Sequelize, Postgres. Save date including UTC offset - postgresql

I have an app that creates some entities (it doesn't really matter for this question), but the entities could be created in different timezones, so I have to store UTC offset in my createdAt and updatedAt columns. For some reasons, I'm not able to save generated date correctly, please refer to the code snippet below, to get more details:
Here is what I'm doing:
const { user } = userInfoWebAPICallResult as WebAPICallResult
const now = moment(
const entity = await Entity.create({
createdAt: now
updatedAt: now,
I'm getting tz value externally, it's a string which looks like "America/Los_Angeles". If I convert now to string (by calling .format() method) and log the received value I will see something like this "2020-01-03T16:32:53-08:00". As you can see the date has offset value, this is the correct date, but during inspecting the Database I see "2020-01-04 00:32:53.013 00", this string doesn't have offset value anymore and it looks like the resulting date was computed automatically.
I will need to implement the filtration by createdAt date, people from different timezone will use this filtering mechanism. I planned to expose two parameters date and utcOffset via API, which would allow me to return correct entries depending on the user time zone.
What I'm missing?

The moment when the entity was created / updated should probably be stored in UTC; it is a timestamp that identifies an exact point in time when the event happened.
I would suggest dealing with time zones on the output part: convert a UTC timestamp to a display that takes the user's time zone into account.
If you need to know what time of day it was for the user who created or updated the entity, I would store that user's time zone in a separate column, using standard time zone identifiers (like "America/New_York" rather than "EDT" or "EST").


How to deal with dates in global system

Let's say that I need to create 'chat-like' system. Of course I need to deal with dates somehow.
I read about it a lot and I have some knowledge but I really don't know how to use it.
I would like to store message date in UTC (postgres 12)
Each user should be able to select his time zone and this time zone should be saved into database (standard approach)
When message is retrieved from database I need to convert message date into valid local date based on user selected timezone.
This is really all I need to do and here problem starts:
In postgres date is stored with offset f.e 2020-05-01 00:00:00+02, but I want to store timezone in another table, not here
How can I store user timezone? I should use names like "EST5EDT" or use time offsets as integer?
Where can I find list of all timezones to present user? (Each global website f.e. facebook has list of timezones with offsets, where can I find list of all valid timezones?)
How can I select date with user appropriate timezone? f.e.
SELECT convert_to_user_date("Date", "timezonename??")
FROM "Messages"
Is this correct way to achieve my goal?
These days you don't have to resort to UTC. You can store full timestamps with time zone. This way e.g. you won't lose DST status at the moment the timestamp was recorded in the database.
You can easily select the timestamp stored with any time zone shifted to target user's time zone (assuming it's stored somewhere in user preferences). The syntax is SELECT ... AT TIME ZONE
You are very close to a workable setup.
First, use timestamp or timestamp without timezone column data type to store those UTC date/time stamps.
Second, store your users' preferred time zones in varchar(63) columns in the form Asia/Kolkata or America/Halifax.
Third, use postgresql's built in view pg_timezone_names to get a list of valid time zones. You can use it to populate a pulldown list of choices in your user-settings screen.
If you have time for some real excellence in your user-settings screen, you can suggest time zone settings you guess from the users' ip adresses and allow them to change them if your guess was wrong. Read this. How to get Time Zone through IP Address in PHP
Then, when your application starts using postgresql on behalf of any user, look up that user's chosen time zone in your users table, and use it in this SQL command. SET TIME ZONE 'America/Halifax'; (whatever the user's choice is).
Then when you retrieve your time stamps, they will be rendered in the user's local time, and when you store the they'll be in UTC.
The 'toobz are full of advice about this. Here's something that might be useful. How to get Time Zone through IP Address in PHP
Use the data type timestamp with time zone. Don't be worried by the name — that data type really represents an absolute point of time and does not store time zone information.
The only thing you have to do is to set the timezone parameter correctly for the time zone of the client connection, then the value will be represented correctly in that time zone. PostgreSQL does all the work for you.
If you don't like the string representation (e.g., you are disturbed by the time zone offset displayed), use to_char to format the output the way you like:
CREATE TABLE dates (x timestamp with time zone NOT NULL);
SET timezone = 'Europe/Vienna';
INSERT INTO dates VALUES ('2020-06-01 03:00:00');
SET timezone = 'Asia/Kolkata';
SELECT to_char(x, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') FROM dates;
2020-06-01 06:30:00
(1 row)

