Often times, when I want to check out what's wrong with Pods that go to a state of CrashLoopBackoff or Error, I do the following. I change the pod command to sleep 10000 and run kubectl exec -ti POD_NAME bash in my terminal to further inspect the environment and code. The problem is that it terminates very soon and without exception. It has been quite annoying to inspect the content of my pod.
My config
The result of kubectl version:
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"17", GitVersion:"v1.17.1", GitCommit:"d224476cd0730baca2b6e357d144171ed74192d6", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-01-15T15:50:38Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.6", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"15", GitVersion:"v1.15.7", GitCommit:"6c143d35bb11d74970e7bc0b6c45b6bfdffc0bd4", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-12-11T12:34:17Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.12", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
The result of helm version:
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.0.1", GitCommit:"7c22ef9ce89e0ebeb7125ba2ebf7d421f3e82ffa", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.13.4"}
OS: MacOS Catalina 10.15.2
Docker version: 19.03.5
I run my stuff using helm and helmfile, and my releases usually include a Deployment and a Service.
Let me know if any additional info can help.
Any help is appreciated!
Try to install Golang in version 1.13.4+. You have go1.12.12 version of kubectl server which casues a lot of problems with compatibility. So you have to update it. If you are upgrading from an older version of Go you must first remove the existing version.
Take a look here: upgrading-golang.
Apply changes in your pod definition file, add following lines under container definition:
#Just spin & wait forever
command: [ "/bin/bash", "-c", "--" ]
args: [ "trap : TERM INT; sleep infinity & wait" ]
This will keep your container alive until it is told to stop. Using trap and wait will make your container react immediately to a stop request. Without trap/wait stopping will take a few seconds.
If you think it is networking problem use a tcpdump.
Tcpdump is a tool to that captures network traffic and helps you troubleshoot some common networking problems. Here is a quick way to capture traffic on the host to the target container with IP
We are going to join the one container and will be trying to reach out another container:
kubectl exec -ti testbox-2460950909-5wdr4 -- /bin/bash
$ curl http://ip:port
On the host with a container we are going to capture traffic related to container target IP:
$ tcpdump -i any host ip
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on any, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked), capture size 262144 bytes
20:15:59.903566 IP > Flags [S], seq 3042274422, win 28200, options [mss 1410,sackOK,TS val 10056152 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
20:15:59.903566 IP > Flags [S], seq 3042274422, win 28200, options [mss 1410,sackOK,TS val 10056152 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
20:15:59.905481 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 28
20:16:00.907463 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 28
20:16:01.909440 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 28
20:16:02.911774 IP > Flags [S], seq 3042274422, win 28200, options [mss 1410,sackOK,TS val 10059160 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
20:16:02.911774 IP > Flags [S], seq 3042274422, win 28200, options [mss 1410,sackOK,TS val 10059160 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
As you see there is a trouble on the wire as kernel fails to route the packets to the target IP.
You can also debug pod using kubectl logs command:
Running kubectl logs -p will fetch logs from existing resources at API level. This means that terminated pods' logs will be unavailable using this command.
The best way is to have your logs centralized via logging agents or directly pushing these logs into an external service.
Alternatively and given the logging architecture in Kubernetes, you might be able to fetch the logs directly from the log-rotate files in the node hosting the pods. However, this option might depend on the Kubernetes implementation as log files might be deleted when the pod eviction is triggered.
Take a look here: pod-debugging.
Take a look on official documentation: kubectl-exec.
you can do something like this :
kubectl exec -it --request-timeout=500s POD_NAME bash
I recently installed kubernetes on VMware and also configured few pods , while configuring those pods , it automatically used IP of the VMware and configured. I was able to access the application during that time but then recently i rebooted VM and machine which hosts the VM, during this - IP of the VM got changed i guess and now - I am getting below error when using command kubectl get pod -n <namspaceName>:
userX#ubuntu:~$ kubectl get pod -n NameSpaceX
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connect: no route to host
userX#ubuntu:~$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"14", GitVersion:"v1.14.1", GitCommit:"b7394102d6ef778017f2ca4046abbaa23b88c290", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-04-08T17:11:31Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.1", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connect: no route to host
kubectl cluster-info as well as other related commands gives same output.
in VMware workstation settings, we are using network adapter which is sharing host IP address setting. We are not sure if it has any impact.
We also tried to add below entry in /etc/hosts , it is not working. localhost \n localhost \n ubuntu
I expect to run the pods back again to access the application.Instead of reinstalling all pods which is time consuming - we are looking for quick workaround so that pods will get back to running state.
