i want to disable the bottom overflowed messages (like this one: ) before I upload the app in case someone has a to small screen size. Is there a way to disable the bottom overflowed messages in flutter?
thanks for answers
When you build app in release mode, users don't see this warning, however this warning help us to solve overflowed UI.
I would not recommend you to do so.
Though you will be able to remove those messages, you would not able to enable proper functionalities.
Thus I would recommend to use singlechildscrollview wherever possible, or some listviews depending upon layout.
Just wrap your widgets inside
child: yourWidgets(
When I touch the keyboard it has such a height. This also gives an overflowed error
Well if you need the Scrolling effect in your screen, It's best to adjust all the elements inside a SingleChildScrollView() widget. But if you think you won't need that. All you want is to get rid of the jumping from bottom, the easiest way you can achieve this is by enabling this
resizeToAvoidBottomInset: true,
in your Scaffold() widget.
I have listview in a gridview in a flutter calendar app. I am trying to detect if a particular list view has half-visible or invisible items which need to be scrolled to be seen. If not, the user might not see that a day has an appointment/task unless they change resolution/view.
I'd like to add a little arrow, or overlay, just to warn the user there are extra items. Making the listview scrollable doesn't work well for me because then the gridview loses scrollability, unless I make the ListViews shrinkwrap, which causes its own problems.
Any help appreciated...
you can use an Text to tell the user there is more contact and if the list is on end you remove that text
by using this inview_notifier_list package
and check if onListEndReached
I have programmed a modal buttom sheet which with this package (using a showCupertinoModalBottomSheet). This modal has a "header" which shows the heading and a close button on the left so the user knows what the modal is about and has a "footer" with two buttons to either apply the filter or reset it.
Between the header and the footer is a a Expanded component with a SingleChildScrollView inside in order to scroll inside the modal. This is needed because there are more filter options available than space! I am very happy that I found a solution without a SizedBox component which has a given height because the height of smartphones vary.
However, now I am facing one last problem: Sadly I am not able to scroll to the bottom of my SingleChildScrollView. This problem also occurs when removing the "footer" with the two buttons. Means, the SingleChildScrollView goes beyond the screen height (which is fine) but which is useless when I am not able to scroll to the bottom of my list. At the end of this post I have added an image so you can see the problem.
Here you can find my dartpad without the modal buttom sheet which is not supported yet on dartpart. However, because dartpad presents the web view instead of the mobile view I am not able to recreate the problem 100%. When using the mouse wheel to scrol you can scroll to the end of the list. But as you can see in the image below in the mobile version is does not work!
Does anyone has an idea how I can solve this?
I already have tried adding Containers with padding and margin to the bottom but this sadly doesn't work or leads to rendering issues.
There is also a stackoverflow post which seems to solve this problem but that leads to an rendering issue for me: https://stackoverflow.com/a/63613723/9445999
Kind regards and thank you!
I had problem when keyboards up, The error occured "bottom overflowed by xx pixels".
So I resolved the problem by Wrapping column with SingleChildScrollView, and I wonder how It can happen? I s there special trick with SingleChildScrollView?
It happens because the keyboard takes up padding space from screen estate. So wrapping the column with SingleChildScrollView() essentially handles that by making your screen scrollable.
Hope this helpsā
Also the second solution given by #EdwynZN is perfectly alright.
It just has one issue, if you have textfields that are in the region where the keyboard lies, the user won't be able to see them until they lower their keyboard. And that isn't considered a good UX practice.
So using SingleChildScrollView() is the best way to go, in regards to UI/UX.
SingleChildScrollView allows to scroll an area of the space if there is not enough to show the widget (in this case the column). When the keyboard appears the amount of space of the screen is reduced and it shows the overflow because the column cannot show the whole list of children, that's why you would need a scroll area. Another solution if you don't need to scroll is to change the parameter resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false in the scaffold
I am working on a project but, I came across something I have never used before. When I searched about it I got confused with two ways backdrop and bottom sheet.
I want to know what is the exact way to do like the following pictures that I designed.
Use DraggableScrollableSheet widget