How MongoDB detects majority in PSA architecture? - mongodb

Consider I have a replica set with 3 nodes (2 data nodes and one arbiter (PSA)). When for some reason one of my data nodes goes down and I bring it back, during syncing with primary node, that is in state STARTUP2. At his time I will lose my change stream because my replica set has 2 data nodes but I don't have majority of nodes to read.
How can I handle this issue?
I also read this MongoDB doc. Is that possible to set primary node priority value higher than secondary node (that is syncing itself with primary node)? Can I have majority by doing this even when my secondary node is in STARTUP2 state?

There are technically two types of majority. As I called them, they're "election majority" and "data majority".
Arbiters are supposed to help with "election majority", where it helps maintain a primary availability in a PSA architecture should the S went down. However, they're not a part of "data majority".
"Data majority", in contrast, are both for voting and acknowledging majority-read and majority-write.
Changestreams by design will return documents that are committed to the "data majority" of voting nodes. This is because a write that's propagated to them will not be rolled back. It will be confusing if a changestream declared that a document was written, then it rolled back, then would have to issue a "no wait, scratch that, the write didn't happen".
Thus by its nature, arbiters are not compatible with majority-read and majority-write scenarios such as changestreams or transactions. However arbiters still has its place in a replica set, provided you know what to expect from them.
See What is the default mongod write concern in which version? for a more complete explanation of write concerns and the effect of having arbiters.
A secondary in STARTUP2 is not a secondary yet. It may vote in elections, but it won't acknowledge majority writes since it's still starting up.
In terms of changestream, since in a PSA architecture the "data majority" is practically only the PS part of PSA, none of the data bearing nodes can be offline for majority reads and writes to be maintained.
The best solution is to replace the arbiter with an actual data-bearing node. This way, you can have majority-write, majority-read, and can have one node down and still maintain majority.


Stale data on secondary during addition of new member with majority concern

Given a basic replicaSet composed of 1 primary + 1 secondary + 1 arbiter, with mongo 4.0 and majority enabled, we ran into a strange issue we cannot explain yet
We wanted to add a new secondary to the replicaSet. So we started a new VM, installed and configured mongod and then added the node to the replicaSet. The new member appeared with the status STARTED2 and was synchronizing with the existing cluster. So far so good.
However we noticed something : one of our application that reads from secondaries (readPref: secondaryPreferred, readConcern: majority) was reading stale data (from the date the synchronization started). And looking at rs.status(), indeed the lastCommittedOpTime was stuck in the past.
As expected with this kind of behavior, the wiredtiger cache usage from the primary started to increase to reach the 15~20% zone and started to slow down the primary.
We ended-up solving the issue by declaring the member as hidden while it's synchronizying, but : why did it happen?
My understanding is that the data is not committed into the "main" zone until a majority of members acknowledged the said data. But with 3 data members (primary+secondary +new secondary) the majority should have been met with the existing members. Why did the addition of the new member cause this behavior?
"Majority" means majority of the voting nodes.
In the original cluster the Primary, Secondary, and Arbiter each had 1 vote, so the majority was 2. A write was considered majority committed as soon as it was written to the primary and secondary.
Once a new node was added, there were 4 votes, Primary, original Secondary, new Secondary, Arbiter.
This means that 2 was no longer a majority, it was only half. Therefore, in order to be considered majority committed, it would have to be written to 3 voting nodes, i.e., the primary and both secondaries.
Each replicated node keeps the operations log in the same order, and notes the most recent operation that is known to have been committed to a majority of the nodes. This is called the majority commit point. Any read that requests majority read concern will use a snapshot of the data as of the majority commit point.
Once the new node was added, majority writes would not be able the complete until after it had finished initial sync and begun to apply the oplog. Until that point, all majority reads would be as of the most recent majority commit point, right before that node was added.
Simple fix: Remove the arbiter.
This will return the cluster to 3 voting nodes, and majority writes will be able to complete with only the primary and one secondary acknowledging the write.

