Print lines after one match and before different match in powershell - powershell

I want to print some lines after some match and before other different match.
Using awk I did it like this:
awk '/first match/{f=1} f; /second match/{f=0}'
Is any way to do it with PowerShell?

If you need to output the second matching line, you can do the following if reading from a file:
(Get-Content file).Where({$_ -match 'first'},'SkipUntil') | Foreach-Object {
if ($_ -match 'second') {
$_; break
else {
If you have a variable ($content) with an array of lines, you can do the following:
$content.Where({$_ -match 'first'},'SkipUntil') | Foreach-Object {
if ($_ -match 'second') {
$_; break
else {
The Where() method supports an expression and a mode. The expression, denoted by the script block {}, executes against each pipeline object. If your input is an array, $_ will contain the contents of each line.
-match performs a case-insensitive regular expression match by default.
The mode SkipUntil means do not output anything until the expression is true. Then continue outputting until all data is processed.
When the second match is found, that line will output and the remaining lines will stop being processed.
The basic workflow is the following:
Process the input contents in order starting at index 0 (line 1).
Capture nothing until the first match is found (expression evaluates to true).
Captured output is piped into a loop until the second match is found. The output includes the second match.
Once the second match is found, stop processing data.
Alternatively, if you do not need to include the second matched line, the code becomes more concise:
(gc file).Where({$_ -match 'first'},'SkipUntil').Where({$_ -match 'second'},'Until')


PowerShell script that searches for a string in a .txt and if it finds it, looks for the next line containing another string and does a job with it

I have the line
Select-String -Path ".\*.txt" -Pattern "6,16" -Context 20 | Select-Object -First 1
that would return 20 lines of context looking for a pattern of "6,16".
I need to look for the next line containing the string "ID number:" after the line of "6,16", read what is the text right next to "ID number:", find if this exact text exists in another "export.txt" file located in the same folder (so in ".\export.txt"), and see if it contains "6,16" on the same line as the one containing the text in question.
I know it may seem confusing, but what I mean is for example:
example.txt:5218: ID number:0002743284
shows whether this is true:
export.txt:9783: 0002743284 *some text on the same line for example* 6,16
If I understand the question correctly, you're looking for something like:
Select-String -List -Path *.txt -Pattern '\b6,16\b' -Context 0, 20 |
ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Context.PostContext -join "`n" -match '\bID number:(\d+)') {
Select-String -List -LiteralPath export.txt -Pattern "$($Matches[1]).+$($_.Pattern)"
Select-String's -List switch limits the matching to one match per input file; -Context 0,20 also includes the 20 lines following the matching one in the output (but none (0) before).
Note that I've placed \b, a word-boundary assertion at either end of the search pattern, 6,16, to rule out accidental false positives such as 96,169.
$_.Context.PostContext contains the array of lines following the matching line (which itself is stored in $_.Line):
-join "`n" joins them into a multi-line string, so as to ensure that the subsequent -match operation reports the captured results in the automatic $Matches variable, notably reporting the ID number of interest in $Matches[1], the text captured by the first (and only) capture group ((\d+)).
The captured ID is then used in combination with the original search pattern to form a regex that looks for both on the same line, and is passed to a second Select-String call that searches through export.txt
Note: An object representing the matching line, if any, is output by default; to return just $true or $false, replace -List with -Quiet.
