How can I find a specific point in a figure in MATLAB? - matlab

I want a specific value in the figure in MATLAB. I put the black circle and arrow manually through the figure insert option. But How can I set the value now?
I want the x-axes values that are exactly 90% of each CDF curve.
here I am attaching my MatLab figure in jpg mode.

I would use interp1 to find the value. I'll assume that your x variable is called x and your cdf value is called c. You can then use code like this to get the x value where c = 0.9. This will work even if you don't have a cdf value at exactly 0.9
x_at_0p9 = interp1(c, x, 0.9);

You plotted those figures by using:
So, your problem is to find x_0 value that makes Y = 0.9.
You can do this:
ii = (Y==0.9) % finding index
x_0 = X(ii) % using index to get x_0 value
Of course this will only work if your Y vector has exactly the 0.9 value.
As this is not always the case you may want to get the x_0 value that first makes Y to be greater or equal than 0.9.
Then you can do this:
ii = find(Y>=0.9, 1) % finding index
x_0 = X(ii) % using index to get x_0 value

Assuming that your values are x and Y (where x is a vector and the same for all curves) and Y is a matrix with the same number of rows and as many columns as there are curves; you just need to find the first point where Y exceeds 0.9:
x = (0:0.01:pi/2)'; % time vector
Y = sin(x*rand(1,3))*10; % value matrix
% where does the values exceed 90%?
lg = Y>= 0.9;
% allocate memory
XY = NaN(2,size(Y,2));
for i = 1:size(Y,2)
% find first entry of a column, which is 1 | this is an index
idx = find(lg(:,i),1);
XY(:,i) = [x(idx);Y(idx,i)];
plot(x,Y, XY(1,:),XY(2,:), 'o')


Generate a heatmap in a set X, Y, Z with Z being the intensity of the color

I have a numerical set X, Y, Z and I would like to reproduce a heatmap with these values. The size of the bin is 20 x 20 and the range of the X and Y axes are from -150 to 150 with Z being the color. Within that bin it should contain the average of the Z values in that range.
In Origin contains this tool to make a heatmap with the average of the values, but I would like to do it in MATLAB. The graph I made in Origin and that I would like to do in MATLAB can be seen in figure 1.
I've tried something like
load xyz.dat
x = xyz(:,1);
y = xyz(:,2);
z = xyz(:,3);
tbl = table(x,y,z);
h = heatmap(tbl,'x','y','ColorVariable','z','ColorMethod','mean');
But it printed this warning
Warning: Error updating HeatmapChart. Values in the source table variable 'x' are not grouped into discrete categories. Use the discretize function to group your values.
heatmap expects discrete x and y values. You goal is to bin your x and y's into 20 discrete bins and average the z values for each bin, but x and y themselves are continuous.
To achieve your goal take the advice of the warning message and use discretize to bin your x and y values.
% I used the following stand ins for your data:
% x = rand(540, 1);
% y = rand(540, 1);
n_bins = 20; % Number of grid cells
% If you want the width of the grid cell to be 20, use
% n_bins = (max(x) - min(x)) / 20;
x_discrete = discretize(x, n_bins);
y_discrete = discretize(y, n_bins);
tbl = table(X_discrete,y_discrete,z, 'VariableNames', {'x', 'y', 'z'});
h = heatmap(tbl,'x','y','ColorVariable','z','ColorMethod','mean');
Note: Why was this not a problem with the sample data?
Using your sample data,
x = [49.8, 14.5, -60.7, -21.6, -10.6];
y = [45.3, 7.9, 23.9, -58.5, -55.4];
z = [0.2 , -0.06, -0.35, -0.15, -0.08];
tbl = table(x',y',z', 'VariableNames', {'x', 'y', 'z'});
h = heatmap(tbl,'x','y','ColorVariable','z','ColorMethod','mean');
Does not throw an error because it treats each x and y value as a separate category. heatmap uses a call to categorical to transform the continuous values into categorical values.
Aside from not really providing the output you want (each point would be its own box instead of averaging grid cells), categorical seems to have a limit in how many categorical values it will create. I wasn't able to find any documentation about exactly what that limit is, but by experimentation, it tops out in the mid 200's. Since your vectors are 540 elements long, you get the warning about using discretize instead.

