Rewrite medfilt1 MATLAB function to support codegen - matlab

I am writing a MATLAB script that uses the medfilt1 function. Here is an example using an order of 100:
median_filter_results = medfilt1(my_data, 100);
When trying to export the MATLAB code via codegen, an error message states that medfilt1 is not supported. Looking on the MATLAB documentation website, I can tell that it is not there, while medfilt2 is. This makes me think that the function is probably rather easy to reproduce.
When reading this post, the authors make this comment:
You can use the median() function. Then you just have to put that inside a for loop, which is extremely trivial.
However, I am not entirely sure I know what that means since the median function returns back one number vs a vector of the medfilt1 function. Wikipedia goes a bit further, where they show a sliding window, through which one could use the median function. However, I am not entirelly too certain that this is what MATLAB is doing.
How can I rewrite the medfilt1 function (vector of data and order of 100) in a codegen safe way?

Here is an implementation using sliding window of median in a for loop:
Implementing a sliding window is simple.
There is a small complication regarding the margins.
The implementation pads the margins with zeros (default padding of medfilt1).
Here is the implementation and a test:
n = 100;
%Test using an array of random elements.
A = rand(1, 1000);
B = my_medfilt1(A, n);
%Reference for testing
refB = medfilt1(A, n);
%Display 1 if result of my_medfilt1 is the same as medfilt1
is_equal = all(B == refB)
function y = my_medfilt1(x, n)
%Perform one dimensional median filter in a loop.
%Assume x is one dimensional row vector.
if size(x, 1) > 1
error('x must be a row vector')
y = zeros(1, length(x)); %Initialize space for storing resut
%Add n/2 zeros from each side of x (this is the default padding of medfilt1.
x = padarray(x, [0, floor(n/2)], 0, 'both');
%Sliding window
for i = 1:length(y)
y(i) = median(x(i:i+n-1));

If the 2d filter is supported, you could repurpose it.
Otherwise, read up what a median filter does. It replaces the element with the median of it and it's surrounding neighbors. Size of the neighborhood is your parameter n.


MATLAB - How to plot a function using an array with negative indices?

I'm trying to figure out this bootleg programming language but keep getting stumped on things like this.
My code is as follows:
for i = -3:6;
x(i) = i;
y(i) = (i^4)-(4*(i^3))-(6*(i^2))+15; %being my given function
It works if I start from 1 because it's a positive integer. It can't access zero nor negative values. How do I go around this?
edit: thanks for the swift response you guys, I like your methods and definitely wanted to approach it different ways but one of the requirements in my text is to use the for loop, sadly
Since you can't access array elements with negative indices, you'll need to use a different variable than i to keep track of each element in x and y; this new variable should start at 1 and increment with every loop iteration.
But you don't even need to worry about managing that; you can simply assign -3:6 to x and compute your function using x as an array:
x = -3:6;
y = (x.^4)-(4*(x.^3))-(6*(x.^2))+15;
However, this will produce a graph that looks a bit jagged. If you want x to contain more points, you can use linspace() instead:
x = linspace(-3, 6); % (similar to -3:0.09:6)
y = (x.^4)-(4*(x.^3))-(6*(x.^2))+15;
You can do this even without a for loop.
x = -3:6;
y = (x.^4)-(4*(x.^3))-(6*(x.^2))+15;
Matlab is way more effective if it's used without loops. For your case with this small range it will have no effect but if you go for way more elements you increase the speed of your code using this approach.
To answer you original question. The problem is that you are using the index based vector access. And the first element in Matlab vector is defined with index 1.
For your edit and the requirement of using the for loop you can use this approach
x = -3:6;
y = zeros(1, length(x));
% initialization prevents the vector size being changed in every iteration
for i = 1:length(x)
y = (x(i)^4)-(4*(x(i)^3))-(6*(x(i)^2))+15;

Computing a moving average

I need to compute a moving average over a data series, within a for loop. I have to get the moving average over N=9 days. The array I'm computing in is 4 series of 365 values (M), which itself are mean values of another set of data. I want to plot the mean values of my data with the moving average in one plot.
I googled a bit about moving averages and the "conv" command and found something which i tried implementing in my code.:
hold on
for ii=1:4;
wts = [1/24;repmat(1/12,11,1);1/24];
hold off
So basically, I compute my mean and plot it with a (wrong) moving average. I picked the "wts" value right off the mathworks site, so that is incorrect. (source: My problem though, is that I do not understand what this "wts" is. Could anyone explain? If it has something to do with the weights of the values: that is invalid in this case. All values are weighted the same.
And if I am doing this entirely wrong, could I get some help with it?
My sincerest thanks.
There are two more alternatives:
1) filter
From the doc:
You can use filter to find a running average without using a for loop.
This example finds the running average of a 16-element vector, using a
window size of 5.
data = [1:0.2:4]'; %'
windowSize = 5;
2) smooth as part of the Curve Fitting Toolbox (which is available in most cases)
From the doc:
yy = smooth(y) smooths the data in the column vector y using a moving
average filter. Results are returned in the column vector yy. The
default span for the moving average is 5.
%// Create noisy data with outliers:
x = 15*rand(150,1);
y = sin(x) + 0.5*(rand(size(x))-0.5);
y(ceil(length(x)*rand(2,1))) = 3;
%// Smooth the data using the loess and rloess methods with a span of 10%:
yy1 = smooth(x,y,0.1,'loess');
yy2 = smooth(x,y,0.1,'rloess');
In 2016 MATLAB added the movmean function that calculates a moving average:
N = 9;
M_moving_average = movmean(M,N)
Using conv is an excellent way to implement a moving average. In the code you are using, wts is how much you are weighing each value (as you guessed). the sum of that vector should always be equal to one. If you wish to weight each value evenly and do a size N moving filter then you would want to do
N = 7;
wts = ones(N,1)/N;
sum(wts) % result = 1
Using the 'valid' argument in conv will result in having fewer values in Ms than you have in M. Use 'same' if you don't mind the effects of zero padding. If you have the signal processing toolbox you can use cconv if you want to try a circular moving average. Something like
N = 7;
wts = ones(N,1)/N;
should work.
You should read the conv and cconv documentation for more information if you haven't already.
I would use this:
% does moving average on signal x, window size is w
function y = movingAverage(x, w)
k = ones(1, w) / w
y = conv(x, k, 'same');
ripped straight from here.
To comment on your current implementation. wts is the weighting vector, which from the Mathworks, is a 13 point average, with special attention on the first and last point of weightings half of the rest.

Calculating the covariance of a 1000 5x5 matrices in matlab

I have a 1000 5x5 matrices (Xm) like this:
Each $(x_ij)m$ is a point estimate drawn from a distribution. I'd like to calculate the covariance cov of each $x{ij}$, where i=1..n, and j=1..n in the direction of the red arrow.
For example the variance of $X_m$ is `var(X,0,3) which gives a 5x5 matrix of variances. Can I calculate the covariance in the same way?
Attempt at answer
So far I've done this:
for m=1:1000
spy(Xm_new) gives me this unusual looking sparse matrix:
If you look at cov (edit cov in the command window) you might see why it doesn't support multi-dimensional arrays. It perform a transpose and a matrix multiplication of the input matrices: xc' * xc. Both operations don't support multi-dimensional arrays and I guess whoever wrote the function decided not to do the work to generalize it (it still might be good to contact the Mathworks however and make a feature request).
In your case, if we take the basic code from cov and make a few assumptions, we can write a covariance function M-file the supports 3-D arrays:
function x = cov3d(x)
% Based on Matlab's cov, version
[m,n,p] = size(x);
if m == 1
x = zeros(n,n,p,class(x));
x = bsxfun(#minus,x,sum(x,1)/m);
for i = 1:p
xi = x(:,:,i);
x(:,:,i) = xi'*xi;
x = x/(m-1);
Note that this simple code assumes that x is a series of 2-D matrices stacked up along the third dimension. And the normalization flag is 0, the default in cov. It could be exapnded to multiple dimensions like var with a bit of work. In my timings, it's over 10 times faster than a function that calls cov(x(:,:,i)) in a for loop.
Yes, I used a for loop. There may or may not be faster ways to do this, but in this case for loops are going to be faster than most schemes, especially when the size of your array is not known a priori.
The answer below also works for a rectangular matrix xi=x(:,:,i)
function xy = cov3d(x)
[m,n,p] = size(x);
if m == 1
x = zeros(n,n,p,class(x));
xc = bsxfun(#minus,x,sum(x,1)/m);
for i = 1:p
xci = xc(:,:,i);
xy(:,:,i) = xci'*xci;
xy = xy/(m-1);
My answer is very similar to horchler, however horchler's code does not work with rectangular matrices xi (whose dimensions are different from xi'*xi dimensions).

How do I create a simliarity matrix in MATLAB?