There's a lot wrong with what you're expecting and the code you've tried so let's break it down and get to the solution. Kudos for attempting this on your own. First, here's the solution, read below this code for an explanation of what you were doing wrong and how to arrive at the code I've written:
# Get matching lines plus the following line from the example.txt seed file
$seedMatches = Select-String -Path .\example.txt -Pattern "6,\s*16" -Context 0, 2
# Obtain the ID number from the line following each match
$idNumbers = foreach( $match in $seedMatches ) {
$postMatchFields = $match.Context.PostContext -split ":\s*"
# Note: .IndexOf(object) is case-sensitive when looking for strings
# Returns -1 if not found
$idFieldIndex = $postMatchFields.IndexOf("ID number")
# Return the "ID number" to `$idNumbers` if "ID number" is found in $postMatchFields
if( $idFieldIndex -gt -1 ) {
$postMatchFields[$idFieldIndex + 1]
# Match lines in export.txt where both the $id and "6,16" appear
$exportMatches = foreach( $id in $idNumbers ) {
Select-String -Path .\export.txt -Pattern "^(?=.*\b$id\b)(?=.*\b6,\s*16\b).*$"
mklement0's answer essentially condenses this into less code, but I wanted to break this down fully.
First, Select-String -Path ".\*.txt" will look in all .txt files in the current directory. You'll want to narrow that down to a specific naming pattern you're looking for in the seed file (the file we want to find the ID to look for in the other files). For this example, I'll use example.txt and export.txt for the paths which you've used elsewhere in your question, without using globbing to match on filenames.
Next, -Context gives context of the surrounding lines from the match. You only care about the next line match so 0, 1 should suffice for -Context (0 lines before, 1 line after the match).
Finally, I've added \s* to the -Pattern to match on whitespace, should the 16 ever be padded from the ,. So now we have our Select-String command ready to go:
$seedMatches = Select-String -Path .\example.txt -Pattern "6,\s*16" -Context 0, 2
Next, we will need to loop over the matching results from the seed file. You can use foreach or ForEach-Object, but I'll use foreach in the example below.
For each $match in $seedMatches we'll need to get the $idNumbers from the lines following each match. When $match is ToString()'d, it will spit out the matched line and any surrounding context lines. Since we only have one line following the match for our context, we can grab $match.Context.PostContext for this.
Now we can get the $idNumber. We can split example.txt:5218: ID number:0002743284 into an array of strings by using the -split operator to split the string on the :\s* pattern (\s* matches on any or no whitespace). Once we have this, we can get the index of "ID Number" and get the value of the field immediately following it. Now we have our $idNumbers. I'll also add some protection below to ensure the ID numbers field is actually found before continuing.
$idNumbers = foreach( $match in $seedMatches ) {
$postMatchFields = $match.Context.PostContext -split ":\s*"
# Note: .IndexOf(object) is case-sensitive when looking for strings
# Returns -1 if not found
$idFieldIndex = $postMatchFields.IndexOf("ID number")
# Return the "ID number" to `$idNumbers` if "ID number" is found in $postMatchFields
if( $idFieldIndex -gt -1 ) {
$postMatchFields[$idFieldIndex + 1]
Now that we have $idNumbers, we can look in export.txt for this ID number "6,\s*16" on the same line, once again using Select-String. This time, I'll put the code first since it's nothing new, then explain the regex a bit:
$exportMatches = foreach( $id in $idNumbers ) {
Select-String -Path .\export.txt -Pattern "^(?=.*\b$id\b)(?=.*\b6,\s*16\b).*$"
$exportMatches will now contain the lines which contain both the target ID number and the 6,16 value on the same line. Note that order wasn't specified so the expression uses positive lookaheads to find both the $id and 6,16 values regardless of their order in the string. I won't break down the exact expression but if you plug ^(?=.*\b0123456789\b)(?=.*\b6,\s*16\b).*$ into it will break down and explain the regex pattern in detail.
The full code is above in at the top of this answer.

