When does a term begin and end in Raft? - consensus

I've been reading the paper "In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm". I'm confused with how "term" works.
I have two thoughts.
A term begins with an election, and ends with the next election. The next election may happen due to the crash of the current leader. As long as the current leader works perfectly, the term could be lasting for a very long time.
A term's end is determined when it begins. For example, after a server wins the election, the term begins and plans to end in 30 minutes. Then after 30 minutes, the leader stops sending heartbeats to cause another election.
So which one is correct? I feel like the first thought makes more sense and it provides better performance.

Either option would work, but your first option is preferable. If you stop sending heartbeats then you likely have to wait for quite some time (a few seconds perhaps) before the new master is elected. You can in theory avoid this wait and trigger an election immediately but elections are always slightly disruptive so one normally design systems to avoid them as much as possible.
The only time an election is really needed is if something has gone wrong: for instance a communication breakdown or some nodes have failed. In practice clusters may run for a very long time (weeks? years?) without a failure, so they do not need more frequent elections.
Also note that terms so not really have a well-defined (global) beginning and end because of the asynchronous nature of communication and the difficulty of pinning down a notion of time in a distributed system. A node may believe a term is still ongoing even though the other nodes all believe it either hasn't started or has finished.


How to distribute tasks between servers where each task must be done by only one server?

