Codeigniter 404 Page Not Found in route with two folders - codeigniter-3

How do I solve this one in Codeigniter? I am new in MVC framework Codeigniter.
I have three folders in application/views:
If I put this code in route:
$route['(:any)'] = 'pages/view/$1';
I couldn't run my login http://localhost/login - it says 404 Page not found,
but if I remove the route, it worked!
But my http://localhost/members - will redirect on the http://localhost/dashboard if I remove the route:
$route['(:any)'] = 'pages/view/$1';
And here are my controllers:
class Pages extends CI_Controller {
function view( $page = 'dashboard')
if( ! file_exists('application/views/pages/'.$page.'.php'))
class Starter extends CI_Controller {
function view( $page = 'login')
if( ! file_exists('application/views/starter/'.$page.'.php'))
How can I fix the issues?
Please help :(


GET url parameters Codeigniter

There is one view, and one controller, it is necessary, with the use of the get parameter, to change the path by the link. So in the end it turned out like this:
Upcoming ->
Finished ->
Here is the controller which will process your GET variable
class Demo_controller extends CI_Controller
public function demo($id)
echo $id; //the id which you will get in URL string
View File where you will pass the Variable
$id = "1";//dyanmic id which will be pased with the form
echo form_open('demo/demos-function'.$id);
//in between your code
echo form_close
Inside routes.php
$route['demo/demos-function/(:any)] = Demo_controller/demo/$1
No need to change the $1 it will explain the routes that it is having URL paramater.
So Ultimately Your link will be
In Codeigniter Url like this :
Upcoming ->
Finished ->
public function method_name()
$type = $this->uri->segment(3); // third level value of URL - Segment(1) is controller and followed by method and query string
if($type == 'upcoming')
echo $type;
echo $type;

Zend redirector not working properly

I have just uploaded my app into a shared hosting environment and it does not seem to be working properly.
I have 2 plugins registered. One checks for session timeout and the other check for session is created after logged in.
the pproblem is that after the second plugin(security.php) kicks in it suppose to redirect the user to the login screen because session has not been created yet. Upon redirection the page displays :The page isn't redirecting properly.
I am not sure what is happenning since everything works fine locally.Below are my two files i mentioned here.
Security.php(here you can see that i have tried couple options, but nothing worked).
class Plugins_security extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function preDispatch (Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
$moduleName = $request->getModuleName();
//$vc = new Zend_Application_Resource_View();
if ($request->getModuleName() != "auth")
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
if (! $auth->hasIdentity())
//$redirector = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper(
$flashMessenger = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('FlashMessenger');
$flashMessenger->addMessage(array('message' => 'Sua sessão expirou. Favor logar novamente', 'status' => 'info'));
//$this->_redirect('/auth/login/',array(‘code’ => 301));
$r = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
$r->gotoSimple("index", "login", "auth");
//header('Location: /auth/login/');
class Plugins_timeout extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
protected $_auth = null;
protected $_acl = null;
protected $_flashMessenger = null;
public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$moduleName = parent::getRequest()->getModuleName();
if($moduleName !='auth'){
// last request was more than 30 minates ago
session_destroy(); // destroy session data in storage
session_unset(); // unset $_SESSION variable for the runtime
$front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
Zend_Debug::dump(time() - $_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY']);
header("Location:$_baseUrl/auth/login/index/timeout/1" );
Any help is appreciated. I need to deploy this app ASAP.
thank you.
I think you want:
$r = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
$r->gotoSimpleAndExit("index", "login", "auth"); // Note the 'AndExit' suffix.
$r->gotoXXX() just sets the correct header and codes in the $response object, but allows the rest of the dispatch to continue. In contrast, the AndExit part immediately sends the response to the client and exits.
[Not clear why AndExit would not be required in your local environment, though...]

