Should dispose a rx-java Maybe? - rx-java2

If I have this rxjava chain:
Observable.create { ... }
.subscribe( {...}, {...})
After experimenting and looking at the sources, it looks like firstElement() automatically dispose the up stream (which makes sense), so I don't have to care about it. Is that right?
Ok then. My question is, should I dispose the Maybe returned by firstElement()?
I put a .doOnDispose() callback after firstElement() and checked that it doesn't happen automatically. Does that mean that I shouldn't care? If a Maybe can emit no more than one item

Short answer: You should don't care.
Longer answer: doOnDispose() is only called when Observable is disposed explicitly (by disposable.dispose()) but it will not be invoked when Observable calls onComplete(). If you want to check it by yourself instead of doOnDispose() you should us doFinally().


Composing IObservables and cleaning up after registrations

I have some code in a class that takes FileSystemWatcher events and flattens them into an event in my domain:
(Please note, the *AsObservable methods are extensions from elsewhere in my project, they do what they say 🙂.)
watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(ConfigurationFilePath);
ChangeObservable = Observable
watcher.ChangedAsObservable().Select((args) =>
return new ConfigurationChangedArgs
Type = ConfigurationChangeType.Edited,
watcher.DeletedAsObservable().Select((args) =>
return new ConfigurationChangedArgs
Type = ConfigurationChangeType.Deleted,
watcher.RenamedAsObservable().Select((args) =>
return new ConfigurationChangedArgs
Type = ConfigurationChangeType.Renamed,
ChangeObservable.Subscribe((args) =>
Changed.Invoke(this, args);
Something that I'm trying to wrap my head around as I'm learning are best practices around naming, ownership and cleanup of the IObservable and IDisposable returned by code like this.
So, some specific questions:
Is it okay to leak IObservables from a class that creates them? For example, is the property I'm assigning this chain to okay to be public?
Does the property name ChangeObservable align with what most people would consider best practice when using the .net reactive extensions?
Do I need to call Dispose on any of my subscriptions to this chain, or is it safe enough to leave everything up to garbage collection when the containing class goes out of scope? Keep in mind, I'm observing events from watcher, so there's some shared lifecycle there.
Is it okay to take an observable and wire them into an event on my own class (Changed in the example above), or is the idea to stay out of the native .net event system and leak my IObservable?
Other tips and advice always appreciated! 😀
Is it okay to leak IObservables from a class that creates them? For
example, is the property I'm assigning this chain to okay to be
Does the property name ChangeObservable align with what most
people would consider best practice when using the .net reactive
Subjective question. Maybe FileChanges? The fact that it's an observable is clear from the type.
Do I need to call Dispose on any of my subscriptions to
this chain, or is it safe enough to leave everything up to garbage
collection when the containing class goes out of scope?
The ChangeObservable.Subscribe at the end could live forever, preventing the object from being garbage collected if the event is subscribed to, though that could also be your intention. Operator subscriptions are generally fine. I can't see the code for your ChangedAsObservable like functions. If they don't include a Subscribe or an event subscription, they're probably fine as well.
Keep in mind,
I'm observing events from watcher, so there's some shared lifecycle
Since FileWatcher implements IDisposable, you should probably use Observable.Using around it so you can combine the lifecycles.
Is it okay to take an observable and wire them into an event on
my own class (Changed in the example above), or is the idea to stay
out of the native .net event system and leak my IObservable?
I would prefer to stay in Rx. The problem with event subscriptions is that they generally live forever. You lose the ability to control subscription lifecycle. They're also feel so much more primitive. But again, that's a bit subjective.

