Starting unity animation from n time ,not from the start - unity3d

I want to ask if it is possible to trigger an animation in unity not from the start ,but from n time in the animation .If the animation lets say 2 second ,is it possible to start the animation sequence after 1 second .


How to make play an animation from current frame until N seconds en Rive

I have an animation and an input, I want to play my animation N seconds from current frame every time my input change his value
I was using scrub function but that only jumps between frames, that help to has controll over the animation but it seem a little laggy

How to keep the animation at the end without restarting?

not loop disable/enable but to keep the animation at it's end frame.
the animation pointing is starting by default but when the state getting to the end the animation ending and not playing again. if i make it loop it will start over again when ending but i don't want it to start over again but to stay on the last frame.
The pointing animation make the player pointing with the finger on a target :
i want the animation to stay at this frame or the last frame so the hand and finger will point all the time and not starting over again.
but this way the hand when the state finish playing move back down.
I tried to enable loop and then to enable also loop pose but didn't work so i tried to change the root transform rotation , root transform position Y , root transform position x-z to bake into pose but nothing of that worked yet.
A working solution is to set the key frames of the animation to the two frames where you want to keep the animation at when playing it.
In my case it's frames 78-79 : I set the frames 78 as the Start and frame 79 as the End. Loop time and Loop pose both disabled unchecked.

Gradually decreasing the velocity of an object through animation in Unity

I need to create 2 animations,
one is of an object going from point A to point B at a constant velocity.
the other is of an object starting from point A but with a gradually decreasing velocity as it reaches point B until it comes to a stop.
I tried decreasing the animation speed every second to achieve this result with no luck.
Any ideas?
As you may have noticed when you work with animation in Unity there is no such thing as changing the velocity of an object. What you need to do is give your object an Animator and create a new Animation.
Then on the animation timeline press the red dot (record button) and then place your object on point A.
Next, on the time line you want to select the exact second that you want your object to come to a stop and after that move the object on point B.
Now, the more seconds there are in between the 2 keys, the more time it's going to take for the object to travel.
To make it gradually slower instead of it just travelling slowly:
On the animation panel you will see 2 tabs. Dopesheet and Curves. Hit Curves and play around with them till you have a satisfing result.
Documentation on using Curves

How to assign 1 animation to multiple objects

I am trying to initiate the movement of two cars in Unity. There will be a variable time gap between the time points which the two cars start moving. But Unity lets me assign only one animation at a time which means that I can not move the second car while the first animation is running.
How do I achieve this?

Problem with transition between animations

I am creating Unity 2D top down shooter, and I am having two animations: Reload, and Reload while running (it is reload but while speed > 0).
When character is reloading and running and then stop running in middle of animation, the state transist to Reload state, that is correct, but it starts this animation from beginning, is there any posible solution to transist to another animation state, and start it from the moment where last animation got interrupt(end)?
For example: my Reloading animation takes 2 seconds, same with Run-reload animation. My character keeps running and reloding, stops moving after 1s, so state is changed to reloading(without running) from 1 second(middle of animation) time?