Problems in descompression file - Out of memory - flutter

I have a sales app develpmented in Flex Builder. For use photos by off-line way, i upload a compressed file with all photos to the site and when need i sincronize with my smartphone. In that process is made a download to the dispositive and exist a responsable plugin to descompress the archive and disponibilize it in apropriate folder to later use.
That compressed file has 500MB size - 6700 photos approximately - and in Flex i have no type of problem to do that.
I'm rewriting the app in Flutter, using a archive package, dont getting the same results. In the descompress process i have problem with Out of memory.
Somebody already faced for something like that ?
Is there an best way to do this ?
I already tried other two alternatives:
- To use the, but, one of requires is work off-line.
- To save all the photos in assets folder, but i think that is not the best alternative, because the app will get bigger
Thank you in advance for.
Follow the error message and the code
var zippedFile = await initDir();
var bytes = zippedFile.readAsBytesSync();
var archive = ZipDecoder().decodeBytes(bytes);
for (var file in archive) {
var fileName = '$_dir/${}';
if (file.isFile) {
var outFile = File(fileName);
print('File:: ${outFile.path}');
outFile = await outFile.create();
await outFile.writeAsBytes(file.content);
print('terminei de descompactar os arquivos');


How to convert file back to Asset

I am using the multiple file picker package on, the link is below in conjunction with the image cropper package by Yalantis
to let my user pick multiple images and then crop them at will.
I am using this code to convert my asset into a file and feed it into the cropper. And it works.
final temp = await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp();
final data = await finalList[index].getByteData();
File failo = await File('${temp.path}/img').writeAsBytes(
data.buffer.asUint8List(data.offsetInBytes, data.lengthInBytes));
print("The path is ${temp.path}");
File croppedFailo = await ImageCropper.cropImage(
sourcePath: failo.path,
androidUiSettings: AndroidUiSettings(toolbarTitle: "My App"),
The tricky bit is to convert it back to an asset so that i can replace the old uncropped asset with this new cropped one..I read through the Asset documentation of the package and I tried this but it made my app crash
Asset croppedPic = new Asset(
finalList.replaceRange(index, index + 1, [croppedPic]);
EDIT: When i say "asset", i am not referring to images i manually added to the assets/images folder in the app. The multi image picker plugin has a file- type called asset in which it returns images. That is the type to which i want to convert my file back into.
Never mind. I figured it's too unnecessarily complicated to do that. So, i instead just reformatted my entire code to handle images as files instead of assets. And, it actually made my life a lot simpler coz files give you more versatility and less problems than assets.

How to get the original path of an image chosen with image picker plugin in Flutter instead of copying to cache?

I'm making an Android app, and when using the image picker plugin;
final pickedFile = await ImagePicker().getImage(source:;
File image = File(pickedFile.path);
the 'image' is a copy of the original image in the app's cache, however, I would like to directly use the original image's path to save it in my app because I don't want the apps cache size to grow. I saw that the deprecated method "pickImage" accomplished this (not copying to cache), but the new "getImage" seems to copy automatically and 'image's path is the path of the cached image.
How can I accomplish getting just the original path of the selected image without it being cached? (I'm assuming that using the original file's path would still work to display it in the app with FileImage(File(originalPath)), this is correct assumption?)
On iOS it was never possible to retrieve the original path and on Android it was only possible until SDK 30.
From FAQ of file_picker plugin,
Original paths were possible until file_picker 2.0.0 on Android, however, in iOS they were never possible at all since iOS wants you to make a cached copy and work on it. But, 2.0.0 introduced scoped storage support (Android 10) and with and per Android doc recommendations, files should be accessed in two ways:
Pick files for CRUD operations (read, delete, edit) through files URI and use it directly — this is what you actually want but unfortunately isn’t supported by Flutter as it needs an absolute path to open a File descriptor;
Cache the file temporarily for upload or similar, or just copy into your app’s persistent storage so you can later access it — this is what’s being done currently and even though you may have an additional step moving/copying the file after first picking, makes it safer and reliable to access any allowed file on any Android device.
I have an example for the file_picker package:
var filePath = '';
var fileExtension = '';
var fileName = '';
void buttonOnTap() async {
try {
filePath = await FilePicker.getFilePath(type: FileType.IMAGE);
if (filePath != null) {
fileName = filePath.split('/').last;
fileExtension = fileName.split('.').last;
} else {
filePath = '';
fileName = '';
fileExtension = '';
} catch (e) {}
if (filePath != '') {
Image.file(File(filePath), fit: BoxFit.cover);

Where can I store the images for my android app?

I am building an app in flutter and I want to store many images. So will anyone suggest me where I can store the images which is easy to use in my app. I mean should I store it locally or in cloud? If yes which cloud or backend should I use, whichone is good and fully optimized for my flutter app (like mongo, django, firebase etc. ). Will anyone suggest me the best?
Anyone kind of help is appreaciated as I have no prior knowledge about the production part....
Storing Images on a server can be very expensive, since the file sizes are very large compared to the usual data. So if you do not NEED to store them on a server, don't.
Storing images locally is pretty simple. You will want to use the path_provider package . I ll post a function I am using in my current project that does this. You ll see, its pretty simple.
Note: In my Code I pull the file from my server. Obviously leave that part out if you are getting your images from a different source.
Future<File> createFileOfPdfUrl(String fileLocation, String name) async {
final url = Helper.baseUrl + "Files/Newsletter/" + fileLocation;
final filename = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
var request = await HttpClient().getUrl(Uri.parse(url));
var response = await request.close();
var bytes = await consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes(response);
String dir = (await pathProvider.getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()).path;
File file = new File('$dir/$filename');
await file.writeAsBytes(bytes);
return file;

Storing images in windows phone 8

I have been really cracking my head trying to write and read png files into a folder in Windows Phone 8. From few blogs sites and codeplex i found that the there is an extension to the WritableBitmap Class which provides few extra functionalities. ImageTools has PNG encoder and decoder. But I really cant find examples to use them.
What Im trying to achieve here is to create a folder called page and then in it a file called Ink File. I want to convert the bitmap to a PNG and store it there. The bitmap is created from the strokes drawn on a canvas. The class ImageTools provides a function called ToImage to convert the strokes from the canvas to image.
For storing
ExtendedImage myImage = InkCanvas.ToImage();
var encoder = new PngEncoder();
var dataFolder = await local.CreateFolderAsync("Page", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);
StorageFile Ink_File = await dataFolder.CreateFileAsync("InkFile", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
using (var stream = await Ink_File.OpenAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))
using (var s = await Ink_File.OpenStreamForWriteAsync())
encoder.Encode(myImage, s);
await s.FlushAsync();
Is this a correct method? I receive some null exceptions for this. How do i find if the image is saved as png. How is this image saved? Is it encoded and saved in a file or is it saved as a png itsef. And how do we read this back?
I have checked out this, this , this and lot more like this.
I'm developing app for WP8
I have used the PNG Writer Library found in ToolStack and it works :)

How to delete a file while the application is running

I have developed a C# application, in the application the users choose a photo for each record. However the user should also be able to change the pre-selected photo with a newer one. When the user changes the photo the application first deletes the old photo from the application directory then copies the new photo, but when it does that the application gives an exception because the file is used by the application so it cannot be deleted while the application is running. Does any one have a clue how to sort this out? I appreciate your help
This is the exception
The process cannot access the file
Smith.png' because it is being used by
another process.
//defining a string where contains the file source path
string fileSource = Open.FileName;
//defining a string where it contains the file name
string fileName = personNameTextBox.Text + ".png" ;
//defining a string which specifies the directory of the destination file
string fileDest = dir + #"\Photos\" + fileName;
if (File.Exists(fileDest))
//this is a picturebox for showing the images
pbxPersonal.Image = Image.FromFile(dir + #"\Photos\" + "No Image.gif");
File.Copy(fileSource, fileDest);
File.Copy(fileSource, fileDest);
imageIDTextBox.Text = fileDest;
First of all, you code is not good.
The new image is only copied if there is currently no image (else).
But if there is an old image, you only delete this image, but never copy the newer one (if).
The code should better look like this:
if (File.Exists(fileDest))
File.Copy(fileSource, fileDest);
imageIDTextBox.Text = fileDest;
This code should work, but if you are getting an exception that the file is already in use, you should check "where" you use the file. Perhaps you are reading the file at program start. Check all parts of your program you are accessing these user files if there are some handles open.
Thanks a lot for your help and sorry for the mistake in the code I just saw it, my original code is just like as you have written but I don't know maybe when I posted accidentally I've put like this. when the application runs there is a picturebox which the image of each record is shown, that is why the application is giving an exception when I want to change the picture because it has been used once by the picturebox , however I've also tried to load another picture to the picture box before deleting the original one but still the same. I've modified the above could if you want to examine it