I2C returning Busy or Error on memory reading - stm32

I started the following code to handle a Bosch BME280 sensor with a Nucleo-F446ZE and a Nucleo-F411RE boards.
with STM32.Device; use STM32.Device;
with STM32.GPIO; use STM32.GPIO;
with STM32; use STM32;
with STM32.I2C;
with HAL.I2C; use HAL.I2C;
use HAL;
procedure Simple_I2C_Demo is
-- I2C Bus selected
Selected_I2C_Port : constant access STM32.I2C.I2C_Port := I2C_1'Access;
Selected_I2C_Port_AF : constant GPIO_Alternate_Function := GPIO_AF_I2C1_4;
Selected_I2C_Clock_Pin : GPIO_Point renames PB8;
Selected_I2C_Data_Pin : GPIO_Point renames PB9;
Port : constant HAL.I2C.Any_I2C_Port := Selected_I2C_Port;
-- Shift one because of 7-bit addressing
I2C_Address : constant HAL.I2C.I2C_Address := 16#76# * 2;
procedure SetupHardware is
GPIO_Conf_AF : GPIO_Port_Configuration (Mode_AF);
Selected_Clock_Speed : constant := 10_000;
Enable_Clock (Selected_I2C_Clock_Pin);
Enable_Clock (Selected_I2C_Data_Pin);
Enable_Clock (Selected_I2C_Port.all);
STM32.Device.Reset (Selected_I2C_Port.all);
Configure_Alternate_Function (Selected_I2C_Clock_Pin, Selected_I2C_Port_AF);
Configure_Alternate_Function (Selected_I2C_Data_Pin, Selected_I2C_Port_AF);
GPIO_Conf_AF.AF_Speed := Speed_100MHz;
GPIO_Conf_AF.AF_Output_Type := Open_Drain;
GPIO_Conf_AF.Resistors := Pull_Up;
Configure_IO (Selected_I2C_Clock_Pin, GPIO_Conf_AF);
Configure_IO (Selected_I2C_Data_Pin, GPIO_Conf_AF);
(Clock_Speed => Selected_Clock_Speed,
Addressing_Mode => STM32.I2C.Addressing_Mode_7bit,
Own_Address => 16#00#, others => <>));
STM32.I2C.Set_State (Selected_I2C_Port.all, Enabled => True);
end SetupHardware;
ID : HAL.I2C.I2C_Data (1 .. 1);
Status : HAL.I2C.I2C_Status;
HAL.I2C.Mem_Read (This => Port.all,
Addr => I2C_Address,
Mem_Addr => 16#D0#,
Mem_Addr_Size => HAL.I2C.Memory_Size_8b,
Data => ID,
Status => Status,
Timeout => 15000);
if Status /= Ok then
raise Program_Error with "I2C read error:" & Status'Img;
end if;
end Simple_I2C_Demo;
In this simple example, I always get an error status at the end of reading. In the context of a more complete code, I always get a Busy status after waiting 15secs.
I really don't see what is going on as my code is largely inspired from the code I found on Github for a I2C sensor.
Maybe I forgot a specific code for I2C init but as I'm not an expert, I prefer to ask to experts :)

Finally found what was wrong. After testing with C using STM HAL and investigating the Ada configuration code, I found that a line was missing:
GPIO_Conf_AF.AF_Speed := Speed_100MHz;
GPIO_Conf_AF.AF_Output_Type := Open_Drain;
GPIO_Conf_AF.Resistors := Pull_Up;
-- Missing configuration part of the record
GPIO_Conf_AF.AF := Selected_I2C_Port_AF;
-- That should be present even though there was a call to configure
-- each pin few lines above
Configure_IO (Selected_I2C_Clock_Pin, GPIO_Conf_AF);
Configure_IO (Selected_I2C_Data_Pin, GPIO_Conf_AF);
Using Configure_IO after Configure_Alternate_Function crushes the configuration and, as there was a part of the record which was left uninitialized, the GPIO were incorrectly configured.
To be more precise, after looking at the code inside the GPIO handling, Configure_IO calls Configure_Alternate_Function using the AF part of the GPIO_Port_Configuration record. In my case, it was resetting it.
With the missing line, the code now runs correctly with Mem_Read and Master_Transmit/Master_Receive.
A big thanks to ralf htp for advising me to dive into the generated C code.

No, between HAL_I2C_Mem_Read and the HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit, wait, HAL_I2C_Master_Receive procedure is only a nuance cf How do I use the STM32CUBEF4 HAL library to read out the sensor data with i2c? . If you know what size of data you want to receive you can use the HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit, wait, HAL_I2C_Master_Receive procedure.
A C++ HAL I2C example is in https://letanphuc.net/2017/05/stm32f0-i2c-tutorial-7/
//Trigger Temperature measurement
//buffer[0] : MSB data
//buffer[1] : LSB data
rawT = buffer[0]<<8 | buffer[1]; //combine 2 8-bit into 1 16bit
Temperature = ((float)rawT/65536)*165.0 -40.0;
//Trigger Humidity measurement buffer[0]=0x01;
//buffer[0] : MSB data
//buffer[1] : LSB data
rawH = buffer[0]<<8 | buffer[1]; //combine 2 8-bit into 1 16bit
Humidity = ((float)rawH/65536)*100.0; HAL_Delay(100); }
Note that it uses HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit, waits 20 ms until the slave puts the data on the bus and then receives it with HAL_I2C_Master_Receive. This code is working, i tested it myself.
Possibly the problem is that the BME280 supports single byte reads and multi-byte reads (until it sends a NOACK and stop). HAL_I2C_Mem_Read waits for the ACK or stop but for some reasons it does not get it what causes the Busy and then Timeout behavior, cf page 33 of the datasheet http://www.embeddedadventures.com/datasheets/BME280.pdf for the multibyte read. You specified timeout to 15 sec and you get the timeout after 15 secs. So it appears that the BME280 simply does not stop sending or it sends nothing including not a NOACK and Stop condition ...
HAL_I2C_Mem_Read sometimes causes problems, this depends on the slave https://community.arm.com/developer/ip-products/system/f/embedded-forum/7989/trouble-getting-values-with-i2c-using-hal_library
By the way with the
HAL.I2C.Mem_Read (This => Port.all,
Addr => I2C_Address,
Mem_Addr => 16#D0#,
Mem_Addr_Size => HAL.I2C.Memory_Size_8b,
Data => ID,
Status => Status,
Timeout => 15000);
you try to read 1 byte the chip identification number from register D0 cf http://www.embeddedadventures.com/datasheets/BME280.pdf page 26


Unreset GPIO Pins While System Resetting

Is it possible to unreset some GPIO pins while using NVIC_SystemReset function at STM32 ?
Thanks in advance for your answers
Best Regards
I try to reach NVIC_SystemReset function. But not clear inside of this function.
Also this project is running on KEIL
Looks like it is not possible, NVIC_SystemReset issues a general reset of all subsystems.
But probably, instead of system reset, you can just reset all peripheral expect one you need keep working, using peripheral reset registers in Reset and Clock Control module (RCC): RCC_AHB1RSTR, RCC_AHB2RSTR, RCC_APB1RSTR, RCC_APB1RSTR.
// Issue reset of SPI2, SPI3, I2C1, I2C2, I2C3 on APB1 bus
__DMB(); // Data memory barrier
RCC->APB1RSTR = 0; // deassert all reset signals
See detailed information in RCC registers description in Reference Manual for your MCU.
You may also need to disable all interrupts in NVIC:
for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) NVIC->ICER[i] = 0xFFFFFFFFUL; // disable all interrupts
for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) NVIC->ICPR[i] = 0xFFFFFFFFUL; // clear all pending flags
if you want to restart the program, you can reload stack pointer to its top value, located at offset 0 of the flash memory and jump to the start address which is stored at offset 4. Note: flash memory is addressed starting from 0x08000000 address in the address space.
uint32_t stack_top = *((volatile uint32_t*)FLASH_BASE);
uint32_t entry_point = *((volatile uint32_t*)(FLASH_BASE + 4));
__set_MSP(stack_top); // set stack top
__ASM volatile ("BX %0" : : "r" (entry_point | 1) ); // jump to the entry point with bit 1 set

Can not read more than 32 blocks in a single READ MULTIPLE BLOCKS command from M24LR

I am trying to read multiple blocks (all of them in a single READ MULTIPLE BLOCKS command) from a M24LR chip through NFC-V.
let writeData = new Uint8Array(5);
writeData[0] = 0x0A; // Flags
writeData[1] = 0x23; // Read multiple block
writeData[2] = 0x00; // Address of starting block (first 8bit)
writeData[3] = 0x00; // Address (second 8bit)
writeData[4] = 0x1F; // Numbers of block (0x20 is not working)
.then(response => {
console.log('response: ' + response);
.catch(error => {
console.log('error transceive: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
If I am asking for 32 blocks it works well, if I ask for 33 blocks, the command fails with an error.
Is it something that I am doing wrong? Does the READ MULTIPLE BLOCKS command have a limit?
See the datasheet (M24LR64-R: Dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC with 64-Kbit EEPROM
with I²C bus and ISO 15693 RF interface, DocID15170 Rev 16, section 26.5; the same also applies to M24LR64E-R, M24LR16E-R, and M24LR04E-R):
The maximum number of blocks is fixed at 32 assuming that they are all located in the same sector. If the number of blocks overlaps sectors, the M24LR64-R returns an error code.
Thus, the READ MULTIPLE BLOCKS command for these chips is limited to 32 blocks.