Find actual plot limits when specifying partially automatic limits

How do I find the actual y-range here:
This is just the example from the docs
x = linspace(-10,10,200);
y = sin(4*x)./exp(.1*x);
axis([-10 10 0 inf])
the ymin value is specified as zero and the max left automatic. If I now query the range with
I just get [ 0 inf ]. How do i determine the actual plot y range used ( it is about [0 2.5] for this example..)
edit - aside
In case anyone else encounters this - it may be preferable to avoid the issue: make the plot with fully automatic ranging then fix the range as you like so you know exactly what it is, eg.
axis([origXrange 0 origYrange(2)])
Although the documentation doesn't tell, it appears that when the first (second) value of ylim is set to -inf (inf) Matlab sets the lower (upper) y-axis limit as the minimum (maximum) of all y values in the plot. The latter can be known by reading the 'YData' property of all 'children' of the axis.
yd = get(get(gca,'children'),'YData'); %// get y data of all plots
if iscell(yd) %// if there's more than one plot yd is a cell array of numeric vectors;
%// otherwise it's a numeric vector
yd = [yd{:}]; %// combine all values into a single numeric vector
ydminmax = [min(yd) max(yd)]; %// computed limits
result = ylim;
ind = isinf(result);
result(ind) = ydminmax(ind); %// replace infinite values by computed values
In your example, the result is
result =
0 2.4313

Positive & Negitive Log10 Scale Y axis in Matlab

Hi i'm having a problem where I have a dataset which ranges between -10^3 to 10^3
I need to be able to plot this as with a log scale but semilogy cannot plot negative values
Say for example my data is:
x = [-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3];
y = [-1000,-100,-10,1,10,100,1000];
(or in general y=sign(x).*10.^abs(x);)
How can I plot this in MATLAB with a log scale? If possible It would be great if the log scale ticks could be on the Y-axis too
Use your actual data as labels, but scale the plotted data with log10.
% data
x = -3:0.1:3;
y = sign(x).*10.^abs(x);
% scaling function
scale = #(x) sign(x).*log10(abs(x));
N = 7; % number of ticks desired
% picking of adequate values for the labels
TickMask = linspace(1,numel(y),N);
YTickLabels = y(TickMask);
% scale labels and plotdata, remove NaN ->inconsistency, do you really want that?
YTick = scale( YTickLabels );
Y = scale(y);
YTick(isnan(YTick)) = 0;
Y(isnan(Y)) = 0;
% plot
grid on
For N = 7:
For N = 11
How to find a valid value for N?
The following function (thanks to gnovice) will return all possible values you could choose for N:
n = numel(x);
N = find(rem(n./(1:n), 1) == 0) + 1;
about the semilogy-style labels: by adding the following line before the plot:
YTickLabels = cellfun(#(x) ['10^' num2str(x)], num2cell(YTick),'UniformOutput',false)
you could at least achieve something like this:
not beautiful and not generic, but a good point to start for you.
The reason you can't make a logarithmic axis that crosses zero, is that it doesn't make sense!
Since a logarithmic scale is generally displayed as eg. 100 - 10 - 1 - 1/10 - 1/100 - ..., you would need an infinite amount of space to make the axis cross zero.
How about this:
#thewaywewalk has already given a beautiful solution to it. The one I'm suggesting is an epsilon improvement on it. If you make two changes
(a) Define a new MATLAB function signia that basically extracts the sign before a number.
function value = signia(x)
value = '';
value = '-';
and (b) make this little change that instead of
YTickLabels = cellfun(#(x) ['10^' num2str(x)], num2cell(YTick),'UniformOutput',false)
you use
YTickLabels = cellfun(#(x) [signia(x) '10^{' num2str(x) '}'], num2cell(YTick),'UniformOutput',false);
(notice the presence of curly braces), you'll get an improvement in the Y ticks display. I got the following.
enter image description here

Can someone explain how to graph this sum in MATLAB using contourf?