RxJava Relay vs Subjects

I'm trying to understand the purpose of this library by Jake Warthon:
Basically: A Subject except without the ability to call onComplete or
onError. Subjects are stateful in a damaging way: when they receive an
onComplete or onError they no longer become usable for moving data.
I get idea, it's a valid use case, but the above seems easy to achieve just using the existing subjects.
1. Don't forward errors/completions events to the subject:
`observable.subscribe({ subject.onNext(it) }, { log error / throw exception },{ ... })`
2. Don't expose the subject, make your method signature return an observable instead.
fun(): Observable<> { return subject }
I'm obviously missing something here and I'm very curios on what it is!
class MyPublishRelay<I> : Consumer<I> {
private val subject: Subject<I> = PublishSubject.create<I>()
override fun accept(intent: I) = subject.onNext(intent)
fun subscribe(): Disposable = subject.subscribe()
fun subscribe(c: Consumer<in I>): Disposable = subject.subscribe(c)
subscribe has overloads and, usually, people get used to the subscribe(Consumer) overload. Then they use subjects and suddenly onComplete is also invoked. RxRelay saves the user from themselves who don't think about the difference between subscribe(Consumer) and subscribe(Observer).
Don't forward errors/completions events to the subject:
Indeed, but based on our experience with beginners, they often don't think about this or even know about the available methods to consider.
Don't expose the subject, make your method signature return an observable instead.
If you need a way to send items into the subject, this doesn't work. The purpose is to use the subject to perform item multicasting, sometimes from another Observable. If you are in full control of the emissions through the Subject, you should have the decency of not calling onComplete and not letting anything else do it either.
Subjects have far more overhead because they have to track and handle
terminal event states. Relays are stateless aside from subscription
- Jake Wharton
(This is from the issue OP opened on GitHub and felt it was a more a correct answer and wanted to "relay" it here for others to see.
In addition to #akarnokd answer:
In some cases you can't control the flow of data inside the Observable, an example of this is when observing data changes from a database table using Room Database.
If you use Subjects, executing subjects.getValue will always throw error about null safety. So you have to put "? or !!" everywhere in your code even though you know that it will be not nullable.
public T getValue() {
Object o = value.get();
if (NotificationLite.isComplete(o) || NotificationLite.isError(o)) {
return null;
return NotificationLite.getValue(o);

Concatenating two observable sequences that both have subscribeOn. How do I ensure my observable runs on a thread?

When it comes to enforcing that a certain piece of Observable.create code runs in a specific thread (i.e. background thread), i worry that using the subscribeOn operator might not work because there are times that I might chain this observable sequence to another observable sequence that runs on a main thread (using observeOn).
The situation is that I have an Observable sequence running on the main thread (i.e. an alert box asking the user for input, as to whether perform the network call or not).
Would it be better to ensure that this Observable.create code runs in the background thread by having something like:
.observeOn(ConcurrentMainScheduler(queue: background.queue))
Why not just use subscribeOn?
The problem is if I had used subscribeOn (second) and the previous observable (the alert controller) was set to run on the background thread using subscribeOn (first), then the second subscribeOn operator would not work since the first call is closer to the source observable:
If you specify multiple subscribeOn() operators, the one closes to the source (the left-most), will be the one used.
Thomas Nield on RxJava's subscribeOn and observeOn operators (February 2016)
That may be the behavior for RxJava, but I am not sure for Swift. simply says that we should not call subscribeOn multiple times.
I tend to wrap operations into Observable<Void>s and they need to be run on different threads... That is why I am asking for how to ensure an Observable code run in the thread I specified it to. subscribeOn wouldn't work because I can concatenate the observable.
I want the thread it should run in to be encapsulated in my Observable definition, not higher up in the chain.
Is the best practice to do the following:
Start with an Observable.empty using the data type I wish to use.
Use observeOn to force the thread that I want it to run in.
Concatenate it with the actual Observable that I want to use.
I have read the subscribeOn and observeOn documentation on
I'm familiar with how to switch between threads using subscribeOn and observeOn.
What I'm specifically concerned about is the complication of using subscribeOn when concatenating or combining observable sequences.
The problem is, the observables need to run specifically on one thread, AND they don't know where and who they'll be concatenated with. Since I know exactly which thread they should run on, I'd prefer to encapsulate the scheduler definition within the observable's definition instead of when I'm chaining a sequence.
In the function declaration it is better not to specify on which thread the function is to be called.
For instance:
func myObservableNetworkCall() -> Observable<String> {
return Observable<String>.create { observer in
// your network code here
return Disposables.create {
// Your dispose
func otherObservableNetworkCall(s: String) -> Observable<String> {
return Observable<String>.create { observer in
// your network code here
return Disposables.create {
// Your dispose
And then switch between Schedulers:
.observeOn(ConcurrentMainScheduler(queue: background.queue)) // .background thread, network request, mapping, etc...
.flatMap { string in
otherObservableNetworkCall(s: string)
.observeOn(MainScheduler.instance) // switch to MainScheduler, UI updates
.subscribe(onNext:{ string in
// do something