zend, i cant call any view helpers

i have a got a helpers folder in my views folder with a helper called Log.php
which contains:
class Zend_View_Helper_Log extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract
public function loggedAs ()
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
$username = $auth->getIdentity()->uname;
$logoutUrl = $this->view->url(array('controller'=>'auth', 'action'=>'logout'), null, true);
return 'Hello' . $username . '. Logout?';
how can i call this from layouts? or views? i tried $this->_helpers->log->loggedAs();
but doesnt display anything, just an error:Fatal error: Call to a member function loggedAs() on a non-object in ...
I have a little experience in ZF. Yesterday I have the same problem and I decided its with the following code.
In the main Bootstrap.php I defined helper Path and Prefix
protected function _initDoctype()
$view = $this->getResource('view');
$view->addHelperPath(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../library/My/Helper/View", "My_Helper_View");
After that in view file I used next syntax
where getPhoneString method in my Helper Class My_Helper_View_GetPhoneString
Hope this example will be useful for you :)
Your helper class should have a method that matches the name of the helper, and this is what you call. So if you want to call loggedAs() from your templates then this is what you should name your helper:
class Zend_View_Helper_LoggedAs extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract
public function loggedAs()
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
$username = $auth->getIdentity()->uname;
$logoutUrl = $this->view->url(array('controller'=>'auth', 'action'=>'logout'), null, true);
return 'Hello' . $username . '. Logout?';
this should then live in a file at application/views/helpers/LoggedAs.php, and you'd call it from within your templates like this:
I'd also recommend using your own namespace instead of Zend in the class name, but the way you've done it should work as well.

Error in view file

I'm new to zend framework.I'm getting the following error when trying to view the page
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in D:\xampp\htdocs\neemjobs\application\views\scripts\register\index.phtml on line 1
class RegisterController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function init()
/* Initialize action controller here */
public function indexAction()
$this->view->pageTitle = "Zend_Form Example";
$this->view->bodyCopy = "<p >Please fill out this form.</p>";
$form = new forms_ContactForm();
$this->view->form = $form;
My View is
<?php echo $this->pageTitle ;?>
<?php echo $this->bodyCopy ;?>
This is totally correct (on my Zend Framework installation goes perfectly, I just don't understand "in which way" are you using the Form... but, anyway, it works, so the "bug" is not there...

Embedding persistent login form Zend

I've seen this question asked already - but none of the answers really gelled for me, so I'm asking again: I want to embed a persistent login form (which will change into a nav bar if logged in) in the header bar for a site. Effectively, I want to be able to inject some controller logic into the layout.
After much research, I can see several ways that might achieve this - none of which seem ideally suited.
View Helpers seem suited to adding a suite of methods to the Zend_View object - but I don't want to write conditional code in the layout.phtml to trigger a method. Action helpers would help me remove that functionality and call it from a Controller - but that seems to be in poor favour from several quarters. Then there are plugins, which might be well suited in the dispatch/authentication loop.
So, I was hoping someone might be able to offer me some guidance on which way might best suit my requirements. Any help is greatly appreciated.
For those of you with a similair issue, this is how I ended up solving it (I'm using layout btw)
I registered a view helper in the Bootstrap:
protected function _initHelpers(){
//has to come after view resource has been created
$view = $this->getResource('view');
// prefix refers to the folder name and the prefix for the class
return $view;
Here's the view helper code - the actual authentication logic is tucked away in model code. It's a bit clumsy, but it works
class SB_UserLoginPanel extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract {
public function __construct() {
$this->user = new SB_Entity_Users();
$this->userAccount = new SB_Model_UserAccount();
$this->request = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest();
$this->form = $this->makeLoginForm();
//check login
public function userLoginPanel() {
if(isset($_POST['loginpanel']['login'])) {
if(isset($_POST['loginpanel']['logout'])) {
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
$this->loginPanel = $this->getUserNav();
} else {
$this->loginPanel = $this->getLoginForm();
$this->loginPanel .= $this->getMessages();
return $this->loginPanel;
private function processLogin() {
$logindata = $this->request->getPost('loginpanel');
if($this->user->login($logindata['email'],$logindata['password'])) {
$redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
return $this->getUserNav();
}else {
$this->message = '<p id="account_error">Account not authorised</p>';
}else {
private function processLogout() {
if(isset($_POST['loginpanel']['logout'])) {
$request_data = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->getParams();
if($request_data['controller']=='notallowed') {
$redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
private function makeLoginForm() {
private function getLoginForm(){
return $this->form;
private function getMessages(){
return $this->message;
private function getUserNav(){
//return partial/render
I then call this from the relevant part of the markup in the layout.phtml file.
<?php echo $this->doctype(); ?>
echo $this->headLink() ."\n";
echo $this->headScript() ."\n";
echo $this->headMeta() ."\n";
<title><?php echo $this->escape($this->title) ."\n"; ?></title>
<div id="masthead">
<div id="userLoginPanel">
<?php echo $this->userLoginPanel(); ?>
<!--rest of layout-->
In principle, this should be an action helper, but after reading some less than favourable articles regarding Zend Action Helper - I opted for this method which did the trick.
Hope that helps!