How kube-apiserver knows where is kubelet service/process running in worker node? - kubernetes

I have bootstraped (kubernetes the hard way by kelseyhightower) a k8s cluster in virtual box with 2 master(s) and 2 worker(s) and 1 LB for 2 master's kube-apiserver. BTW, kubelet is not running in master, only in worker node.
Now cluster is up and running but I am not able to understand how kube-apiserver on master is connecting to kubelet to fetch the node's metric data etc.
Could you please let me in details?

Kubernetes API server is not aware of Kubelets but Kubelets are aware of Kubernetes API server. Kubelet registers the node and reports metrics to Kubernetes API Server which gets persisted into ETCD key value store. Kubelets use a kubeconfig file to communicate with Kubernetes API Server. This kubeconfig file has the endpoint of Kubernetes API server.The communication between Kubelet and Kubernetes API Server is secure with mutual TLS.
In Kubernetes the Hard Way Kubernetes control plane components - API Server, Scheduler, Controller Manager are run as systems unit and that's why there is no Kubelet running on the control plane nodes and if you perform kubectl get nodes command you would not see the master nodes listed as there is no Kubelet to register the master nodes.
A more standard way to deploy Kubernetes control plane components - API Server, Scheduler, Controller Manager is using Kubelet and not systemd units and that's how Kubeadm deploys Kubernetes control plane.
Official documentation on Master to Cluster communication.


Should Windows K8s nodes have aws-node & kube-proxy pods?

I have this mixed cluster which shows all the nodes as Ready (both Windows & Linux ones). However, only the Linux nodes have aws-node & kube-proxy pods. I RDPed into a Windows node and can see a kube-proxy service.
My question remains: do the Windows nodes need aws-node & kube-proxy pods in the kube-system namespace or do they work differently than Linux ones?
kube-proxy pods are part of default installation of Kubernetes. They are automaticaly created, and are needed on both Linux and Windows.
kube-proxy is a network proxy that runs on each node in your cluster, implementing part of the Kubernetes Service concept.
kube-proxy maintains network rules on nodes. These network rules allow network communication to your Pods from network sessions inside or outside of your cluster.
aws-node pod is a part of AWS CNI plugin for Kubernetes
The Amazon VPC Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin for Kubernetes is deployed with each of your Amazon EC2 nodes in a Daemonset with the name aws-node. The plugin consists of two primary components:
It is currently only supported on Linux. Windows nodes are using a different CNI plugin - vpc-shared-eni

Enable unsafe sysctls on a cluster managed by Amazon EKS

I'm attempting to follow instructions for resolving a data congestion issue by enabling 2 unsafe sysctls for certain pods running in a Kubernetes cluster where the Pods are deployed by EKS. To do this, I must enable those parameters in the nodes running those pods. The following command is for enabling on a per-node basis:
kubelet --allowed-unsafe-sysctls \
However, the Nodes in the cluster I am working with are deployed by EKS. The EKS cluster was deployed by using the Amazon dashboard (Not a yaml config file/terraform/etc). I am not sure how to translate the above step to have all nodes in my cluster have those systcl enabled.

Kubernetes node without master

Cluster consists of one master and one worker node. If the master is down and worker is restarted no workloads (deployments) are started on boot. How and if it is possible to make worker resume last state without master?
Kubernetes 1.18.3
On worker node are installed: kubelet, kubectl, kubeadm
Ideally you should have more than one(typically a odd number like 3 or 5) node serving as master and accessible from worker nodes via a LoadBalancer.
The state is stored in ETCD which is accessed by worker nodes via the API Server. So without master nodes running there is no way for workers to know the desired state.
Although it's not recommended you but can use static pod as potential solution here.Static Pods are managed directly by the kubelet daemon on a specific node, without the API server observing them.Unlike Pods that are managed by the control plane (for example, a Deployment ), instead the kubelet watches each static Pod (and restarts it if it crashes).
The caveat of using static pod is since those pods are not dependent on API Server Hence static Pods cannot be managed with kubectl or other Kubernetes API clients.

How to start with kubernetes?

I have two IP'S master node and worker node? I need to deploy some services using these. I don't know anything about kubernetes ,what is master node and worker node?
How do I start?
You should start from the very basic things..
Kubernetes concept page is your starting point.
The Kubernetes Master is a collection of three processes that run on a
single node in your cluster, which is designated as the master node.
Those processes are: kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager and
Each individual non-master node in your cluster runs
two processes: kubelet, which communicates with the Kubernetes Master.
kube-proxy, a network proxy which reflects Kubernetes networking
services on each node.
Regarding you question in comment: read Organizing Cluster Access Using kubeconfig Files. Make sure you have kubeconfig file in the right place..

Is it possible to have kube-proxy without the kubernetes environment in vm pod using istio mesh expansion

I have been working on a very innovative project which involves both Kubernetes and Istio. So, I have 2-node kubernetes cluster setup with istio installed withe their side cars in the pods. I have already hosted the bookinfo application in the nodes but by using a separate VM by following the procedures given in Istio Mesh-Expansion.
So I have VM where the details and Mysqldb pods are present. The other pods are running in the k8s cluster. So Now, They communicate within a private network.
So my next phase of project would require me to setup Kube-proxy separately without installing Kubernetes in the VM, so as to allow it to directly communicate to the Kube-Api Server running in the master nodes of the k8s cluster through the private network. Hence, Can anybody suggest a way how to go about this?
All components of Kubernetes should be connected to the kube-api. Otherwise, they will not work.
So my next phase of project would require me to setup Kube-proxy separately without installing Kubernetes in the VM, so as to allow it to directly communicate to the Kube-Api Server running in the master nodes of the k8s cluster through the private network.
To access the kube-api server using Service with the private ClusterIP address, you should already have a kube-proxy. So, it is impossible to use any ClusterIP private address until you setup kube-proxy which is communicating with your kube-api by its address outside the Cluster IP range.
Kube-api can be exposed using NodePort or LoadBalancer type of service.