MongoDB Date field and time zone handling

I will begin using MongoDB in a project and made the following observation:
A ‘Date’, e.g.: ISODate("2000-07-24T00:00:00.000Z") is stored in as UTC 0 (or Zulu).
Let’s assume that an end user submits a plain date, such as “2000-07-24” and his or her local timezone is -5.
Because of the ‘Z’ character in the time (indicates UTC 0), storing the following would be incorrect because the user’s 5 hour difference:
I am assuming that it would be more proper to consider the end user’s local time zone into account and store the date as follows:
By doing this, I can see that any queries would need a timezone adjustment for 'Date'.
By storing all ‘Date’ fields as UTC 0, we can guarantee that exact points in time from people posting from different continents is properly handled.
Does this seem like a good way to handle timezones in MongoDB?

Cloud Firestore: Storing and querying for today's date over multiple UTC offsets?

I'm writing a web app using Firestore that needs to be able to show "Today's Popular Posts" and I'm having trouble getting the queries right when considering users in different timezones.
The dates are stored in the DB as UTC 0, then adjusted to the current user's UTC offset in the client via Moment.js. This works correctly.
When adding a new post I use firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp() to store the current server timestamp in a field called timestamp, like so:
const collectionRef = db.collection('posts');
name: "Test Post",
content: "Blah blah blah",
timestamp: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
likeCount: 0
Then on the server I have a Cloud Function that runs on create and adds another field to the document called datestamp which is the the UTC 0 timestamp, but adjusted so that the time is the beginning of the day. The function looks like this:
exports.updatePostDate = functions.firestore
.onCreate((event) => {
const db = admin.firestore();
const postRef = db.doc('post/'+event.params.postID);
const postData =;
const startOfDay = moment(postData.timestamp).startOf('day').toDate();
return postRef.update({
datestamp: startOfDay
Storing a timestamp where the time is always the beginning of the day enables me to write a query like this for finding all posts and ordering by popularity on a given day:
const startOfDayUTC = moment.utc().startOf('day').toDate();
const postQuery = db.collection('posts')
.orderBy('likeCount', 'desc')
.orderBy('timestamp', 'desc')
.where('datestamp', '==', startOfDayUTC)
The problem is, depending on the user's UTC offset, this can display posts with two different dates when parsing the post's timestamp field. So even though the query is correctly fetching all the posts where the datestamp is say, 2018-01-30T00:00:00Z, the timestamp's date might not be the same once parsed. Here's an example of two posts:
Post 2:
likeCount: 1
timestamp (UTC 0): 2018-01-30T06:41:58Z
timestamp (parsed to UTC-8): 2018-01-29T22:41:58-08:00
datestamp (UTC 0): 2018-01-30T00:00:00Z
Post 1:
likeCount: 0
timestamp (UTC 0): 2018-01-30T10:44:35Z
timestamp (parsed to UTC-8): 2018-01-30T02:44:35-08:00
datestamp (UTC 0): 2018-01-30T00:00:00Z
So you can see, while the posts have the same datestamp, after adjusting the timestamp to the local UTC, the timestamp fields can end up being on two different days.
If anyone has a solution to this I would be very grateful.
I think it is better to avoid functions in this case as you can perform compound queries now. You can simply use
query.where(date > lastMidnight).where(data < now).get().then(...)
so to speak to limit data which only belongs to one day and try to keep all your time variables in UTC 0 and just find the start point and the current time both client side and convert them to UTC0.
//get local time from midnight to now (local)
const now = new Date();
const lastMidnight = now.setHours(0,0,0,0);
//then convert those to UTC0 to pass on in your query to firestore
const lastMidNightUTC = new Date(lastMidnight + now.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000).toString();
const nowInUTC = new Date(now + now.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000).toString();
and you can get your data (remember you need to make an index or just run the query once and firebase SDK will generate a link to create the index in dev tools -> console , for you)
query.where(date > lastMidNightUTC).where(data < now).get().then(...)
I came up with a solution that I'm really not happy with... But it works!
