How can I use ref in TextField - material-ui

my original code was like this:
handleClick() {
var name =;
var description = this.refs.description.value
render () {
return (
<input ref='name' placeholder='Enter the name of the item' />
<input ref='description' placeholder='Enter a description' />
<Button onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this)}>Submit</Button>
name and description can get the inputs correctly.
But when I use <TextField>:
<TextField ref='name' placeholder='Enter the name of the item' />
it shows that the value passed is null, it seems that ref does not work.
Can anyone help me solve this problem?

String refs are deprecated and material-ui does not support using them. I recommend reading:
Also to get a ref to the <input /> element you should use the inputRef prop. Read about it here.
If your React is up to date you should use createRef or the useRef hook. Below are some examples
// Using the useRef() hook. Only possible when you're using a function component.
const App = () => {
const textRef = useRef();
const showRefContent = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<TextField inputRef={textRef} />
<button onClick={showRefContent}>Click</button>
// Using createRef(). Use this when working in a React.Component
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.textRef = createRef();
showRefContent = () => {
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<TextField inputRef={this.textRef} />
<button onClick={this.showRefContent}>Click</button>
Or if your React isn't up to date you can store it in a local variable, but this isn't the preferred way.
class App extends React.Component {
showRefContent = () => {
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<TextField inputRef={element => (this.textRef = element)} />
<button onClick={this.showRefContent}>Click</button>
Also, you might want to consider using state instead of having to create refs for all fields and then retrieving the values from the dom.


How to send trigger onClick to child component in soldjs and display it in parent?

I was trying to take example from react but seem it doesn't work as I expected.
I am trying to open a modal when user click the button in parent component, but function to open modal is located in the child component.
Parent component just where i try to invoke a modal:
<label class="text-white m-5 p-1">
<input type="checkbox" checked={false} onChange={handleCheck} />
I have read and agree to the <button onClick={}>Privacy</button>
<TermsModal />
How to do that?
If you want the Modal component to control the state, instead of it being passed with props you can use this pattern:
const { Modal, openModal } = createModal();
return (
<button type="button" onClick={openModal}>
open modal
<Modal />
It may be weird at first, but it's really fun and powerful :)
Create a signal inside parent component and pass it to the child component. Bind the visibility of the modal window to the signal's value:
import { Component, createSignal, Show } from 'solid-js';
import { Portal, render } from 'solid-js/web';
const Modal: Component<{ show: boolean }> = (props) => {
return (
<Show when={}>
<div>Modal Window</div>
const App = () => {
const [show, setShow] = createSignal(false);
const toggleShow = () => setShow(prev => !prev);
return (
<div>Show: {show() ? 'true': 'false'} <button onClick={toggleShow}>Toggle Show</button></div>
<Portal><Modal show={show()} /></Portal>
render(() => <App />, document.body);
You can further improve your component by creating a close handler and passing it to the child component. Now, modal window can show a close button.
Also you can add an event handler to the document in order to close the window whenever Escape key is pressed:
import { Component, createSignal, onCleanup, onMount, Show } from 'solid-js';
import { Portal, render } from 'solid-js/web';
const Modal: Component<{ show: boolean, close: () => void }> = (props) => {
const handleKeydown = (event) => {
if (event.key === 'Escape') {
onMount(() => {
document.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeydown);
onCleanup(() => {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeydown);
return (
<Show when={}>
<div>Modal Window <button onclick={props.close}>close</button></div>
const App = () => {
const [show, setShow] = createSignal(false);
const close = () => setShow(false);
const toggleShow = () => setShow(prev => !prev);
return (
<div>Show: {show()} <button onClick={toggleShow}>Toggle Show</button></div>
<Portal><Modal show={show()} close={close} /></Portal>
render(() => <App />, document.body);
You can use a state in the parent component to keep track of whether the modal should be open or closed, and pass a function as a prop to the child component that updates that state:
const [isModalOpen, setIsModalOpen] = React.useState(false);
const handleButtonClick = () => {
return (
<label className="text-white m-5 p-1">
<input type="checkbox" checked={false} onChange={handleCheck} />
I have read and agree to the <button onClick={handleButtonClick}>Privacy</button>
<TermsModal isOpen={isModalOpen} onClose={() => setIsModalOpen(false)} />
// Child component
const TermsModal = ({ isOpen, onClose }) => {
if (!isOpen) {
return null;
return (
<div className="modal">
{/* Modal content */}
<button onClick={onClose}>Close</button>

