Updating a codable user struct - swift

I'm developing an app where the user can create up to 5 profiles when I came across a problem.
Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value: file
The first edition of the app has a struct with these data points in it:
When the app opens it loads the user via func loadUser()
Now, during an update I've added a new data point in the user struct so it now looks like this:
Now when the func loadUser() is called it fails with this statement:
Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value: file
How the system is built:
When the app is opened the first time it creates 5 empty profiles. The user can then "activate" and fill out these profiles and he/she likes.
I'm a little uncertain how to deal with this problem. How can I add new data points to my struct without causing the app to crash?
Source code:
struct User: Codable {
// Core user data
let id: Int
var profileName: String
var profileIcon: String
var profileSummary: String
class DataManager: NSObject {
/// Used to encode and save user to UserDefaults
func saveUser(_ user: User) {
if let encoded = try? JSONEncoder().encode(user) {
UserDefaults.standard.set(encoded, forKey: "userProfile_\(user.id)")
print("Saved user (ID: \(user.id)) successfully.")
/// Used to decode and load user from UserDefaults
func loadUser(_ userID: Int) -> User {
var user : User?
if let userData = UserDefaults.standard.data(forKey: "userProfile_\(userID)"),
let userFile = try? JSONDecoder().decode(User.self, from: userData) {
user = userFile
print("Loaded user (ID: \(user!.id)) successfully.")
return user!
/// Used to create x empty userprofiles ready to be used
func createEmptyProfiles() {
// May be changed, but remember to adjust UI
var profilesAllowed = 5
while profilesAllowed != 0 {
print("Attempting to create empty profile for user with ID \(profilesAllowed)")
let user = User(id: profilesAllowed, profileName: "", profileIcon: "", profileSummary: "Write a bit about your profile here..")
print("User with ID \(profilesAllowed) was created and saved successfully")
// Substract one
profilesAllowed -= 1
//MARK: - Delete profile
func deleteUser(user: User) -> Bool {
var userHasBeenDeleted = false
var userToDelete = user
// Reset all values
userToDelete.profileName = ""
userToDelete.profileIcon = ""
userToDelete.profileSummary = ""
// Save the resetted user
if let encoded = try? JSONEncoder().encode(userToDelete) {
UserDefaults.standard.set(encoded, forKey: "userProfile_\(user.id)")
print("User has now been deleted")
userHasBeenDeleted = true
return userHasBeenDeleted

Two options:
Make profileSummary optional
struct User: Codable {
// Core user data
let id: Int
var profileName: String
var profileIcon: String
var profileSummary: String?
If the key doesn't exist it will be ignored.
Implement init(from decoder) and decode profileSummary with decodeIfPresent assigning an empty string if it isn't.
Side note:
Never try? in a Codable context. Catch the error and handle it. Your loadUser method crashes reliably if an error occurs. A safe way is to make the method throw and hand over errors to the caller.
enum ProfileError : Error { case profileNotAvailable }
/// Used to decode and load user from UserDefaults
func loadUser(_ userID: Int) throws -> User {
guard let userData = UserDefaults.standard.data(forKey: "userProfile_\(userID)") else { throw ProfileError.profileNotAvailable }
return try JSONDecoder().decode(User.self, from: userData)


How to make ForEach loop for a Codable Swift Struct's Dictionary (based on Firestore map)