If you use minikube sometimes all you need is just to restart minikube.
minikube start
I encountered the same issue - the problem was that the master node didn't expose port 6443 outside.
Below are the steps I took to fix it.
1 ) Check IP of api-server.
This can be verified via the .kube/config file (under server field) or with: kubectl describe pod/kube-apiserver-<master-node-name> -n kube-system.
2 ) Run curl https://<kube-apiserver-IP>:6443 and see if port 6443 is open.
3 ) If port 6443 you should get something related to the certificate like:
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
4 ) If port 6443 is not open:
4.A ) SSH into master node.
4.B ) Run sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=6443/tcp --permanent (I'm assuming firewalld is installed).
4.C ) Run sudo firewall-cmd --reload.
4.D ) Run sudo firewall-cmd --list-all and you should see port 6443 is updated:
target: default
icmp-block-inversion: no
services: dhcpv6-client ssh
ports: 6443/tcp <---- Here
masquerade: no
rich rules:
The common practice is to copy config file to the home directory
sudo cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf ~/.kube/config && sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
Also, make sure that api-server address is valid.
server: https://<master-node-ip>:6443
If not, you can manually edit it using any text editor.
You need to export the admin.conf file as kubeconfig before running the kubectl commands. You may put this as your env variable
export kubeconfig=<path>/admin.conf
after this you should be able to run the kubectl command. I am hoping that your setup of K8S cluster is proper.
Last night I had the exact same error installing Kubernetes using this puppet module: https://forge.puppet.com/puppetlabs/kubernetes
Turns out that it is an incorrect iptables setting in the master that blocks all non-local requests towards the api.
The way I solved it (bruteforce solution) is by
completely remove alle installed k8s related software (also all config files, etcd data, docker images, mounted tmpfs filesystems, ...)
wipe the iptables completely https://serverfault.com/questions/200635/best-way-to-clear-all-iptables-rules
This is what solved the problem in my case.
There is probably a much nicer and cleaner way to do this (i.e. simply change the iptables rules to allow access).
if you getting the below error then you also check once the token validity.
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connect: no route to host
Check your token validity by using the command kubeadm token list if your token is expired then you have to reset the cluster using kubeadm reset and than initialize again using command kubeadm init --token-ttl 0.
Then again check the status of the token using kubeadm token list. Note here the TTL value will be <forever> and Expire value will be <never>.
[root#master1 ~]# kubeadm token list
nh48tb.d79ysdsaj8bchms9 <forever> <never> authentication,signing The default bootstrap token generated by 'kubeadm init'. system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Screenshot
Select docker-desktop and run again your command, e.g kubectl apply -f <myimage.yaml>
Run minikube start command
The reason behind that is your minikube cluster with driver docker stopped
when you shutdown the system
To all those who are trying to learn and experiment kubernetes using Ubuntu on Oracle VM:
IP address is assigned to Guest OS/VM based on the network adapter selection. Based on your network adapter selection, you need to configure the settings in Oracle VM network section or your router settings.
See the link for most common Oracle VM network adapter.
I was using bridge adapter which put VM and host OS in parallel. So the my router was randomly assigning IP to my VM after every restart and my cluster stopped working and getting the same exact error message posted in the question.
> k get pods -A
> Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connect: no route to host
> systemctl status kubelet
> ........
> ........ "Error getting node" err="node \"node\" not found"
Cluster started working again after reserving static IP address to my VM in router settings.(if you are using NAT adapter, you should configure it in VM network settings)
When you are reserving IP address to your VM, make sure to assign the same old IP address which was used for configuring kubelet.
Minikube not starting with several error messages.
kubectl version gives following message with port related message:
iqbal#ThinkPad:~$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"12", GitVersion:"v1.12.2", GitCommit:"17c77c7898218073f14c8d573582e8d2313dc740", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-10-24T06:54:59Z", GoVersion:"go1.10.4", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?
You didn't give more details, but there are some concerns that I solved few days ago about minikube issues with kubernetes 1.12.
Indeed, the compatibility matrix between kubernetes and docker recommends to run :
Docker 18.06 + kubernetes 1.12 (Docker 18.09 is not supported now).
Thus, make sure docker version is NOT above 18.06. Then, run the following:
# clean up
minikube delete
minikube start --vm-driver="none"
kubectl get nodes
If you are still encountering issues, please give more details, namely minikube logs.