How do I change foreach to for in PowerShell?

I want to print the word exist in a text file and print "match" and "not match". My 1st text file is: xxaavv6J, my 2nd file is 6J6SCa.yB.
If it is match, it return like this:
Match found:
Match found:
Match found:
Match found:
Match found:
Match found: 6J
Match found:
Match found:
Match found:
My expectation is just print match and not match.
$X = Get-Content "C:\Users\2.txt"
$Data = Get-Content "C:\Users\d.txt"
$Split = $Data -split '(..)'
$Y = $X.Substring(0, 6)
$Z = $Y -split '(..)'
foreach ($i in $Z) {
foreach ($j in $Split) {
if ($i -like $j) {
Write-Host ("Match found: {0}" -f $i, $j)
The operation -split '(..)' does not produce the result you think it does. If you take a look at the output of the following command you'll see that you're getting a lot of empty results:
PS C:\> 'xxaavv6J' -split '(..)' | % { "-$_-" }
Those empty values are the additional matches you're getting from $i -like $j.
I'm not quite sure why -split '(..)' gives you any non-empty values in the first place, because I would have expected it to produce 5 empty strings for an input string "xxaavv6J". Apparently it has to do with the grouping parentheses, since -split '..' (without the grouping parentheses) actually does behave as expected. Looks like with the capturing group the captured matches are returned on top of the results of the split operation.
Anyway, to get the behavior you want replace
... -split '(..)'
... |
Select-String '..' -AllMatches |
Select-Object -Expand Matches |
Select-Object -Expand Value
You can also replace the nested loop with something like this:
foreach ($i in $Z) {
if (if $Split -contains $i) {
Write-Host "Match found: ${i}"
A slightly different approach using regex '.Match()' should also do it.
I have added a lot of explaining comments for you:
$Test = Get-Content "C:\Users\2.txt" -Raw # Read as single string. Contains "xxaavv6J"
$Data = (Get-Content "C:\Users\d.txt") -join '' # Read as array and join the lines with an empty string.
# This will remove Newlines. Contains "6J6SCa.yB"
# Split the data and make sure every substring has two characters
# In each substring, the regex special characters need to be Escaped.
# When this is done, we join the substrings together using the pipe symbol.
$Data = ($Data -split '(.{2})' | # split on every two characters
Where-Object { $_.Length -eq 2 } | # don't care about any left over character
ForEach-Object { [Regex]::Escape($_) } ) -join '|' # join with the '|' which is an OR in regular expression
# $Data is now a string to use with regular expression: "6J|6S|Ca|\.y"
# Using '.Match()' works Case-Sensitive. To have it compare Case-Insensitive, we do this:
$Data = '(?i)' + $Data
# See if we can find one or more matches
$regex = [regex]$Data
$match = $regex.Match($Test)
# If we have found at least one match:
if ($match.Groups.Count) {
while ($match.Success) {
# matched text: $match.Value
# match start: $match.Index
# match length: $match.Length
Write-Host ("Match found: {0}" -f $match.Value)
$match = $match.NextMatch()
else {
Write-Host "Not Found"
Match found: 6J
Further to the excellent Ansgar Wiechers' answer: if you are running (above) Windows PowerShell 4.0 then you could apply the .Where() method described in Kirk Munro's exhaustive article ForEach and Where magic methods:
With the release of Windows PowerShell 4.0, two new “magic” methods
were introduced for collection types that provide a new syntax for
accessing ForEach and Where capabilities in Windows PowerShell.
These methods are aptly named ForEach and Where. I call
these methods “magic” because they are quite magical in how they work
in PowerShell. They don’t show up in Get-Member output, even if you
apply -Force and request -MemberType All. If you roll up your
sleeves and dig in with reflection, you can find them; however, it
requires a broad search because they are private extension methods
implemented on a private class. Yet even though they are not
discoverable without peeking under the covers, they are there when you
need them, they are faster than their older counterparts, and they
include functionality that was not available in their older
counterparts, hence the “magic” feeling they leave you with when you
use them in PowerShell. Unfortunately, these methods remain
undocumented even today, almost a year since they were publicly
released, so many people don’t realize the power that is available in
these methods.
The Where method
Where is a method that allows you to filter a collection of objects.
This is very much like the Where-Object cmdlet, but the Where
method is also like Select-Object and Group-Object as well,
includes several additional features that the Where-Object cmdlet
does not natively support by itself. This method provides faster
performance than Where-Object in a simple, elegant command. Like
the ForEach method, any objects that are output by this method are
returned in a generic collection of type
There is only one version of this method, which can be described as
Where(scriptblock expression[, WhereOperatorSelectionMode mode[, int numberToReturn]])
As indicated by the square brackets, the expression script block is
required and the mode enumeration and the numberToReturn integer
argument are optional, so you can invoke this method using 1, 2, or 3
arguments. If you want to use a particular argument, you must provide
all arguments to the left of that argument (i.e. if you want to
provide a value for numberToReturn, you must provide values for
mode and expression as well).
Applied to your case (using the simplest variant Where(scriptblock expression) of the .Where() method):
$X = '6J6SCa.yB' # Get-Content "C:\Users\2.txt"
$Data = 'xxaavv6J' # Get-Content "C:\Users\d.txt"
$Split = ($Data -split '(..)').Where({$_ -ne ''})
$Y = $X.Substring(0, 6)
$Z = ($Y -split '(..)').Where{$_ -ne ''} # without parentheses
For instance, Ansgar's example changes as follows:
PS > ('xxaavv6J' -split '(..)').Where{$_ -ne ''} | % { "-$_-" }