I'm going to start off by stating that, yes, this is homework (my first homework question on stackoverflow!). But I don't want you to solve it for me, I just want some guidance!
The equation in question is this:
I'm told to take N = 50, phi1 = 300, phi2 = 400, 0<=x<=1, and 0<=y<=1, and to let x and y be vectors of 100 equally spaced points, including the end points.
So the first thing I did was set those variables, and used x = linspace(0,1) and y = linspace(0,1) to make the correct vectors.
The question is Write a MATLAB script file called potential.m which calculates phi(x,y) and makes a filled contour plot versus x and y using the built-in function contourf (see the help command in MATLAB for examples). Make sure the figure is labeled properly. (Hint: the top and bottom portions of your domain should be hotter at about 400 degrees versus the left and right sides which should be at 300 degrees).
However, previously, I've calculated phi using either x or y as a constant. How am I supposed to calculate it where both are variables? Do I hold x steady, while running through every number in the vector of y, assigning that to a matrix, incrementing x to the next number in its vector after running through every value of y again and again? And then doing the same process, but slowly incrementing y instead?
If so, I've been using a loop that increments to the next row every time it loops through all 100 values. If I did it that way, I would end up with a massive matrix that has 200 rows and 100 columns. How would I use that in the linspace function?
If that's correct, this is how I'm finding my matrix:
format compact
x = linspace(0,1);
y = linspace(0,1);
N = 50;
phi1 = 300;
phi2 = 400;
phi = 0;
sum = 0;
for j = 1:100
for i = 1:100
for n = 1:N
sum = sum + ((2/(n*pi))*(((phi2-phi1)*(cos(n*pi)-1))/((exp(n*pi))-(exp(-n*pi))))*((1-(exp(-n*pi)))*(exp(n*pi*y(i)))+((exp(n*pi))-1)*(exp(-n*pi*y(i))))*sin(n*pi*x(j)));
phi(j,i) = phi1 - sum;
for j = 1:100
for i = 1:100
for n = 1:N
sum = sum + ((2/(n*pi))*(((phi2-phi1)*(cos(n*pi)-1))/((exp(n*pi))-(exp(-n*pi))))*((1-(exp(-n*pi)))*(exp(n*pi*y(j)))+((exp(n*pi))-1)*(exp(-n*pi*y(j))))*sin(n*pi*x(i)));
phi(j+100,i) = phi1 - sum;
This is the definition of contourf. I think I have to use contourf(X,Y,Z):
contourf(X,Y,Z), contourf(X,Y,Z,n), and contourf(X,Y,Z,v) draw filled contour plots of Z using X and Y to determine the x- and y-axis limits. When X and Y are matrices, they must be the same size as Z and must be monotonically increasing.
Here is the new code:
N = 50;
phi1 = 300;
phi2 = 400;
[x, y, n] = meshgrid(linspace(0,1),linspace(0,1),1:N)
f = phi1-((2./(n.*pi)).*(((phi2-phi1).*(cos(n.*pi)-1))./((exp(n.*pi))-(exp(-n.*pi)))).*((1-(exp(-1.*n.*pi))).*(exp(n.*pi.*y))+((exp(n.*pi))-1).*(exp(-1.*n.*pi.*y))).*sin(n.*pi.*x));
g = sum(f,3);
[x1,y1] = meshgrid(linspace(0,1),linspace(0,1));
Vectorize the code. For example you can write f(x,y,n) with:
[x y n] = meshgrid(-1:0.1:1,-1:0.1:1,1:10);
f=exp(x.^2-y.^2).*n ;
f is a 3D matrix now just sum over the right dimension...
in order to use contourf, we'll take only the 2D part of x,y:
[x1 y1] = meshgrid(-1:0.1:1,-1:0.1:1);
The reason your code takes so long to calculate the phi matrix is that you didn't pre-allocate the array. The error about size happens because phi is not 100x100. But instead of fixing those things, there's an even better way...
MATLAB is a MATrix LABoratory so this type of equation is pretty easy to compute using matrix operations. Hints:
Instead of looping over the values, rows, or columns of x and y, construct matrices to represent all the possible input combinations. Check out meshgrid for this.
You're still going to need a loop to sum over n = 1:N. But for each value of n, you can evaluate your equation for all x's and y's at once (using the matrices from hint 1). The key to making this work is using element-by-element operators, such as .* and ./.
Using matrix operations like this is The Matlab Way. Learn it and love it. (And get frustrated when using most other languages that don't have them.)
Good luck with your homework!

Matlab disregarding NaN's in matrix

I have a matrix (X) of doubles containing time series. Some of the observations are set to NaN when there is a missing value. I want to calculate the standard deviation per column to get a std dev value for each column. Since I have NaNs mixed in, a simple std(X) will not work and if I try std(X(~isnan(X)) I end up getting the std dev for the entire matrix, instead of one per column.
Is there a way to simply omit the NaNs from std dev calculations along the 1st dim without resorting to looping?
Please note that I only want to ignore individual values as opposed to entire rows or cols in case of NaNs. Obviously I cannot set NaNs to zero or any other value as that would impact calculations.
Have a look at nanstd (stat toolbox).
The idea is to center the data using nanmean, then to replace NaN with zero, and finally to compute the standard deviation.
See nanmean below.
% maximum admissible fraction of missing values
max_miss = 0.6;
[m,n] = size(x);
% replace NaNs with zeros.
inan = find(isnan(x));
x(inan) = zeros(size(inan));
% determine number of available observations on each variable
[i,j] = ind2sub([m,n], inan); % subscripts of missing entries
nans = sparse(i,j,1,m,n); % indicator matrix for missing values
nobs = m - sum(nans);
% set nobs to NaN when there are too few entries to form robust average
minobs = m * (1 - max_miss);
k = find(nobs < minobs);
nobs(k) = NaN;
mx = sum(x) ./ nobs;
See nanstd below.
flag = 1; % default: normalize by nobs-1
% center data
xc = x - repmat(mx, m, 1);
% replace NaNs with zeros in centered data matrix
xc(inan) = zeros(size(inan));
% standard deviation
sx = sqrt(sum(conj(xc).*xc) ./ (nobs-flag));