If you want to change the VM driver add the appropriate --vm-driver=xxx flag to minikube start. Minikube supports
the following drivers:
KVM (deprecated in favor of KVM2)
none (Linux-only) - this driver can be used to run the Kubernetes cluster components on the host instead of in a VM. This can be useful for CI workloads which do not support nested virtualization. For example, if your vm is virtualbox then use:
$ minikube delete
$ minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox
Everytime I try and exec into a pod through the minikube dashboard running alpine linux it crashes and closes the connection with the following error
rpc error: code = 2 desc = oci runtime error: exec failed: container_linux.go:262: starting container process caused "exec: \"bash\": executable file not found in $PATH"
Output from the command "kubectl version" reads as follows:
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"8",
GitVersion:"v1.8.0", GitCommit:"6e937839ac04a38cac63e6a7a306c5d035fe7b0a", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2017-09-28T22:57:57Z", GoVersion:"go1.8.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"8",
GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2017-11-29T22:43:34Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.1", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Can anybody please advise? I can run other containers perfectly OK as long as they have BASH not ASH.
Many thanks
Normally Alpine linux doesn't contain bash.
Have you tried executing into the container with any of the following?
so for example kubectl exec -it my-alpine-shell-293fj2fk-fifni2 -- sh should do the job.
Everytime I try and exec into a pod
You didn't specify the command you provided to kubectl exec but based on your question I'm going to assume it is kubectl exec -it $pod -- bash
The problem, as the error message states, is that the container image you are using does not provide bash. Many, many "slim" images don't ship with bash because of the dependencies doing so would bring with them.
If you want a command that works across all images, use sh, since 90% of the time if bash is present, it is symlinked to /bin/sh and the other cases (as you mentioned with ash or dash or whatever) then using sh will still work and allow you to determine if you need to adjust the command to specifically request a different shell.
Thus kubectl exec -it $pod -- sh is the command I would expect to work
I try to run minikube v0.22.1 and kubectl v1.7.5 on MacOS with Virtualbox.
$ minikube start
Starting local Kubernetes v1.7.5 cluster...
Starting VM...
Getting VM IP address...
Moving files into cluster...
Setting up certs...
Connecting to cluster...
Setting up kubeconfig...
Starting cluster components...
Kubectl is now configured to use the cluster.
$ minikube version
minikube version: v0.22.1
$ minikube status
minikube: Running
cluster: Running
kubectl: Correctly Configured: pointing to minikube-vm at
However all kubectl commands fail with "connection refused - did you specify the right host or port?"
$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"7", GitVersion:"v1.7.5", GitCommit:"17d7182a7ccbb167074be7a87f0a68bd00d58d97", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2017-08-31T19:32:26Z", GoVersion:"go1.9", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the right host or port?
The solution proposed here (sudo ifconfig vboxnet0 up) did not help, the vboxnet0 interface is up.
Any ideas or suggestions are highly appreciated.
If you run
kubectl config get-contexts
Do you get the following?
* minikube minikube minikube
If not that means your kubectl context is not correctly setup. To setup the context correctly run this
kubectl config use-context minikube
You may have it stopped or saved for any reason. sometimes, after you enable/disable addons you may need to restart it.
1) Restart minikube VM, stop it
$ minikube stop
2) Start it again, make sure you assign enough cpu/memory (the following is just an example of how to pass it, you need to adjust it based on available resources in your machine)
$ minikube start --memory=10000 --cpu 4
If this didn't work out, you can do the following that will help you to know more about the underlying cause of problem:
Check minikube status and make sure the status is Running
$ minikube status
Or, check minkube logs:
minikube logs
Finally, if you couldn't fix it, you may need to delete and start it from scratch
$ minikube delete && minikube start
Ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/1498
I will just drop this in here in case anyone find this question.
As of right now I don't know the versions of the OP's setup. So I'm going to assume he has the latest version that was available when he posted, which was: 0.22.1
I had a similar issue. The cluster was timing-out irregularly. One moment I got answers using kubectl cluster-info dump another I didn't. Then it worked again, and then it didn't. I found a github bug report with a solution.
Remove your VirtualBox VM.
Remove the ./minikube folder.
Remove the minikube executable.
Install version 0.19.0.
Verify that minikube is working with: kubectl
OS: Windows 10 (Home edition)
Minikube bugged version: 0.22.2
Minikube working version: 0.19.0
Kubectl (client): v1.7.0
Kubectl (server): v1.6.0
I kept having some issue with minikube after I posted this original answer. I found something that fixed the issue completely.
