How to auto-refresh my browser on save while using Eclipse? - eclipse

I(a beginner to development) use Eclipse IDE for developing web-applications and Apache Tomcat server. It becomes very tidious to refresh the browser everytime I want to see the changes I have made from my last refresh. Is there any plugin or code which can do this Auto-refresh work for me in Google Chrome?
I searched it on Google but was not able to find any good solutions.
Thanks in advance!


how to configure my eclipse for firebase content assist in web develpment?

I use eclipse IDE for web development. It is a fairly good IDE. However, I don't know how to configure it for content assist (such as auto-complete suggestions) in doing firebase web development.
Anybody has found anything on this? I am also open to use other IDE if it provides significantly better advantages compared to eclipse?

Changing internal browser of eclipse

I am developing an jQuery mobile application. As it consists of web pages I want some debugging feature like FireBug which is not provided by eclipse internal browser.
I have searched on net but not able to find anything helpful
So If someone gone through this situation Please help me.
Are there any browsers plugin available for eclipse
In Window-> Preferences -> General -> Web Browser, there is USe Internal Web Browswer. And you can check "FireFox".

GWT: debug events capturing/bubbling

I wonder if there is a way to perform a step-by-step debugging of the compiled GWT code, in order to determine how some events are being fired.
The interest I have on this is that I'm using SmartGWT, and for some reason the click events on their components propagate to pop up windows that occupy the same position. However this only happens in Mobile Safari.
Even more interesting it only happens with smartGWT version of onClick and not with the plain GWT onClick.
Mostly a hack for now, but I suppose it'll work (you'll have to recompile your app though):
First, compile a recent GWT from trunk:
Then recompile your app with source maps enabled:
Follow the steps in the comments of this wiki page to be able to use SourceMaps in Chrome, then re-deploy your app
Get Chrome on the Dev channel:
Use to start Mobile Safari with remote debugging and then connect to it from your Chrome desktop:
Finally, enable source maps in Chrome so you'll see your Java code in the Web Inspector!
See for a preview of the future of debugging with GWT, that will allow this kind of things in a much less hackish way in the near future.
I don't know if there is a nice way to debug compiled javascript GWT code, but why do you need it?
For described purpose it's better to use GWT development mode with debugging options. You can add the following parametres e-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address={PORT},server=y,suspend=n to the development mode running command, it will give an opportunity to add breakpoints to the cliend side GWT/SmardGWT source code. Then for debugging you should connect to port specified in parametres from your java IDE.
Debugging GWT

developing Tool for Ext-Js 4

I am using eclipse to develop an extjs based application with apache tomcat v6, and it seems to me like that the tool is not the best because sometimes (often) I have to restart the server to view changes in the browser even so I do small changes (js file). If you can advice me which tool is more convenient for Ext-Js (4.x) or tricks for eclipse.
You need to set up a way to disable page caching. You can do this through browser development tools (IE Developer Tools, Firebug, Chrome Development Tools, etc.) or through your server configuration.
In my work, we use a Java class that takes a list of JavaScript/CSS files and appends the request time as a Unix date to prevent the browser from caching. It then inserts the script tags into the page so the output looks like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="app.js?_cb=20120319123456"></script>
So everything you access a page, the _cb param updates and it gets the new version of the file every time.
If you're already doing something like this and it isn't working, I would recommend switching to NetBeans. That's what I use and it works great.
If you're using MVC - which is brand-new feature of Ext JS 4 - you'll never need to restart or publish changes to application server. It always gets the updated file from file system.

how to load a web start application into eclipse rcp

I have a Webstart Apps/jnlp in which I would like to add into an already made rcp client. Can I integrate the web start application into the RCP so it will appear under the menu toolbar so if it was clicked it will load ithe application.If so How will I go about doing that, would it need to be place into as a plug-in?
Thanks for any help!
Check out this tutorial by Lars Vogel to learn how to use commands in Eclipse RCP (and enable command execution from menus).
Then, in your command handler, write the code that opens the web browser with the url of your application passed as parameter:
//Assuming 'url' is the url of your application
Also, check out this link to learn more about Eclipse RCP browser support. Since you didn't specify whether you want this to be opened with an internal or an external browser, you might want to tweak the code I posted.