I am trying to do a ForEach loop that lists all of the social medias a user might have. This would be on a scrollable list, the equivalent of music streaming apps have a list of all the songs you save in your library. The user's social medias list is in reality a dictionary.
My MainViewModel class implements all of the Firebase functionality. See below.
class MainViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var errorMessage = ""
#Published var user: User?
init() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.isUserCurrentlyLoggedOut = FirebaseManager.shared.auth.currentUser?.uid == nil
#Published var isUserCurrentlyLoggedOut = false
func handleSignOut() {
try? FirebaseManager.shared.auth.signOut()
func readCodableUserWithMap() {
guard let uid = FirebaseManager.shared.auth.currentUser?.uid else {
self.errorMessage = "Could not find firebase uid"
let userID = uid
let docRef = FirebaseManager.shared.firestore.collection("users").document(userID)
docRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if let err = error {
if let doc = document {
let user = try! doc.data(as: User.self)
if let mappedField = user.socials {
mappedField.forEach { print($0.key, $0.value) }
readCodableUserWithMap() is supposed to initialize my codable struct, which represents a user. See below.
struct User: Identifiable, Codable {
#DocumentID var id: String?
var socials: [String: String]?
var uid, email, name, bio, profileImageUrl: String?
var numSocials, followers, following: Int?
QUESTION AT HAND: In my Dashboard View, I am trying to have a list of all the social medias a user can have. I can't manage to make a ForEach loop for my user.
I do:
ForEach(vm.user?.socials.sorted(by: >), id: \.key) { key, value in
linkDisplay(social: key, handler: value)
}.onDelete(perform: delete)
This gives me the following errors:
Value of optional type '[Dictionary<String, String>.Element]?' (aka 'Optional<Array<(key: String, value: String)>>') must be unwrapped to a value of type '[Dictionary<String, String>.Element]' (aka 'Array<(key: String, value: String)>')
Value of optional type '[String : String]?' must be unwrapped to refer to member 'sorted' of wrapped base type '[String : String]'
I have tried coalescing using ?? but that doesn't work, although I assume I am doing something wrong. Force-unwrapping is something I tried but it made the app crash when it was an empty dictionary.
Just in case, here is the database hierarchy: firebase hierarchy
TLDR: HOW can I make a ForEach loop to list all of my user's medias?
You have both vm.user and socials as optionals.
The ForEach loop requires non-optionals, so
you could try the following approach to unwrap those for the ForEach loop.
if let user = vm.user, let socials = user.socials {
ForEach(socials.sorted(by: > ), id: \.key) { key, value in
linkDisplay(social: key, handler: value)
}.onDelete(perform: delete)

SwiftUI: compiler takes initialized value from ViewModel rather than the value that has been fetched

I'm writing a program where I reference a database where authenticated users each have a document whose ID corresponds to their User ID. Given the user's ID, I am trying to determine their name; I have managed to read all of the user's data and it is in my data model of class Users:
class Users {
var id: String
var name: String
var surname: String // ...
In my ViewModel, I have
#Published var specificUser = User(id: "", name: "", surname: "", email: "", profficiency: 0, lists: [[]])
which is an initialized user.
In that same ViewModel, I have a function that fetches the User Data from the database, which appears to work. It should then store the new user data in the specificUserData variable.
func getData() {
let db = Firestore.firestore()
guard let uid = auth.currentUser?.uid else { return }
db.collection("Users").getDocuments { result, error in
if error == nil {
print("Current User's ID found: \(uid)")
if let result = result {
// iterate through documents until correct ID is found
for d in result.documents {
if d.documentID == uid {
print("Document ID found: \(d.documentID)")
self.specificUser = User(
id: d.documentID,
name: d["name"] as? String ?? "",
// ...
print(self.specificUser.name) // This works; my compiler spits out the correct name from the database, so clearly the specificUser variable has been changed.
} else {
// Handle Error
print("Error while fetching user's specific data")
Here's how I initialized the getData() function:
init() {
print("Data Retrieval Complete")
print("User's Name: \(model.specificUser.name)")
I am trying to reference my ViewModel like this:
#ObservedObject var model = ViewModel()
Now here's the problem: when I try to reference the User's name from the view model in my struct with
It gives me the default name, even though I have initialized the getData() function already. Checking my compiler log and adding a bunch of print statements, it appears that the initialization is in fact working, but it is printing data retrieval complete before it is printing the albeit correct name.
Any thoughts? It seems that the initializer function is taking the initialized value from my ViewModel rather than the correct value it should be computing.
try this
func getData(_ completion: #escaping (Bool, User?) -> ()) {
let db = Firestore.firestore()
guard let uid = auth.currentUser?.uid else { return }
db.collection("Users").getDocuments { result, error in
if error == nil {
print("Current User's ID found: \(uid)")
if let result = result {
// iterate through documents until correct ID is found
for d in result.documents {
if d.documentID == uid {
print("Document ID found: \(d.documentID)")
let user = User(
id: d.documentID,
name: d["name"] as? String ?? "",
// ...
completion(true, user)
print(self.specificUser.name) // This works; my compiler spits out the correct name from the database, so clearly the specificUser variable has been changed.
} else {
// Handle Error
completion(false, nil)
print("Error while fetching user's specific data")
init() {
model.getData() { res, user in
if res {
self.specificUser = user!
print("Data Retrieval Complete")
print("User's Name: \(model.specificUser.name)")

How to add custom data instances to an array in Firestore?

