Same relation for two fields in one data type - prisma

can I write something like this:
type User {
primaryStory: Story! #relation(name: "userStory")
secondaryStories: [Story] #relation(name: "userStory")
type Story {
user: User! #relation(name: "userStory")
Basically what I want is to have a single relation name for both primary story and secondary stories.

This is not possible. With the name specified in an ambiguous way it is not clear what the userStory relates to.
You could either have 2 different relation names, or have a construct like the following and filter accordingly:
type User {
stories: Story! #relation(name: "userStories")
type Story {
author: User! #relation(name: "userStories")
isPrimary: Boolean!


Relation two to many with Prisma

I'm trying to create a prisma schema with this kind of relation - I have two models: Player and Game. Every game is "played" by two players and I'm trying to connect them with something like this:
model Player {
id String #id #default(cuid())
name String
games Game[]
model Game {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
player_1 Player
player_2 Player
winnerId String
In this case I get an error which says Ambiguous relation detected. The fields player_1 and player_2 in model Game both refer to Player. Please provide different relation names for them by adding #relation(<name>).
And if I add relation with names which looks like this:
player_1 Player #relation(name: "GamePlayer1")
player_2 Player #relation(name: "GamePlayer2")
I get an error The relation field player_1/player_2 on Model Game is missing an opposite relation field on the model Player. I don't think that adding additional fields to Player model is necessary and also don't think that adding many to many relation which would look like this players: Player[] is smart.
What would be the right way to connect those two models based on my example?
You need to provide both player's id on Game and separate relation name on Player and Game. Here the right way to fix it:
model Player {
id String #id #default(cuid())
name String
games_player_1 Game[] #relation(name: "GamePlayer1")
games_player_2 Game[] #relation(name: "GamePlayer2")
model Game {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
player_1_id String
player_2_id String
player_1 Player #relation(name: "GamePlayer1", fields: [player_1_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
player_2 Player #relation(name: "GamePlayer2", fields: [player_2_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
winnerId String

Create a record and connect it to an existing record prisma client (1 to 1 relation)

I'm making a Next JS application with prisma and postgres.
I have 2 tables: User and Profile
Their prisma schema structure is as follows:
model User {
id String #id #default(cuid())
name String?
email String? #unique
emailVerified DateTime?
image String?
// foreign keys
sessions Session[]
profile Profile?
model Profile {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
isAdmin Boolean #default(false)
firstName String
lastName String
email String #unique
phone String
address String
gender String
image Bytes
guardianName1 String
guardianPhone1 String
guardianRelation1 String
guardianName2 String?
guardianPhone2 String?
guardianRelation2 String?
guardianName3 String?
guardianPhone3 String?
guardianRelation3 String?
createdAt DateTime #default(now())
updatedAt DateTime #updatedAt
// foreign keys
user User #relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
userId String #default(cuid()) // relation scalar field (used in the `#relation` attribute above)
requests Request[]
I'm also using next-auth for the authentication part of this application. So when a user signs up then upon his email verification, next-auth itself adds the user's record to the User table.
Till here, there's no issue.
Then, when the user opens his dashboard for the first time, then he's shown a form to fill, upon submission of that form, a record needs to be inserted in the Profile table. As the Profile and User table's are linked, they also need to be connected.
So when the user submits profile details form, I do this:
try {
const newProfileData = {
// other fields data here...
user: {
connect: { id: '1' } // where User table already has a record with - 'id': 1
const profile = await prisma.profile.create({ data: newProfileData, include: { user: true } });
if(profile) {
console.log("Created: ", profile);
res.status(200).json({ msg: 'Successfully Created Profile!' });
But upon running this code, I get the error:
The change you are trying to make would violate the required relation 'ProfileToUser' between the `Profile` and `User` models.
code: 'P2014',
clientVersion: '2.30.3',
meta: {
relation_name: 'ProfileToUser',
model_a_name: 'Profile',
model_b_name: 'User'
How can this be solved?
I even tried it the other way (i.e. updating the existing User and creating the Profile record connected to it):
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: {
data: {
profile: {
create: {
// data fields here... (without the user field)
But this also gives the same error...
I want to understand why the error comes. Is this not the correct way to create a record for a 1 to 1 relation using prisma-client?
The fix:
I think you need to remove #default(cuid()) from the Profile's userId field definition.
model Profile {
// foreign keys
user User #relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
userId String // relation scalar field (used in the `#relation` attribute above)
And also get rid of include: { user: true }:
const profile = await prisma.profile.create({ data: newProfileData});
The explanation:
Profile's user and userId fields don't directly translate to actual columns on the db but are fields that let Prisma handle the link between the relations. It ends up translated to PostgreSQL's
create table profile(
userId text references user (id),
And later Prisma will populate that field with your User's id when you issue a user:{connect:{id:'1'}}. What could've happened is when you used #default(cuid()) in userId field definition, you interfered with that process. Now the column ends up as
userId text default gen_random_uuid() references user (id)
and whenever you create a Profile, a new row gets entered without specifying your own userId (which Prisma probably attempts to do before it'll try to link your User), a random id gets generated that doesn't correspond to any existing User, which violates the reference constraint.
It's that and/or your usage of include: { user: true } messes something up spawning a separate, new user, even though you tried to link your Profile to an existing one. But I would expect that to be just an unwanted side-effect making your code spawn a useless User object and row each time you create a Profile.
Once you get rid of the #default(cuid()) you can also just spawn a standalone, unlinked Profile and then link it to the appropriate User later with an update statement.
Merge the two tables into one, something like:
model User {
id String #id #default(cuid())
name String?
email String? #unique
emailVerified DateTime?
image String?
isAdmin Boolean #default(false)
createdAt DateTime #default(now())
updatedAt DateTime #updatedAt
// foreign keys
sessions Session[]
If you absolutely must have a Profile relation, create a database view:
create view Profile as
from user
and map it as a read only relation, but I can’t see the point.

