Kubernetes liveness probe logging recovery - kubernetes

I am trying to test a liveness probe while learning kubernetes.
I have set up a minikube and configured a pod with a liveness probe.
Testing the script (E.g. via docker exec) it seems to report success and failure as required.
The probe leads to failures events which I can view via kubectl describe podname
but it does not report recovery from failures.
This answer says that liveness probe successes are not reported by default.
I have been trying to increase the log level with no success by running variations like:
minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.v=4
minikube start --extra-config=kubectl.v=4
minikube start --v=4
As suggested here & here.
What is the proper way to configure the logging level for a kubelet?
can it be modified without restarting the pod or minikube?
An event will be reported if a failure causes the pod to be restarted.
For kubernetes itself I understand that using it to decide whether to restart the pod is sufficient.
Why aren't events recorded for recovery from a failure which does not require a restart?
This is how I would expect probes to work in a health monitoring system.
How would recovery be visible if the same probe was used in prometheus or similar?
For an expensive probe I would not want it to be run multiple times.
(granted one probe could cache the output to a file making the second probe cheaper)

I have been trying to increase the log level with no success by
running variations like:
minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.v=4
minikube start --extra-config=kubectl.v=4
minikube start --v=4
#Bruce, none of the options mentioned by you will work as they are releted with other components of Kubernetes cluster and in the answer you referred to it was clearly said:
The output of successful probes isn't recorded anywhere unless your
Kubelet has a log level of at least --v=4, in which case it'll be in
the Kubelet's logs.
So you need to set -v=4 specifically for kubelet. In the official docs you can see that it can be started with specific flags including the one, changing default verbosity level of it's logs:
-v, --v Level
number for the log level verbosity
Kubelet runs as a system service on each node so you can check it's status by simply issuing:
systemctl status kubelet.service
and if you want to see it's logs issue the command:
journalctl -xeu kubelet.service
minikube start --extra-config=kubelet.v=4
however I'm not 100% sure if Minikube is able to pass this parameter so you'll need to verify it on your own. If it doesn't work you should still be able to add it in kubelet configuration file, specifying parameters with which it is started (don't forget to restart your kubelet.service after submitting the changes, you simply need to run systemctl restart kubelet.service)
Let me know if it helps and don't hesitate to ask additional questions if something is not completely clear.


How to find the reason of a pod crashing?

Is there a way to see why a kubernetes pod is failing with the status "craskLoopBackOff" under a heavy load?
I have a HorizontalPodAutoscaler which never kicks in. In its status it always shows low (Under 50%) cpu and memory usage.
Tailing the application logs within the pods doesnt give any insights either.
Try looking at the Kubernetes events kubectl get events --sort-by='.lastTimestamp'
If you don't get anything meaningful out of events go to the specific node and see the kubelet logs journalctl -u kubelet
To get logs from a pod you should use:
kubectl logs [podname] -p
You can also do kubelet logs but that's mostly for Cluster logs.
If there is no logs that means your application did not produces any logs before the crash. You would need to rewrite the app and for example add a memory dump on crush.
You mentioned that the pod is dying under heavy load but stats shows only 50% utilization. You should login to the pod and check yourself the load, maybe check how many files are being open because maybe you are hitting the limit.
You can read the Kubernetes docs about Application Introspection and Debugging and go over Debugging CrashLoopBackoffs with Init-Containers.
You can also try running your image in Docker and checking logs there. There is a nice documentation about Logs and troubleshooting available.
If you provide more details we might be more helpful.
Below are some obvious reasons for crashloopbackoff, which I have observed:
waiting for some condition to be full-filled e.g. some secrets,
failing healthcheck etc
pod is running with burstable or besteffort
QoS and is getting killed due to non-availability of resources on
You can run this script to find the possible issues for pods in a namespace: https://github.com/dguyhasnoname/k8s-day2-ops/blob/master/namespace_scripts/debug_app_namespace.sh

after some time my kubernetes cluster does not work

I have kubernetes cluster.every thing work fine. but after 8 days when i run kubectl get pods it shows:
The connection to the server <host>:6443 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?
I have one master and one worker.
I run them in my lab without any cloud.
systemctl kubelet status
show **node not found**
my /etc/hosts was checked and it is correct
i have lack of hardware. I run this command to solve the issue
sudo -i
swapoff -a
strace -eopenat kubectl version
most likely that the servers are rebooted. i had similar problem.
check kubelet logs on master server and take action.
if you can share the kubelet logs then we will be able to offer you further help
Reboot itself should not be a problem - but if you did not disabled swap permanently reboot will enable swap again and API server will not launch - it could be first shot.
Second - check free disk space, API server will not respond if disk is full (will raise disk pressure event and will try to evict pods).
If it will not help - please add logs from Kubelet (systemctl and journalctl).
verify /var/log/messages to get further information about the error
systemctl status kubelet
Alternately journalctl will also show the details.

