required a dedicated node on kubernetes cluster - kubernetes

i need to isolate dedicated node for monitoring on our Kubernetes cluster anybody know what is the best practise for that?so that it is not impacted by auto scaling

Yes this can be achieved, that's where Labels and Selectors come in handy.
You can label your nodes with key/value pairs, in-order to isolate your nodes based on behaviour of your application, Node isoloation/restriction.
There are several ways one can label their nodes. But this the common and simplest example.
kubectl label nodes <node-name> <label-key>=<label-value>
Eg: kubectl label nodes k8-node-101 instance-type=monitoring
And in your deployment make sure you add the nodeSelector, something like this.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: monitoring-pod
- name: mon-test
image: ""
instance-type: monitoring
This is one example on how you can isolate your node for specific needs or specific project purposes.
Hope this helps.


How to install pods (based on pod name) to specific nodes in K8s cluster?

I understand that the nodeSelector will help to move the pods to specific nodes with labels. But, say if I know the names for pods in advance and based on these names, how do I move these pods to different nodes having specific labels.
I am unable to understand as to how to use nodeSelector, affinity, antiAffinity in this case.
What would an example values.yaml look like?
I have labelled three nodes. Then, when I launch the 6 pods, they are equally divided among the nodes. Each pod has an index value at the end of the pod name. mypod-0, mypod-1 until mypod-5.
I want to have mypod-0 and mypod-3 on node 1, mypod-1 and mypod-4 on node 2 and so on.
We can use Pod Topology Constraints to decide how the pods need to spread across your cluster.
For Example as per you question we can deploy 2 pods in 1 node and other 2 pods in different node. To make this possible we need to set the topologyKey for nodes and use them while deploying the pod. This sample yaml shows the syntax of pod topology constraints.
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: mypod
foo: bar
- maxSkew: 1
topologyKey: zone
whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
foo: bar
- name: nginx
image: nginx
Since you are using labels for naming the pods you can use nodeAffinity and nodeSelectors along with pod topology constraints. For more information regarding the combination of topology and affinity refer to this official k8 document

Distribute pods for a deployment across different node pools

In my GKE Kubernetes cluster, I have 2 node pools; one with regular nodes and the other with pre-emptible nodes. I'd like some of the pods to be on pre-emptible nodes so I can save costs while I have at least 1 pod on a regular non-pre-emptible node to reduce the risk of downtime.
I'm aware of using podAntiAffinity to encourage pods to be scheduled on different nodes, but is there a way to have k8s schedule pods for a single deployment across both pools?
Yes 💡! You can use Pod Topology Spread Constraints, based on a label 🏷️ key on your nodes. For example, the label could be type and the values could be regular and preemptible. Then you can have something like this:
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: mypod
foo: bar
- maxSkew: 1
topologyKey: type
whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
foo: bar
- name: app
image: myimage
You can also identify a maxSkew which means the maximum differentiation of a number of pods that one label value (node type) can have.
You can also combine multiple 'Pod Topology Spread Constraints' and also together with PodAffinity/AntiAffinity and NodeAffinity. All depending on what best fits your use case.
Note: This feature is alpha in 1.16 and beta in 1.18. Beta features are enabled by default but with alpha features, you need an alpha cluster in GKE.