Guarantee consistency of data across microservices access a sharded cluster in MongoDB

My application is essentially a bunch of microservices deployed across Node.js instances. One service might write some data while a different service will read those updates. (specific example, I'm processing data that is inbound to my solution using a processing pipeline. Stage 1 does something, stage 2 does something else to the same data, etc. It's a fairly common pattern)
So, I have a large data set (~250GB now, and I've read that once a DB gets much larger than this size, it is impossible to introduce sharding to a database, at least, not without some major hoop jumping). I want to have a highly available DB, so I'm planning on a replica set with at least one secondary and an arbiter.
I am still researching my 'sharding' options, but I think that I can shard my data by the 'client' that it belongs to and so I think it makes sense for me to have 3 shards.
First question, if I am correct, if I have 3 shards and my replica set is Primary/Secondary/Arbiter (with Arbiter running on the Primary), I will have 6 instances of MongoDB running. There will be three primaries and three secondaries (with the Arbiter running on each Primary). Is this correct?
Second question. I've read conflicting info about what 'majority' means... If I have a Primary and Secondary and I'm writing using the 'majority' write acknowledgement, what happens when either the Primary or Secondary goes down? If the Arbiter is still there, the election can happen and I'll still have a Primary. But, does Majority refer to members of the replication set? Or to Secondaries? So, if I only have a Primary and I try to write with 'majority' option, will I ever get an acknowledgement? If there is only a Primary, then 'majority' would mean a write to the Primary alone triggers the acknowledgement. Or, would this just block until my timeout was reached and then I would get an error?
Third question... I'm assuming that as long as I do writes with 'majority' acknowledgement and do reads from all the Primaries, I don't need to worry about causally consistent data? I've read that doing reads from 'Secondary' nodes is not worth the effort. If reading from a Secondary, you have to worry about 'eventual consistency' and since writes are getting synchronized, the Secondaries are essentially seeing the same amount of traffic that the Primaries are. So there isn't any benefit to reading from the Secondaries. If that is the case, I can do all reads from the Primaries (using 'majority' read concern) and be sure that I'm always getting consistent data and the sharding I'm doing is giving me some benefits from distributing the load across the shards. Is this correct?
Fourth (and last) question... When are causally consistent sessions worthwhile? If I understand correctly, and I'm not sure that I do, then I think it is when I have a case like a typical web app (not some distributed application, like my current one), where there is just one (or two) nodes doing the reading and writing. In that case, I would use causally consistent sessions and do my writes to the Primary and reads from the Secondary. But, in that case, what would the benefit of reading from the Secondaries be, anyway? What am I missing? What is the use case for causally consistent sessions?
if I have 3 shards and my replica set is Primary/Secondary/Arbiter (with Arbiter running on the Primary), I will have 6 instances of MongoDB running. There will be three primaries and three secondaries (with the Arbiter running on each Primary). Is this correct?
A replica set Arbiter is still an instance of mongod. It's just that an Arbiter does not have a copy of the data and cannot become a Primary. You should have 3 instances per shard, which means 9 instances in total.
Since you mentioned that you would like to have a highly available database deployment, please note that the minimum recommended replica set members for production deployment would be a Primary with two Secondaries.
If I have a Primary and Secondary and I'm writing using the 'majority' write acknowledgement, what happens when either the Primary or Secondary goes down?
When either the Primary or Secondary becomes unavailable, a w:majority writes will either:
Wait indefinitely,
Wait until either nodes is restored, or
Failed with timeout.
This is because an Arbiter carries no data and unable to acknowledge writes but still counted as a voting member. See also Write Concern for Replica sets.
I can do all reads from the Primaries (using 'majority' read concern) and be sure that I'm always getting consistent data and the sharding I'm doing is giving me some benefits from distributing the load across the shards
Correct, MongoDB Sharding is to scale horizontally to distribute load across shards. While MongoDB Replication is to provide high availability.
If you read only from the Primary and also specifies readConcern:majority, the application will read data that has been acknowledged by the majority of the replica set members. This data is durable in the event of partition (i.e. not rolled back). See also Read Concern 'majority'.
What is the use case for causally consistent sessions?
Causal Consistency is used if the application requires an operation to be logically dependent on a preceding operation (causal). For example, a write operation that deletes all documents based on a specified condition and a subsequent read operation that verifies the delete operation have a causal relationship. This is especially important in a sharded cluster environment, where write operations may go to different replica sets.

