Magento 1.9 - How to solve GoDaddy Hosting Timeout Error? - server

I have VPS server in GoDaddy, configuration 8 GB Ram and 4 Core CPU Process.
Frequently i am getting following error,
Note : I am using OroCRM, in my Apache status Request -> index.php/api/v2_soap/index/?wsdl=1 so many url sending reply. How to set resource limit.


Elastic APM Intake API timeout except on python applications

I have an elastic apm server version 7.17.1. There are only to Django application on the server. The APM service is using about 140MB of memory. When connecting new agents, I receive a timeout error.
node.js error
{"log.level":"error","#timestamp":"2022-07-07T23:15:34.033Z","log":{"logger":"elastic-apm-node"},"ecs":{"version":"1.6.0"},"message":"APM Server transport error: intake response timeout: APM server did not respond within 10s of gzip stream finish"}
Java error
2022-07-07 14:31:36,503 [elastic-apm-server-reporter] ERROR - Error
sending data to APM server: Read timed out, response code is -1
If I use flask or Django or PHP, new apps are registered.
(I couldn't find logs from Go, but that APM agent failed as well.)
APM server logs did not appear relevant as the errors occurred in both instances
Check your IPS. In our env, we saw the IPS swatting down packets from Java and Go-based apps. I'm no developer, but once we got those sources white-listed, we saw the Agents information coming through :)

Cryptocurrency Malware on Centos 7

My VPS server that hosted in Google Cloud regullary attacked by cryptocurrency Malware.
It running from "/tmp/init" and taking all CPU resources.
What I do is kill the process and remove /tmp/init file.
I dont know how, but after several days, /tmp/init will appear again and running.
I have tried to find the source where it come from using several rootkit tools such as rkhunter, lynis, chkrootkit and clamav but nothing is found and all configuration is OK.
there are 3 port that open from outside world:
80 (apache web server), 20 (only accept private key without root login) and 8983 (Apache Solr)
is there any good tools to find the cause or is there any way to prevent this happen?
Thank you

CentOs Mail Server Limit per 30 Minutes

I am getting the Error "Recipient address rejected: sorry, max 50 requests per 30 minutes (in reply to RCPT TO command))" in my "/var/log/maillog" log File. I know this is because I've sent to many Emails, but I would like to raise it to about 200.
But i cant find the configuration file for my Mailserver. I use Plesk and actually dont know what Mail-Server is installed.
Does anybody know if there is some standard config file?
This message comes from postfwd (postfix firewall daemon), which is not shipped or managed by Plesk.
To change limit, modify the corresponding rule in /etc/postfix/ file:
action=rate(client_address/200/1800/450 4.7.1 sorry, max 200 requests per 30 minutes)
Refer to postfwd documentation for more detailed info.
Alternatively, you can disable this service completely and use native Plesk outgoing mail limits handler.

Problems with configuration of Bluemix server

I'm trying to increase timeouts in Bluemix. I've set all the timeout settings to 5 min. But after 2 min of a request I got an error:
500 Error: Failed to establish a backside connection
How do I solve this problem?
"This particular message probably comes from the L1 load balancer in Bluemix when it fails to get a timely response from the application it tries to route to. One of the possible cause here is because your application does not send any response back before the load balancer times out, which is 2 minutes if my memory serves me well."
I would open up a support ticket if you need any additional help.

ARR The request cannot be routed because it has reached the Max-Forwards limit. The server may be self-referencing itself in request routing topology

I have two Windows 2008 R2 Standard Server on which IIS 7.5 is installed (Server1 and Server2). On Server1 I have installed Web Farm Framework 2.2 and created a server Farm "". I have also installed ARR on the Server1.
In the server farm, I have added Server2 and Server1 as the secondary servers. I have configured the ARR with default option. Load balancing is configured to "Round Robin so that request can go to both of the server randomly.
To test my setup I have created a Test.ASPX page and deployed it in both servers. This is a simple page which returns serverName on which server page is executed. This way I would know that load balancing is working or not.
Then I opened Internet Exlorer and tried to browse my Test.ASPX page from server1 which hosts Web Farm and ARR. Everytime I hit the page request goes to Server2 only. I made my server2 has unhealthy in the webfarm to check if Server1 handle the request or not. When I tried to hit the Test.aspx in the browser, I was surprised to add following error:
The request cannot be routed because it has reached the Max-Forwards limit. The server may be self-referencing itself in request routing topology.
From the error message it appears that when my server2 is not available ARR is sending the request to Server1 which is again sending it to itself causing loopback. I couldn't find a way to stop this loopback.
One of the solution which I found after searching is that I should not add Server1 to the web farm as it is hosting ARR, but I have only two servers and I don't want to use one server just for ARR.
As soon as I mark my server2 healthy request starts getting executed by server2.
Could someone suggest what should be configured to resolve this error?
You can do a self reference ARR and avoid to get the max-fowards limits if you configure ARR on port 80 and your web farm on another port : ex 8080
So when ARR route the request to itself he will do it on another port so avoid to foward and foward again the request.
Enjoy :-)
I had the same problem recently and this is the configuration that helped me (following what Cedric suggested in another post).
So, here is what you can do:
In your web-site configuration, add additional binding for Server2, for example, to port 88 (i.e. you should be able to get response by navigating to http://Server2:88/Test.ASPX).
In your server farm configuration, add condition to your routing (Routing Rules -> URL Rewrite) to avoid processing requests that go to port 88: