Does calling createUpload in aws devicefarm actually upload the file? - aws-device-farm

I'm switching from using the aws cli to the sdk so I can make some nicer scripts but it seems i'd still have to curl after calling createUpload. Is there a nicer way of doing this? Or something that does the upload in one?

createUpload just creates a S3 bucket with a pre-signed key, you still have to do a put to the bucket to actually upload anything, I don't think there is a single command that combines the two.
This is how I do it in Python:
upload = device_farm.create_upload(projectArn=project['arn'], name='spec.yml', type='APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON_TEST_SPEC')
response = requests.put(upload['upload']['url'], data= open('testspec.yml', 'rb'), headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"})


Zephyr scale server: uploading test results to Zephyr Scale via the automation API

I'm using Zepyhr Scale Server and I would like to upload to Zephyr the results of my automation testsuite made with pytest. I've tried this POST request:
post(url="https://{my-jira-host}/rest/atm/1.0/automation/execution/{projectKey}", auth=({my_username}, {my_password}), files={"file":open("","rb")})
but it doesn't work because the response is "errorMessages":["Invalid Custom Format JSON file"]}.
I'm uploading a zip file containing one xml file generated with
pytest --junitxml=output/junitxml_report.xml
as it's explained here
I've tried to make the same request with an API client (Postman) and the error is "Invalid ZIP file", even if I fail the authentication with a wrong username or even if I upload the xml file only.
Maybe someone does the same thing and could help me? I'm a newbie :) thanks!
I found the API documentation lacking, but I managed to enumerate many endpoints.
I've bundled them in a nodejs lib, it won't be of use for your Python script, but the endpoints will be the same... Maybe they can help you on your way.
Example: get all testcases for a project
* This function will get all testcases for a certain project and add them to variables.testCasesArray
* #returns {void}
export const getAllTestcases = async (): Promise<void> => {
await request(variables.url)
.auth(variables.username, variables.password)
.then((res) => {
variables.testCasesArray = res.body.testCases;

Azure Media Services - Download Transient Error

I have a lot of audios in my database whose URLs are like:
I am using these URLs as my JobInput, and submitting a encoding job, because I want to migrate the audios distribution to a streaming approach.
However, every time I use this kind of URL, it fails with DownloadTransientError, and a message something like while trying to download the input files, the files were not acessible.
If I manually upload a file to the blob storage with a simpler URL (, and use it as the JobInput, it works seamlessly. I suspect it has something to do with the special characters on the bigger URL, but I am not sure. What could be the problem?
Here is the part of the code that submits the job:
var jobInput = new JobInputHttp(new[]
JobOutput[] jobOutput =
new JobOutputAsset(outputAssetName),
var job = await client.Jobs.CreateAsync(
resourceGroupName: _azureMediaServicesSettings.ResourceGroup,
accountName: _azureMediaServicesSettings.AccountName,
transformName: TransformName,
jobName: jobName,
new Job
Input = jobInput,
Outputs = jobOutput
You need to include the file name in the URL you're providing. I'll use your URL as an example, but unescape it as well so that it is more clear. The URL should be something like
Just include the actual blob name of the input video or audio file with the associated file extension.

Azure Data Factory Webhook body problems

So I'm experiencing some issues in Azure Data Factory.
I have a standard pipeline where I'm trying to implement a webhook for later callbacks, but the body for the webhook post does not seem to be behaving.
(In advance: sorry for the image URLs -> I'm not reputable enough to post images)
So here is what I've typed into the "Body" of the Webhook service:
Then I verify that the template looks correct:
And finally I debug the pipeline only to find this as output from the webhook:
As you can see it's grabbing a {"Key":"Value"} from somewhere.
Now I've saved the pipeline; I've published the pipeline; I've restarted ADF.. Still.
So the first issue is that I'm not able to send the body that I want.
The second issue is that I'd like to parameterize the body (when this is cleared up):
I've not been able to solve that last one either, so if any kind souls would be so kind.. much obliged!
Edit: In addition I've not been able to spot the "callBackUri" that the documentation promises:
Any insights into that issue as well?
I tried many times and finally succeeded.
In your case, you can use the expression as follow:
The result is as follow:
First, we need to concatenate the query string.
Then we need to use #json() to convert the string type to json type.

Box API 2.0: Unable to Download

I'm testing out the new API, but having no luck downloading a test image file. The file exists, is accessible through the web UI, and is retrievable using the v1.0 API.
I'm able to access the metadata ("{fileid}") using both commandline curl and pycurl. However, calls to "{fileid}/data" bring back nothing. An earlier post (5/1) received the answer that the download feature had a bug and that "" should be used as the base URL in the interim. That, however, just provokes a 404.
Please advise.
You should be able to download via<fildID>/content ... Looks like we have a bug somewhere in the backend. Hope to have it fixed soon.
Update 11/13/2012 -- This got fixed at least a month ago. Just updated the URL to our newer format
For me it works when its /content instead of /data... python code below
import requests
fileid = str(get_file_id(filenumber))
url =
r = requests.get(url=url, headers=<HEADERS>, proxies=<PROXIES>)
filerecieved = r.content
filename = uni_get_id(fileid, "name", "file")
f = open(filename, 'w+')

How to post a file in grails

I am trying to use HTTP to POST a file to an outside API from within a grails service. I've installed the rest plugin and I'm using code like the following:
def theFile = new File("/tmp/blah.txt")
def postBody = [myFile: theFile, foo:'bar']
withHttp(uri: "http://picard:8080/breeze/project/acceptFile") {
def html = post(body: postBody, requestContentType: URLENC)
The post works, however, the 'myFile' param appears to be a string rather than an actual file. I have not had any success trying to google for things like "how to post a file in grails" since most of the results end up dealing with handling an uploaded file from a form.
I think I'm using the right requestContentType, but I might have missed something in the documentation.
POSTing a file is not as simple as what you have included in your question (sadly). Also, it depends on what the API you are calling is expecting, e.g. some API expect files as base64 encoded text, while others accept them as mime-multipart.
Since you are using the rest plugin, as far as I can recall it uses the Apache HttpClient, I think this link should provide enough info to get you started (assuming you are dealing with mime-multipart). It shouldn't be too hard to change it around to work with your API and perhaps make it a bit 'groovy-ier'