I have a question where and how to properly save users who are logged into a rooms, now I save them inside the collection "rooms" but I save the user as a reference
func addUserToRoom(room: String, id: String) {
COLLETCTION_ROOMS.document(room).updateData(["members": FieldValue.arrayUnion([COLLETCTION_USERS.document(id)])])
But when I create a rooms, I need to pass in an array of users
func fetchRooms() {
.addSnapshotListener { snapshot, _ in
guard let rooms = snapshot?.documents else { return }
self.rooms = rooms.map({ (queryDocumentSnapshot) -> VoiceRoom in
let data = queryDocumentSnapshot.data()
let query = queryDocumentSnapshot.get("members") as? [DocumentReference]
// ======== I'm making a request here, but I don't understand how to save users next
query.map { result in
result.map { user in
let user = user.getDocument { userSnapshot, _ in
let data = userSnapshot?.data()
guard let user = data else { return }
let id = user["id"] as? String ?? ""
let first_name = user["first_name"] as? String ?? ""
let last_name = user["last_name"] as? String ?? ""
let profile = Profile(id: id,
first_name: first_name,
last_name: last_name)
let id = data["id"] as? String ?? ""
let title = data["title"] as? String ?? ""
let description = data["description"] as? String ?? ""
let members = [Profile(id: "1", first_name: "Test1", last_name: "Test1")]
return VoiceRoom(id: id,
title: title,
description: description,
members: members
This is how my room and profile model looks like
struct VoiceRoom: Identifiable, Decodable {
var id: String
var title: String
var description: String
var members: [Profile]?
struct Profile: Identifiable, Decodable {
var id: String
var first_name: String?
var last_name: String?
Maybe someone can tell me if I am not saving users correctly and I need to do it in a separate collection, so far I have not found a solution, I would be grateful for any advice.
I feel like this answer is going to blow your mind:
struct VoiceRoom: Identifiable, Codable {
var id: String
var title: String
var description: String
var members: [Profile]?
struct Profile: Identifiable, Codable {
var id: String
var first_name: String?
var last_name: String?
final class RoomRepository: ObservableObject {
#Published var rooms: [VoiceRoom] = []
private let db = Firestore.firestore()
private var listener: ListenerRegistration?
func addUserToRoom(room: VoiceRoom, user: Profile) {
let docRef = COLLECTION_ROOMS.document(room.id)
let userData = try! Firestore.Encoder().encode(user)
docRef.updateData(["members" : FieldValue.arrayUnion([userData])])
func fetchRooms() {
listener = db.collection("rooms").addSnapshotListener { snapshot, _ in
guard let roomDocuments = snapshot?.documents else { return }
self.rooms = roomDocuments.compactMap { try? $0.data(as: VoiceRoom.self) }
And that's it. This is all it takes to correctly store members of a room and simply decode a stored room into an instance of VoiceRoom. All of it is pretty self explanatory but if you have any questions feel free to ask it in the comments.
I decided to elaborate on my changes anyway so that people who just started coding can understand how I reduced the code to just a few lines (skip this if you understood my code).
When your custom data instances conform to the Codable protocol it allows those instances to be automatically transformed into data the database can store (known as Encoding) AND allows them to converted back into the concrete types in your code when you retrieve them from the database (known as Decoding). And the magic of it is all you need to do is add : Codable to your structs and classes to get all this functionality for free!
Now, what about the functions? The addUserToRoom(room:user:) function takes in a VoiceRoom instead of a String because it's generally easier for the caller to just pass in room instead of room.id. This extra step can be done by the function itself and saves a little bit of clutter in your Views while also making it easier.
Finally the fetchRooms() function attaches a listener to the "rooms" collection and fires a block of code any time the collection changes in any way. In the block of code, I check if the document snapshot actually contains documents by using guard let roomDocuments = snapshot?.documents else { return }. After I know I have the documents all that's left to do is convert those documents back into VoiceRoom instances which can easily be done because VoiceRoom conforms to Codable (Remember how I said: "AND allows them to converted back into the concrete types in your code when you retrieve them from the database"). I do this by mapping the array of [QueryDocumentSnapshot] i.e. roomDocuments, into concrete VoiceRoom instances. I use a compact map because if any of the documents fail to decode it won't be contained in self.rooms.
try? $0.data(as: VoiceRoom.self)
tries to take every document (represented by $0) and represent its "data" "as" "VoiceRoom" instances.
And that's all it takes!