how to integrate tailwind into formik forms

I am trying to implement tailwindcss styles into Formik to style forms. But the styles declared through className are not being applied?
I think Formik is using classname to define input type and tailwind uses the same method to declare styles?
my form page:
import React from "react";
import * as yup from "yup"
import { Formik, Form } from 'formik'
import { MyTextInput } from "../components/FormParts";
let mainFormSchema = yup.object().shape({
name: yup.string().trim().required()
const tryMainForm = () => {
const initValues = {
name: ''
return (
<h1>Any place in your app!</h1>
onSubmit={(values, { setSubmitting }) => {
setTimeout(() => {
alert(JSON.stringify(values, null, 2));
}, 400);
{({ isSubmitting }) => (
<button type="submit" disabled={isSubmitting}>
export default tryMainForm
formpart component:
import { useField } from "formik";
export const MyTextInput = ({ label, ...props }) => {
const [field, meta] = useField(props)
return (
<label htmlFor={ ||} className="block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700">{label}</label>
<input className="shadow-sm focus:ring-indigo-500 focus:border-indigo-500 block w-full sm:text-sm border-gray-300 rounded-md" {...field} {...props} />
{meta.touched && meta.error ? (
<div className="error">{meta.error}</div>
) : null}
can you suggest a way to deal with this?
tailwind applies styles properly to label but doesn't with input?

react-semantic-ui-datepickers no form value in redux-form

This issue applied the standard implementation without additional customisations.
The is no value on submit of the form and onChange does not fire with the current value.
<Form onSubmit={handleSubmit(this.onSubmit)}>
label="Date of birth"
placeholder="select your DOB"
onChange={(e, value) => {
console.log(e, value);
A minimal version can be found here
I could capture the onChange value by creating a custom component which wrapped the <SemanticDatepicker />. I also added mapStateToProps to log the redux-form values. You can consider this as a starting point and work on this.
state = {
date: "",
const DatePick = () => {
return (
return (
<Form onSubmit={handleSubmit(this.onSubmit)}>
label="Date of birth"
placeholder="select your DOB"
import { connect } from "react-redux";
const App = (props) => {
return (
{" "}
<SongList />
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
form: state.form,
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(App);
I managed to resolve using semantic-ui-redux-form-fields to wrap the Semantic UI component. This now gives the correct format and value appearing in the validate function and formProps.
import React from "react";
imp ort { fieldEnhance } from "semantic-ui-redux-form-fields";
import { compose } from "redux";
import SemanticDatepicker from "react-semantic-ui-datepickers";
import "react-semantic-ui-datepickers/dist/react-semantic-ui-datepickers.css";
const DatePickerPure = (props) => {
const { currentValue, input, } = props;
const defaultProps = {
format: "DD/MMM/YYYY",
onChange: (event, data) => input.onChange(data.value),
value: currentValue,,
return <SemanticDatepicker {...props} {...defaultProps} />;
export default compose(fieldEnhance)(DatePickerPure);

