, the escape character is backslash \, and this is independent of any escaping you do for the PowerShell parser using backtick `.
[RegEx]::Escape() will ensure anything special to regex is escaped so that a regex pattern will interpret it as literal, so your pattern will end up looking like this: one\ \(two\)\ "three"
Just use the Select-String cmdlet with the -SimpleMatch switch:
# ....
if((Get-Content testfile.txt) | select-string -SimpleMatch $herestring1) {
# ....
Indicates that the cmdlet uses a simple match rather than a regular
expression match. In a simple match, Select-String searches the input
for the text in the Pattern parameter. It does not interpret the value
of the Pattern parameter as a regular expression statement.

How can I replace every comma with a space in a text file before a pattern using PowerShell

I have a text file with lines in this format:
The lines could be in either format. For example:
I want to basically turn everything before the SSN into a single field for the name thus:
Joe Smith,123-45-6789,$150.00,$150.00,$0.00
Jane F Doe,987-65-4321,$250.00,$500.00,$0.00
How can I do this using PowerShell? I think I need to use ForEach-Object and at some point replace "," with " ", but I don't know how to specify the pattern. I also don't know how to use a ForEach-Object with a $_.Where so that I can specify the "SkipUntil" mode.
Thanks very much!
Mathias is correct; you want to use the -replace operator, which uses regular expressions. I think this will do what you want:
$string -replace ',(?=.*,\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4})',' '
The regular expression uses a lookahead (?=) to look for any commas that are followed by any number of any character (. is any character, * is any number of them including 0) that are then followed by a comma immediately followed by a SSN (\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}). The concept of "zero-width assertions", such as this lookahead, simply means that it is used to determine the match, but it not actually returned as part of the match.
That's how we're able to match only the commas in the names themselves, and then replace them with a space.
I know it's answered, and neatly so, but I tried to come up with an alternative to using a regex - count the number of commas in a line, then replace either the first one, or the first two, commas in the line.
But strings can't count how many times a character appears in them without using the regex engine(*), and replacements can't be done a specific number of times without using the regex engine(**), so it's not very neat:
$comma = [regex]","
Get-Content data.csv | ForEach {
$numOfCommasToReplace = $comma.Matches($_).Count - 4
$comma.Replace($_, ' ', $numOfCommasToReplace)
} | Out-File data2.csv
Avoiding the regex engine entirely, just for fun, gets me things like this:
Get-Content .\data.csv | ForEach {
$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7 = $_ -split ','
if ($7) {"$1 $2 $3,$4,$5,$6,$7"} else {"$1 $2,$3,$4,$5,$6"}
} | Out-File data2.csv
(*) ($line -as [char[]] -eq ',').Count
(**) while ( #counting ) { # split/mangle/join }