Kubernetes Node NotReady: ContainerGCFailed / ImageGCFailed context deadline exceeded

Worker node is getting into "NotReady" state with an error in the output of kubectl describe node:
ContainerGCFailed rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded
Ubuntu, 16.04 LTS
Kubernetes version: v1.13.3
Docker version: 18.06.1-ce
There is a closed issue on that on Kubernetes GitHub k8 git, which is closed on the merit of being related to Docker issue.
Steps done to troubleshoot the issue:
kubectl describe node - error in question was found(root cause isn't clear).
journalctl -u kubelet - shows this related message:
skipping pod synchronization - [container runtime status check may not have completed yet PLEG is not healthy: pleg has yet to be successful]
it is related to this open k8 issue Ready/NotReady with PLEG issues
Check node health on AWS with cloudwatch - everything seems to be fine.
journalctl -fu docker.service : check docker for errors/issues -
the output doesn't show any erros related to that.
systemctl restart docker - after restarting docker, the node gets into "Ready" state but in 3-5 minutes becomes "NotReady" again.
It all seems to start when I deployed more pods to the node( close to its resource capacity but don't think that it is direct dependency) or was stopping/starting instances( after restart it is ok, but after some time node is NotReady).
What is the root cause of the error?
How to monitor that kind of issue and make sure it doesn't happen?
Are there any workarounds to this problem?
What is the root cause of the error?
From what I was able to find it seems like the error happens when there is an issue contacting Docker, either because it is overloaded or because it is unresponsive. This is based on my experience and what has been mentioned in the GitHub issue you provided.
How to monitor that kind of issue and make sure it doesn't happen?
There seem to be no clarified mitigation or monitoring to this. But it seems like the best way would be to make sure your node will not be overloaded with pods. I have seen that it is not always shown on disk or memory pressure of the Node - but this is probably a problem of not enough resources allocated to Docker and it fails to respond in time. Proposed solution is to set limits for your pods to prevent overloading the Node.
In case of managed Kubernetes in GKE (not sure but other vendors probably have similar feature) there is a feature called node auto-repair. Which will not prevent node pressure or Docker related issue but when it detects an unhealthy node it can drain and redeploy the node/s.
If you already have resources and limits it seems like the best way to make sure this does not happen is to increase memory resource requests for pods. This will mean fewer pods per node and the actual used memory on each node should be lower.
Another way of monitoring/recognizing this could be done by SSH into the node check the memory, the processes with PS, monitoring the syslog and command $docker stats --all
I have got the same issue. I have cordoned and evicted the pods.
Rebooted the server. automatically node came into ready state.

Liveliness probe test in google cloud clustered kubernetes environment

I want to test liveliness probe in google cloud clustered kubernetes environment. How can I bring a pod or container down to test liveliness probes ?
The problem is that replica sets will automatically bring the pods up, if I delete any on those.
On Kubernetes, pods are mortal, and the number of live pods at any given time is guaranteed by the replicasets (which are wrapped by the deployments). So, to take your pods down, you can scale down your deployment to the number you need, or even to zero, like this:
kubectl scale deployment your-deployment-name --replicas=0
However, if you are trying to test and verify that the kubernetes service resource not sending packets to the non live or non ready pod, here's what you can do: You can create another pod with same labels as your real application pods, such that label selectors in the service would match this new pod as well. Configure the pod to have an invalid liveness/readiness probes, so it will not be considered live/ready. Then, hit your service with requests etc. to verify that it never hits the new pod you created.
The question is (quote) "...How can I bring a pod or container down to test liveliness probes ?". The type of probe isn't specified but I'll assume it is HTTP GET or TCP Socket.
Assuming you have proper access to the node/host on which the pod is running:
Start a single pod.
Verify that the liveness probe checks out - that's it, it is working.
Find out on which node the pod is running. This, for example, will return the IP address:
kubectl -n <namespace> get pod <pod-name> -o jsonpath={.status.hostIP}
Log onto the node.
Find the PID of the application process. For example, list all processes (ps aux) and look for the specific process or grep by (part of the) name: ps aux | grep -i <name>. Take the number in the second column. For example, the PID in this ps aux partial output is 13314:
nobody 13314 0.0 0.6 145856 38644 ? Ssl 13:24 0:00 /bin/prometheus --storage....
While on the node, suspend (pause/stop) the process by executing kill -STOP <PID>. For example, for the PID from above:
kill -STOP 13314
At this point:
If there is no liveness probe defined, the pod should still be in Running status and not restarted even though it won't be responding to attempts for connections. To resume the stopped process, execute kill -CONT <PID>.
A properly configured HTTP GET or TCP Socket liveness probe should fail because connection with the application can't be established.
Notice that this method may also work for "exec.command" probes depending what those commands do.
It is to note, also, that most applications run as PID 1 in a (Docker) container. As the Docker docs explain "...A process running as PID 1 inside a container is treated specially by Linux: it ignores any signal with the default action. So, the process will not terminate on SIGINT or SIGTERM unless it is coded to do so". That is probably the reason why the approach won't work from inside the container.

Problem getting pods stats from kubelet and cri-o

We are running Kubernetes with the following configuration:
On-premise Kubernetes 1.11.3, cri-o 1.11.6 and CentOS7 with UEK-4.14.35
I can't make crictl stats to return pods information, it returns empty list only. Has anyone run into the same problem?
Another issue we have, is that when I query the kubelet for stats/summary it returns an empty pods list.
I think that these two issues are related, although I am not sure which one of them is the problem.
I would recommend checking kubelet service to verify health status and debug any suspicious events within the cluster. I assume that CRI-O runtime engine can select kubelet as the main Pods information provider because of its managing Pod lifecycle role.
systemctl status kubelet -l
journalctl -u kubelet
In case you found some errors or dubious events, share it in a comment below this answer.
However, you can use metrics-server, which will collect Pod metrics in the cluster and enable kube-apiserver flags for Aggregation Layer. Here is a good article about Horizontal Pod Autoscaling and monitoring resources via Prometheus.