Flutter masking image with svg - flutter

So far I found in the documentation info about BlendMode in Flutter, but I haven't found the code example or something that will refer to exact usage of this enum in order to achieve masking in Flutter with image and svg file.
I found the flutter_svg library, but I haven't seen in the documentation that this feature is available. Also, I found a lot of examples for web(html/css), one of them is this.
So, is it possible and if yes how to achieve masking like this in Flutter?


Flutter How to make background Carousal image like below image

Is there any package to design below screen like. I tried lot of time on Online to get solution, but i didn't get any solution.
Can any one help me how to develop carosual card like below image ?
I've used this carousel slider package once.
also, this video might help. Kind of similar to your needs.
(I'll update the answer once I get to my computer.)

Flutter Using NetworkImage on an AssetImage Field

With the map library I'm using in flutter app development, I am trying to display a marker image with a cdn url. The problem is that the image type that the Marker class requires is a class called OverlayImage (you can check it out in a link here: https://github.com/note11g/flutter_naver_map/blob/main/lib/src/overlay_image.dart) which takes in an AssetImage class only, but I have to use a NetworkImage in order to use online url.
So, I think the best is to find a way to convert NetworkImage to AssetImage which I am not even sure is possible since they are sibling classes. For now, when I pass a url to OverlayImage, it does not display anything due to the aforementioned problem. If converting to AssetImage doesn't work, then I think I might have to customize the library for my specific usage.
Any suggestions or problem analysis would help!

flutter - is it possible to use flutter code to represent something similar to this?

Is there a way to show the following with flutter?
As far as I know, only the corners of a container can be rounded off. I asked myself whether it is also possible to display something similar to the one in the picture below using flutter codes?
Since I don't even begin to know how and if you could do something like that, I am very curious about the answers, but I reckon that it could possibly be complicated.
It can be done by using path in flutter.
You can do each shape separately and then put them in a row.
Read this well organized article about path in flutter, then you can build all types of path. good luck :)
I see two main ways to approach this. Either use an image with the design from above, and use a Stack widget to add the text and icon on top.
The second option would be to use customPainter or possibly paths to make your custom shape. The documentation is here: https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/rendering/CustomPainter-class.html

Can I show svg in label swift?

I have found this tutorial for working with html where will be some images. Everything works well but this way can't show html with svg. As I see swift has some problems with svg processing :( I tried to insert image url directly to this code scope and display it:
let htmlString = "<html><body><img src=\"https://www.pngtosvg.com/images/mergeicon.svg\" width=\"360\" height=\"240\"></body></html>"
cell.questionText.attributedText = htmlString.convertToAttributedFromHTML()
but as a result I saw only broken image symbol. Maybe someone knows how to solve this problem?
SVG's are supported only with Xcode 12 and iOS 13+. Keep in mind that the support applies to assets, it might just not work with NSAttributedString yet
The example is meant to be used with bitmapped images.
Here you can find more information on the use of svg's in Swift/Xcode:
The simple explanation is that there is no support for svg in Swift/Objective-C. You can use pdf or bitmapped images. To use svg's you need extra frameworks/pods, and they will render the svg's to bitmapped image to use. However, in Xcode 12 and SwiftUI svg is supported, but that wasn't the question. youtu.be/A4ljGmzi3pQ

Flutter - Merge video and widgets

I have a screen with a video as background and I can add text, images (gif or not), emojis, etc.. over it. I can already generate images from Widgets which will work well for non gifs images.
All right it is working quite right, but now I need to compile all into a single video. Someone can tell me what is the easyest way to do that?
Ps.: There's this package, but I'm not sure if it is what I need for it.
Yes, this package will do the work, but is very complex and request a lot of time studying it, have fun =)