Goal: There are X number backend servers. There are Y number of tasks. Each task must be done only by one server. The same task ran by two different servers should not happen.
There are tasks which include continuous work for an indefinite amount of time, such as polling for data. The same server can keep doing such a task as long as the server stays alive.
Problem: How to reassign a task if the server executing it dies? If the server dies, it can't mark the task as open. What are efficient ways to accomplish this?
Well, the way you define your problem makes it sloppy to reason about. What you actually is looking for called a "distributed lock".
Let's start with a simpler problem: assume you have only two concurrent servers S1, S2 and a single task T. The safety property you stated remains as is: at no point in time both S1 and S2 may process task T. How could that be achieved? The following strategies come to mind:
Implement an algorithm that deterministically maps task to a responsible server. For example, it could be as stupid as if task.name.contains('foo') then server1.process(task) else server2.process(task). That works and indeed might fit some real world requirements out there, yet such an approach is a dead end: a) you have to know how many server would you have upfront, statically and - the most dangerous - 2) you can not tolerate either server being down: if, say, S1 is taken off then there is nothing you can do with T right now except then just wait for S1 to come back online. These drawbacks could be softened, optimized - yet there is no way to get rid of them; escaping these deficiencies requires a more dynamic approach.
Implement an algorithm that would allow S1 and S2 to agree upon who is responsible for the T. Basically, you want both S1 and S2 to come to a consensus about (assumed, not necessarily needed) T.is_processed_by = "S1" or T.is_processed_by = "S2" property's value. Then your requirement translates to the "at any point in time is_process_by is seen by both servers in the same way". Hence "consensus": "an agreement (between the servers) about a is_processed_by value". Having that eliminates all the "too static" issues of the previous strategy: actually, you are no longer bound to 2 servers, you could have had n, n > 1 servers (provided that your distributed consensus works for a chosen n), however it is not prepared for accidents like unexpected power outage. It could be that S1 won the competition, is_processed_by became equal to the "S1", S2 agreed with that and... S1 went down and did nothing useful....
...so you're missing the last bit: the "liveness" property. In simple words, you'd like your system to continuously progress whenever possible. To achieve that property - among many other things I am not mentioning - you have to make sure that spontaneous server's death is monitored and - once it happened - not a single task T gets stuck for indefinitely long. How do you achieve that? That's another story, a typical piratical solution would be to copy-paste the good old TCP's way of doing essentially the same thing: meet the keepalive approach.
OK, let's conclude what we have by now:
Take any implementation of a "distributed locking" which is equivalent to "distributed consensus". It could be a ZooKeeper done correctly, a PostgreSQL running a serializable transaction or whatever alike.
Per each unprocessed or stuck task T in your system, make all the free servers S to race for that lock. Only one of them guaranteed to win and all the rest would surely loose.
Frequently enough push sort of TCP's keepalive notifications per each processing task or - at least - per each alive server. Missing, let say, three notifications in a sequence should be taken as server's death and all of it's tasks should be re-marked as "stuck" and (eventually) reprocessed in the previous step.
And that's it.
P.S. Safety & liveness properties is something you'd definitely want to be aware of once it comes to distributed computing.
Try rabbitmq worker queues
It has an acknowledgement feature so if a task fails or server cashes it will automatically replay your task. Based on your specific use case u can setup retries, etc
"Problem: How to reassign a task if the server executing it dies? If the server dies, it can't mark the task as open. What are efficient ways to accomplish this?"
You are getting into a known problem in distributed systems, how does a system makes decisions when the system is partitioned. Let me elaborate on this.
A simple statement "server dies" requires quite a deep dive on what does this actually mean. Did the server lost power? Is it the network between your control plane and the server is down (and the task is keep running)? Or, maybe, the task was done successfully, but the failure happened just before the task server was about to report about it? If you want to be 100% correct in deciding the current state of the system - that the same as to say that the system has to be 100% consistent.
This is where CAP theorem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAP_theorem) comes to play. Since your system may be partitioned at any time (a worker server may get disconnected or die - which is the same state) and you want to be 100% correct/consistent, this means that the system won't be 100% available.
To reiterate the previous paragraph: if the system suspects a task server is down, the system as a whole will have to come to a stop, till it will be able to determine on what happened with the particular task server.
Trade off between consistency and availability is the core of distributed systems. Since you want to be 100% correct, you won't have 100% availability.
While availability is not 100%, you still can improve the system to make it as available as possible. Several approaches may help with that.
Simplest one is to alert a human when the system suspects it is down. The human will get a notification (24/7), wake up, login and do a manual check on what is going on. Whether this approach works for your case - it depends on how much availability you need. But this approach is completely legit and is widely used in the industry (those engineers carrying pagers).
More complicated approach is to let the system to fail over to another task server automatically, if that is possible. Few options are available here, depending on type of task.
First type of task is a re-runnable one, but they have to exist as a single instance. In this case, the system uses "STONITH" (shoot the other node in the head) technic to make sure previous node is dead for good. For example, in a cloud the system would actually kill the whole container of task server and then start a new container as a failover.
Second type of tasks is not re-runnable. For example, a task of transferring money from account A to be B is not (automatically) re-runnable. System does not know if the task failed before or after the money were moved. Hence, the fail over needs to do extra steps to calculate the outcome, which may also be impossible if network is not working correctly. In this cases the system usually goes to halt, till it can make 100% correct decision.
None of these options will give 100% of availability, but they can do as good as possible due to nature of distributed systems.

How ZooKeeper guarantees "Single System Image"?

In the Consistency Guarantees section of ZooKeeper Programmer's Guide, it states that ZooKeeper will give "Single System Image" guarantees:
A client will see the same view of the service regardless of the server that it connects to.
According to the ZAB protocol, only if more than half of the followers acknowledge a proposal, the leader could commit the transaction. So it's likely that not all the followers are in the same status.
If the followers are not in the same status, how could ZooKeeper guarantees "Single System Status"?
ZooKeeper’s atomic broadcast protocol: Theory and practice
Single System Image
Leader only waits for responses from a quorum of the followers to acknowledge to commit a transaction. That doesn't mean that some of the followers need not acknowledge the transaction or can "say no".
Eventually as the rest of the followers process the commit message from leader or as part of the synchronization, will have the same state as the master (with some delay). (not to be confused with Eventual consistency)
How delayed can the follower's state be depends on the configuration items syncLimit & tickTime (https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperAdmin.html)
A follower can at most be behind by syncLimit * tickTime time units before it gets dropped.
The document is a little misleading, I have made a pr.
see https://github.com/apache/zookeeper/pull/931.
In fact, zookeeper client keeps a zxid, so it will not connect to older follower if it has read some data from a newer server.
All reads and writes go to a majority of the nodes before being considered successful, so there's no way for a read following a write to not know about that previous write. At least one node knows about it. (Otherwise n/2+1 + n/2+1 > n, which is false.) It doesn't matter if many (at most all but one) has an outdated view of the world since at least one of them knows it all.
If enough nodes crash or the network becomes partitioned so that no group of nodes that are able to talk to each other are in a majority, Zab stops handling requests. If your acknowledged update gets accepted by a set of nodes that disappear and never come back online, your cluster will lose some data (but only when you ask it to move on, and leave its dead nodes behind).
Handling more than two requests is done by handling them two at a time, until there's only one state left.

why a update-period value for kubernetes rolling-update should be long (default: 1m0s)?

I was wondering what would be the potential problem if I reduce the --update-period (whose default value is 1m0s) to about 5s (or even 1s)? I've watched a few video clips, and it seems the presenters implied that it's a bad idea to have a short period but did not explain why.
The reason why I want to make it shorter is that we sometimes prefer fast and a little risky transition, rather than safe and steady one. As far as I know, what rolling-update does is:
while the goal has not been achieved {
scale-up the new version
sleep as specified by --update-period
scale-down the old one
check deadline
From the above flow, I don't see any problem of not sleeping for a long time. Deadline checking is based on the timeout configuration, and so, it seems the only outcome of changing the --update-period would be iterating the loop more frequently.
One thing I have not fully understood is how scaling down is performed, but I assume that it still does graceful termination, such as sending SIGTERM and waiting for 30s until finally sending SIGKILL to the processes in the pod.
FYI, I'm using the Google Container Engine.
It should not be long, this is just a precaution in case a pod transitions to a Running state but crashes a couple of seconds later. If your update period is short, you'll keep deploying pods that are unstable eventually, and won't give the whole process enough time to notice.
If you're willing to take the risk it's totally fine to have a short update period.
Also, if you want true fast and reliable deployments you should check the Deployment API. The rolling update logic happens server side which increases the reliability and speed.

Distributed systems - signal LIFO

I have a doubt arround the paradigm of distributed systems.
Taking into consideration the condition variables that the signal operation unlocks. If we say that the processes are signaled in Last In First Out motion what vantages can we get from here and disadvantages?
The disadvantages and advantages related to what?... Assuming it is related to having no order I would say That a disadvantage is that if we have many processes being put to wait on that condition constantly we may see starvation because only the most recent processes will wake up making it impossible for the first ones to ever wake up unless processes stop being put to wait.
The advantages I'm not so certain, but we can always say that at least we have some order and the signal won't just wake a random process wich we may use for our bnefit.
There may be other advantages or disadvantages that I didn't think about so it may be best to wait for other answers.

What to do if the leader fails in Multi-Paxos for master-slave systems?