Updating many-to-many relations in Prisma

I have a group of checkboxes for skin concerns. Users can check/uncheck them before submitting, which means the set of skin concerns submitted can be different every time.
I modeled it in Prisma schema as an 'explicit' many-to-many relation.
model User {
id String #id #default(cuid())
name String?
nickname String? #unique
skinConcerns SkinConcernsForUsers[]
model SkinConcern {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
name String #unique
user SkinConcernsForUsers[]
model SkinConcernsForUsers {
user User #relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId String
skinConcern SkinConcern #relation(fields: [skinConcernId], references: [id])
skinConcernId Int
##id([userId, skinConcernId])
Then, SkinConcerns table is seeded with the following values, using prisma.skinConcern.createMany:
SkinConcerns in Update mutation input comes in the form of array of strings, e.g. ["PIGMENTATION", "REDNESS"].
I want to update the skin concerns for users (SkinConcernsForUsers) from the prisma.user.update query, but it's tricky, since I'm not merely creating SkinConcerns, but have to connect to existing set of skin concerns.
I've tried directly setting skinConcerns in user, like
await prisma.user.update({
where: { nickname },
data: {
// ... other user data
skinConcerns: {
set: [
skinConcern: {
connect: { name: "PIGMENTATION" },
skinConcern: {
connect: { name: "REDNESS" },
// ... other user data
among many other things, but of course this is not a correct argument and fails with error
Unknown arg `connect` in data.skinConcerns.update.0.where.connect for type SkinConcernsForUsersWhereUniqueInput. Did you mean `select`?
Argument data for is missing.
Unknown arg `connect` in data.skinConcerns.update.1.where.connect for type SkinConcernsForUsersWhereUniqueInput. Did you mean `select`?
Argument data for is missing.
Is there a way to do this? Is it even possible to update this in prisma.user.update?
I guess I could directly update SkinConcernsForUsers. In that case, should I just delete all rows associated to the user that are not in the user input ["PIGMENTATION", "REDNESS"], then create rows that don't already exist? What will it look like in prisma code?
First I would change your schema for SkinConcern. The id field is not necessary and will create complications in queries (you would needlessly need to map each name to id when trying to connect/disconnect records.
The name field is sufficient as the primary key, as it is always unique for a certain record.
The changed schema looks like this
model SkinConcern {
name String #id // name is the new #id.
user SkinConcernsForUsers[]
model SkinConcernsForUsers {
user User #relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId String
skinConcern SkinConcern #relation(fields: [skinConcernName], references: [name])
skinConcernName String
##id([userId, skinConcernName])
The query you want to do can be executed in two steps with the SkinConcernsForUsers model.
Step 1: Remove existing SkinConcernsForUsers records a user is connected to. These are no longer relevant, as you want to overwrite the previous selection.
Step 2: Create new SkinConcernsForUsers records with the new choices.
Here is what the code looks like
// step 1
await prisma.skinConcernsForUsers.deleteMany({
where: {
userId: "1",
// step 2
await prisma.skinConcernsForUsers.createMany({
data: [
userId: "1",
skinConcernName: "REDNESS",
userId: "1",
skinConcernName: "PIGMENTATION",