It's related to the dynamic memory setting in Hyper-V.
1. Turn off the hyper-v minikube VM.
2. Go to the VM's settings.
3. Turn off dynamic memory allocation.
4. Assign a decent amount of memory.
5. Save and turn the VM on again.
This should work with any minikube version. See this github issue for progress on an automatated solution
When debugging the minikube commands, e.g.
$ minikube dashboard --loglevel 0 --logtostderr
some proxy issues became visible and could be solved.
I ran into this situation this morning (another Monday!) on MacOS 11.3 with minikube v1.19.0.
I ran minikube status and got the following:
E0503 14:15:43.912005 7308 status.go:412] kubeconfig endpoint: got:, want:
type: Control Plane
host: Running
kubelet: Stopped
apiserver: Stopped
kubeconfig: Misconfigured
WARNING: Your kubectl is pointing to stale minikube-vm.
To fix the kubectl context, run `minikube update-context`
Seemed like good advice, so I did run minikube update-context and got this:
🎉 "minikube" context has been updated to point to
💗 Current context is "minikube"
After which everything worked like it did on Friday.
After the Linux Security OS patching and reboot we are unable to start kubernetes service received below error.
Error message: The connection to the server received while starting the kubernetes service.
This issue happened due to systemd package got updated during the security patching.
So We did below action to bring up the application On each master nodes
1. Update the /usr/lib/systemd/system/kubelet.service fie by removing the below two lines:
ExecStartPost=/bin/bash -c 'umask 0022; pgrep -x kubelet > /run/kubelet.pid'
ExecStopPost=/bin/bash -c 'rm -f /run/kubelet.pid'
2. Update the /usr/lib/systemd/system/kube-proxy.service fie by removing the below two lines:
ExecStartPost=/bin/bash -c 'umask 0022; pgrep -x kubelet > /run/kubelet.pid'
ExecStopPost=/bin/bash -c 'rm -f /run/kubelet.pid'
3. Run the kube-restart.sh on the master nodes.
4. run the kube-restart.sh on the worker nodes.
Update: I am using minikube version: v1.25.2
The command mentioned in this thread did NOT work:
minikube start --memory=10000 --cpu 4 #this will FAIL
This, however, DID WORK (use cpus instead. I also changed values to show minimum requirement for Docker):
minikube start --memory=1800 --cpus=2 # this will work
minikube start --memory=1800 --cpus 2 # this will also work
minikube delete && minikube start
sudo minikube start --vm-driver=none (start minikube again)
This solved my problem
minikube delete
minikube start
just restarted the container
I am running kubectl on:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393]
Pointing to Kubernetes cluster deployed in Azure.
A kubectl version command with verbose logging and preceded with time echo shows a delay of ~ 2 Min before showing any activity on the API calls.
Note the first log line that show 2 Min after invoking the command.
C:\tmp>echo **19:12:50**.23
C:\tmp>kubectl version --kubeconfig=C:/Users/jbafd/.kube/config-hgfds-acs-containerservice-1 -v=20
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"6", GitVersion:"v1.6.4", GitCommit:"d6f433224538d4f9ca2f7ae19b252e6fcb66a3ae", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2
017-05-19T18:44:27Z", GoVersion:"go1.7.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"windows/amd64"}
I0610 **19:14:58.311364 9488 loader.go:354]** Config loaded from file C:/Users/jbafd/.kube/config-hgfds-acs-containerservice-1
I0610 19:14:58.313864 9488 round_trippers.go:398] curl -k -v -XGET -H "Accept: application/json, */*" -H "User-Agent: kubectl.exe/v1.6.4 (windows/amd64) kub
ernetes/d6f4332" https://xxjjmaster.australiasoutheast.cloudapp.azure.com/version
I0610 19:14:58.519869 9488 round_trippers.go:417] GET https://xxjjmaster.australiasoutheast.cloudapp.azure.com/version in 206 milliseconds
Other kubectl commands (get nodes etc.) exhibit the same delay.
Flushing dns cache didn't resolve the issue but it looks like the API requests are responsive. Also running the command as admin didn't help.
What other operation kubectl is attempting before loading the config?
there could be two reasons for latency
kubectl is on network drive(mostly H: drive) so kubectl is first copied to your. system and the run
.kube/config file is on network drive
So to summarise either of the thing is on network drive you will face.
You can try one more thing if this doesn't work out, you can run kubectl command -v=20 this will give all the time duration taken by it.