I want to use an inverse FFT to calculate inverse Fourier Transforms. I find that I can readily do so with square integrable functions but not with distributions.
First I set up a wavenumber vector k and a spatial coordinate x,
nx = 2^10;
L = 20;
dx = L/nx;
x = [0:nx-1]' * dx - L/2;
k = zeros(nx,1);
k(1:nx/2+1) = 2*[0:nx/2]/nx;
k(nx:-1:nx/2+2) = -k(2:nx/2);
k = k*pi/dx ;
Next I verify that everything works for two examples: the unit boxcar function and sech:
% boxcar
Ghat = sin( k/2 ) ./ (k/2);
Ghat(1) = 1;
Gi = ifft(Ghat) / dx ;
Gi = ifftshift(Gi);
figure; plot(x,Gi);
% sech( x )
Ghat = pi*sech( pi*k /2 );
Gi = ifft(Ghat) / dx ;
Gi = ifftshift(Gi);
figure; plot(x,Gi,'o'); hold on;
analytical = sech(x);
Those both look fine...
This is where things stop working:
% sin(x^2)
Ghat = -sqrt(pi)*sin( (k.^2-pi)/4 );
Gi = ifft(Ghat) / dx ;
Gi = ifftshift(Gi);
analytical = sin(x.^2);
plot(x,analytical,'-'); hold on;
You will notice that the calculated values look nothing like the intended function.
I don't know why this wont work. The only thing that I notice on Wikipedia is that sin(x^2) is a distribution and therefore not square integrable. Is this the source of my problems? Is there a solution?
I'll give an example in python, should be easy to translate to Matlab.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as p
%matplotlib inline
time = np.arange(0,10,dt) # 10 secs, sampled at 10 ms, so nyquist is 100 Hz
f=3 # hz
dat= np.sin(2*np.pi* f*time)
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(time),d=dt)
p.plot( freqs,np.abs(spec) );
dat2= np.sin(2*np.pi* f*time**2)
p.plot( freqs,np.abs(np.fft.fft(dat2)) );
On the left the time-behaviour of the sine and the sine with squared argument (effectively you have a linear frequency change, an upchirp. You could think of one x as the time, the other incorporated into your frequency, which is now rising linearly with time. In the spectrum (showing positive and neg frequency as FFT is defined as complex FT) you can see that the frequency of the sine wave is stable , whereas the sin(x**2) sweeps a range of frequencies.
It always helps to plot things. With the sin(x**2) you could easily violate the Nyquist theorem if the argument rises too fast , leading to undersampling in the time -domain (left) and aliasing the frequency domain (right). This is not shown, just try with a higher base frequency.
How can I get the correct frequency vector to plot using the FFT of MATLAB?
My problem:
N = 64;
n = 0:N-1;
phi1 = 2*(rand-0.5)*pi;
omega1 = pi/6;
phi2 = 2*(rand-0.5)*pi;
omega2 = 5*pi/6;
w = randn(1,N); % noise
x = 2*exp(1i*(n*omega1+phi1))+4*sin(n*omega2+phi2);
h = rectwin(N).';
x = x.*h;
X = abs(fft(x));
Normally I'd do this :
f = f = Fs/Nsamples*(0:Nsamples/2-1); % Prepare freq data for plot
The problem is this time I do not have a Fs (sample frequency).
How can I do it correctly in this case?
If you don't have a Fs, simply set it to 1 (as in one sample per sample). This is the typical solution I've always used and seen everybody else use. Your frequencies will run from 0 to 1 (or -0.5 to 0.5), without units. This will be recognized by everyone as meaning "periods per sample".
From your comment I conclude that you are interested in radial frequencies. In that case you want to set your plot x-axis to
omega = 2*pi*f;
I have written a matlab function (Version (R2010a)) to evaluate incoming FT signal and calculate the morlet wavelet for the signal. I have a similar program, but I needed to make it more readable and closer to mathematical lingo. The output plot is supposed to be a 2D plot with colour showing the intensity of the frequencies. My plot seems to have all frequencies the same per time. The program does make an fft per row of time for each frequency, so I suppose another way to look at it is that the same line repeats itself per step in my for loop. The issue is I have checked with the original program, which does return the correct plot, and I cannot locate any difference beyond what I named the values and how I organized the code.
function[msg] = mile01_wlt(FT_y, f_mn, f_mx, K, N, F_s)
Fucntion to perform a full wlt of a morlet wavelett.
optimization of the number of frequencies to be included.
FT_y satisfies the FT(x) of 1 envelope and is our ft signal.
f min and max enter into the analysis and are decided from
the f-image for optimal values.