I am working towards comparing multiple images. I have these image data as column vectors of a matrix called "images." I want to assess the similarity of images by first computing their Eucledian distance. I then want to create a matrix over which I can execute multiple random walks. Right now, my code is as follows:
% clear
% clc
% close all
% load tea.mat;
images = Input.X;
M = zeros(size(images, 2), size (images, 2));
for i = 1:size(images, 2)
for j = 1:size(images, 2)
normImageTemp = sqrt((sum((images(:, i) - images(:, j))./256).^2));
%Need to accurately select the value of gamma_i
gamma_i = 1/10;
M(i, j) = exp(-gamma_i.*normImageTemp);
My matrix M however, ends up having a value of 1 along its main diagonal and zeros elsewhere. I'm expecting "large" values for the first few elements of each row and "small" values for elements with column index > 4. Could someone please explain what is wrong? Any advice is appreciated.
Since you're trying to compute a Euclidean distance, it looks like you have an error in where your parentheses are placed when you compute normImageTemp. You have this:
normImageTemp = sqrt((sum((...)./256).^2));
%# ^--- Note that this parenthesis...
But you actually want to do this:
normImageTemp = sqrt(sum(((...)./256).^2));
%# ^--- ...should be here
In other words, you need to perform the element-wise squaring, then the summation, then the square root. What you are doing now is summing elements first, then squaring and taking the square root of the summation, which essentially cancel each other out (or are actually the equivalent of just taking the absolute value).
Incidentally, you can actually use the function NORM to perform this operation for you, like so:
normImageTemp = norm((images(:, i) - images(:, j))./256);
The results you're getting seem reasonable. Recall the behavior of the exp(-x). When x is zero, exp(-x) is 1. When x is large exp(-x) is zero.
Perhaps if you make M(i,j) = normImageTemp; you'd see what you expect to see.
Consider this solution:
I = Input.X;
D = squareform( pdist(I') ); %'# euclidean distance between columns of I
M = exp(-(1/10) * D); %# similarity matrix between columns of I
PDIST and SQUAREFORM are functions from the Statistics Toolbox.
Otherwise consider this equivalent vectorized code (using only built-in functions):
%# we know that: ||u-v||^2 = ||u||^2 + ||v||^2 - 2*u.v
X = sum(I.^2,1);
D = real( sqrt(bsxfun(#plus,X,X')-2*(I'*I)) );
M = exp(-(1/10) * D);
As was explained in the other answers, D is the distance matrix, while exp(-D) is the similarity matrix (which is why you get ones on the diagonal)
there is an already implemented function pdist, if you have a matrix A, you can directly do
Sim= squareform(pdist(A))

Removing Similar Elements in Matrix

I'm trying to figure out how to remove an element of a matrix in MATLAB if it differs from any of the other elements by 0.01. I'm supposed to be using all of the unique elements of the matrix as thresholding values for a ROC curve that I'm creating but I need a way to remove values when they are within 0.01 of each other (since we are assuming they are basically equal if this is true).
And help would be greatly appreciated!
If you are simply trying to remove adjacent values within that tolerance from a vector, I would start with something like this:
roc = ...
tolerance = 0.1;
idx = [logical(1) diff(roc)>tolerance)];
rocReduced = roc(idx);
'rocReduced' is now a vector with all values that didn't have an adjacent values within a tolerance in the original vector.
This approach has two distinct limitations:
The original 'roc' vector must be monotonic.
No more than two items in a row may be within the tolerance, otherwise the entire swath will be removed.
I suspect the above would not be sufficient. That said, I can't think of any simple operations that overcome those (and other) limitations while still using vectorized matrix operations.
If performance is not a huge issue, you maybe the following iterative algorithm would suit your application:
roc = ...
tolerance = 0.1;
mask = true(size(roc)); % Start with all points
last = 1; % Always taking first point
for i=2:length(roc) % for all remaining points,
if(abs(roc(i)-roc(last))<tolerance) % If this point is within the tolerance of the last accepted point, remove it from the mask;
mask(i) = false;
else % Otherwise, keep it and mark the last kept
last = i;
rocReduced = roc(mask);
This handles multiple consecutive sub-tolerance intervals without necessarily throwing all away. It also handles non-monotonic sequences.
MATLAB users sometimes shy away from iterative solutions (vs. vectorized matrix operations), but sometimes it's not worth the trouble of finding a more elegant solution when brute force performance meets your needs.
Let all the elements in your matrix form a graph G = (V,E) such that an there is an edge between two vertices (u,v) if the difference between them is less than 0.01. Now, construct an adjacency matrix for this graph and find the element with the largest degree. Remove it and add it to a list and remove it's neighbors from your graph and repeat until there aren't any elements left.
%% Toy dataset
M = [1 1.005 2 ;2.005 2.009 3; 3.01 3.001 3.005];
M = M(:);
A = false(numel(M),numel(M));
for i=1:numel(M)
ind = abs(M-M(i))<=0.01;
A(i,ind) = 1;
C = [];
while any(A(:))
[val ind] = max(sum(A));
C(end+1) = M(ind);
A(A(ind,:),:) = 0;
This has a runtime of O(n^2) where your matrix has n elements. Yeah it's slow.
From your description, it's not very clear how you want to handle a chain of values (as pointed out in the comments already), e.g. 0.0 0.05 0.1 0.15 ... and what you actually mean by removing the elements from the matrix: set them to zero, remove the entire column, remove the entire line?
For a vector, it could look like (similar to Adams solution)
roc = ...
tolerance = 0.1;
% sort it first to get the similar values in a row
[rocSorted, sortIdx] = sort(roc);
% find the differing values and get their indices
idx = [logical(1); diff(rocSorted)>tolerance)];
sortIdxReduced = sortIdx(idx);
% select only the relevant parts from the original vector (revert sorting)
rocReduced = roc(sort(sortIdxReduced));
The code is untested, but should work hopefully.
Before you use a threshold or tolerance to keep values that all close enough, you can use matlab inbuilt unique() to reduce the run. Usually, matlab tries to accelerate their inbuilts, so try to use as many inbuilts as possible.