lisp: building a repl for parenscript - lisp

I've been working to learn Parenscript, but I'm finding that the tutorial is more of a how-to for running a web server.
Does there already exist, or is it possible to create, a REPL so that I can see the actual javascript that is output when calling Parenscript methods?

There is the obvious:
(loop (print (ps:ps* (read))))
But I prefer having a form that I can edit in a buffer and just macroexpand-1 (C-c ret on the opening paren):
(defmacro js-func (name &body body)
(let ((code (ps* `(progn ,#body))))
`(defun ,name ()


Is there any way to see the implementations of built-in macros in Common Lisp?

Common Lisp built-in functions are probably implemented in C. But I imagine macros are implemented in lisp (sorry if I'm wrong about any of two sentences). Is there any way (through some function or some macro) to see the implementations of built-in macros in Common Lisp? I'm using CLisp.
The ability to inspect function and macro definitions is a feature of your development environment. These days it is typical to use SLIME or SLY with emacs as the basis of a Lisp development environment. I personally use SLIME, but I have heard good things about SLY, too.
In SLIME you can invoke slime-edit-definition (either by keying M-x slime-edit-definition or by using the keybinding M-.) to visit a definition for the symbol under the cursor in a source file. This works both when editing in a source file, or from the REPL. This feature is extremely useful when you want to inspect some library code you are working with, but you can also view a lot of built-in definitions this way. You can even jump to a new definition from a new symbol found in whatever definition you are currently inspecting.
After you are done looking at a definition, you can use M-x slime-pop-find-definition-stack, or the easier to remember keybinding M-, (M-* will also work), to back out through the previously viewed definitions, eventually returning to your starting point.
Here is an example, in SBCL:
CL-USER> with-open-file[press M-.]
(Note that the "[press M-.]" above is not typed, but only meant to remind what action is taken here). With the cursor on or right after the symbol with-open-file, press M-. to see the definition:
(sb-xc:defmacro with-open-file ((stream filespec &rest options)
&body body)
(multiple-value-bind (forms decls) (parse-body body nil)
(let ((abortp (gensym)))
`(let ((,stream (open ,filespec ,#options))
(,abortp t))
(progn ,#forms)
(setq ,abortp nil))
(when ,stream
(close ,stream :abort ,abortp)))))))
This time after keying M-. SLIME gives a choice of definitions to view:
CL-USER> and[press M-.]
Displayed in an emacs buffer:
We want to see the macro definition, so move the cursor to the line showing (DEFMACRO AND), and the following definition is displayed:
;; AND and OR are defined in terms of IF.
(sb-xc:defmacro and (&rest forms)
(named-let expand-forms ((nested nil) (forms forms) (ignore-last nil))
(cond ((endp forms) t)
((endp (rest forms))
(let ((car (car forms)))
(cond (nested
;; Preserve non-toplevelness of the form!
`(the t ,car)))))
((and ignore-last
(endp (cddr forms)))
(car forms))
;; Better code that way, since the result will only have two
;; values, NIL or the last form, and the precedeing tests
;; will only be used for jumps
((and (not nested) (cddr forms))
`(if ,(expand-forms t forms t)
,#(last forms)))
`(if ,(first forms)
,(expand-forms t (rest forms) ignore-last))))))
There is more stuff here, since you are now actually in the source file that contains the definition for and; if you scroll down a bit you can also find the definition for or.
A lot of SBCL functions are written in Lisp; SBCL has a very high-quality compiler, so a lot of stuff that you might otherwise expect to be written in C can be written in Lisp without loss of performance. Here is the definition for the function list-length:
CL-USER> list-length[press M-.]
(defun list-length (list)
"Return the length of the given List, or Nil if the List is circular."
(do ((n 0 (+ n 2))
(y list (cddr y))
(z list (cdr z)))
(declare (type fixnum n)
(type list y z))
(when (endp y) (return n))
(when (endp (cdr y)) (return (+ n 1)))
(when (and (eq y z) (> n 0)) (return nil))))
The same thing can be done when using CLISP with SLIME. Here is with-open-file as defined in CLISP:
CL-USER> with-open-file[press M-.]
(defmacro with-open-file ((stream &rest options) &body body)
(multiple-value-bind (body-rest declarations) (SYSTEM::PARSE-BODY body)
`(LET ((,stream (OPEN ,#options)))
(DECLARE (READ-ONLY ,stream) ,#declarations)
(PROGN ,#body-rest)
;; Why do we do a first CLOSE invocation inside the protected form?
;; For reliability: Because the stream may be a buffered file stream,
;; therefore (CLOSE ,stream) may produce a disk-full error while
;; writing the last block of the file. In this case, we need to erase
;; the file again, through a (CLOSE ,stream :ABORT T) invocation.
(WHEN ,stream (CLOSE ,stream)))
(WHEN ,stream (CLOSE ,stream :ABORT T))))))
But, many CLISP functions are written in C, and those definitions are not available to inspect in the same way as before:
CL-USER> list-length[press M-.]
No known definition for: list-length (in COMMON-LISP-USER)