While performing the transformation there are different scalings
on the resulting "intensity".
Plot is made with a 2D array and a colour code for intensity.
version 05.05.2016
1: determining nr. of analysis f, prints and readies f's to be used.
2: ensuring correct orientation of FT_y
3:defining arrays
4: declaring waveletdiagram and storage of frequencies
5: for-loop over all frequencies:
6: reducing file to manageable size by truncating time.
7: marking plot to highlight ("randproblemer")
8: plotting waveletdiagram
%1: determining nr. of analysis f, prints and readies f's to be used.
DF = floor( log(f_mx/f_mn) / log(1+( 1/(8*K) ) ) ) + 1;% f-spectre analysed
nr_f_analysed = DF %output to commandline
f_step = (f_mx/f_mn)^(1/(DF-1)); % multiplicative step for new f_a
f_a = f_mn; %[Hz] frequency of analysis
T = N/F_s; %[s] total time sampled
C = 2.0; % factor to scale Psi
%2: ensuring correct orientation of FT_y
siz = size(FT_y);
if (siz(2)>siz(1))
FT_y = transpose(FT_y);
%3:defining arrays
t = linspace(0, T*(N-1)/N, N); %[s] timespan
f = linspace(0, F_s*(N-1)/N, N); %[Hz] f-specter
%4: declaring waveletdiagram and storage of frequencies
WLd = zeros(DF,N); % matrix of DF rows and N columns for storing our wlt
f_store = zeros(1,DF); % horizontal array for storing DF frequencies
%5: for-loop over all frequencies:
for jj = 1:DF
o = (K/f_a)*(K/f_a); %factor sigma
Psi = exp(- 0*(f-f_a).*(f-f_a)); % FT(\psi) for 1 envelope
Psi = Psi - exp(-K*K)*exp(- o*(f.*f)); % correctional element
Psi = C*Psi; %factor. not set in stone
%next step fits 1 row in the WLd (3 alternatives)
%WLd(jj,:) = abs(ifft(Psi.*transpose(FT_y)));
WLd(jj,:) = sqrt(abs(ifft(Psi.*transpose(FT_y))));
%WLd(jj,:) = sqrt(abs(ifft(Psi.*FT_y))); %for different array sizes
%and emphasizes weaker parts.
%prep for next round
f_store (jj) = f_a; % storing used frequencies
f_a = f_a*f_step; % determines the next step
%6: reducing file to manageable size by truncating time.
P = floor( (K*F_s) / (24*f_mx) );%24 not set in stone
using_every_P_point = P %printout to cmdline for monitoring
N_P = floor(N/P);
points_in_time = N_P %printout to cmdline for monitoring
% truncating WLd and time
WLd2 = zeros(DF,N_P);
for jj = 1:DF
for ii = 1:N_P
WLd2(jj,ii) = WLd(jj,ii*P);
t_P = zeros(1,N_P);
for ii = 1:N_P % set outside the initial loop to reduce redundancy
t_P(ii) = t(ii*P);
%7: marking plot to highlight boundary value problems
maxval = max(WLd2);%setting an intensity
mxv = max(maxval);
% marks in wl matrix
for jj= 1:DF
m = floor( K*F_s / (P*pi*f_store(jj)) ); %finding edges of envelope
WLd2(jj,m) = mxv/2; % lower limit
WLd2(jj,N_P-m) = mxv/2;% upper limit
%8: plotting waveletdiagram
imagesc(t_P, log10(f_store), WLd2, 'Ydata', [1 size(WLd2,1)]);
set(gca, 'Ydir', 'normal');
xlabel('Time [s]');
ylabel('log10(frequency [Hz])');
%title('wavelet power spectrum'); % for non-sqrt inensities
title('sqrt(wavelet power spectrum)'); %when calculating using sqrt
colorbar('location', 'southoutside');
msg = 'done.';
There are no error message, so I am uncertain what exactly I am doing wrong.
