how to pass in an expression through a parameter - azure-data-factory

Suppose I have a foreach inside of a pipe:
I'd like to iterate through the following:
However, I'd like to pass this formula in through a parameter.
I've defined a parameter myExpression with the desired value in the pipeline, and attempting to reference it like so:
Note that the full expression would be: {#pipeline().parameters.myExpression}
However, data factory does not execute that expression, rather it just accepts it as a verbatim string:
How do we pass in an expression from parameters from within the pipeline?

When you define a parameter like this and pass the value, what you are doing is is send a string input, as the textbox doesn't accept expression. The only way to pass expression to a parameter is to pass it from another pipeline. Another issue we have is one ADF limitation - there can not be nested iterations. Calling a second pipeline solves both the issues.
Split your flow in two pipelines.
First (parent) pipeline - Keep all steps up until generating the array over which iteration has to happen.
Then, inside a for each loop, invoke an "Execute pipeline" activity. In there, pass the expression that you desire in a similar fashion-
In the child pipeline, define a string parameter to absorb the passed value. Then, use #pipeline().parameters.ParamName to use it in there.

your description lacks a lot of context of what are you trying to do. I can only presume that you generate array in one pipeline and you want to iterate it in another. Looking at your print screen it looks like you typed in your value, therefore output is a plain text. you should hit dynamic context
so it would look like this:


Apache AGE - Creating Functions With Multiple Parameters

I was looking inside the create_vlabel function and noted that to get the graph_name and label_name it is used graph_name = PG_GETARG_NAME(0) and label_name = PG_GETARG_NAME(1). Since these two variables are also passed as parameters, I was thinking that, if I wanted to add one more parameter to this function, then I would need to use PG_GETARG_NAME(2) to get this parameter and use it in the function's logic. Is my assumption correct or do I need to do more tweaks to do this?
You are correct, but you also need to change the function signature in the "age--1.2.0.sql" file, updating the arguments:
CREATE FUNCTION ag_catalog.create_vlabel(graph_name name, label_name name, type new_argument)
Note that all arguments come as a "Datum" struct, and PG_GETARG_NAME automatically converts it to a "Name" struct. If you need an argument as int32, for example, you should use PG_GETARG_INT32(index_of_the_argument), for strings, PG_GETARG_CSTRING(n), and so on.
Yes, your assumption is correct. If you want to add an additional parameter to the create_vlabel function in PostgreSQL, you can retrieve the value of the third argument using PG_GETARG_NAME(2). Keep in mind that you may need to make additional modifications to the function's logic to handle the new parameter correctly.
The answers given by Fahad Zaheer and Marco Souza are correct, but you can also create a Variadic function, with which you could have n number of arguments but one drawback is that you would have to check the type yourself. You can find more information here. You can also check many Apache Age functions made this way e.g agtype_to_int2.

ADF passing more than one array paramater to LogicApps

I have an issue rearding the passing of more than one array parameter. I was able to do a "for each" cycle to execute my array parameter "SPPATH", but unfortunately I can pass only one, here is my code:
I want to pass "updsppath" also in the array because my output is on different locations, is it possible to do that, if so, how?
thanks in advance
I have reproduced the above and able to iterate multiple arrays inside ForEach.
For this the length of the all arrays should be same.
Use another array for indexes of these.
For Sample I have two array parameters like below.
I have created another array for index like below.
Give this index_array to ForEach.
Create a res array variable in pipeline and inside ForEach, use append variable with the below dynamic content.
After ForEach if you look at variable result (for showing here I have assigned to another variable), it will give you the desired JSON.
You can use this procedure to generate the desired array of objects and pass it to the logic apps as per your requirement.