Why is MongoDB supposed to Consistent & Partition tolerant but not Available [duplicate]

Everywhere I look, I see that MongoDB is CP.
But when I dig in I see it is eventually consistent.
Is it CP when you use safe=true? If so, does that mean that when I write with safe=true, all replicas will be updated before getting the result?
MongoDB is strongly consistent by default - if you do a write and then do a read, assuming the write was successful you will always be able to read the result of the write you just read. This is because MongoDB is a single-master system and all reads go to the primary by default. If you optionally enable reading from the secondaries then MongoDB becomes eventually consistent where it's possible to read out-of-date results.
MongoDB also gets high-availability through automatic failover in replica sets:
I agree with Luccas post. You can't just say that MongoDB is CP/AP/CA, because it actually is a trade-off between C, A and P, depending on both database/driver configuration and type of disaster: here's a visual recap, and below a more detailed explanation.
Main Focus
No partition
The system is available and provides strong consistency
partition, majority connected
Not synchronized writes from the old primary are ignored
partition, majority not connected
only read access is provided to avoid separated and inconsistent systems
MongoDB is strongly consistent when you use a single connection or the correct Write/Read Concern Level (Which will cost you execution speed). As soon as you don't meet those conditions (especially when you are reading from a secondary-replica) MongoDB becomes Eventually Consistent.
MongoDB gets high availability through Replica-Sets. As soon as the primary goes down or gets unavailable else, then the secondaries will determine a new primary to become available again. There is an disadvantage to this: Every write that was performed by the old primary, but not synchronized to the secondaries will be rolled back and saved to a rollback-file, as soon as it reconnects to the set(the old primary is a secondary now). So in this case some consistency is sacrificed for the sake of availability.
Partition Tolerance:
Through the use of said Replica-Sets MongoDB also achieves the partition tolerance: As long as more than half of the servers of a Replica-Set is connected to each other, a new primary can be chosen. Why? To ensure two separated networks can not both choose a new primary. When not enough secondaries are connected to each other you can still read from them (but consistency is not ensured), but not write. The set is practically unavailable for the sake of consistency.
As a brilliant new article showed up and also some awesome experiments by Kyle in this field, you should be careful when labeling MongoDB, and other databases, as C or A.
Of course CAP helps to track down without much words what the database prevails about it, but people often forget that C in CAP means atomic consistency (linearizability), for example. And this caused me lots of pain to understand when trying to classify. So, besides MongoDB give strong consistency, that doesn't mean that is C. In this way, if one make this classifications, I recommend to also give more depth in how it actually works to not leave doubts.
Yes, it is CP when using safe=true. This simply means, the data made it to the masters disk.
If you want to make sure it also arrived on some replica, look into the 'w=N' parameter where N is the number of replicas the data has to be saved on.
see this and this for more information.
MongoDB selects Consistency over Availability whenever there is a Partition. What it means is that when there's a partition(P) it chooses Consistency(C) over Availability(A).
To understand this, Let's understand how MongoDB does replica set works. A Replica Set has a single Primary node. The only "safe" way to commit data is to write to that node and then wait for that data to commit to a majority of nodes in the set. (you will see that flag for w=majority when sending writes)
Partition can occur in two scenarios as follows :
When Primary node goes down: system becomes unavailable until a new
primary is selected.
When Primary node looses connection from too many
Secondary nodes: system becomes unavailable. Other secondaries will try to
elect a new Primary and current primary will step down.
Basically, whenever a partition happens and MongoDB needs to decide what to do, it will choose Consistency over Availability. It will stop accepting writes to the system until it believes that it can safely complete those writes.
Mongodb never allows write to secondary. It allows optional reads from secondary but not writes. So if your primary goes down, you can't write till a secondary becomes primary again. That is how, you sacrifice High Availability in CAP theorem. By keeping your reads only from primary you can have strong consistency.
I'm not sure about P for Mongo. Imagine situation:
Your replica gets split into two partitions.
Writes continue to both sides as new masters were elected
Partition is resolved - all servers are now connected again
What happens is that new master is elected - the one that has highest oplog, but the data from the other master gets reverted to the common state before partition and it is dumped to a file for manual recovery
all secondaries catch up with the new master
The problem here is that the dump file size is limited and if you had a partition for a long time you can loose your data forever.
You can say that it's unlikely to happen - yes, unless in the cloud where it is more common than one may think.
This example is why I would be very careful before assigning any letter to any database. There's so many scenarios and implementations are not perfect.
If anyone knows if this scenario has been addressed in later releases of Mongo please comment! (I haven't been following everything that was happening for some time..)
Mongodb gives up availability. When we talk about availability in the context of the CAP theorem, it is about avoiding single points of failure that can go down. In mongodb. there is a primary router host. and if that goes down,there is gonna be some downtime in the time that it takes for it to elect a new replacement server to take its place. In practical, that is gonna happen very qucikly. we do have a couple of hot standbys sitting there ready to go. So as soon as the system detects that primary routing host went down, it is gonna switch over to a new one pretty much right away. Technically speaking it is still single point of failure. There is still a chance of downtime when that happens.
There is a config server, that is the primary and we have an app server, that is primary at any given time. even though we have multiple backups, there is gonna be a brief period of downtime if any of those servers go down. the system has to first detect that there was an outage and then remaining servers need to reelect a new primary host to take its place. that might take a few seconds and this is enough to say that mongodb is trading off the availability