The problem is fundamentally one post can be on more than one date, depending on the user's location. And since for this case we also want to order by a field other than timestamp we can't use a range query to select posts on a given date, because your first .orderBy must be on the field you're using a range query on (see Firestore docs).
My solution is to map localized datestamps to their corresponding UTC offset. The object contains every UTC offset as a key, and the post's datestamp in that offset's time.
An example post looks like this:
name: "Test Post",
content: "Blah blah blah",
timestamp: Mon Jan 29 2018 21:37:21 GMT-0800 (PST),
likeCount: 0,
utcDatemap: {
0: "2018-01-30,
-480: "2018-01-29",
The field utcDatemap is the the one we use in our queries now:
const now = moment();
const datestamp = now.format("YYYY-MM-DD");
const utcOffset = now.utcOffset();
const utcDatemapField = 'utcDatemap.'+utcOffset;
const postQuery = db.collection('posts')
.orderBy('likeCount', 'desc')
.orderBy('timestamp', 'desc')
.where(utcDatemapField, '==', datestamp)
Now posts can show up on two different days, depending on where the user is querying from. And we can still convert the regular old timestamp to the user's local time on the client.
This is definitely not an ideal solution. For the above query I needed to create composite indexes for every single key in utcDatemap. I'm not sure what the rules of thumb are with composite indexes, but I'm thinking having 39 indexes for something simple like this is probably not great.
Additionally I checked it out using the roughSizeOfObject function from thomas-peter's answer on this post and the utcDatemap object, with all it's string datestamps clocked in at roughly 780 bytes, and it's not like 0.78kb is a lot, but you do need to be mindful of how much data you're transferring with a service like Firestore (0.78kb is a lot for a date).
I'm learning/reading up on Firestore and have Google'd to see how it deals with times, so discount my answer appropriately.
It looks as though Firestore converts times to UTC and stores them as its own Timestamp datatype. If so, then it's critical to know that this is a destructive conversion.
Though UTC is useful for comparing instants in time, it means that the wall-clock time as observed by the app user is lost forever. Some countries like the UK are in one of two timezones during the year, Daylight Savings Time and British Summer Time.
You can convert back to the user's observed time, but the problem is that the rules change over the years. You'd have to keep a record of all the different rule changes for all the timezones and countries of the world.
What was the time at the time?
The question is, what time did the user think an event happened the time. This can have legal ramifications. You may need to go back through historic data to prove a person acted at a certain time as they observed it.
The solution is to capture the user's observed offset in an additional field. That way, you can always use this to convert.
Regarding the OPs problem, this seems somewhat philosophical for a web app. Does "today" mean the event, such as a post, must have happened within the user's Monday? Or just posts on today's date? Or posts within the last 24h?
An important thing to remember is that dates are the same all around the world, even when they begin and end at different instants.
What's Elvis got to do with all this?
Christmas Day is 25th everywhere. If I say something happened on Christmas Day and I'm in the USA, and then someone in Australia wants to see all the world's posts made on Christmas Day, then they need to query for posts where observedDate == 25th Dec.
Think about it. Such posts were all made on Christmas Day, even though it might have been Boxing Day for me in England at the instant that they posted.
Elvis died on 16th August. In the UK our radio stations don't all wait until it's the 16th in the timezone of the place of his death to start playing his records.
Another interesting one is whether something happened in Q1 or Q2 of a company's reporting year. Is a sale recognised as on the date at the point-of-sale in the store in New York, or in the database in LA?
The observed date is interesting.
My point is, think deeply about this and store both a normalised instant like UTC, but also the user's observed date, time and offset. Then you have all the information you'll need for the future.
Finally, consider adding observed year or week numbers, or day ordinals, H1/H2 for financial data, since it can be super useful for composing rapid queries, depending on your use-cases.