How is the defun macro implemented in lisp?

I'd like to learn more about lisp macros and I want to create a simple implementation of the defun macro.
I'm also interested in lisp's source code in all the implementations.
This is a tricky question, because of bootstrapping: defun does a lot of things (iow, calls a lot of functions), but to define those functions one needs a working defun. Thus there are three(3!) definitions of defun in clisp/src/init.lisp: at lines
The very basic definition of defun could be this:
(defmacro defun (fname lambda-list &rest body)
`(setf (fdefinition ',fname)
(lambda ,lambda-list
(block ,fname ,#body))))
In fact, this is the first definition of defun in CLISP (line 228), except that there is no defmacro and no backquote at that moment yet, so the actual code looks a lot uglier.
See also Is defun or setf preferred for creating function definitions in common lisp and why? where I discuss macroexpansions of defuns.
You can easily check how your particular CL implementation, implemented defun by running
(macroexpand '(defun add2 (x) (+ x 2)))
On SBCL it expands to:
(BLOCK ADD2 (+ X 2)))
To see the particular source code that implemented the I would use (on Emacs) the M-. key binding and then I will write defun and hit enter. Then Emacs will get to the source code:
(sb!xc:defmacro defun (&environment env name lambda-list &body body)
"Define a function at top level."
I am not going to paste the whole macro as it is rather long. If you are not on Emacs, you can try searching in the repos as most implementations are open source.
BTW defun is not so special. You can implement much of it with setf-inf a symbol-function to a lambda. E.g.:
(setf (symbol-function 'ADD3) #'(lambda (x) (+ x 3)))
; => #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA (X)) {1006E94EBB}>
(add3 4)
; => 7

How to define a wrapper command?

I want to define a modified version of an Emacs command, e.g., browse-url.
The modified version should bind some variables and then defer to the system command, e.g.,
(defun browse-url-incognito (url &rest args)
(let ((browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic)
(browse-url-generic-program "google-chrome")
(browse-url-generic-args '("--incognito")))
(apply 'browse-url url args)))
The problem is with the ??? part which should turn the function into an interactive command.
I can, of course, copy over the code from browse-url.el:
(interactive (browse-url-interactive-arg "URL: "))
(unless (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
(setq args (or args (list browse-url-new-window-flag))))
but this feels like cheating (not to mention making my code fragile).
call-interactively seems to foot the bill:
(defun browse-url-incognito ()
"Call `browse-url' displaying in a chrome incognito window."
(let ((browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic)
(browse-url-generic-program "google-chrome")
(browse-url-generic-args '("--incognito")))
(call-interactively 'browse-url)))

