How to iterate Big Query TableResult correctly? - scala

I have a complex join query in Big Query and need to run in a spark job. This is the current code:
val bigquery = BigQueryOptions.newBuilder().setProjectId(bigQueryConfig.bigQueryProjectId)
val query =
//some complex query
val queryConfig: QueryJobConfiguration =
.setPriority(QueryJobConfiguration.Priority.BATCH) //(tried with and without)
val jobId: JobId = JobId.newBuilder().setRandomJob().build()
val queryJob: Job = bigquery.create(JobInfo.newBuilder(queryConfig).setJobId(jobId).build).waitFor()
val result = queryJob.getQueryResults()
val output = result.iterateAll().iterator()[Seq].map { row: FieldValueList =>
//create case class from the row
It keeps running into this error:
Exceeded rate limits: Your project: XXX exceeded quota for tabledata.list bytes per second per project.
Is there a way to better iterate through the results? I have tried to do setPriority(QueryJobConfiguration.Priority.BATCH) on the query job configuration, but it doesn't improve results. Also tried to reduce the number of spark executors to 1, but of no use.

Instead of reading the query results directly, you can use the spark-bigquery-connector to read them into a DataFrame:
val queryConfig: QueryJobConfiguration =
.setPriority(QueryJobConfiguration.Priority.BATCH) //(tried with and without)
.setDestinationTable(TableId.of(destinationDataset, destinationTable))
val jobId: JobId = JobId.newBuilder().setRandomJob().build()
val queryJob: Job = bigquery.create(JobInfo.newBuilder(queryConfig).setJobId(jobId).build).waitFor()
val result = queryJob.getQueryResults()
// read into DataFrame
val data ="bigquery")
.option("table" destinationTable)

We resolved the situation by providing a custom page size on the TableResult


Spark : how to parallelize subsequent specific work on each dataframe partitions

My Spark application is as follow :
1) execute large query with Spark SQL into the dataframe "dataDF"
2) foreach partition involved in "dataDF" :
2.1) get the associated "filtered" dataframe, in order to have only the partition associated data
2.2) do specific work with that "filtered" dataframe and write output
The code is as follow :
val dataSQL = spark.sql("SELECT ...")
val dataDF = dataSQL.repartition($"partition")
for {
row <- dataDF.dropDuplicates("partition").collect
} yield {
val partition_str : String = row.getAs[String](0)
val filtered = dataDF.filter($"partition" .equalTo( lit( partition_str ) ) )
// ... on each partition, do work depending on the partition, and write result on HDFS
// Example :
if( partition_str == "category_A" ){
// do group by, do pivot, do mean, ...
val x = filtered
// write final DF
} else if( partition_str == "category_B" ) {
// select specific field and apply calculation on it
val y =
// write final DF
} else if ( ... ) {
// other kind of calculation
// write results
} else {
// other kind of calculation
// write results
Such algorithm works successfully. The Spark SQL query is fully distributed. However the particular work done on each resulting partition is done sequentially, and the result is inneficient especially because each write related to a partition is done sequentially.
In such case, what are the ways to replace the "for yield" by something in parallel/async ?
You could use foreachPartition if writing to data stores outside Hadoop scope with specific logic needed for that particular env.
Else map, etc.
.par parallel collections (Scala) - but that is used with caution. For reading files and pre-processing them, otherwise possibly considered risky.
You need to check what you are doing and if the operations can be referenced, usewd within a foreachPartition block, etc. You need to try as some aspects can only be written for the driver and then get distributed to the executors via SPARK to the workers. But you cannot write, for example, spark.sql for the worker as per below - at the end due to some formatting aspect errors I just got here in the block of text. See end of post.
Likewise df.write or cannot be used in the below either. What you can do is write individual execute/mutate statements to, say, ORACLE, mySQL.
Hope this helps.
rdd.foreachPartition(iter => {
while(iter.hasNext) {
val item =
// do something
spark.sql("INSERT INTO tableX VALUES(2,7, 'CORN', 100, item)")
// do some other stuff
RDD.foreachPartition (records => {
val JDBCDriver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" ...
connectionProperties.put("user", s"${jdbcUsername}")
connectionProperties.put("password", s"${jdbcPassword}")
val connection = DriverManager.getConnection(ConnectionURL, jdbcUsername, jdbcPassword)
val mutateStatement = connection.createStatement()
val queryStatement = connection.createStatement()
records.foreach (record => {
val val1 = record._1
val val2 = record._2
mutateStatement.execute (s"insert into sample (k,v) values(${val1}, ${nIterVal})")