Hope I followed all the guidelines. Otherwise, I apologize.
my calling program:
% establishing parameters
N = 2^(16); % | number of points to sample
F_s = 3.2e6; % Hz | samplings frequency
T_t = N/F_s; % s | length in seconds of sample time
f_c = 2.0e5; % Hz | carrying wave frequency
f_m = 8./T_t; % Hz | modulating wave frequency
w_c = 2pif_c; % Hz | angular frequency("omega") of carrying wave
w_m = 2pif_m; % Hz | angular frequency("omega") of modulating wave
% establishing parameter arrays
t = linspace(0, T_t, N);
% function variables
T_h = 2*f_m.*t; % dimless | 1/2 of the period for square signal
% combined carry and modulated wave
% y(t) eq. 1):
y_t = 0.5.*cos(w_c.*t).*(1+cos(w_m.*t));
% y(t) eq. 2):
% y_t = 0.5.*cos(w_c.*t)+0.25*cos((w_c+w_m).*t)+0.25*cos((w_c-w_m).*t);
%square wave
sq_t = cos(w_c.*t).*(1 - mod(floor(t./T_h), 2)); % sq(t)
% the following can be exchanged between sq(t) and y(t)
plot(t, y_t)
% plot(t, sq_t)
xlabel('time [s]');
ylabel('signal amplitude');
title('plot of harmonically modulated signal with carrying wave');
% title('plot of square modulated signal with carrying wave');
hold on
% Fourier transform and plot of freq-image
FT_y = mile01_fftplot(y_t, N, F_s);
% FT_sq = mile01_fftplot(sq_t, N, F_s);
% Morlet wavelet transform and plot of WLdiagram
%determining K, check t-image
K_h = 57*4; % approximation based on 1/4 of an envelope, harmonious
%determining f min and max, from f-image
f_m = 1.995e5; % minimum frequency. chosen to showcase all relevant f
f_M = 2.005e5; % maximum frequency. chosen to showcase all relevant f
%calling wlt function.
name = 'mile'
msg = mile01_wlt(FT_y, f_m, f_M, K_h, N, F_s)
siz = size(FT_y);
if (siz(2)>siz(1))
FT_y = transpose(FT_y);
name = 'arnt'
msg = arnt_wltransf(FT_y, f_m, f_M, K_h, N, F_s)
The time image has a constant frequency, but the amplitude oscillates resempling a gaussian curve. My code returns a sharply segmented image over time, where each point in time holds only 1 frequency. It should reflect a change in intensity across the spectra over time.
hope that helps and thanks!
I found the error. There is a 0 rather than an o in the first instance of Psi. Thinking I'll maybe rename the value as sig or something. besides this the code works. sorry for the trouble there
I've been working on 2 sensors signals measuring vibrations of a rotating shaft. Since there is residual noise in the signal. I tried to filter it by detrending, zero padding and applying low pass filter. Below I'm attaching the graphs of the signal before and after filtering. There is a huge variation in the signal after filtering that makes me think if I'm really doing it in the right way.
My Matlab code is
X = xlsread(filename,'F:F');
Y = xlsread(filename,'G:G');
%Calculate frequency axis
fs = 1e6 ; % Sampling frequency (Hz)
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(length(X)); % Zero padding to nearest N power 2
df = fs/NFFT;
dt = 1/df;
%Frequency Axis defintion
f = (-(fs-df)/2:df:(fs-df)/2)';
%calculate time axis
T = (dt:dt:(length(X)*dt))';
ylabel('X amplitude')
title('X signal before filtering')
ylabel('Y amplitude')
title('Y signal before filtering')
X = detrend(X,0); % Removing DC Offset
Y = detrend(Y,0); % Removing DC Offset
% Filter parameters:
M = length(X); % signal length
L = M; % filter length
fc = 2*(38000/60); % cutoff frequency
% Design the filter using the window method:
hsupp = (-(L-1)/2:(L-1)/2);
hideal = (2*fc/fs)*sinc(2*fc*hsupp/fs);
h = hamming(L)' .* hideal; % h is our filter
% Zero pad the signal and impulse response:
xzp = X;
hzp = [ h zeros(1,NFFT-L) ];
% Transform the signal and the filter:
X = fft(xzp);
H = fft(hzp)';
X = X .* H;
X = ifft(X);
relrmserrX = norm(imag(X))/norm(X); % checked... this for zero
X = real(X)';
% Zero pad the signal and impulse response:
xzp = Y;
hzp = [ h zeros(1,NFFT-L) ];
% Transform the signal and the filter:
Y = fft(xzp);
H = fft(hzp)';
Y = Y .* H;
Y = ifft(Y);
relrmserrY = norm(imag(Y))/norm(Y); % check... should be zero
Y = real(Y)';
I plotted the after filtering and as you can see in the picture there is a clear deviation. I want to only filter noise but the signal seem to loose other components and I'm little confused if thats the right way of doing filtering.
Any suggestion, hints or ideas would be helpful.
In the end I want to plot X vs Y to give orbits of the shaft vibration. Please also find below another picture of the unfiltered and filtered orbit. As you can see in the picture there is also change in the orbits from the original one (left image with lot of noise).
