Storage System for NFC Cards - tags

At the moment I'm exerpimenting and researching with and about NFC.
I use Mifare 1k Tags and I recorgnized that there are Sime Blocks/Sectors where I'm not allowed to Write on. I've found an Application that writes Data to Tag, this Application automatically skips those forbidden sectors. If I write a Application with NFC Tags by myself I dont want to declare the forbidden Sectors by Hand, so no Specific Tagtype is required.
So my Question is: Is there some Sort of Storage Systems for NFC Tags, like NTF for SSD/HDD?
Maybe someome knows something about it or could give me a Tip what i should Search for.

The datasheets for the tags detail the storage system
The tags will usually also conform to one of the NFC Forums specifications (most available )
A lot will also be able to store NDEF data (the spec for that is )


How to send custom dimensions, medium, source or referer with an event via Measurement Protocol V2?

With v1 of the measurement protocol, you could use these parameters to add custom dimensions or change medium, source or refer for a page view:[custom-id]&t=pageview&dp=[Url of pageview]&dh=[hostname of pageview]&cm=[new-medium]&cs=[new-source]&dr=[new-referer]&cd1=[custom-dimension-1]&cd2=[custom-dimension-2]
How is it done in measurement protocol v2?
I couldn't find any documentation about the page-view-event in V2 (for example it's just not mentioned here, even the event-builder ( doesn't support a simple page-view.
So, all I got so far is this:
$data = '
{ "client_id": "'.[custom-id].'",
"events": [
"name": "page_view",
"params": {
"page_location": "'.[Url of pageview].'"
So, what are possible parameters for a page-view-event?
Ok, a few things here right away that you should know if you're playing with MP:
Measurement protocol is a poor name. It implies there's more than one protocol for data gathering. There's none. There is just only one protocol for tracking.
MP2 still largely MP1. Google tries to pose GA4 as a new product, but it's just our old good GA UA with a simplified backend and overengineered front-end that tries to deliver the level of quality Site Catalyst/Omniture/Adobe Analytics have been delivering for a decade. MP is largely the same. dr, cm, cs and a lot of other fields are still there. cds aren't there anymore cuz they're replaced with eps and ups, but more about that a bit later.
GA4 uses this big marketing claim that the new analytics is so wonderfully event-based, unlike the old one. When I dug into why they keep claiming it everywhere, I realized that the only difference is that pageviews are now events. Not much difference really. But yes, a pageview is just an event named page_view. We'll talk about it a bit more later.
Custom dimensions are no more. Now they're called event properties and user properties. The same thing really, Google just tries to make it less obvious that there are no more session level custom dimensions. Or product-level CDs. Though the product level is seemingly on their roadmap.
Make sure you're using the correct measurement id. They made it a lot harder to find it in GA4. It's no longer just the property id visible in the property list, unfortunately.
GA's real-time reports don't include all dimensions, especially if those dimensions are involved in advanced metrics/dimensions calculations. Do not use real time reports for inspecting the content of your events. It's not meant for debugging. It's a vanity report. Still helpful to check the volume of events when you're sending a bunch and expect to see them in GA. Google even has a warning here:
Like the DebugView report, the Realtime report performs limited attribution analysis to ensure responsive reporting. We recommend that you refer to the Acquisition reports for the most accurate attribution information.
Finally, what I often do instead of reading the so-still-unfinished-and-not-really-helpful documentation on MP2, is either use a library like this.
Or, since 1 is the case, I would just implement a moniker tracking in my test GTM, then see what and how it sends to where in the Network debugger and simply reimplement it on my side exactly how GTM does it. No magic involved. Here is how my GTM tag would look like:
With a trigger on any click or any page load. After all is done, I publish the lib. Then I would inject this GTM's code in a local site, or in my test site, or however else you want to test it. And trigger the tag that you need to mimic with MP.
I use this wonderful extension to show all events that fire and their details right in my console.
Now this is how the above tag looks on my test site through the extension:
It's pretty useful.
How do I know that page_referrer is used as dr instead of ep in GTM? Here is the list of the fields that will never be seen as ep. But Google doesn't care enough to map them properly to what these fields are called in MP, so you either have to test, or know, or google it elsewhere.
Finally, here is how the network request looks like:
I published the tag to prod (I keep a test site in prod), so you can go and look at it. Or just find a site that uses GA4 and see its network requests. How does google know that this is a pageview? by the event name: en=page_view
Of course, you do the same with medium and source. Judging from the documentation I've linked to above, the medium and source look like campaign_source and campaign_medium in GTM. GTM maps them accordingly to cs and cm fields. And that's how you know these are the correct mp fields. Give GA time to process these and check on them in a few days.
Good, now this is applicable to the enhanced ecommerce hits too, it's just that they have more variables and data structures in them typically.
Finally, if you want to simulate batch events, you can just make a few tags fire in rapid succession and GTM will neatly pack them in one network request if they fit. You can then digest how the packing is done through the same methods as we do here and simulate.

Limiting distance of RFID readers

We are currently working on a warehouse management project that includes RFID tags and readers.
we're still at the beginning of it and are trying to design the different solutions.
Here's my situation :
We're going to have RFID tags (most likely UHF) on each of our devices we track.
Picture our current warehouse as a small room with shelves rows, and each shelve will have its own RFID reader, aimed to track the location of the devices.
We want our warehouse workers to scan their device on the reader before they store a device in.
My question is :
What are the possibilities around RFID technologies, which would allow us to ensure our RFID readers won't conflict each other and start discovering tags they shouldn't , especially because we have UFH tags?
Can we get the distance of a device we just scanned and ignore what's over 10/15 cm ? Can we limit the discovery range of the reader?
Thanks for reading me though.
Pretty much every UHF reader can be set to a reduced output power. This results in a reduced read range. However, the results are not easy to predict, they require testing. And the read range may change if the environment changes (position of shelves, metal objects in the vicinity...).

Proper way to distinguish between multiple services using zeroconf

I'm writing a piece of software that will run on computers as well as phones.
The service uses an HTTP API for communication and will be published over the local network using Zeroconf.
Initially I published my service using _http._tcp. as the service type but I quickly discovered that both my NAS and my music receiver(!) also broadcasts themselves with that exact service type.
So the question now arises how to differentiate between my service and other services that are using HTTP.
Using a different service type
The is certainly the most certainly the easiest way and (almost) guarantees no other services will be picked up.
However, according to Apple1 new services should be registered with IANA. This is obviously not required but seeing as they recommend it it feels like it would be the wrong way to do it
Using the TXT record
Apple2 describes the TXT record like this:
When a service is registered, three related DNS records are created: a service (SRV) record, a pointer (PTR) record, and a text (TXT) record. The TXT record contains additional data needed to resolve or use the service, although it is also often empty.
The certainly feels like it could be the right way to do it, but I'm still not sure and it's hard to find a description of what the field should contain.
My first though would be to put something like <service_name>-<version> which will then be parsed to see which service it actually is.
My NAS seems to use this for identifying model and version numbers.
Try talking to the service
After finding a service one could always perform a HEAD request on a known endpoint and look for a known header set by the service.
This feels like a fairly slow approach and who knows what making a HEAD request to my receiver will do.
And just to be clear, this question has nothing to do with a specific language or framework, it's about the concepts of zeroconf.
I could show some code but I don't see how that would help.
First, does the service you're advertising actually meet the qualifications for _http as defined by RFC 2782. Specifically- is it not just using HTTP for a transport but is also:
can be displayed by "typical" web browser client software, and
is intended primarily to be viewed by a human user.
If no, register your own service type (there are a couple other services that use HTTP as a transport but don't meet those qualifications so they have -http as a suffix to the service name, see pgpkey-http, senteo-http, xul-http).
If yes, there are a couple ways to go depending on how strict one's interpretation of the RFC is. The least strict being just adding a TXT record as you've already noted in your question. iTunes registers itself with a TXT record in the format iTSh Version=196618.
If you're feeling a little more strict, the RFC only explicitly states that the u=, p= and path= TXT records exist for HTTP. Perhaps someone can chime in on this, but I haven't seen much discussion on whether adding TXT records to already existing entries is frowned upon or not. So with that, the other way is to just an algorithmic instance name. For example, adding the suffix "-NicklasAService" to the device name. Hopefully giving it a unique name to the local network but still making it so that the service can be easily picked out by the PTR record by just looking for the suffix.

Using CouchDB as interface. Is it appropriate way?

our devices (microscopes with cameras) produce images and additional information to each image.
Now a middleware supplies wants to connect these devices to lab automation system. They have to acquire the data and we have to provide it. An astonishing thing for me was their interface suggestion - a very cryptical token separated format (ASTM E1394-97). Unfortunatelly, they even can't accomodate images in their protocol, and are aiming to get file-paths.
I thought it is not the up-to date approach. While lookink for alternatives, I saw CoachDB.
So, my idea was, our devices would import data including images in CoachDB and they could get the data. It seems even, that using mustache, we could produce the format they want (ascii-text) and placing URLs as image references instead of path's.
My question is, did someone applied CoachDB for such a use case already? It seems to be a little-bit misuse of CoachDB, as the main intention is interface not data storage. Another point disturbing me is, that the inventor of CoachDB went to other project Coachbase. Could it mean lack of support for CoachDB in the future?
Thank you very much for any insights and suggestions!
It's ok use-case and actually we're using CouchDB in such way - as proxing middleware between medical laboratory analyzers and LIS. Some of them publish images or pdf data on shared folders and we'd just loading them into related document as attachments.
More over you'd like to know, CouchDB is able to serve external processes (aka os_daemons) and take care about their lifespan: restarting if someone had terminated and starting right after you update config options through HTTP interface. This helps to setup ASTM client and server processes since this protocol is different from HTTP (which is native for CouchDB) which communicates with devices and creates documents as regular CouchDB clients. In same way you may setup daemons to monitor shared folders for specific files. And all this is just CouchDB with few "low bounded" plugins.

dynamically populate a uiwebview with a certain div class of html?

depending on what blog post I visit I need a uiwebview to be populated with one div class of html. It's the same div class of html every time, the name doesnt change, just the content.
The div class is called:
<div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded">
The content looks like this:
<div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><p>Data centre security is a big issue – especially for co-location centres hosting multiple racks for multiple, often competing, clients. Yet whilst security to access the data centre can often be impressive, individual rack level security is often inadequate. Given the number of in-house staff and external engineers, from cablers to storage and server providers, traipsing through a data centre on a near daily basis, poor rack level security is a potential risk.</p>
<p>According to a recent survey conducted by Lieberman Software, 42 percent of IT staff can get unauthorised access to their organisation’s most sensitive information – including the CEO’s private documents. The failing is blamed on management’s naivety when it comes to understanding just how much privileged access their IT departments actually have.</p>
<p>The fact that most racks are secured only with standard handles using a manual key, bears out this survey. Easily broken or bypassed, these locks provide minimal corporate protection; they offer no access control or audit trail of activity. Given the huge ongoing investment in data centres - during 2011-2012, the UK invested an estimated $3.35 billion in data centres; the second highest spending of any country, according to the Datacentre Dynamics Global Industry Census 2011 - extending standard access control techniques to the data centre racks is an important step.</p>
<p>Companies can opt for a rack specific key, combination locks or key cards that are IP enabled to allow an organisation to impose strict control over the time/day an individual is allowed to access the rack. Using standard access control software, all activity is recorded and audited, providing the organisation with a complete list of those who have accessed the racks.</p>
<p>For organisations, this approach adds control and addresses one important aspect of the internal threat. For co-location sites, rack level security removes the need to cage off client specific rack space areas freeing up space that can be used for more racks, delivering a return on investment, as well as improved client security.</p>
The page can be found here.
I need a method to get the html in that div just from the page url, keep the styling and put it into a string and then populate a uiwebview, can anyone help me please?
better code scenario:
Basically I populate a uitable view from an rss feed of blog posts. This is working fine. Clicking on the blog post returns a url of the blog post clicked on as a string to be used. Its from here where I dont understand how to load this string into a webview, then use jquery on that web view to only display all the content only in that one div class (which is mentioned above.)
You could load everything on the page into the webview, and then run a bit of javascript to hide everything but the div and the contents thereof. This stackoverflow question(well, really, the answer) looks like it would help you accomplish that. If the page is not large, this could be the way to go, as styling would be preserved as a nice side-effect.