Swift+Firestore - return from getDocument() function

I'm currently dealing with this problem. I have Firestore database. My goal is to fill friends array with User entities after being fetched. I call fetchFriends, which fetches currently logged user, that has friends array in it (each item is ID of friend). friends array is then looped and each ID of friend is fetched and new entity User is made. I want to map this friends array to friends Published variable. What I did there does not work and I'm not able to come up with some solution.
Firestore DB
- name: String
- friends: [String]
User model
struct User: Identifiable, Codable {
#DocumentID var id: String?
var name: String?
var email: String
var photoURL: URL?
var friends: [String]?
User ViewModel
#Published var friends = [User?]()
func fetchFriends(uid: String) {
let userRef = db.collection("users").document(uid)
userRef.addSnapshotListener { documentSnapshot, error in
do {
guard let user = try documentSnapshot?.data(as: User.self) else {
self.friends = user.friends!.compactMap({ friendUid in
self.fetchUserAndReturn(uid: friendUid) { friend in
return friend
catch {
func fetchUserAndReturn(uid: String, callback:#escaping (User)->User) {
let friendRef = db.collection("users").document(uid)
friendRef.getDocument { document, error in
callback(try! document?.data(as: User.self) as! User)
One option is to use DispatchGroups to group up the reading of the users but really, the code in the question is not that far off.
There really is no need for compactMap as user id's are unique and so are documentId's within the same collection so there shouldn't be an issue where there are duplicate userUid's as friends.
Using the user object in the question, here's how to populate the friends array
func fetchFriends(uid: String) {
let userRef = db.collection("users").document(uid)
userRef.addSnapshotListener { documentSnapshot, error in
guard let user = try! documentSnapshot?.data(as: User.self) else { return }
user.friends!.forEach( { friendUid in
self.fetchUserAndReturn(uid: friendUid, completion: { returnedFriend in
func fetchUserAndReturn(uid: String, completion: #escaping ( MyUser ) -> Void ) {
let userDocument = self.db.collection("users").document(uid)
userDocument.getDocument(completion: { document, error in
guard let user = try! document?.data(as: User.self) else { return }
Note that I removed all the error checking for brevity so be sure to include checking for Firebase errors as well as nil objects.

How to globally store a User Class instance in Swift

I have been coding in swift for a short time now and wish to create my first, properly complete application. My application starts with a UITabController (after the logging in part which I have implemented) will come with a "profile" page, where the user can update information about themselves (username etc).
I have therefore created a User class which holds this information and will in the future, communicate with a server to update the users information.
I only want one User class object to be instantiated throughout the application (yet still accessible everywhere) as only one user can be logged in on the phone, what is considered the best practice to do so? It may also be worth noting that the log in section will remember a user is logged in so they won't have to re-log in (using user defaults Boolean for isLoggedIn)
I was thinking about making the User class as a singleton, or somehow making the class instance global (although I am pretty sure making it global isn't great).
Or is there a way to make the instance accessible for every view controller placed in a UITabController class if I create the User class in the tab controller class? What do you recommend?
Thanks all!
This is how I use a single object for user data that both is available in any view controller I want but also allows for the saving of data. This utilizes Realm for swift for saving data. To call the data you just create the variable let user = User.getCurrentUser()
class User: Object, Decodable {
#objc dynamic var firstName: String? = ""
#objc dynamic var lastName: String? = ""
#objc dynamic var email: String = ""
#objc dynamic var signedIn: Bool = false
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "email"
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case email
case firstName
case lastName
extension User {
func updateUser(block: (User) -> ()) {
let realm = UserRealm.create()
try? realm.write {
static func getCurrentUser() -> User? {
let realm = UserRealm.create()
return realm.objects(User.self).filter("signedIn == %#", true).first
fileprivate let currentSchema: UInt64 = 104
struct UserRealm {
static func create() -> Realm {
do {
return try Realm(configuration: config)
} catch {
fatalError("Creating User Realm Failed")
static var config: Realm.Configuration {
let url = Realm.Configuration().fileURL!.deletingLastPathComponent().appendingPathComponent("Users.realm")
return Realm.Configuration(fileURL: url,
schemaVersion: currentSchema, migrationBlock: { migration, oldSchema in
print("Old Schema version =", oldSchema)
print("Current schema version =", currentSchema)
if oldSchema < currentSchema {
}, shouldCompactOnLaunch: { (totalBytes, usedBytes) -> Bool in
let oneHundredMB = 100 * 1024 * 1024
return (totalBytes > oneHundredMB) && (Double(usedBytes) / Double(totalBytes)) < 0.5