Inconsistency and abrupt behaviour of Spark filter, current timestamp and HBase custom sink in Spark structured streaming

I've a HBase table which look like following in a static Dataframe as HBaseStaticRecorddf
|266915488007398|somename|8759620897|Hi|1539931239 |
|266915488007399|somename|8759620898|Welcome|1540314926 |
|266915488007400|somename|8759620899|Hello|1540315092 |
|266915488007401|somename|8759620900|Namaskar|1537148280 |
Now I've a file stream source from which I'll get streaming rowkey. Now this timestamp(lastTS) for streaming rowkey's has to be checked whether they're older than one day or not. For this I've the following code where joinedDF is a streaming DataFrame, which is formed by joining another streaming DataFrame and HBase static dataframe as follows.
val HBaseStreamDF = HBaseStaticRecorddf.join(anotherStreamDF,"rowkey")
val newdf = HBaseStreamDF.filter(HBaseStreamDF.col("lastTS").cast("Long") < ((System.currentTimeMillis - 86400*1000)/1000))//records older than one day are eligible to get updated
Once the filter is done I want to save this record to the HBase like below.
.foreach(new ForeachWriter[Row] {
println("inside foreach")
val tableName: String = "dummy"
val hbaseConfResources: Seq[String] = Seq("hbase-site.xml")
private var hTable: Table = _
private var connection: Connection = _
override def open(partitionId: Long, version: Long): Boolean = {
connection = createConnection()
hTable = getHTable(connection)
def createConnection(): Connection = {
val hbaseConfig = HBaseConfiguration.create()
def getHTable(connection: Connection): Table = {
override def process(record: Row): Unit = {
var put = saveToHBase(record)
override def close(errorOrNull: Throwable): Unit = {
def saveToHBase(record: Row): Put = {
val p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(record.getString(0)))
println("Now updating HBase for " + record.getString(0))
Bytes.toBytes((System.currentTimeMillis/1000).toString)) //saving as second
Now when any record is coming HBase is getting updated for the first time only. If the same record comes afterwards, it's just getting neglected and not working. However if some unique record comes which has not been processed by the Spark application, then it works. So any duplicated record is not getting processed for the second time.
Now here's some interesting thing.
If I remove the 86400 sec subtraction from (System.currentTimeMillis - 86400*1000)/1000) then everything is getting processed even if there's redundancy among the incoming records. But it's not intended and useful as it doesn't filter 1 day older records.
If I do the comparison in the filter condition in milliseconds without dividing by 1000(this requires HBase data also in millisecond) and save the record as second in the put object then again everything is processed. But If I change the format to seconds in the put object then it doesn't work.
I tried testing individually the filter and HBase put and they both works fine. But together they mess up if System.currentTimeMillis in filter has some arithmetic operations such as /1000 or -864000. If I remove the HBase sink part and use
then again the filter logic works. And If I remove the filter then HBase sink works fine. But together, the custom sink for the HBase only works for the first time for the unique records. I tried several other filter logic like below but issue remains the same.
val newDF = newDF1.filter(col("lastTS").lt("+05:30"))))
val newDF = newDF1.filter(col("lastTS").cast("Long") <"+05:30")))
How do I make the filter work and save the filtered records to the HBase with updated timestamp? I took reference of several other posts. But the result is same.

