In ag-Grid when I change the row background, there is no color for selected row (blue by default) - ag-grid

In ag-Grid when I change the row background color, it is working fine, but when I select the row, the color doesn't change to the blue color so I can recognize that the row is selected.
I'm using gridOptions.getRowStyle to change the row background color:
gridOptions.getRowStyle = function(params) {
return { background: "#3a3a3a" }

The way I would approach it, would be to use the rowClass option in ag-grid.
rowClass: 'my-row'
And then in your css you can define:
.ag-root .my-row:not(.ag-row-selected) {
background-color: #3a3a3a;
Another option, if you want a custom selected color, would be to use this:
.ag-root .my-row {
background-color: #3a3a3a;
.ag-root {
background-color: blue;

if you want to change style of selected row use class in css
.ag-row-selected {
background-color: black;
color: white ;
border-color: gray;


custom color in MUI dialog not working (MUI v-5)

.App {
text-align: center;
** --amenalBlue: #15426C;
--amenalOrange: #D9A460;**
color: gray;
/* common table head style */
.tableHead {
*** background-color: var(--amenalOrange);***
.tableHead th {
color: var(--amenalBlue);
font-weight: bold;
Table head is not taking custom color which i have added but normal hex code is taking. This is happning in MUI table used inside MUI dialog

Change ion-input underline color in Ionic 4

How can we change the default underline color of a ion-text in only a single page in Ionic 4?
The underline is actually a part of the ion-item, not the ion-input.
ion-item {
--border-color: var(--ion-color-danger, #f1453d);
Ionic 4.x uses CSS Custom Properties for most of the time.
:host {
ion-item {
--border-color: white; // default underline color
--highlight-color-invalid: red; // invalid underline color
--highlight-color-valid: green; // valid underline color
If necessary, please check the other custom properties here.
For Ionic V4.X is a little bit diffrent.
You can open specific_page.scss file where you want to change ion-input border when input value is Valid o Invalid
Change the colors of the following class, like this:
:host {
--highlight-background: yellow !important;
--highlight-background: black !important;
Try this css
--highlight-background: #e2e2e2;
To aggregate in app.scss file
.ios {
.item-has-focus.ion-invalid {
--border-color: var(--ion-color-danger, #f1453d);
.ion-valid {
--border-color: var(
var(--ion-border-color, var(--ion-color-step-150, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)))
.custom-item {
--background: transparent;
color: #fff !important;
--background-focused: transparent;
.md.custom-item {
--background: transparent;
color: #fff !important;
--background-focused: transparent;
--border-color: var(--ion-item-border-color, var(--ion-border-color, var(--ion-color-step-150, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)))
Or use class to you custom .custom-item.hydrated.ion-touched.ion-dirty.ion-invalid.item-label.item-interactive.item-input.item-has-focus.item.ios.ion-focusable

JavaFX TextFlow set default text color

As the title, it's possible to to apply a default color to all text of a TextFlow component?
TextFlow textFlow = new TextFlow();
// Somewhere else in the code
.add(new Text("Dynamic added text! OMG!"));
I tryed different solution but none of them works
#supertextflow {
-fx-text-fill: red;
#supertextflow * .text{
-fx-fill: red;
#supertextflow > * > .text {
-fx-fill: red;
I know that Text is another component, but why i can't style it from it's parent?
Well you can't do that with Text cause it's style class doesn't have fill css rule if you look at the JavaFX CSS Reference Guide. So I would suggest to leave the Text and use Label instead. If you do then you could use the css rule below :
#supertextflow > .label {
-fx-text-fill: blue;
-fx-font-size : 20px;
In case you want to keep using Text you will have to set each element (Text) inside the FlowPane a specific id (ex. #customText) and then use it to set the CSS rule like below :
#supertextflow > #customText {
-fx-fill: red;
-fx-font-size : 20px;
Edit : As James_D mentioned on the commends below you should use Type Selector (I am guessing that's the correct term) on the CSS rule in order to style all the Text nodes inside your TextFlow without needed to set any ids on them :
#supertextflow > Text {
-fx-fill: red;
-fx-font-size : 20px;

.MPart does not affect in CSS

I tried following CSS if there is effect of color but I could not change the default white color of the Part.
.MPartStack {
swt-maximize-visible: false;
swt-minimize-visible: false;
swt-mru-visible: true;
swt-tab-outline: false;
.MPart {
background-color: black;
border-color: black;
swt-corner-radius: 0;
Only Part Stack works and I am unable to see any change reflected from .MPart.
If you create a Composite in the code for your part to need to set it to inherit the background using
otherwise the part Composite will not pick up the MPart style.
An alternative is to set a CSS class for the controls that you create, like this:
WidgetElement.setCSSClass(control, "your-class-name");

SuggestBox color the items

I want to give the items in my suggestbox a custom background color.
Is this possible?
just add this to your css file to change the background color of an item/selected-item
.gwt-SuggestBoxPopup .item {
background: red !important;
.gwt-SuggestBoxPopup .item-selected {
background: black !important;
look here for detailed information