Kubectl get deployments, no resources

I've just started learning kubernetes, in every tutorial the writer generally uses "kubectl .... deploymenst" to control the newly created deploys. Now, with those commands (ex kubectl get deploymets) i always get the response No resources found in default namespace., and i have to use "pods" instead of "deployments" to make things work (which works fine).
Now my question is, what is causing this to happen, and what is the difference between using a deployment or a pod? ? i've set the docker driver in the first minikube, it has something to do with this?
First let's brush up some terminologies.
Pod - It's the basic building block for Kubernetes. It groups one or more containers (such as Docker containers), with shared storage/network, and a specification for how to run the containers.
Deployment - It is a controller which wraps Pod/s and manages its life cycle, which is to say actual state to desired state. There is one more layer in between Deployment and Pod which is ReplicaSet : A ReplicaSet’s purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. As such, it is often used to guarantee the availability of a specified number of identical Pods.
Below is the visualization:
Source: I drew it!
In you case what might have happened :
Either you have created a Pod not a Deployment. Therefore, when you do kubectl get deployment you don't see any resources. Note when you create Deployments it in turn creates a ReplicaSet for you and also creates the defined pods.
Or may be you created your deployment in a different namespace, if that's the case, then type this command to find your deployments in that namespace kubectl get deploy NAME_OF_DEPLOYMENT -n NAME_OF_NAMESPACE
More information to clarify your concepts:
Below the section inside spec.template is the section which is supposedly your POD manifest if you were to create it manually and not take the deployment route. Now like I said earlier in simple terms Deployments are a wrapper to your PODs, therefore anything which you see outside the path spec.template is the configuration which you will need to defined on how you want to manage (scaling,affinity, e.t.c) your POD
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 3
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.14.2
- containerPort: 80
Deployment is a controller providing higher level abstraction on top of pods and ReplicaSets. A Deployment provides declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets. Deployments internally creates ReplicaSets within which pods are created.
Use cases of deployment is documented here
One reason for No resources found in default namespace could be that you created the deployment in a specific namespace and not in default namespace.
You can see deployments in a specific namespace or in all namespaces via
kubectl get deploy -n namespacename
kubectl get deploy -A

How to specify pod to node affinity in kubernetes

How can I configure a specific pod to run on a multi-node kubernetes cluster so that it would restrict the containers of the POD to a subset of the nodes.
E.g. let's say I have A, B, C three nodes running mu kubernetes cluster.
How to limit a Pod to run its containers only on A & B, and not on C?
You can add label to nodes that you want to run pod on and add nodeSelector to pod configuration. The process is described here:
So basically you want to
kubectl label nodes A node_type=foo
kubectl label nodes B node_type=foo
And you want to have this nodeSelector in your pod spec:
node_type: foo
Firstly, you need to add label to nodes. You can refer to Nebril's answer of how to add label.
Then I recommend you to use the node affinity feature to constrain pods to nodes with particular labels. Here is an example.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: with-node-affinity
- matchExpressions:
- key: node_type
operator: In
- foo
- name: with-node-affinity
Compared to nodeSelector, the affinity/anti-affinity feature greatly expands the types of constraints you can express.
For more detailed information about node affinity, you can refer to the following link:
I am unable to post a comment to previous replies but I upvoted the answer that is complete.
nodeSelector is not strictly enforced and relying on it may cause some grief including Master getting overwhelmed with requests as well as IOs from pods scheduled on Master. At the time the answer was provided it may still have been the only option but in the later versions that is not so.
Definitely use nodeAffinity or nodeAntiAffinity with requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution or preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution
For more expressive filters for scheduling peruse: Assigning pods to nodes

How are minions chosen for given pod creation request

How does kubernetes choose the minion among many available for a given pod creation command? Is it something that can be controlled/tweaked ?
If replicated pods are submitted for deployment, is kubernetes intelligent enough to place them in different minions if they expose the same container/host port pair? Or does it always place different replicas in different minions ?
What about corner cases like what if two different pods (not necessarily replicas) that expose same host/container port pair are submitted? Will they carefully be placed on different minions ?
If a pod requires specific compute/memory requirements, can it be placed in a minion/host that has sufficient resources left to meet those requirement?
In summary, is there detailed documentation on kubernetes pod placement strategy?
Pods are scheduled to ports using the algorithm in generic_scheduler.go
There are rules that prevent host-port conflicts, and also to make sure that there are sufficient memory and cpu requirements. predicates.go
One way to choose minion for pod creation is using nodeSelector. Inside the yaml file of pod specify the label of minion for which you want to choose the minion.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx1
env: test
- name: nginx
image: nginx
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
key: value