Redux-form get the value from other tab/component

I have to implement a form with a bit less than 30 different fields.
So I decided to split them in 2 differents container component with two tabs to navigate between them.
I use redux-form to handle the data binding.
For on component I can get the value from handleSubimit of one component. But the final validation must be in the last tab only. From here I only have access to the value of the second tab. Like the data from the store where wipe out.
How can I access the store where my previous data should be ?
import React from 'react';
import TabNavigationItem from './TabNavigationItem';
const TabNavigationBar = ({ onTabChange, activeTab }) => {
const tabList = [
{ hasIcon: 'fas fa-user-circle', hastext: 'Information Utilisateur' },
{ hasIcon: 'fas fa-file-alt', hastext: 'Informations contrat' }
const clickOnTab = tabNumer => {
return (
<div className="columns">
<div className="column is-offset-one-quarter-desktop is-offset-one-thirds-tablet is-half-desktop is-one-thirds-tablet">
<div className="tabs is-toggle is-fullwidth">
{, i) => (
tabSelected={() => clickOnTab(i)}
hasClass={activeTab === i ? 'is-active' : ''}
export default TabNavigationBar;
import React from 'react';
import { reduxForm } from 'redux-form';
import CiviliteRadioButton from './CiviliteRadioButton';
import NameInputs from './NameInputs';
import AddressInputs from './AddressInputs';
import MailAndDOB from './MailAndDOB';
import TelephoneInputs from './TelephoneInputs';
let UserForm = ({ handleSubmit }) => {
return (
<CiviliteRadioButton />
<NameInputs />
<AddressInputs />
<MailAndDOB />
<TelephoneInputs />
UserForm = reduxForm({
form: 'form1',
initialValues: {
user: {
adresse: {
country: 'France'
civilite: 'Madame'
export default UserForm;
import React from 'react';
import { reduxForm } from 'redux-form';
import InputItem from '../InputItem';
import ContratInputsList from './contratInputList';
let ContratForm = ({ handleSubmit }) => {
const submit = values => {
return (
<div className="columns is-multiline ">
{, i) => {
return (
<div className="column is-half" key={i}>
<InputItem spec={item.spec} />
<div className="columns">
<div className="column">
<div className="field is-grouped is-grouped-right">
className="button is-primary"
ContratForm = reduxForm({
form: 'form2'
export default ContratForm;
When I click on my tabs, redux-form/DESTROY is called and erase form1's data.
Try setting destroyOnUnmount flag to false in reduxForm(options).

react rerendering form causes focus/blur issue on state change

I have a form in a react component that has two change handlers, one for my two draftjs textareas, and one for my other text inputs:
onChangeEditor = (editorStateKey) => (editorState) => {
this.setState({ [editorStateKey]: editorState });
handleInputChange(event) {
const target =;
const value = target.type === 'checkbox' ? target.checked : target.value;
const name =;
[name]: value
In my render method I have two views that I switch between depending on which view mode I am in, read or edit:
render () {
const Editable = () => (
<div className="editor">
<form className="editor-inner">
<h3>Redigerar: Anbudsbrev</h3>
<input type="text" key="text01" name="title" defaultValue={this.state.title} onBlur={this.handleInputChange} />
<h4>Text 1</h4>
<RichEditor editorState={this.state.editorState1} onChange={this.onChangeEditor('editorState1')} name="text01"/>
<input type="text" key="text02" name="quote01" defaultValue={this.state.quote01} onBlur={this.handleInputChange} />
<h4>Text 2</h4>
<RichEditor editorState={this.state.editorState2} onChange={this.onChangeEditor('editorState2')} name="text02" />
<EditorFooter {...this.props} submitForm={this.saveForm} />
const Readable = () => (
<h1 className="header66">{this.state.title}</h1>
<div className="text66">{this.state.text01}</div>
<div className="quote100">{this.state.quote01}</div>
<div className="text66">{this.state.text02}</div>
return (
{ this.props.isInEditMode ? <Editable /> : <Readable /> }
When I switch between inputs in my browser I have to click twice in order to get the focus on the right input.
I suspect that this is because a change is triggered on the "blur" event of each input, causing the form to rerender because state is changed. And when the form rerenders, it goes through the { this.props.isInEditMode ? <Editable /> : <Readable /> } which causes the input to lose focus.
The problem is that I don't know how to get around this.
I solved it myself.
It turns out that it was not a good idea to place the Editable and Readable inside of my component as I did. Instead I moved them out to their own components, and it works properly now.
class Editable extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="editor">
<form className="editor-inner">
<h3>Redigerar: Anbudsbrev</h3>
<input type="text" name="title" defaultValue={this.props.title} onChange={this.props.handleInputChange} />
<h4>Text 1</h4>
<RichEditor editorState={this.props.editorState1} onChange={this.props.onChangeEditor('editorState1')} name="text01" />
<input type="text" name="quote01" defaultValue={this.props.quote01} onChange={this.props.handleInputChange} />
<h4>Text 2</h4>
<RichEditor editorState={this.props.editorState2} onChange={this.props.onChangeEditor('editorState2')} name="text02" />
<EditorFooter {...this.props} submitForm={this.props.saveForm} />
class Readable extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<h1 className="header66">{this.props.title}</h1>
<div className="text66">{this.props.text01}</div>
<div className="quote100">{this.props.quote01}</div>
<div className="text66">{this.props.text02}</div>