Is there a way to hide Status Bar as soon as the Drawer opens in Flutter? - flutter

I'm trying to hide the status bar as soon as the drawer opens just like the google maps app on iOS.
Also, can I change the height of drawer header? Right now it's taking a third of the drawer itself.


Flutter close drawer on back button press in bottom navigation bar

I'm building a flutter app with persistent bottom navigation bar that contains a menu button.
The menu is supposed to open a drawer from any screen and trough the back button it should close it.
For that I'm using a scaffold including the bottom navigation widget and also the drawer.
This works fine for all screens that are directly accessible trough the bottom navigation bar.
The problem arises if I navigate (I'm using auto_route for routing) to another sub page.
In the sub page it seems that it is not possible to close the drawer.
In the sub page I dont provide a Scaffold since I would have nested scaffolds.
I'm using the WillPopScope and onPop looks like this:
if (Scaffold.of(context).isEndDrawerOpen) {
Unfortunately this just pops the sub page while the drawer stays open.
One solution would be to pass a closing function to every child screen (or something like a global key for the global scaffold) but I would appreciate a more elegant solution
Do you have any idea how I can fix that?
Thanks in advance!

is it possible to hide the android emulator buttom back and home bar in flutter

I am using flutter to write a page, but now I am facing a problem the android button back/home/menu bar was overlay my UI button. Looks like this:
I could not click my UI button because the android emulator system menu was overlaying on my UI, what should I do to close the android button bar or make it auto-hide?
to hide navigation bar use SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays([]) witch hides both the status bar and the navigation bar.
to show it use SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays(SystemUiOverlay.values);
or you can wrap the Widget with SafeArea

Flutter dialog doesn't make system navigation bar transparent

In native apps when an alert or dialog is opened, the status bar and system navigation bar become transparent but in flutter system navigation bar stays white..please help me to achieve this.
In native apps:
In flutter:
You probably need to set variables in your AppTheme and modify variables when dialog open.

Dialog on top of everything

Is it possible to create a Dialog in Flutter that stays on top, even if Navigator.of(context).push() is called?

How to expand appbar to show text inside app bar on click of action icon ion flutter?

I am building a app activity which has an app bar which has an icon in the center of the appbar and some text. I want to be able to show the text below t the icon with some transition inside the appbar on click of the icon mentioned before and make it disappear it is already showing.
I tried using sliver but I need the transition to happen with click event not scroll up and down event.