How to change thumbnails creation way in cs-cart - thumbnails

When cs-cart creates square thumbnails it fills empty space with some given color. How to make cs-cart crop image to create thumbnails?
1. The way cs-cart does
2. The way i would like to do
1. The way cs-cart does 2. The way i would like to do
Thank you

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Adjust image size on individual product magento2

I have been trying to adjust the size of the main image in the individual product, what I am trying to do is make the red section cover the blue. I have already tried it with css but it does not work, apparently the base image keeps the measure of 700x700. I'm new to magento and I don't know if there is any function for this. I would appreciate if someone could tell me how to make this change, thanks.
You can change image size on etc/view.xml inside your themes directory, if your themes doesnt have any, you can copy from luma or blank theme (its under vendor/magento dir)
dont forget to flush cache after you change value of view.xml

Is there a way to make a Field Label a filter in Tableau?

I am using Tableau and am curious if it is possible to embed a filter into a Row Field Label? In the attached picture below, you can see that the filters match the separate columns in the chart created. Is there a way to basically embed that filter look directly into that header row, or is my best way going to be to just hide the top row and keep the filters sized like that? I am hoping there is a better way to make it look better and more in sync.
Thank you for any help!
I think your hiding the header idea might be the only way.
In addition to your suggestion, you might try adding a blank section of dashboard above your data and floating the filters so they can be very accurately placed. I would also suggest using the arrow keys to move them a pixel at a time.

JSSOR - does lazyloading actually work?

I would like to know does lazyloading option actually work and how do I verify it. On all my browser, i can see that it actually loads all images at once while the page is loading and not when needed. It does allow me to scroll through even when my images are loading. Each of my images are roughly between 400kb-600kb.
Yes, it does work.
By default, the $LazyLoading option value is 1. That's to say, it will load image for current slide and 1 adjacent slide.
You can manually set $LazyLoading value to 0, in this manner, it will load image for current slide only.
btw, please make sure you replaced src="url' with src2="url" for all images.

Django Crispy Forms: Replace Label and Radio Buttons with Images

I have a form where a certain field is a radio selector with 3 options. Let's say this represents Good, More-or-Less, and Bad.
I managed to put them in the same line with InlineRadio, like this:
self.helper.layout = Layout(InlineRadio(field_name))
Now, I need to 2 things:
1) replace each option, that is rendered as a radio-button and its label with a pre-defined image.
2) Add 2 images, one to the left and one to the right of the radio buttons. So, at the end, I'll have 5 images in a row. From left to right: Image of Smile (just the image) - Image of selector (Good) - Image of selector (More-or-Less) - Image of selector (Bad) - Image of Sad face (just the image)
Is it possible to achieve them with django-crispy? If not, how can I achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
I'm the lead developer of crispy-forms. You could do this using Field layout object and using a custom template.
Field('field_name', template="custom_inline_radio.html")
Other option you have is to create your own layout object subclassing InlineRadio. That way you would only have to do:
Actually, what you try to do is basically override the output of a default widget in Django and that probably makes more sense if you use a custom widget in your Django form, crispy-forms will play great with it. I wrote an article on widgets and Django forms that might interest you.

Button to choose among three images

What is the best/easiest way to choose an image among three with a button.
It will be a button ( or a label, or anything about 40x40) that you click to choose an image. I know normally you use a custom picker, but its only for three images, maybe there is a simpler way. ( a tableview?)
the image will be about 50x50 p on the view.
Could someone give the piece of code for it please?
thanks a lot
Have you looked at UISegmentedControl? You could either use that directly or perhaps present it modally from a button if the space is limited.