How long is a DataFrame cached?

Please help me understanding the scope of the cached dataframe within another function.
def mydf(): DataFrame = {
val df = sparkSession.sql("select * from emp")
df.cache() // <-- cached here
def joinWithDept(): Unit = {
val deptdf1 = sparkSession.sql("select * from dept")
val deptdf2 = mydf().join(deptdf1,Seq("empid")) // <-- using the cached dataset?
def joinWithLocation() : Unit = {
val locdf1 = sparkSession.sql("select * from from location")
val locdf2 = mydf().join(locdf1,Seq("empid")) // <-- using the cached dataset?
def run(): Unit = {
All above functions are defined in same class. I not sure, if will get the benefit of dataframe caching performed in mydf() function? How to do I verify that it is getting the benefit of catching?
joinWithDept and joinWithLocation will both use the (cached logical query plan) of the DataFrame from mydf().
You can check the cached DataFrame in Storage tab of web UI.
You can also verify that the joins use the cached dataframe by reviewing physical query plans (by explain or in web UI) where you should see InMemoryRelations used.

How to efficiently extract a value from HiveContext Query

I am running a query through my HiveContext
val hiveQuery = s"SELECT post_domain, post_country, post_geo_city, post_geo_region
FROM $database.$table
WHERE year=$year and month=$month and day=$day and hour=$hour and event_event_id='$uniqueIdentifier'"
val hiveQueryObj:DataFrame = hiveContext.sql(hiveQuery)
Originally, I was extracting each value from the column with:
However, I was told to avoid this because it makes too many connections to Hive. I am pretty new to this area so I'm not sure how to extract the column values efficiently. How can I perform the same logic in a more efficient way?
I plan to implement this in my code
val arr = Array("post_domain", "post_country", "post_geo_city", "post_geo_region")
arr.foreach(column => {
// expected Map
val ex = expected.get(column).get
val actual =

How to extract records from Dstream and write into Cassandra (Spark Streaming)

I am fetching data from Kafka and processing in Spark Streaming and writing Data into Cassandra
I am trying to Filter the DStream records but it doesn't filter the records and write the complete records in Cassandra,
Any suggestion with sample/example Code to filter multiple columns of records and any help will be highly appreciated i have done a research on this but not able to get any solution.
class SparkKafkaConsumer1(val recordStream : org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream[String], val streaming : StreamingContext) {
val internationalAddress = => line.split("\\|")(10).toUpperCase)
def timeToStr(epochMillis: Long): String =
if(internationalAddress =="INDIA")
val riskScore = "1"
val timestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
val formatedTimeStamp = timeToStr(timestamp)
var wc1 ="\\|")).map(r=>Row(r(0),r(1),r(2),r(3),r(4).toInt,r(5).toInt,r(6).toInt,r(7),r(8),r(9),r(10),r(11),r(12),r(13),r(14),r(15),r(16),riskScore.toInt,0,0,0,formatedTimeStamp))
implicit val rowWriter = SqlRowWriter.Factory
wc1.saveToCassandra("fraud", "fraudrating", SomeColumns("purchasetimestamp","sessionid","productdetails","emailid","productprice","itemcount","totalprice","itemtype","luxaryitem","shippingaddress","country","bank","typeofcard","creditordebitcardnumber","contactdetails","multipleitem","ipaddress","consumer1score","consumer2score","consumer3score","consumer4score","recordedtimestamp"))
(Note: I am have records with internationalAddress = INDIA in Kafka and I am very much new to Scala)
I'm not really sure what you're trying to do, but if you are simply trying to filter on records pertaining to India, you could do this:
implicit val rowWriter = SqlRowWriter.Factory
.filter(_.split("\\|")(10).toUpperCase) == "INDIA")
.map(r => Row(...))
As a side note, I think case classes would be really helpful for you.