Flutter persistent notification and service - flutter

I'm planning to develop simple audio player, but currently I'm stuck on notification support. I want notification that is persistent while audio is playing and I also need some controls (like play/pause, next/previous) and possibly fanart visible on notification. That's similar as most other player do (Aimp, Google Play Music etc).
I was looking forward for good example how to develop it using Dart/Flutter, well is that even possible without writing native code for each platform (Android/iOS)? Is there any plugin that supports that kind of notification on both platforms? Plus, of course, foreground service bound to it to don't kill audio playback when screen is off.

You might be interested in looking at package:audio_service which seems like it might handle the majority of the work for you, including the handling of background execution and notifications.
Also, for notifications I've had success with package:flutter_local_notifications but you shouldn't need this if you're going to use package:audio_service.


Getting notification of iOS device usage in background

Might be i am using a wrong title but i will try to explain here what i want.
In iOS i need to implement a functionality to get notify if the user is using their iOS device.
My app will be running in background using location services and i need to find out if the the user is using their device. It is doable as i have looked into this application which is sending notifications in background to the drivers who is suing their devices while driving.
So i need similar kind of functionality to find out if a user is using iOS device or not. If anyone of you can suggest me any approach then it would be great for me to start.
Thank you!
Note: I have tried to find out touch events in background but that is not possible as i have done some research on this.
You won't be able to receive touch events when the app is in background using public API's. However, you can do that with the help of mobileSubstrate library ( http://iphonedevwiki.net/index.php/MobileSubstrate - The MobileHooker component is the one that would be used). by hooking your process to the OS. As an example, the display recorder app in Cydia tracks global gestures while recording the screen. This will be a cydia tweak and you will need to jailbreak your device to do all that.
Coming to your specific use-case, the example app you cited should be using one of the exceptions for background applications mentioned in https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/iphone/conceptual/iphoneosprogrammingguide/ManagingYourApplicationsFlow/ManagingYourApplicationsFlow.html (see the section - "Implementing Long-Running Background Tasks"), probably the one to receive updates from external accessories.

Best practice for volume control iOS?

Hardware Volume Control
I'm trying to understand what is best practice for apps that are mostly silent but occasionally produce sound. Such apps can take advantage of the side volume control on iOS devices and avoid the need to design in a NSVolume control widget, which I believe is not as convenient as the hardware side volume control. The approach would apply to apps like MapQuest 4 mobile where you get occasional audio prompts that blend well with other music players (using audio ducking) but are silent for the most part. I'm wondering how others are addressing this same issue.
I have developed such a system that works rather nicely. In my approach I query the audio APIs to determine if other music is playing (iPod, AOL Radio, Pandora, etc.) then start an audio session only if no other audio is playing. This ties the hardware side volume control to the app instead of the ringer (for iPhones). The challenge comes when you go to the background. My approach kills (deactivates) the session in the background only if the app is not using audio. If there is audio playing the session is deactivated at the conclusion of the playback.
The idea behind killing the playback is to restore the user's ability to adjust the ringer volume to their liking should my app continue to run in the background.
This question originates from issues I faced when developing the voice navigation feature on MapQuest 4 mobile on iOS in 2008-2009. In this app we wanted the side volume switch to control the volume of the turn advice at all times while the app was running. I later realized that I could not control my ringer volume after arriving at my destination and sending the app to the background. This was years ago but I believe the app was continuing to run in the background which lead to the problem. It is an interesting case, when the user is navigating but sends the app to the background should you continue the audio session? Is is more likely that the user would like to change the app volume or the ringer volume while the app runs in the background?
My general use case (when I posted this question) involved navigating in the background while running another app in the foreground (commonly a music player). However it is also common for the navigation app to be sent to the background while the user sits on the home screen. This is when it would make sense to deactivate the audio session.
It is not as straight forward as it seems but my approach works for most cases. Still I am wondering if there are other more viable solutions to the problem. What are other people doing? Would it make more sense to just include the volume control in a view that auto slides in/out of place? Are there things that I have not considered? How have you approached the problem? Do you have any general suggestions?

app runs in background on ios4

I hope to run an app in background on ios4
I know
Apple allows only certain types of apps to run in the background, like navigation and audio and VOIP apps. But even those are limited to only the necessary tasks.
Is it possible I register the app as one kind of VoIP, Audio or GPS apps to keep it run in background?
Welcome any comment
You can't "run" an app in the background; you can only run a task in the background. The tasks are
Continue Playing Audio
Maintain VoIP Connection
Update Location (GPS)
Some Finite Task (such as uploading a file)
I haven't developed for iOS so there might be something I'm missing. Read more at Executing Code in the Background. As of iOS 4, developers don't have the ability to implement true multitasking. Correct me if I'm wrong in any of this.
Not in general, no. You could register a VoIP or GPS session and abuse its callbacks for certain tasks, but I doubt the App Store review process would take kindly to it.
What do you need to do in the background that isn't covered by task completion or the audio/VoIP/GPS background modes? it might be possible to use another paradigm and still get the cake.

How to Turn on Music (ipod library) on iPhone?

I already know how to keep play music at background in my app.
I don't want to know that.
I want this.
how to Automatically turn on ipot music in background & sleep mode at custom time.
it's thought impossible to me.
but that's possible. and no jail break.
i wanna know that. please help me.
Take a look at the following background task guide from the iOS docs
There are restrictions on what can be carried out in the background. Certain apps that support audio, location, and voip are allowed to run in background using the UIBackgroundModes key. With the audio background task, it will not be suspended until the audio session stops.
It seems that you don't want to initiate a session until a certain time. You could potentially look at beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: .
Also if you are looking for a timed alarm, you can always attach a different tone to a local notification.
As far as I am aware, there is no "out-of-the-box" way to do what your asking.

Autoplay an Audio File on Mobile Safari

I've got a little system dashboard web app that I've written, replete with alarm notifications. I've had it working for quite some time on mobile safari, but recently wanted to add audio to the alarm notifications to allow me to easily know when there are alarms and I'm not looking directly at the display.
The alarm notifications are populated through a (relatively) constantly polling ajax request that pulls in and displays an alarm banner if alarms are present. I wanted to add an auto-playing 'alarm' sound as well, but no dice for Safari Mobile.
I've tried using HTML5 and embedded objects with no avail. The Apple documentation does state that you can't auto-play an audio file and it must be activated through user action to conserve bandwidth.
Has anyone found a way around this in a WLAN setting?
I guess that it's impossible, in fact, I hope so. Not for you, I'm sure that you'll use it for a good purpose, but I really don't want allow sites to auto-play audio files.
Oh, I remember something... It's possible with Flash!