P.S.: I don't have DSP tool box
There is no problem with your FFT and IFFT.
You can test your code with a simple sine wave, with a very low frequency. The final output should be (almost) the same sine wave, since you are low-pass filtering it.
You've defined X (and Y) from 0 to some value. However, you've defined H from - (L-1)/2 to some positive value. Mathematically, this is fine, but you are simply taking an fft of H. Matlab thinks this has the same time-scale as X, when you multiply the ffts together!
So, in reality, you've taken the fft of XHfft(delta(t-d)), where d is the resulting time-shift. You can either undo this time-shift in the frequency domain, or the time-domain.
Im writing a MATLAB code to detect frequencies in piano recording.
I used a C scale audio file that i recorded using my keyboard (C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C5)
When i simply perform an FFT (without breaking into windows) then the fundamental frequencies have a higher amplitude which is perfectly fine.
However to be more accurate i did the following steps
1. Did a fast convolution of my audio signal with a Gaussian edge detection filter to obtain the envelope.
2. Implemented a peak detecting algorithm to find the note onsets.
3. Taking each Onset, i performed an FFT on each, so as to get the FFT of each note.
However, when i do this for the above mentioned audio file, i get wrong results, at times the harmonics have a higher amplitude than the 1st.
clear all;
clear max;
%% create 5s sample at 10kHz with tone from 1s to 2s
FS = 10000; % 10kHz
song = randn(N,2)/10;
P = 2000;
t=0:1/FS:(N-1)/FS; % define time period
song = sum(song,2);
%----------------------Finding the envelope of the signal-----------------%
% Gaussian Filter
x = linspace( -1, 1, P); % create a vector of P values between -1 and 1 inclusive
sigma = 0.335; % standard deviation used in Gaussian formula
myFilter = -x .* exp( -(x.^2)/(2*sigma.^2)); % compute first derivative, but leave constants out
myFilter = myFilter / sum( abs( myFilter ) ); % normalize
% fft convolution
myFilter = myFilter(:); % create a column vector
song(length(song)+length(myFilter)-1) = 0; %zero pad song
myFilter(length(song)) = 0; %zero pad myFilter
edges =ifft(fft(song).*fft(myFilter));
tedges=edges(P:N+P-1); % shift by P/2 so peaks line up w/ edges
tedges=tedges/max(abs(tedges)); % normalize
%---------------------------Onset Detection-------------------------------%
% This section does the peak picking algorithm
max_col = maxtab(:,1);
peaks_det = max_col/FS;
No_of_peaks = length(peaks_det);
%---------------------------Performing FFT--------------------------------
song_seg = song(max_col(1):max_col(2)-1);
L = length(song_seg);
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L); % Next power of 2 from length of y
seg_fft = fft(song_seg,NFFT);%/L;
f = FS/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
seg_fft2 = 2*abs(seg_fft(1:NFFT/2+1));
L5 = length(song_seg);
fmin = 60;
fmax = 1000;
region_of_interest = fmax>f & f>fmin;
froi = f(region_of_interest);
[p_max,loc] = max(seg_fft2(region_of_interest));
% index into froi to find the frequency of the peaks
f_p_max = froi(loc);
[points, locatn] = findpeaks(seg_fft2(region_of_interest));
aboveMax = points > 0.4*p_max;
if any(aboveMax)
peak_points = points(aboveMax)
f_peak = froi(locatn(aboveMax))
What am I doing wrong here??? Really REALLY in need of some help here......
It can be seen that the f0 of D4 hasn't been detected at all, while the f0 of C4 and E4 have less amplitudes compared to their harmonics
Using the FFT, i found out the peak in the Frequency Domain. This may correspond to the fundamental note, if we are very lucky. Else, this may be the 1st harmonic generally.
I do not know whether the peak is at the fundamental or at the 1st harmonic.
My job is to find this out.
What i did was...
I have the "max_user_freq" variable that corresponds to the frequency at which the peak occurs in the FFT.
Note: "Spectrum[]" is the magnitude spec variable.
I calculate the maximum of the spectrum[m] where m ranges from frequency
Note : frequencies must be scaled to m. In my case : m=freq*length(fraw)/22050;
Complete Code:
for m=f1:f2
display('1st Harmonic exceeds the fundamental, Retry');
Filtering abs(song) is fine for finding the envelope, but when it comes to finding the peaks you need to compute the fft the original signal (without the "abs").