mongodb replication + sharding consistency

I have a doubt (well a couple). I think i grasp the answer, but im looking for a confirm
lets say i would implement a sharded cluster of mongodb, is that necessary to have a replica set lying beside shards?
I know that if i use only the replicaSet, and i decide to distribute the reading operation on the secondary nodes, it will cause the eventual-consistency, right?
and in the other hand if i don't enable reads on secondary nodes, the "only" advantage i will get is to protect the database in case of a node will fall
but what about the consistency in a sharded-replicaset? it will still be eventual-consistent or it will be full consistent?
is that necessary to have a replica set lying beside shards
You don't have to but if you care for availability you will.
and i decide to distribute the reading operation on the secondary nodes, it will cause the eventual-consistency, right?
Yes and since secondaries gather as much OPs as primaries and most drivers will only read from one active secondary reading from secondary is quite useless.
the "only" advantage i will get is to protect the database in case of a node will fall
The "only"? That is the whole point of replica sets, to produce automatic fail over. That is there fundamental reason for existing and it is a big one.
it will still be eventual-consistent or it will be full consistent?
It depends on where you do your reads but if you read from secondaries in a sharded setup you not only get eventual consistency but due to chunk movement you might also get duplicate documents.
If you are reading from primaries then you will get strong consistency in a sharded replica set setup.

Where does mongodb stand in the CAP theorem?

