Moodle Error "you dont have permission to view course here." - moodle

I am working as a teacher in college. I have installed moodle 3.7+ with php7.1.29 on our server. Initially system worked well now there are almost 800 courses and 3000 users registered to system. but now every user getting error message saying "you dont have permission to view course here." this error is show till user refreshes the page 2-3 times and after refreshing page it show course. I have attached screenshot here....can anyone please help me with the problem.

Try purging the caches:
/path/to/php /path/to/moodle/admin/cli/purge_caches.php
If that doesn't work, make sure you don't have any hidden categories.

I can't see that string in Moodle 3.7. It might be a plugin causing this.
If you are able to, can you go to Site admin > Development > Debugging
or direct to /admin/settings.php?section=debugging
and enable debugstringids
Then go to the course and add &strings=1 to the end of the url
This will display the source of the string

If administrators can open the course just fine, but other users is having this issue: check the course and category management, make sure the course in question is not inside a hidden category, or the top /parent category is hidden.


Tableau Public, error message {"error":{"message":"No author found!"}}

I published something onto Tableau Public and it isn't working for some reason. This just started happening and I am not sure why. I tried uploading different workbooks none of them are working. Here is a sample:
This is the error I receive when I log onto it:
{"error":{"message":"No author found!"}}
Any idea on what I might be doing wrong? Thank you!
Follow the methods given in the tableau help section. After the account is made a window with all the story board will come up. Select the story or dashboard (as per the case) and then click on share button .
click on Done and then go to "open in browser window" . It will open in the browser. Copy the address in the address bar of the browser. This is the link to be published

Facebook showing page not found when sharing link

I'm sharing content from a website and every time I paste the link into Facebook it says 'page not found'.
Sometimes it works when I manually add the 'www.' in front of the URL in the address bar.
Shows page not found:
Works when you manually place www. in front:
I honestly have no I idea why it's doing this, any thoughts on how it can be fixed on the web side?
I have tried with the link below with both the www. and without yet it doesn't work with either of them, this is all very strange. This is the only link I have tried and it doesn't work with both:
Any help is much appreciated, thanks.
For me what it worked was to access the Facebook Debugger, as Goose said.
I saw that the scrape was about 12 hours ago, looks like it fetches the first time and saves it as caché or whatsoever...
What it worked for me is to debug the url, then click "fetch new scrape information" after the previous information has been shown.
Hope it works!
For those running across this today, you might find that you also need to verify your domain and link it to your page.
To do this you need to
Set up a Facebook Business Account
Add your page to the business account
Verify your domain (using DNS TXT or adding a page facebook gives you)
Under domains, connect your page as an asset of that domain

Administrator has no admin bar for specific pages

I have an issue with a dotnetnuke 7 site, where the administrator cannot edit a minority of the pages.
When logged in and on such a page, the edit page menu missing.
When on the page management view, there are only options to view or make homepage. On clicking, properties are not shown.
What could be causing this?
Cheers, mark
I've seen in the past where the Administrator Role Id is incorrectly defined in the database.
Unfortunately there isn't a UI way to change this, you'll need to go into the DB to see what Role ID is defined. I believe AdministratorRoleID is stored either in the Portals table, or in the PortalSettings or PortalLocalization table. Check the # and see if that matches the ID of the Administrators role for that portal.
It could also be a CSS issue if it only affects some pages. Can you try changing the skin on those pages to the default skin and try again...
Just noticed this old question, so I thought that I'd update with what the actual problem was.
We imported pages using a direct to database program - we naturally assumed that the site administrator could, as a default be able to edit pages within their own site.
As it turns out, DNN actually creates correct access rights to each page as they are created, and rights are added and removed as required. This means that if you create pages you must directly create access rights for the correct site administrator.
Kind Regards, Mark, IA

Joomla 2.5.9 Wrong redirect after Read more -> Login

I´ve a strange Joomla 2.5.9 problem where I do not know if it´s a bug or a setting issue.
Anyway my problem is I ´ve created a menu item kind "Blog List", choosed a category and set the "access" of the articles to "registered" and "show unauthorized access links" to yes. Now the user can see the articles, but is redirected to the login if he clicks "read more".
steps can be seen here (->
So far so good. Unfortunately the return URL for the article is not created correctly.
I ´ve created a demo installation which illustrates my problem.
If I click "Koala" and log-in in the next step, Joomla tries to redirect me to:
correct would be:
To solve this issue I tried to cut the wrong part with htaccess (failed)
Any clue how to fix this?
Thankful for any help,
Okay, got it. For everyone else having this problem. I did a template override of:
and cutted the urlencode in line 149.
//$link->setVar('return', base64_encode(urlencode($returnURL)));
$link->setVar('return', base64_encode($returnURL));
with this hack it works ...
This is because you have given Access level to register so normal users are not allowed to read this article. So you kindly change access level registered to public.

Misconfigured App on Facebook but no errors?

I am trying to set up a tab with a link to a contact form from my site on Facebook.
I developed the 'app' through the developers site and have set up the page tab.
I've saved the app and it saves it fine (displaying a message saying changes were saved but it might take some time to propagate across all servers.)
Well I waited an hour and I still can't add the tab to my page. I tried locating the app page directly using the namespace, but I get an error message saying:
"[My App] cannot be displayed because the app is misconfigured."
I don't know how it is misconfigured? There are no errors when saving, so I don't know what the issue is or how to go about fixing it. There are no problems with the app that I can see... how am I supposed to know what's wrong with it?
All it is is a page tab. I've put the link to the page tab in, I don't have a secure page (https) so I have left this box blank but I don't know what to do now.
Any ideas how I can find out in what way it is 'misconfigured'?
This error usually occurs when you try to view the App Center page for the app when the app doesn't have the 'App Details' tab settings populated.
So instead of:
Make sure you are loading:
That page will display hints (if you are admin or developer of the app) on what you are missing.
And, adding to the answer already given by #Donn Lee, which pointed to the right way, you must also ADD A PLATFORM in settings, in