Getting the coordinates of a point that was clicked on renderView - paraview

I load a DICOM directory in Paraview that renders a 3d head. I want to detect some points in the view. I tried finding the points with the threshold filter but I don't have success in all cases. My next idea is letting the user select the specifics points.
Is there a way to get the coordinates of the points the user clicks on windows view?

You can see the selected points data in a spreadsheet view. As selection is linked between views, the 3d view selection is available in the spreadsheet. Then you can use the Show only selected elements button in the spreadsheet to filter data.
Additional infos
Labels can be added from Selection Display Inspector, to automatically display values on selected points in 3d view, but coordinates are not available ... (see this feature request :


Can I make objects in a 3D Window clickable in AnyLogic?

I'm modeling some boxes with simple rectangles and I use the "on click" property to show information about its contents. However this only works for the 2D view, and I do need to have a 3D view where this functionality is also available because the boxes can be on top of each other.
I noticed that actual 3D objects do not have an "on click" property at all. Is it possible to make objects clickable in a 3D Window?
the only way you can click 3D objects is by adding some 2D element that is clickable on top of it, perhaps with transparent color, which will allow you to click the 3D object in a 2D animation.
Nevertheless in a 3D window, it's definitely not possible to interact with any object through mouse clicking
Nevertheless if you want to display information by clicking an object in 3D you can instead have a text object to display that information in 3D and you can make that object visible or not when you need.

Mapbox GL JS: Set Map Center or Bounds to show visible part of a layer

I have a layer with 7000+ polygons and am displaying a portion of the polygons in a web app using "setFilter" on map load. (The filter is choosing the polygons to display dynamically based on data from the url of the current page.)
However, I can't figure out how to make the map center on the particular polygons currently showing (the visible part of that layer), which means the user has to hunt around to find it. There can be multiple polygons visible at one time, and they are a range of different sizes. Any ideas?
If you have the feature collection of polygons that are visible on your map, you can use the turf-extent module to get the geographical extent of the visible polygons, and then call map.fitBounds(extent) to make all visible polygons within the viewport.

How to get image coordinates and color data per pixel clicking on a displayed image?

I loaded several PNG files into Matlab and displayed them with no problem but was wondering if there is a way to point (or click) on a pixel and immediately get its pixel coordinates and color (RGB), in real time, either as an output on-screen or stored in some variable.
For example, I have a 64 x 64 face photo to serve as a ground truth image for an eye detection algorithm. The algorithm will return the bounding box for an eye, but, to check it, I want to manually extract coordinates by clicking or mousing around the image as it is plotted, and also color information about the pixels on which I click or mouse.
Please feel free to suggest another language, software, or environment if Matlab does not support such interactivity.
Thank you for your help!
The Data Cursor does exactly what you want:
It is the icon to the right of the "rotate" icon in the image toolbar.
If you have the Image Processing Toolbox, there is a built in tool called impixel, which will allow you to click on an image and get pixel values and location automatically. There is no data cursor that pops up, but what the data cursor is returning, impixel is also, and you could easily display this with a uicontrol (text).

Matlab: How can I use the a center mouse button click to record/log the data shown by a datacursor?

I am new to using Matlab and I have just made my first custom datacursor for a scatter graph I have plotted. This datacursor shows me the x position, y position and the location of that point within the original matrix (row). I want to be able to call the datacursormode and then have a callback within the datacursor, so that pressing the center mouse button on the point it will log the point data shown by the datatip/cursor into a matrix or array.
The idea is to be able to click on a point of interest,see the data tip info and then if the user wants they can click on the point with the middle mouse button to log the data tip information displayed, then move straight to the next point, without re-calling the datacursormode. This should then result in a cell array/matrix of all the point information selected.
I have tried disp(pos) but this displays every point clicked and I want to be able to click on the point and see the info before deciding whether to log it or not. I have tried ginput but calling it disables datacursormode. I think a callback within the custom datacursor function is needed, but I can never get them to work.
Please help.
Thanks for any help you can give.

Core Plot: Data point labels shown, or when data points touched?

Is there a way using Core Plot to have periodic labels assigned to data plots? Such as 10-20 labels listed across my plot points.
Here is an example (mockup) of what I am hoping to do:
Is it possible to do this when the graph loads, or maybe when you swipe across the graph you see the data points showing their call out?
You'll have to draw the callout bubbles yourself, but it is possible to label data points. To make a callout, you could subclass CPTextLayer and have it draw the bubble around the text. Use this new class to make your labels.
You can implement a datasource method to inform Core Plot which data points should be labeled and provide your own labels if you wish (this is how you'd do the callouts). You can also respond to touch events (click events on the Mac) and show a label for the point that was touched. You have to touch each point individually--you won't get the delegate notification if you drag from one point to the next.
The examples included with Core Plot demonstrate how both techniques work.