Find lines between a pattern, and append 1st line to lines

I have the following case I'm trying to script in Powershell. I have done this exercise using Sed on a bash terminal, but having trouble writing in Powershell. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(sed -r -e '/^N/h;/^[N-]/d;G;s/(.*)\n(.*)/\2 \1/' <file>, with a file format without < and > chars. surrounding the first letter on each line)
The start pattern always start with a <N> (only 1 instance per block), lines between start with a <J>, and the end pattern is always --
-------------- <-- end of section
I'm trying to take the first line in each section <N> and copy it AFTER each <J> in the same section. For example:
<J>SomethingHere1 <N>ABC123
<J>SomethingHere2 <N>ABC123
<J>SomethingHere3 <N>ABC123
The number of <J> lines per section can vary (0-N). In a case with no <J>, nothing needs to be done.
Powershell version:5.1.16299.611
The following, pipeline-based solution isn't fast, but conceptually straightforward:
Get-Content file.txt | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match '^-+$') { $newSect = $true }
elseif ($newSect) { $firstSectionLine = $_; $newSect = $False }
else { "{0}`t{1}" -f $_, $firstSectionLine }
It reads and processes lines one by one (with the line at hand reflected in automatic variable $_.
It uses a regex (^-+) with the -match operator to identify section dividers; if found, flag $newSect is set to signal that the next line is the section's first data line.
If the first data line is hit, it is cached in variable $firstSectionLine, and the $newSect flag is reset.
All other lines are by definition the lines to which the first data line is to be appended, which is done via the -f string-formatting operator, using a tab char. (`t) as the separator.
Here's a faster PSv4+ solution that is more complex, however, and it reads the entire input file into memory up front:
((Get-Content -Raw file.txt) -split '(?m)^-+(?:\r?\n)?' -ne '').ForEach({
$firstLine, $otherLines = $_ -split '\r?\n' -ne ''
foreach ($otherLine in $otherLines) { "{0}`t{1}" -f $otherLine, $firstLine }
Get-Content -Raw reads in the input file in full, as a single string.
It uses the -split operator to split the input file into sections, and then processes each section.
Regex '(?m)^-+(?:\r?\n)?' matches a section divider line, optionally followed by a newline.
(?m) is the multiline option, which makes ^ and $ match the start and end of each line, respectively:
\r?\n matches a newline, either in CRLF (\r\n) or LF-only (\n) form.
(?:...) is a non-capturing group; making it non-capturing prevents what it matches from being included in the elements returned by -split.
-ne '' filters out resulting empty elements.
-split '\r?\n' splits each section into individual lines.
If performance is still a concern, you could speed up reading the file with [IO.File]::ReadAllText("$PWD/file.txt").

Manipulating first character of each line in a file with .Replace()

Say I have a text file 123.txt
My goal is to capitalize the first character of each line by using Get-Culture. This is my attempt:
$str = gc C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\123.txt
#Split each line into an array
$array = $str.split("`n")
for($i=0; $i -lt $array.Count; $i++) {
#Returns O and F:
$text = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($array[$i].Substring(0,1))
#Supposed to replace the first letter of each array with $text
$array[$i].Replace($array[$i].Substring(0,1), $text) >> .\Desktop\finish.txt
I understand that .Replace() is replaces every occurrence of the current array, which is why I made sure that it's replacing ONLY the first character of the array with $array[$i].Substring(0,1), but this doesn't work.
Try the following:
Get-Content C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\123.txt | ForEach-Object {
if ($_) {
$_.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + $_.Substring(1)
} else {
} > .\Desktop\finish.txt
Get-Content reads the input file line by line and sends each line - stripped of its line terminator - through the pipeline.
ForEach-Object processes each line in the associated script block, in which $_ represents the line at hand:
if ($_) tests if the line is nonempty, i.e. if there's at least 1 character; if not, the else block simply passes the empty line through.
$_.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() converts the line's 1st character to uppercase, implicitly using the current culture (with a single character, this is equivalent to applying Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase()).
+ $_.Substring(1) appends the rest of the line.
Only > rater than >> is needed to write to the output file, because the entire pipeline's output is written at once.
The reason this is not working is because you are replacing the character...
... but you are using the Replace method on the entire array element
Here the array element is a string, equal to a line of the input. So it will replace every occurrence of that character.
Get-Content (unless you use the -Raw parameter) by default returns the text as an array of strings. So you should be able to use this regex replace (I have used ToString().ToUpper() - nothing wrong with the Get-Culture method)
$str = gc C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\123.txt
foreach($line in $str){
$line -replace '^\w', $line[0].ToString().ToUpper() >> .\Desktop\finish.txt
Regex explanation:
^ is an anchor. It specifies "the beginning of the string"
\w matches a word character - usually a-z, A-Z, 0-9
See mklement0's comments here for the more focused ^\p{Ll} and here for further explanation

Powershell Extract Number from File Name

Files names could be:
How can I extract the only the number in all 4 cases?
I've tried -split and $_.BaseName.Substring() but can't seem to get it correct.
Assuming that the filenames are in the array variable $flist, the following will do the trick:
foreach ($file in $flist) {
if ($file -match "\d+") {
The -match operator takes as its right operand a regex pattern; in this case we use the pattern \d+ to signal any non-zero number of consecutive digits. The operator returns either $true or $false, and stores the matched substring in $matches. There's more about the -match operator at Get-Help about_Operators, and everyone can use a handy reference for regular expressions.