To see the difference, try:
FS = 10000;
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(length(s));
f = FS/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
plot(f,abs(S1(1:NFFT/2+1))); % peak near 261
plot(f,abs(S2(1:NFFT/2+1))); % peak near 522
I code in matlab and develop applications that are useful for a Musician. I myself am a musician. So, i know the music theory t hat runs my algorithms.
I developed and algorithm in matlab that tells u the exact scale in which u are playing the piano. Have a Look
I'm currently studying the following book: "Fourier Transform Spectroscopy Instrumentation Engineering", by Vidi Saptari. My question is related to the code below, based on the code from the book, Appendix C. The code below computes the interferogram of 3 waves with wavenumbers [cm-1] 5000, 10000 and 15000, respectively, and than performs an FFT to retrieve the information. The unscaled output has a magnitude of 1600, instead of 1.
% Sampling clock signal generation
samp_period_nm = 632.8 / 4; % sampling period in nm. 632.8 is the HeNe laser's wavelength
samp_period = 1 * samp_period_nm * 10^-7; % sampling period in cm.
scan_dist = 0.1; % mirror scan distance in cm.
no_elements = floor(scan_dist/samp_period);
x_samp = 0:samp_period:samp_period*no_elements; %Vector of clock signals in cm
xn_samp = x_samp .* (1 + rand(1, length(x_samp)));
v1 = 5000;
v2 = 10000;
v3 = 15000;
arg = 4 * pi * x_samp;
y = cos(arg*v1) + cos(arg*v2) + cos(arg*v3) ;
total_data = 2^18;
no_zero_fills=[total_data - length(y)];
zero_fills=zeros(1, no_zero_fills);
%triangular apodization
n_y = length(y);
points = 1:1:n_y;
tri = 1 - 1/(n_y) * points(1:n_y);
y = y.*tri; %dot product of interferogram with triangular apodization function
y = [y zero_fills]; %zero filling
% FFT operation
fft_y = fft(y);
% fft_y = fft_y / n_y;
% fft_y = fft_y * samp_period;
fft_y(1) = [];
spec_y = abs(fft_y(1:n_fft/2)); %spectrum generation
nyquist = 1 / (samp_period * 4);
freq = (1:n_fft/2)/(n_fft/2)*nyquist; %frequency scale generation
plot(freq, spec_y); % plot of spectrum vs wave number
xlabel('Wavenumber [cm-1]');
ylabel('Intesity [V]');
By multiplying the result of the fft (fft_y) with dt = samp_period, as suggested here, the peak is as 0.025.
Following the same link's second solution, by dividing fft_y by n_y (the length of y), the magnitude is 0.25.
Clearly, I'm doing something wrong. Any help is appreciated.
The only thing you're doing wrong here is expecting the peaks in the spectrum to be 1. According to Parseval's theorem of DFT the energy of the time domain signal is equal to the energy of the frequency domain signal divided by the lenght of the sequence N. You can check this in your example:
td_energy = sum( abs(y).^2 )
fd_energy = sum( abs(fft_y).^2 )
td_energy - fd_energy / length(y) % won't be exactly zero because you deleted the zero frequency bin.
So the peaks in your spectrum don't represent the amplitudes of cosine waves in the time domain but their energy. Also note at this point that the energy is lower than you might expect as you padded a lot of zeros.
In practice, the average power of a certain frequency is often of greater interest. Consider the following code example
t = linspace(-4*pi, 4*pi, 2^16);
N = length(t); % DFT length
y = cos(t); % single cosine wave
y_pow = sum( abs(y).^2 ) / N; % is 0.5
fft_y = fft(y);
fft_y_pow = (sum( abs(fft_y).^2 ) / N) /N; % is 0.5
figure; plot(abs(fft_y)./N);
The power is obtained by averaging the energy by the length of the sequence N. If you divide the spectrum by N you obtain the average power per frequency. In the above example you recognize a single peak with height 0.5 that represents the single cos wave of amplitude 1 (and hence power 0.5).
Personally, I prefer scaling MATLAB's FFT output by 1/sqrt(N) and its IFFT output by sqrt(N). In this way, the energy of the time and frequency domain sequence are always equal.
if you want the same energy in the IFFT input and ouput you have to multiply
the IFFT output (time signal) by sqrt(N) where N is the size of the transform.
here's the code :
same thing for the FFT (divide output by sqrt(N));
hope it helps
N = 4096;
Freq = randn(N,1)+1j*randn(N,1);
Time = sqrt(N)*ifft(Freq,N);
FreqEn = sum(real(Freq).^2 + imag(Freq).^2);
TimeEn = sum(real(Time).^2 + imag(Time).^2);