In section 3, named Implementing a State Machine, of Lamport's paper Paxos Made Simple, Multi-Paxos is described. Multi-Paxos is used in Google Paxos Made Live. (Multi-Paxos is used in Apache ZooKeeper). In Multi-Paxos, gaps can appear:
In general, suppose a leader can get α commands ahead--that is, it can propose commands i + 1 through i + α commands after commands 1 through i are chosen. A gap of up to α - 1 commands could then arise.
Now consider the following scenario:
The whole system uses master-slave architecture. Only the master serves client commands. Master and slaves reach consensus on the sequence of commands via Multi-Paxos. The master is the leader in Multi-Paxos instances. Assume now the master and two of its slaves have the states (commands have been chosen) shown in the following figure:
Note that, there are more than one gaps in the master state. Due to asynchrony, the two slaves lag behind. At this time, the master fails.
What should the slaves do after they have detected the failure of the master (for example, by heartbeat mechanism)?
In particular, how to handle with the gaps and the missing commands with respect to that of the old master?
Update about Zab:
As #sbridges has pointed out, ZooKeeper uses Zab instead of Paxos. To quote,
Zab is primarily designed for primary-backup (i.e., master-slave) systems, like ZooKeeper, rather than for state machine replication.
It seems that Zab is closely related to my problems listed above. According to the short overview paper of Zab, Zab protocol consists of two modes: recovery and broadcast. In recovery mode, two specific guarantees are made: never forgetting committed messages and letting go of messages that are skipped. My confusion about Zab is:
In recovery mode does Zab also suffer from the gaps problem? If so, what does Zab do?
The gap should be the Paxos instances that has not reached agreement. In the paper Paxos Made Simple, the gap is filled by proposing a special “no-op” command that leaves the state unchanged.
If you cares about the order of chosen values for Paxos instances, you'd better use Zab instead, because Paxos does not preserve causal order. https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ZOOKEEPER/PaxosRun
The missing command should be the Paxos instances that has reached agreement, but not learned by learner. The value is immutable because it has been accepted a quorum of acceptor. When you run a paxos instance of this instance id, the value will be chosen and recovered to the same one on phase 1b.
When slaves/followers detected a failure on Leader, or the Leader lost a quorum support of slaves/follower, they should elect a new leader.
In zookeeper, there should be no gaps as the follower communicates with leader by TCP which keeps FIFO.
In recovery mode, after the leader is elected, the follower synchronize with leader first, and apply the modification on state until NEWLEADER is received.
In broadcast mode, the follower queues the PROPOSAL in pendingTxns, and wait the COMMIT in the same order. If the zxid of COMMIT mismatch with the zxid of head of pendingTxns, the follower will exit.
Multi-Paxos is used in Apache ZooKeeper
Zookeeper uses zab, not paxos. See this link for the difference.
In particular, each zookeeper node in an ensemble commits updates in the same order as every other nodes,
Unlike client requests, state updates must be applied in the exact
original generation order of the primary, starting from the original
initial state of the primary. If a primary fails, a new primary that
executes recovery cannot arbitrarily reorder uncommitted state
updates, or apply them starting from a different initial state.
Specifically the ZAB paper says that a newly elected leader undertakes discovery to learn the next epoch number to set and who has the most up-to-date commit history. The follower sands an ACK-E message which states the max contiguous zxid it has seen. It then says that it undertakes a synchronisation phase where it transmits the state which followers which they have missed. It notes that in interesting optimisation is to only elect a leader which has a most up to date commit history.
With Paxos you don't have to allow gaps. If you do allow gaps then the paper Paxos Made Simple explains how to resolve them from page 9. A new leader knows the last committed value it saw and possibly some committed values above. It probes the slots from the lowest gap it knows about by running phase 1 to propose to those slots. If there are values in those slots it runs phase 2 to fix those values but if it is free to set a value it sets no-op value. Eventually it gets to the slot number where there have been no values proposed and it runs as normal.
In answer to your questions:
What should the slaves do after they have detected the failure of the master (for example, by heartbeat mechanism)?
They should attempt to lead after a randomised delay to try to reduce the risk of two candidates proposing at the same time which would waste messages and disk flushes as only one can lead. Randomised leader timeout is well covered in the Raft paper; the same approach can be used for Paxos.
In particular, how to handle with the gaps and the missing commands with respect to that of the old master?
The new leader should probe and fix the gaps to either the highest value proposed to that slot else a no-op until it has filled in the gaps then it can lead as normal.
The answer of #Hailin explains the gap problem as follows:
In zookeeper, there should be no gaps as the follower communicates with leader by TCP which keeps FIFO"
To supplement:
In the paper A simple totally ordered broadcast protocol, it mentions that ZooKeeper requires the prefix property:
If $m$ is the last message delivered for a leader $L$, any message proposed before $m$ by $L$ must also be delivered".
This property mainly relies on the TCP mechanism used in Zab. In Zab Wiki, it mentions that the implementation of Zab must follow the following assumption (besides others):
Servers must process packets in the order that they are received. Since TCP maintains ordering when sending packets, this means that packets will be processed in the order defined by the sender.