Emacs, namespaces and defuns

The only thing I don't like about Emacs is the lack of namespaces, so I'm wondering if I can implement them on my own.
This is my first attempt, and it's obvious that I can't just replace every match of a name with its prefixed version, but what should I check? I can check for bindings with (let) then mark the entire subtree, but what if somebody creates a (my-let) function that uses let? Is my effort destined to fail? :(
Also, why are my defuns failing to define the function? Do I have to run something similar to intern-symbol on every new token?
Since this is the first google result for elisp namespaces...
There's a minimalist implementation of namespaces called fakespace which you can get on elpa, which does basic encapsulation. I'm working on something ambitious myself, which you can check out here.
To handle things like my-let or my-defun, you need to macroexpand those definitions, e.g. with macroexpand-all.
For the failure to define the functions, you need to use intern instead of make-symbol (because make-symbol always creates a new distinct fresh uninterned symbol).
Adding namespaces will take more than prefixing the identifiers with the namespace names. The interpreter has to be able to tell the namespaces. Some tinkering must go into the interpreter as well. That might need to go through a thorough discussion at gnu.emacs.sources and/or #emacs at
This is a fixed version of the code from #vpit3833 to provide namespace support (using the hint from #Stefan). It’s too good to leave around half-fixed :)
;; Simple namespace definitions for easier elisp writing and clean
;; access from outside. Pythonesque elisp :)
;; thanks to vpit3833 →
(defmacro namespace (prefix &rest sexps)
(let* ((naive-dfs-map
(lambda (fun tree)
(mapcar (lambda (n) (if (listp n) (funcall naive-dfs-map fun n)
(funcall fun n))) tree)))
(to-rewrite (loop for sexp in sexps
when (member (car sexp)
'(defvar defmacro defun))
collect (cadr sexp)))
(fixed-sexps (funcall naive-dfs-map
(lambda (n) (if (member n to-rewrite)
(format "%s-%s" prefix n)) n))
`(progn ,#fixed-sexps)))
;; (namespace test
;; (defun three () 3)
;; (defun four () (let ((three 4)) three))
;; (defun + (&rest args) (apply #'- args)))
;; (test-+ 1 2 3)
(provide 'namespace)

How can I find out which version of emacs introduced a function?

I want to write a .emacs that uses as much of the mainline emacs functionality as possible, falling back gracefully when run under previous versions. I've found through trial and error some functions that didn't exist, for example, in emacs 22 but now do in emacs 23 on the rare occasion that I've ended up running my dotfiles under emacs 22. However, I'd like to take a more proactive approach to this, and have subsets of my dotfiles that only take effect when version >= <some-threshold> (for example). The function I'm focusing on right now is scroll-bar-mode but I'd like a general solution.
I have not seen a consistent source for this info; I've checked the online docs, the function code itself, and so far nothing. How can I determine this, without keeping every version of emacs I want to support kicking around?
I cannot answer your question directly, but one technique I use is to check the functionp function that tells me if a function exists.
(if (load "completion" t)
(if (functionp 'dynamic-completion-mode)
(dynamic-completion-mode) ; if exists
(completion-mode) ; otherwise use old version
) ; progn
) ; if
update: adding version specific macros
In addition to using functionp I also have some version specific macros:
(defmacro GNU_EMACS_21 (&rest stuff)
(list 'if (string-match "GNU Emacs 21" (emacs-version)) (cons 'progn stuff)))
(defmacro GNU_EMACS_20 (&rest stuff)
(list 'if (string-match "GNU Emacs 20" (emacs-version)) (cons 'progn stuff)))
(defmacro GNU_EMACS_19 (&rest stuff)
(list 'if (string-match "GNU Emacs 19" (emacs-version)) (cons 'progn stuff)))
(defmacro WINSYS_X (&rest stuff)
(list 'if (eq window-system 'x) (cons 'progn stuff)))
(defmacro WINSYS_W32 (&rest stuff)
(list 'if (eq window-system 'w32) (cons 'progn stuff)))
(defmacro WINSYS_NIL (&rest stuff)
(list 'if (eq window-system nil) (cons 'progn stuff)))
(defmacro SYSTYPE_LINUX (&rest stuff)
(list 'if (string-match "linux" (symbol-name system-type)) (cons 'progn stuff)))
I can then use these:
(if (load "cua" t)
(CUA-mode t)
(WINSYS_NIL ; when running in text mode
(push (cons 'foreground-color "white") default-frame-alist)
(push (cons 'background-color "black") default-frame-alist)
(push (cons 'cursor-color "cyan") default-frame-alist)
(push (cons 'minibuffer t) default-frame-alist)
I'm guessing you already know this, however; and questions like "when did CUA mode get included with Emacs" are difficult to answer..
The "NEWS" files (accessible via C-h N) may give hints as to when functions were introduced.
It's usually better practice to test the existence of the function or variable you want to use, rather than test the Emacs version. Use fboundp and boundp, for example. Occasionally it makes sense to check featurep, but there again it is usually better to use fboundp or boundp.