Is there any splash screen module like react-native-splash-screen? - flutter

I would like to know: Is there any splash screen module like react-native-splash-screen? This module helps to hide splash screen via react-native. Is there any alternative flutter module to hide splash screen from Flutter?

Is that great idea? Intro Views only run when the first-time app start but splash screen run each time app start.
I found a similar package for Flutter. this package can hide from Flutter.


How to add text at bottom in splash screen using Flutter_native_splash

I'm new to FLutter. how to add text at bottom in splash screen using Flutter_native_splash ? is there a way?
this this my code:
background_image: "assets/splashscreen_background.png"
image: assets/images/logo-text.png
the owner said: link
There is not a way to add dynamic text. If you want static text, you
can add it to the splash image.
another workaroud is, make your custom splash screen with statefull/stateless widget.
In common case, if you only use custom widget as a splash screen, there will be a white screen before the flutter initiated. Therefore better use native splash to avoid that.
after the flutter has initiated, remove the native splash and display your custom splash widget.
You could add text as an image with the package's branding option.

how remove flutter web native splash screen when add to phone home?

when flutter PWA added to home it has default splash screen with blue color and logo I want to remove that , where is it?
The default splash screen cannot be overridden. They are controls shown by the native Android/iOS context while the Flutter runtime is initializing and that splash is default by flutter pwa.
in simple words while Android/iOS loads environment to run your web app at that time this screen is shown and for now there is no way to change or replace it. and you splash set for web also appear after default screen.
The native Flutter splash screen cannot be removed, only changed. I maintain a package that allows you to change the native splash screen: flutter_native_splash .

How to add a real splash screen in flutter

I have a splash_screen.dart flutter page, in my main.dart, this page is used to check if the user is already connected but it is not a real splash screen ... my page is displayed when starting the app?
I looked on the styles.xml side (for android) but I only found solutions to add an image ...
I have to write my splash_screen.dart page in java in styles.xml?
thanks for your help
In Android, there are two separate screens that you can control: a launch screen shown while your Android app initializes, and a splash screen that displays while the Flutter experience initializes.
Every Android app requires initialization time while the operating system sets up the app’s process. Android provides the concept of a launch screen to display a Drawable while the app is initializing.
The default Flutter project template includes a definition of a launch theme and a launch background.
You can customize this by editing styles.xml, where you can define a theme whose windowBackground is set to the Drawable that should be displayed as the launch screen.
<style name="LaunchTheme" parent="#android:style/Theme.Black.NoTitleBar">
<item name="android:windowBackground">#drawable/launch_background</item>
check the offical docs for more

Ionic native splash screen vs capacitor splash screen?

I want to build an Angular + Ionic5 + capacitor app, and I found there are lots of splash screen approaches.
Ionic native splash screen.
Capacitor splash screen.
Cordova plugin splash screen (Which I think will not be considered because I will use capacitor instead of Cordova. correct me if I am wrong.)
Which one should I use, is there any big difference between them?
Ionic Native Splash Screen and Cordova Plugin Splash Screen are the same thing and they don't work with Capacitor, it's listed on the known incompatible plugins section.
If you check Ionic Native docs, it tells you to install cordova-plugin-splashscreen, Ionic Native plugins are just wrappers around Cordova plugins so they are easier to use in projects that use typescript instead of javascript.

is it possible to run initialisation code before native splash screen is removed by flutter engine in flutter

I want run initialisations of the application and fetch some data async in flutter before app starts and while native splash screen is active.
I want to start the app after all initialisations are complete and then i want to remove native splash screen and start flutter application.
Basically i want to fetch shared preferences and run init code snippets and path_provider code before starting user interaction and while native splash screen is running after flutter engine is loaded.
Not during the actual Native splashscreen. But you can create a screen that looks identical to the native splashscreen, do your stuff there, and then navigate once you are done.