Read UART transmision Input buffer in Matlab

I'm trying to make a serial communication between two ESP8266 Wifi chips.
To start, I tried sending a sample data 10 times in a for loop. Here is the code:
for Packets = 1 : 10
Packets = 1
Data(Packets) = ReceiveData(Server);
Packets = Packets + 1;
if (packets == 10)
it works good. The problem is when I want to send data with some delays, the transmitter should connect to receiver again and the server (receiver) receives some data indicating that connection is made again.
The received Buffer should be:
but after reconnecting the received Buffer is:
0,CLOSED %Receiver Prompt, disconnected from Transmiter
0,CONNECT %Receiver Prompt,connected to Transmiter
The remaining part of data will be read in next packet and same for next packets.
what should I do to receive just the data?
The send and receive functions:
function ReceivedBuffer = ReceiveData(SerialPort)
ReceivedBuffer = fread(server,1038); %Size data = 1038 Bytes
function SendData(SerialPort,Data)

Reading data only when present

I'm trying to read the data from the COM3 port.
I'm using this code:
in = fscanf(s);
if(in == 'A')
The problem is that when no data is sent to the com3 port, the fscanf() will wait for a certain time interval and then give a timeout.
Is there a way to read data only when it is present?
Read only when data present
You can read out the BytesAvailable-property of the serial object s to know how many bytes are in the buffer ready to be read:
bytes = get(s,'BytesAvailable'); % using getter-function
bytes = s.BytesAvailable; % using object-oriented-addressing
Then you can check the value of bytes to match your criteria. Assuming a char is 1 byte, then you can check for this easily before reading the buffer.
if (bytes >= 1)
in = fscanf(s);
% do the handling of 'in' here
Minimize the time to wait
You can manually set the Timeout-property of the serial object s to a lower value to continue execution earlier as the default timeout.
set(s,'Timeout',1); % sets timeout to 1 second (default is 10 seconds)
Most likely you will get the following warning:
Unsuccessful read: A timeout occurred before the Terminator was
It can be suppressed by executing the following command before fscanf.
Here is an example:
s = serial('COM3');
set(s,'Timeout',1); % sets timeout to 1 second (default is 10 seconds)
in = fscanf(s);
if(in == 'A')

Live Stream (of some channel) Play through Roku Box

I were trying to join igmp live streaming and play it in roku box. But it didn't worked.
Is it that we can not join multicast streaming in Roku boxes ?
If it is possible to do via HLS, then what could be the solution ?
I tried the reference in github at link : https://github.com/thetrime/trimeplay/blob/master/source/trimeplay.brs
Please refer the another code I were using as reference :
function SetupJoin()
ssdpAddress = ""
ssdpPort = 6607
timeout = 300 * 60 * 1000
groupAddr = CreateObject("roSocketAddress")
listenAddr = CreateObject("roSocketAddress")
listen = CreateObject("roDatagramSocket")
result = listen.joinGroup(groupAddr)
numResponses= Wait_SSDP(listen, timeout)
? "Result : " result
? "SSDP Listen got"; numResponses; " responses"
end function
function Wait_SSDP(socket as Object, timeout as Integer) as Integer
numResponses = 0
elapsed = CreateObject("roTimespan")
remaining = timeout - elapsed.totalMilliseconds()
while remaining > 0
msg = wait(remaining, socket.getMessagePort())
if type(msg)="roSocketEvent"
if socket.isReadable()
results = socket.receiveStr(255)
print "SSDP Listen gets from "; socket.getReceivedFromAddress().getAddress(); ":"
print results
numResponses = numResponses + 1
end if
exit while 'enter code here
end if
remaining = timeout - elapsed.totalMilliseconds()
end while
return numResponses
end function
I'm not going to say that what you are trying to do is completely impossible, but it is impractical.
You would have to do something sort of like this:
Use roStreamSockets to collect the UDP data and write it to tmp:/ as an h.264 video file, probably as HLS chunks, then point the video playback component at it via .m3u8 files you also write on the fly. This would have to be done in Brightscript. I'm not sure that Brightscript is fast enough to do this. I'm not saying it is impossible to do it, but Roku does not natively play multicast or other UDP video stream formats.
The only officially supported video formats for live broadcast are HLS and Microsoft Smooth.