What is this ScalaRX code doing?

So I'm pretty new to both Scala and RX. The guy who knew the most, and who actually wrote this code, just left, and I'm not sure what's going on. This construct is all over his code and I'm not really clear what its doing:
def foo(List[Long]) : Observable[Unit] =
Observable {
subscriber => {
do some stuff
I mostly get do some stuff, and the calls to subscriber. What I don't get is, where does subscriber come from? Does subscriber => { instantiate the subscriber? What does Observable { subscriber => { ... } } do/mean?
If you take a look at the Observable companion object documentation, you will see an apply method that takes a function of type (Subscriber[T]) ⇒ Unit. So, when you call Observable{withSomeLambda}, then this is the same as calling Observable.apply{withSomeLambda}
And, if you go all the way to the source code you will see that this is really returning
where f is the lambda that you passed in.
So, subscriber is just the parameter of the lambda. It is passed in by the caller of that function.
This code is creating a new Observable as described here.
Basically when a downstream component subscribes to this stream, this callback is called. In the callback we determine when we, as a data source, will call onNext(v: T) which is how we pass each element we are generating to them, and when we will call onCompleted() which is how we tell the subscriber that we are done sending data.
Once you have created an Observable you can start calling Observable operators, which will either result in another, compound Observable, or will result in a terminating condition which will end the process, and generally result in a final result for the flow (often a collection or aggregate value).
You don't use the List in your question, but normally if you wanted to make a reactive stream out of a list you would call Observable.from().
PS: I think this is RxJava code.

dart js-interop FunctionProxy callback relationship to js.context

I have a Dart js-interop callback that in turn takes a javascript callback as an argument. The dart callback implementation looks like this:
void callBackToDartCode(String query, js.FunctionProxy completionCallback) {
js.context.completionCallback = completionCallback;
(result) {
// hand the query result back to the javascript code
This works. The key to making this work is to save the FunctionProxy in the js.context so that it is available when it comes time to execute it in the async "then" method. This line of code is important:
js.context.completionCallback = completionCallback;
If that's not done then the completeCallback is not retained and hence cannot be called when the async operation completes.
I have not seen examples like this and I am not sure I have really done this properly.
It raises questions:
How do I disassociate "completeCallback" from js.context after I've called it? Does it remain associated with js.context forever?
It appears there will be conflicting use of the name "completionCallback" within js.context if multiple async operations are in progress at the same time. That strikes me as a common problem. Does js-interop have a way to deal with that or is it my job to manage that?
With js-interop all proxies are scoped to prevent memory leaks. This means that Proxy will lost its JS object reference at the end of its associated scope. If scoped((){}) function is not use explicitely a lazy scope is initialized the first time an interop operation is done and the scope is automatically closed at the end of the current event loop. If you want to make a Proxy to live longer than its associated scope, you have to retain it. This can be done with js.retain(proxy). Once your proxy is no longer needed, you can release it with js.release(proxy).
Thus your code should be :
void callBackToDartCode(String query, js.FunctionProxy completionCallback) {
(result) {
// hand the query result back to the javascript code
// completionCallback is no longer used
About your question about disassociate "completeCallback" from js.context you could have done it with js.deleteProperty(js.context, "completeCallback")