AWS Amplify and GraphQL Interfaces

How would you deal with interfaces and using them for connections in a data model using the AWS Amplify Model Transforms?
interface User #model {
id: ID
email: String
created: AWSTimestamp
type ActiveUser implements User {
id: ID
first: String
last: String
email: String
created: AWSTimestamp
type InvitedUser implements User {
id: ID
email: String
created: AWSTimestamp
invitedBy: String
type Team #model {
users: [User] #connection
It seems like my choices are to put #model on the types but then I get separate Dynamo tables and queries on the Query once amplify update api is run.
Can the transformer support interfaces as documented here:
I also found some support tickets, but was wondering if there was anything out there that enabled this feature. Here are the support tickets I found:
You only use #connection to link two databases together (which must be made from type and not interface), so if you don't want to do that then just get rid of the #connection and the Team database will simply have users be of type [User]. I am not entirely what you want to do but I would do something like:
type User #model {
id: ID
first: String!
last: String!
email: String!
created: AWSTimestamp
isActive: boolean
invitedBy: String
team: Team #connection(name: "UserTeamLink")
type Team #model {
users: [User!] #connection(name: "UserTeamLink")
Where the fields first, last, and email are required when creating a new user, and you can distinguish between an active user with a boolean, and when you query the User database it returns the Team item from the Team database as well (I am guessing you want other fields like team name, etc.?), so when you create a Team object you pass in the teamUserId (not shown below but created when using amplify) that will allow you to attach a newly created Team to an existing user or group of users.
I think you could keep the common fields in User, and extra info in separate type. Not sure if this is the best practice, but it should work for this scenario
enum UserType {
type User #model #key(name:"byTeam", fields:["teamID"]){
id: ID!
teamID: ID!
email: String
created: AWSTimestamp
type: UserType
activeUserInfo: ActiveUserInfo #connection(fields:["id"])
invitedUserInfo: InvitedUserInfo #connection(fields:["id"])
type ActiveUserInfo #key(fields:["userID"]){
userID: ID!
first: String
last: String
type InvitedUserInfo #key(fields:["userID"]){
userID: ID!
invitedBy: String
type Team #model {
users: [User!] #connection(keyName:"byTeam", fields:["id"])

How to create multiple relationships to the same filed in prisma

Here Is the related portion of my datamodel.prisma file.
type Driver {
id: ID! #unique
zones: [Zone!] #relation(name: "DriverZones")
shifts: [Shift!] #relation(name: "DriverShifts")
preferredZone: Zone
preferredShift: Shift
type Shift {
id: ID! #unique
drivers: [Driver! ] #relation(name: "DriverShifts")
type Zone {
id: ID! #unique
drivers: [Driver! ] #relation(name: "DriverZones")
Here I want to create the relationship for preferredZone and preferredShift to be type Zone and Shift according to the datamodel I have created.
this is a one way relationship.
The relation field preferredShift must specify a #relation directive: #relation(name: "MyRelation")
, The relation field preferredZone must specify a #relation directive: #relation(name: "MyRelation")
I'm using PostgreSQL for my prisma database. How to build the relationship between preferredZone to Zone. and preferredShift to Shift.
You need to name the relations since you have two relations between same types (Driver <-> Shift and Driver <-> Zone both are connected by two relations each).
In cases like this Prisma asks you to name the relations which is what the error message you posted is about. I think this data model should work:
type Driver {
id: ID! #unique
zones: [Zone!] #relation(name: "DriverZones")
shifts: [Shift!] #relation(name: "DriverShifts")
preferredZone: Zone #relation(name: "PreferredZone")
preferredShift: Shift #relation(name: "PreferredShift")
type Shift {
id: ID! #unique
drivers: [Driver! ] #relation(name: "DriverShifts")
type Zone {
id: ID! #unique
drivers: [Driver! ] #relation(name: "DriverZones")