Call a kdb function passing another function as argument using sendSync method of qpython(kdb)

In the KDB server, we have two functions defined as
q)t:{0N!x[`min]; 0N!x[`max];}
q){[keyList; valueList] keyList!valueList}
The KDB server, does not allow to pass dict()!() as an argument directly to a function, rather one has to use
Calling t function from kdb would be like
q)t[[`min`max;10 20]]
I want to call the t function from qpython sendSync() method passing another function[`min`max;10 20] as an argument to t.
Unfortunately, I cannot find a solution in the qptyhon doc -
Error -
When I tried sendSync() method, below error is raised -
qpython.qtype.QException: b'['
The KDB server, does not allow to pass dict()!() as an argument directly to a function, rather one has to use
May I know why this is so? It's not a bad idea to challenge the original design before looking for workarounds. If dictionary were allowed as its parameter, it could have been as simple as
params = QDictionary(qlist(numpy.array(["min", "max"], dtype=numpy.string_), qtype=QSYMBOL_LIST),
qlist(numpy.array([10, 20], dtype=numpy.int64), qtype=QLONG_LIST))
with qconnection.QConnection(host='localhost', port=5000) as q:
q.sendSync("t", params)
If you want to do what you can do in q console via qpython, it's actually also simple: you pass the same string over. Effectively it's the same mechanism as a q client passing a string via IPC to the server, where the string is parsed and evaluated. Here you need to convert the input to the given string format in your Python code, thus not as clean as the above (although it looks more verbose).
with qconnection.QConnection(host='localhost', port=5000) as q:
q.sendSync("t[[`min`max;10 20]]")
Maybe you can use a lambda for this. That way it's just the arguments that need be serialized:
q.sendSync("{t[[x;y]]}", qlist(["min", "max"], qtype=QSYMBOL_LIST), [10, 20])
If that's not permitted, you could create it as a named wrapper function on the kdb side, which could be.
Alternatively, you could format your call with arguments as a string. A bit hacky; but workable for simple input.
q.sendSync(f"t[[`{'`'.join(['min', 'max'])};{' '.join(['10', '20'])}]]")

Dynamic Resource Set Assignment Anylogic

I am trying to seize a given number of resources dynamically, but I can't figure out the syntax. In the Resource Sets Dynamic Assignment, each unit is represented by the name of the resource set it belongs to. In the picture, the seize block will seize 3 resources of the set "resourcePool".
I need to seize a specific number of resources for each individual agent. Then I tried creating ArrayList of Resource Pool objects and passing it in the dynamic assignment but it doesn't work as the type doesn't match.
For example, let's say I have an agent which requires 4 resources, so the expression needed is: { resourcePool, resourcePool, resourcePool, resourcePool }. How can I assign this expression in a variable or collection of the agent such that it can be used in the Resource Sets Dynamic Assignment box? I think I should finally get something like:
So how to define "resourceSetsToSeize"?
You were so close. The only issue is that the parameters inside the agent must be of type ResourcePool[][], an array of arrays. To convert an array list, in your case resourceSetsToSeize to array you need to call toArray() but with the argument of the specific array you want to convert it to.
So your code should have looked like
{agent.resourceSetsToSeize.toArray(new ResourcePool[resourceSetsToSeize.size()]}
(Assuming that resourceSetsToSeize is a List object
The code can be a bit confusing, see another example below of how to rather use an array as the parameter and then use that directly without converting.
Here is an agent with the parameter of type ResourcePool[][]
When you create the agent you then create this array and put it in the constructor. As you can see you don't need to use the empty constructor and then assign it, you can make use of your parameterized constructor.
And then in the seize object you can simply access the parameter.

ADF: Dynamic Content in parameters

I am trying to pass text with dynamic content as a parameter into a pipeline (execute pipeline activity).
As a super simple example, I want the input to my pipeline to be a timestamp, utcnow(). Here are my results:
I've noticed:
If I put #utcnow() in a set variable activity and set the execute pipeline parameter to that variable it works.
If I put #utcnow() (or #{utcnow()}) in the main parameter and set the execute pipeline parameter to that parameter it does not work. I get that string "utcnow()" as the result.
Is there anything that I am missing here? I definitely feel like I've done this successfully before.
If I understand your question correctly, the issue is caused by the main parameter(pipeline parameter) doesn't support expression or functions.
For example, we could pass the value from variable to pipeline active parameter, and it works well, because variable support expression/functions:
When the main pipeline only contains an Execute Pipeline active, we pass the value from main parameter(pipeline parameter) to the Execute Pipeline parameter:
When we debug the pipeline, we need pass the value of main parameter:
The value of pipeline parameter only support the String value, then function utcNow() or #{utcnow() will considered as the String.