Postgresql: Convert a date string '2016-01-01 00:00:00' to a datetime with specific timezone

I'm in a tricky situation. A client's database timezone was configured for America/Chicago instead of UTC.
From the app, we ask customers to enter useful dates, and sadly those dates are stored 'as-is', so if they entered '2001-01-01 00:00:00' in the text input, that same value will be stored in the DB, and we are ignoring the customer's timezone. We save that info separately.
The table column is of type TIMEZONETZ. So Postgresql will add the America/Chicago timezone offset at the end: Eg '2001-01-01 00:00:00-02'.
Naturally, most of the customers are not in Chicago.
The difficult part, is that, even knowing the customer's timezone, it's really hard to run calculations on the DB given that the datetime was not correctly pre-processed before storing it into the DB.
My attempted solution, is finding a way to extract the datetime string from the column value, and re-convert it to a date with the right timezone. Eg (pseudo-code):
// This is psuedo code
SELECT DATETIME((SELECT date_string(mycolumn) FROM mytable),
Which would be equivalent in PHP:
$customerInput = '2016-01-01 00:00:00';
$format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
$wrongDateStoredInDb = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $customerInput, new DateTimezone('America/Chicago'));
// In order to fix that date, I'd extract the dateString and create a new DateTime but passing the correct timezone info.
$customerTimezone = new Timezone('America/Bogota');
$customerInput = $wrongDateStoredInDb->format($format); // Assuming we didn't have it already.
$actualDateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $customerInput, $customerTimezone);
With that kind of information, I'd be able to run calculations on date ranges, with the correct values, eg:
// Pseudo-code
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE fix_date_time(columnWithInvalidDate, `correctTimezone`)::timestamp > `sometimestamp`;
I've read the Postgresql docs, and I've tried everything I could, but nothing seems to work.
Any suggestion is more than welcomed!
So you say that you have a timestamptz column. That is not stored as a string, but as an "instant" in microseconds since the epoch. But when you do an INSERT and give a string, Postgres converts your string into a time value automatically, before storing it. It's been assuming the strings you give it are in Chicago time, since that's the default timezone.
Now you want to reinterpret those times as being in the user's time zone instead. To do that, you can put them back into strings (in Chicago time), and then parse them again but with a different time zone.
Suppose you have data like this:
CREATE TABLE t (id int primary key, ts timestamptz, tz text);
SET TIMEZONE='America/Chicago';
(1, '2015-01-01 12:00:00', 'America/Managua'),
(2, '2015-01-01 12:00:00', 'America/Los_Angeles')
Then this will give you new times that are what the user really meant:
SET TIMEZONE='America/Chicago';
SELECT ts::text::timestamp AT TIME ZONE tz FROM t;
To break it down: ts::text stringifies the value into Chicago time, then we re-parse it, but into a bare timestamp with no timezone information yet. Then we attach a time zone---not Chicago time, but the user's own timezone.
From here you should be able to handle fixing the bad rows (and not the new ones, if you've already changed the server's default timezone).
One caveat is that if a user entered a time and then changed their timezone, there is no way to recover that, so this will interpret that old time incorrectly.

Postgres prevent timestamp with timezone conversion

I have a table that I am using to store iso dates with timezones. I realize that dates should "always" be stored as utc but I have an exception to that rule. The timestamps aren't in any way related to the server they are running on. I want to be able to store an iso date like this:
And regardless of the time zone of the server or anything else I want the timestamp returned as:
Currently if I insert an iso date it automatically converts it to whatever the server timezone is. My above date gets converted to:
2016-03-06 07:15:52+00 (server is utc)
The only thing I can think of is storing the timezone offset in a separate column, storing my date as utc and then converting using the offset column, horribly messy. Surely there is a way to store my date in one column and get it out the way it was originally created?
Your proposed solution is correct. Or more precisely, it is one of several correct implementations. Any of the following would work:
Store the UTC timestamp in one field, store the offset in another.
Store the local timestamp in one field, store the offset in another.
Store the local date in one field, and store a time with time zone in another. (though time with time zone is generally discouraged...)
Store the UTC timestamps in one field and the local timestamp in another.
The easiest by far is the first one, which you already proposed.
I'd avoid against storing timestamps in text fields, as they tend not to be very efficiently searchable.
Also note - if you're coming from a SQL Server background, you might recall its datetimeoffset type, which stores the local datetime and offset in the field, and uses the UTC equivalent during indexing. It's common to think that Postgres and MySQL's timestamp with time zone would have the same behavior, but they don't. They simply use the session time zone to convert to/from UTC. SQL Server has no concept of a session time zone, and thus the discrepancy.
Be sure to read this part of the Postgres docs.