nunit 3 tests on command line as nunit 2.6.4 - nunit

I have the following Nunit 3 command running in a console window.
sh "#{NUNIT}" \
' Build\bin\Testing\Functional\Functional.dll
I need to be able to do this with Nunit 2.6.4.
NUnit 2.6.4 doesn't have the test flag available. How can I specify a given test in NUnit 2.6.4?

I got the solution:
Specify the test, followed by a space, followed by the containing dll.
sh "#{NUNIT}" \
' /run:Functional.Features.Customer.Account.NotificationDetailsFeature.Register Build\bin\Testing\Functional\Functional.dll'


Cypress Error in sending multiple parameters via CLI

I'm using below command in my terminal.(Im following the cypress support doc)
cypress run --env,api_server=http://localhost:8888/api/v1
my spec is like this.
I'm expecting to set variables as below:
But it does not set the value of the "api_server". Instead it sets host with both values as below: http://localhost:8888/api/v1
Pls support to get this resolved.
You shell might interpret some of the characters before passing them to Cypress.
When I run in Powershell the following command:
> cypress open --env a=1,b=2
I'll end up in the same situation like described.
When I run:
> cypress open --env "a=1,b=2"
It will correctly set two env variables a and b with correct values.
So, try using double quotes.

Is there a way to run pytests using xdist by file(s)?

I am trying to run 2 test files using xdist with 2 gateways (-n=2). Each test file contains tests which are user permission specific. While running the test with pytest and pytest-xdist, I noticed some of the test fail randomly. It is happening because some of the tests from file1 getting executed by a different gw. So, if [gw0] was running most of the tests from file0, sometimes, [gw0] also executes some tests from file1 which causes the failure.
I am trying to find out if there is a way I can force/ask xdist to execute a specific file or perhaps if there is a way to assign a file to a gw?
pytest test_*.py -n=2 -s -v
also tried:
pytest test_*.py -n=2 -s -v --dist=loadfile
Assuming your file for running parallel tests is correctly distributed (properly receiving PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER and PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER_COUNT environment variables), you only need to run:
pytest test_*.py --tx '2*popen' --dist=loadfile --dist=each

Run Play application in production mode using dist taks

I am using 'dist' task to generate a distribution of my play application. But if I unzip the generated artifact, in the bin/ directory I have access to the bash file generated by the 'dist' task. The last line of the script is : run "$#"
I saw in the official Play Framework documentation that 'run' command should not be used in production mode, and the recommended way is to generated a distribution with task 'dist'
Why 'dist' is generating a bash script which is using 'run' commmand if it is not recommended in production mode?
I am asking this, because when I deploy my application in production, the first request is seems the development behavior. But I am using the 'dist' command.
I would appreciate any help.
Thank you.
You are mixing two different things.
The run command stated in the Play documentation is a SBT command, that will start your app in dev mode. So to use that command you have to use activator or sbt (ex: ./activator run).
The run you see in that script is a bash function (defined a little above), that will start your app in production mode. A little snippet from that function:
# Actually runs the script.
run() {
# TODO - check for sane environment
# process the combined args, then reset "$#" to the residuals
# (...)
execRunner "$java_cmd" \
${java_opts[#]} \
"${java_args[#]}" \
-cp "$(fix_classpath "$app_classpath")" \
"${mainclass[#]}" \
"${app_commands[#]}" \
So, if you use this script to run your app, it will start in production mode.

Recommended way to run commands after installing dependencies in the virtualenv

I would like to use tox to run py.test on a project which needs additional setup in addition to installing packages into the virtualenv. After creating the virtualenv and installing dependencies, some commands need to be run.
Specifically I'm talking about setting up a node and npm environment using nodeenv:
nodeenv --prebuilt -p
I see that tox allows me to provide a custom command used for installing dependencies by setting install_command in tox.ini. But I don't think this is what I want because that replaces the command (I assume pip) used to install dependencies.
I thought about using a py.test fixture with session scope to handle setting up nodeenv but that seems hacky to me as I don't want this to happen when py.test is run directly, not via tox.
What is the least insane way of achieving this?
You can do all necessary setup after the creation of the virtualenv and the dependency installation in commands. Yes, it says "the commands to be called for testing." but if you need to do extra work to prepare for testing you can just do it right there.
It works through whatever you throw at it in the order it is given - e.g.:
deps =
commands =
nodeenv --prebuilt -p
; ... and whatever else you might need to do
py.test path/to/my/tests
If you have commands/scripts or whatever else that produces the right result but it returns a non zero exit status you can ignore that by prepending - (as in - naughty-command).
If you need more steps to happen you can wrap them in a little (Python) script and call that script instead as outlined in
There is also an issue to add the ability to use more than one install command: is implemented.
I had the same issue, and as it was important for me to be able to create the environment without invoking the tests (via --notest), I wanted the install to happen in the install phase and not the run phase, so I did something slightly differently. First, I created a create-env script:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
set -e
pip install $#
nodeenv --prebuilt --python-virtualenv --node=8.2.1
Made it executable, Then in tox.ini:
skipsdist = True
install_command = ./create-env {opts} {packages}
deps = nodeenv
commands = node --version
This complete example runs and outputs the following:
$ tox
python create: .../.tox/python
python installdeps: nodeenv
python installed: nodeenv==1.3.0
python runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='1150209523'
python runtests: commands[0] | node --version
_____________________________________________________________________ summary ______________________________________________________________________
python: commands succeeded
congratulations :)
This approach has the downside that it would only work on Unix.
In tox 715, I propose the possibility of native support for multiple install commands.

unittest output in IPython

I have a script for testing a module using unittest. When I run the script using the python
console I get the output:
test_equal (__main__.TestOutcome) ... ok
test_win_amount (__main__.TestOutcome) ... ok
Ran 2 tests in 0.000s
But, on running the same script using IPython console, I don't get any output.
I am using the following to run my script,
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestOutcome)
Any ideas if this might be due to IPython settings?
Calling TextTestRunner with the stream parameter will make it work in IPython. This is how I run the tests:
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(MyTest)