What is meant by cycle? - inspeqtor

What does cycle mean at INQ Configuration:
check service memcached
if memory:rss > 1200m for 4 cycles then alert
if cpu:user > 40% for 2 cycles then restart
Any idea?
This is related to Inspeqtor at https://github.com/mperham/inspeqtor

Refers to monitoring cycle. What other explanation are you looking for?


AppCompleteGenericCore > 1Gb of memory

The monitoring of the Local MDrivenServer (cmd: AppCompleteGenericCore.exe -port=5050 -nohttps) shows that the process eats memory up to 1.2Gb regardless of the Model's size.
If I upload the simplest sample model with Class1 and Class2, no viewmodels, no serverside jobs - AppCompleteGenericCore process memory starts from 60Mb (there is no model) and stabilized at the ~1.2Gb (sample model is uploaded).
Could you please advise is it normal behavior?
FYI, I've tried "System.GC.Server": false, "System.GC.Concurrent": false in the AppCompleteGenericCore.runtimeconfig.json - no results.
Thank you!
I deleted my LocalServers folder and downloaded the latest version of MDrivenServer—and the problem disappeared. The old server had CodeDress assembly, so I guess it was a root cause of the memory leak I had.

How to stop source blocks when rackSystem if full

i saw a previous question about something like my issue but i couldn't make it work as suggested in the answer.
I have 5 sources that generate 5 different agents to be stored via a rackStore block in a rackSystem; a resource from a resource pool pick them up (rackPick block) and give them to an assembler. At some point i seize the same resource to do other tasks but the simulation is interrupted when the rack is full. I tried to make the sources stop when the rack is full in this way:
if( rackSystem.isFree(1, 1, 1) == false)
I typed this code in each source "on exit" bar but it doesn't work; what am i missing?
The rackSystem is made of 5 different palletRack blocks, each with 1 row/position/level.
Thanks for your advices.
You are only checking if the position (0,0,0) is free. Instead, amend your condition to this:
if( rackSystem.hasSpace() == false) self.set_rate(0);

How does Solaris SMF determine if something is to be in maintenance or to be restarted?

I have a daemon process that I wrote being executed by SMF. The problem is when an error occurs, I have fail code and then it will need to restart from scratch. Right now it is sending sys.exit(0) (Python), but SMF keeps throwing it in maintenance mode.
I've worked with SMF enough to know that it sometimes auto-restarts certain services (and lets others fail and have you deal with them like this). How do I classify this process as one that needs to auto-restart? Is it an SMF setting, a method of failing, what?
Solaris uses a combination of startd/critical_failure_count and startd/critical_failure_period as described in the svc.startd manpage:
The critical_failure_count and critical_failure_period properties together specify the maximum number of service failures allowed in a given time interval before svc.startd transitions the service to maintenance. If the number of failures exceeds critical_failure_count in any period of critical_failure_period seconds, svc.startd will transition the service to maintenance.
Defaults in the source code
The defaults can be found in the source, the value depends on whether the service is "wait style":
if (instance_is_wait_style(inst))
critical_failure_period = RINST_WT_SVC_FAILURE_RATE_NS;
critical_failure_period = RINST_FAILURE_RATE_NS;
The defaults are either 5 failures/10 minutes or 5 failures/second:
#define RINST_START_TIMES 5 /* failures to consider */
#define RINST_FAILURE_RATE_NS 600000000000LL /* 1 failure/10 minutes */
#define RINST_WT_SVC_FAILURE_RATE_NS NANOSEC /* 1 failure/second */
These variables can be set in the SMF as properties:
<service_bundle type="manifest" name="npm2es">
<service name="site/npm2es" type="service" version="1">
<property_group name="startd" type="framework">
<propval name='critical_failure_count' type='integer' value='10'/>
<propval name='critical_failure_period' type='integer' value='30'/>
<propval name="ignore_error" type="astring" value="core,signal" />
After checking against the startd values, If the service is "wait style", it will be throttled to a max restart of 1/sec, until it no longer exits with a non-cfg error. If the service is not "wait style" it will be put into maintenance mode.
Presuming a normal service manifest, I would suspect that you're dropping into maintenance because SMF is restarting you "too quickly" (which is a bit arbitrarily defined). svcs -xv should tell you if that is the case. If it is, SMF is restarting you, and then you're exiting again rapidly and it's decided to give up until the problem is fixed (and you've manually svcadm clear'd it.
I'd wondered if exiting 0 (and indicating success) may cause further confusion, but it doesn't appear that it will.
I don't think Oracle Solaris allows you to tune what SMF considers "too quickly".
You have to create a service manifest. This is more complicated than not. This has example manifests and documents the manifest structure.
As it turns out, I had two pkills in a row to make sure everything was terminated correctly. The second one, naturally, was exiting something other than 0. Changing this to include an exit 0 at the end of the script solved the problem.

gsoap client call blocks when the server is not available

I am looking for a method to detect if the gsoap web service is available.
Unfortunately when the service is offline then the client gsoap calls block
for a long time. Setting the soap.recv_timeout and the soap.send_timeout to
zero do not help.
This is a bit late, but I finally found (what I think is) a better answer by skulking through the source code (why they don't document this, I don't know):
Look for "soap.connect_timeout". When I set this to 3, it times-out after 3 seconds as expected when the web service is unavailable.
The above recv_timeout and send_timeout didn't work for me in the case of "service unavailable".
I'm pretty sure that by setting soap.recv_timeout and soap.send_timeout with 0 means NO TIMEOUT. Try set this variables with 1 (1 means 1 second).
I came here looking for a solution to the same problem and recognized the erroneous part about setting recv_timeout to 0, but I had set it to 20 and still got no timeout, so I followed the second post and used connect_timeout, which did work as I intended.

Handle idle sleep from audio virtual driver - Mac OSX

We have an virtual audio device driver similar to Sound flower. This virtual device will be listed in sound system preferences. Whenever our device gets selected in system preferences, it prevents idle sleep. If we switch the selection to default output device, everything works as expected.
If we execute 'pmset -g assertions' command in Terminal, it gives below output
Assertion status system-wide:
ChargeInhibit 0
PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep 0
PreventUserIdleSystemSleep 1
NoRealPowerSources_debug 0
CPUBoundAssertion 0
EnableIdleSleep 1
PreventSystemSleep 0
DisableInflow 0
DisableLowPowerBatteryWarnings 0
ExternalMedia 0
Listed by owning process:
pid 115: [0x0000012c00000073] PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: MY_DRIVER_IDENTIFER.noidlesleep"
Could any one suggest me some pointers to resolve this issue.
I think this governed by the flag kIOPMPreventIdleSleep, which resides in the capabilityFlags field of the IOPMPowerState struct.
To participate in power management decisions, you'll need to add your device driver to the power management plane, typically in your overridden IOService::start(provider) method:
registerPowerDriver(this, powerStates, numPowerStates);
where powerStates and numPowerStates specifies an array of power states you want your device to be able to be in. You'll probably not want more than 2 for a virtual device, and maybe you even only need one. I suspect a superclass of your class is setting states that are inhibiting sleep. Once you've registered for power management, your driver will be expected to handle the power management methods such as IOService::setPowerState().
Depending on how you want your device to behave, you might want to create 2 power states, one "live" when playing back or capturing sound (and inhibiting sleep) and the other "idle" when the device isn't doing anything, and allowing sleep.
The power management topic is a bit too big to cover entirely in a StackOverflow answer, so I suggest you read the docs on the stuff I've mentioned above and try clearing the relevant flag in your power state(s).
Hope that helps.