I am copying a CSV file into a redshift table but I keep getting an error because it is infering the header of the csv file. Is there any way to ignore the header when loading csv files into redshift. I am new to redshift so all the help would be appreciated.
Here is my copy statement:
copy db.table1
from 's3://path/203.csv'
credentials 'mycrednetials'
delimiter ','
region 'us-west-2' ;
Any input would highly be appreciated.
Try this:
copy db.table1
from 's3://path/203.csv'
credentials 'mycrednetials'
ignoreheader 1
delimiter ','
region 'us-west-2' ;
How to fix this error, when I try to copy a csv into my personal database table, it gives this error.
Bigger background is I want to import a csv file from local to my database to as an extract and dependent table. Don't know how to directly load the file to be a table, so, I first create an empty table, then copy the csv file to this empty table.
This is the command I used:
\copy persons (supervisor_lname, supervisor_fname, lname, fname, supervisor_id)
FROM '/Users/baoying/Downloads/sql.csv'
I've got a csv file which has a format problem :
first column,second column,third column,fourth column
When i want import in a postgresql table with
\copy public.import FROM PROGRAM 'more +1 \"file.csv\"' DELIMITER ',' ENCODING 'UTF8' CSV HEADER"
i have the error message "missing data for column "col3"
with csv file
first column,second column,third column,fourth column
no problem.
How to solve this problem without modifying the csv ?
I work with postgresql 9.4
Thanks for your help
I need to merge 6 .csv files into one table (and then 1 .csv). Table has only one column (email). I am very new at this...
Currently I am doing it right this:
CREATE TABLE tablename (
email char(200)
and then, one by one I Do this, and for some reason instead of 40mb file I get 500mb file.
COPY tablename(email) from 'E:\WORK\FXJohn1.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER
and I do it 5 more times
COPY tablename(email) from 'E:\WORK\FXJohn2.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER
COPY tablename(email) from 'E:\WORK\FXJohn3.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER
COPY tablename(email) from 'E:\WORK\FXJohn4.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER
COPY tablename(email) from 'E:\WORK\FXJohn5.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER
COPY tablename(email) from 'E:\WORK\FXJohn6.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER
Issuing the command several times is the proper way to load several files.
The size increase is caused by the use of char(200) as it fills the 200 characters for each row. You should be using varchar(200) as it will store a shorter string without padding it, or event text if you don't need to enforce a size limit. See the doc
I have a CSV file contains over 2 mill rows.
When I using the COPY statement in postgresql, it returns a littel over 1 mill rows into postgresql.
I am using the statement below:
copy table (
from 'C:\Temp\co11700t_bcp\co11700t_bcp.csv' with delimiter ']' quote '"' CSV;
I have bulk-copy the data from a cmd-file, and used windows notepad to set encoding to utf-8.
Is there query equivalent to sql server's openquery or openrowset to use in postgresql to query from excel or csv ?
You can use PostgreSQL's COPY
As per doc:
COPY moves data between PostgreSQL tables and standard file-system
files. COPY TO copies the contents of a table to a file, while COPY
FROM copies data from a file to a table (appending the data to
whatever is in the table already). COPY TO can also copy the results
of a SELECT query
COPY works like this:
Importing a table from CSV
Assuming you already have a table in place with the right columns, the command is as follows
COPY tblemployee FROM '~/empsource.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV;
Exporting a CSV from a table.
COPY (select * from tblemployee) TO '~/exp_tblemployee.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV;
Its important to mention here that generally if your data is in unicode or need strict Encoding, then Always set client_encoding before running any of the above mentioned commands.
To set CLIENT_ENCODING parameter in PostgreSQL
set client_encoding to 'UTF8'
set client_encoding to 'latin1'
Another thing to guard against is nulls, while exporting , if some fields are null then PostgreSQL will add '/N' to represent a null field, this is fine but may cause issues if you are trying to import that data in say SQL server.
A quick fix is modify the export command by specifying what would you prefer as a null placeholder in exported CSV
COPY (select * from tblemployee ) TO '~/exp_tblemployee.csv' DELIMITERS ',' NULL as E'';
Another common requirement is import or export with the header.
Import CSV to table with Header for columns present in first row of csv file.
COPY tblemployee FROM '~/empsource.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV HEADER
Export a table to CSV with Headers present in the first row.
COPY (select * from tblemployee) TO '~/exp_tblemployee.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV HEADER