Everywhere I look, I see that MongoDB is CP.
But when I dig in I see it is eventually consistent.
Is it CP when you use safe=true? If so, does that mean that when I write with safe=true, all replicas will be updated before getting the result?
MongoDB is strongly consistent by default - if you do a write and then do a read, assuming the write was successful you will always be able to read the result of the write you just read. This is because MongoDB is a single-master system and all reads go to the primary by default. If you optionally enable reading from the secondaries then MongoDB becomes eventually consistent where it's possible to read out-of-date results.
MongoDB also gets high-availability through automatic failover in replica sets:
I agree with Luccas post. You can't just say that MongoDB is CP/AP/CA, because it actually is a trade-off between C, A and P, depending on both database/driver configuration and type of disaster: here's a visual recap, and below a more detailed explanation.
Main Focus
No partition
The system is available and provides strong consistency
partition, majority connected
Not synchronized writes from the old primary are ignored
partition, majority not connected
only read access is provided to avoid separated and inconsistent systems
MongoDB is strongly consistent when you use a single connection or the correct Write/Read Concern Level (Which will cost you execution speed). As soon as you don't meet those conditions (especially when you are reading from a secondary-replica) MongoDB becomes Eventually Consistent.
MongoDB gets high availability through Replica-Sets. As soon as the primary goes down or gets unavailable else, then the secondaries will determine a new primary to become available again. There is an disadvantage to this: Every write that was performed by the old primary, but not synchronized to the secondaries will be rolled back and saved to a rollback-file, as soon as it reconnects to the set(the old primary is a secondary now). So in this case some consistency is sacrificed for the sake of availability.
Partition Tolerance:
Through the use of said Replica-Sets MongoDB also achieves the partition tolerance: As long as more than half of the servers of a Replica-Set is connected to each other, a new primary can be chosen. Why? To ensure two separated networks can not both choose a new primary. When not enough secondaries are connected to each other you can still read from them (but consistency is not ensured), but not write. The set is practically unavailable for the sake of consistency.
As a brilliant new article showed up and also some awesome experiments by Kyle in this field, you should be careful when labeling MongoDB, and other databases, as C or A.
Of course CAP helps to track down without much words what the database prevails about it, but people often forget that C in CAP means atomic consistency (linearizability), for example. And this caused me lots of pain to understand when trying to classify. So, besides MongoDB give strong consistency, that doesn't mean that is C. In this way, if one make this classifications, I recommend to also give more depth in how it actually works to not leave doubts.
Yes, it is CP when using safe=true. This simply means, the data made it to the masters disk.
If you want to make sure it also arrived on some replica, look into the 'w=N' parameter where N is the number of replicas the data has to be saved on.
see this and this for more information.
MongoDB selects Consistency over Availability whenever there is a Partition. What it means is that when there's a partition(P) it chooses Consistency(C) over Availability(A).
To understand this, Let's understand how MongoDB does replica set works. A Replica Set has a single Primary node. The only "safe" way to commit data is to write to that node and then wait for that data to commit to a majority of nodes in the set. (you will see that flag for w=majority when sending writes)
Partition can occur in two scenarios as follows :
When Primary node goes down: system becomes unavailable until a new
primary is selected.
When Primary node looses connection from too many
Secondary nodes: system becomes unavailable. Other secondaries will try to
elect a new Primary and current primary will step down.
Basically, whenever a partition happens and MongoDB needs to decide what to do, it will choose Consistency over Availability. It will stop accepting writes to the system until it believes that it can safely complete those writes.
Mongodb never allows write to secondary. It allows optional reads from secondary but not writes. So if your primary goes down, you can't write till a secondary becomes primary again. That is how, you sacrifice High Availability in CAP theorem. By keeping your reads only from primary you can have strong consistency.
I'm not sure about P for Mongo. Imagine situation:
Your replica gets split into two partitions.
Writes continue to both sides as new masters were elected
Partition is resolved - all servers are now connected again
What happens is that new master is elected - the one that has highest oplog, but the data from the other master gets reverted to the common state before partition and it is dumped to a file for manual recovery
all secondaries catch up with the new master
The problem here is that the dump file size is limited and if you had a partition for a long time you can loose your data forever.
You can say that it's unlikely to happen - yes, unless in the cloud where it is more common than one may think.
This example is why I would be very careful before assigning any letter to any database. There's so many scenarios and implementations are not perfect.
If anyone knows if this scenario has been addressed in later releases of Mongo please comment! (I haven't been following everything that was happening for some time..)
Mongodb gives up availability. When we talk about availability in the context of the CAP theorem, it is about avoiding single points of failure that can go down. In mongodb. there is a primary router host. and if that goes down,there is gonna be some downtime in the time that it takes for it to elect a new replacement server to take its place. In practical, that is gonna happen very qucikly. we do have a couple of hot standbys sitting there ready to go. So as soon as the system detects that primary routing host went down, it is gonna switch over to a new one pretty much right away. Technically speaking it is still single point of failure. There is still a chance of downtime when that happens.
There is a config server, that is the primary and we have an app server, that is primary at any given time. even though we have multiple backups, there is gonna be a brief period of downtime if any of those servers go down. the system has to first detect that there was an outage and then remaining servers need to reelect a new primary host to take its place. that might take a few seconds and this is enough to say that mongodb is trading off the availability